QZY Models

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Asian/Pacific Islander owned

Shenzhen, CN

Dachan Bay Model
Dachan Bay Model
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Tencent's Dachan Bay Architectural Model: Nature Meets Innovation

Immerse yourself in the architectural brilliance of Tencent's Dachan Bay, brought to life through the innovative design of NBBJ and the meticulous craftsmanship of QZY Models. This piece highlights a 1:300 scale model that perfectly encapsulates a blend of nature and modern design.

A Harmonious Design: Competition Masterpiece

In response to the Tencent Dachan Bay International Design Competition, NBBJ designed an architectural gem that seamlessly merges with its natural surroundings. QZY Models masterfully transformed this vision into a 1:300 scale architectural model, showcasing a perfect synergy of nature and cutting-edge innovation.

Elegance in Wood: Maple and Cherry Symphony

The model is a true testament to craftsmanship, featuring a wood-centric design crafted from exquisite maple and cherry wood. This material choice aligns with the design’s natural theme, creating a visual symphony that exudes warmth and elegance.

Precision in Detail: Custom Trees and Techniques

QZY Models utilized a variety of precision techniques to accurately represent Tencent's Dachan Bay. Custom trees, crafted through advanced 3D printing and CNC machining, add an artistic touch, highlighting the dedication to detail and excellence in architectural model making.

Innovative Techniques: 3D Printing, CNC, and Laser Cutting

The creation of this realistic model involved a fusion of advanced techniques. 3D printing brought intricate details to life, CNC machining ensured precision in structural elements, and laser cutting added finesse to the model’s contours. This integration of techniques exemplifies QZY Models' commitment to excellence.

Dedicated Craftsmanship: 15 Days of Precision

QZY Models dedicated 15 days to bring the design concept to a tangible model. This timeline reflects the team's efficiency and commitment to maintaining high quality and precision for a project of this magnitude.

Exploring the Future: Tencent's Grand Shanchawan

Tencent's Grand Shanchawan model stands as a visionary representation of architectural and urban planning. It embodies the seamless integration of technology, nature, and innovative design. QZY Models' craftsmanship brings this vision to life, inviting viewers to explore the limitless possibilities of Tencent's Grand Shanchawan.

Learn more about the intricate world of architectural models at QZY Models, where precision and artistry meet to bring design concepts to life.

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Status: Built
Location: Shenzhen, CN
Firm Role: Architectural Model Maker

Tencent Dachan Bay Model
Tencent Dachan Bay Model