QZY Models

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Asian/Pacific Islander owned

Shenzhen, CN

QZY Models
QZY Models
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Shenzhen New World K11 Mall Model: A Masterpiece of Innovation and Design

Discover the Architectural Brilliance of the Shenzhen New World K11 Mall Model

The Shenzhen New World K11 Mall Model, a 1:300 scale marvel, exemplifies the perfect blend of innovation and aesthetic prowess. This architectural gem is the result of a collaboration between the renowned OMA design firm and the expert model-makers at QZY Models. It stands as a testament to the future of urban living and architectural sophistication.

Unveiling an Urban Masterpiece

The Shenzhen New World K11 Mall Model captures the essence of a thriving urban oasis, showcasing architectural excellence in every detail. This model offers a vision of the future, reflecting the dynamic interplay between modern city life and nature.

A Technological Triumph: UV Printing, Laser Cutting, and Traditional Craftsmanship

Creating this model required a harmonious blend of advanced technologies and traditional techniques. UV printing provided intricate detailing, laser cutting ensured precision, and traditional craftsmanship added a human touch, resulting in a model that represents the pinnacle of modern model-making artistry.

Diverse and Luxurious Materials: ABS, Acrylic, Electroplated Glass, and More

The tactile richness of the Shenzhen New World K11 Mall Model is achieved through a thoughtful selection of materials. ABS lends structural integrity, acrylic offers translucency, electroplated glass adds luminosity, and maple wood brings warmth, each enhancing the model's visual and tactile appeal.

An Urban Landscape in Miniature

Meticulously crafted, every element of the Shenzhen New World K11 Mall Model replicates the urban landscape in stunning detail. It brings to life the vibrant environment surrounding the mall, reflecting the synergy between contemporary architecture and natural elements.

Artisanal Foliage: Handcrafted Trees

Adding a touch of organic elegance, custom-crafted artisanal trees underscore the commitment to detail that defines QZY Models' craftsmanship. These handcrafted elements enhance the model's authenticity and aesthetic appeal.

Timeless Elegance: Crafted with Dedication in 15 Days

The creation of the Shenzhen New World K11 Mall Model was a labor of love, completed over 15 days of dedicated craftsmanship. This efficient timeline highlights the commitment to delivering superior quality within a defined schedule.

Immerse yourself in the architectural tapestry of the future by experiencing the Shenzhen New World K11 Mall Model. Visit QZY Models for more information.

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Status: Unbuilt
Location: Shenzhen, CN
Firm Role: Architectural Model Maker

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QZY Models
QZY Models
QZY Models
QZY Models
QZY Models