QZY Models

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Shenzhen, CN

QZY Models
QZY Models
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New York Quary Tower Model

The creation process of the Quary Tower Model is a fusion of art and technology, utilizing an iPad control system to independently manage the lighting of each room. With twenty years of experience, QZY Models has employed exquisite craftsmanship, capturing every architectural detail vividly. The 1:100 scale allows the model to showcase the beauty of detailed architectural design within limited space, immersing viewers into the architectural reality of New York.

The Quary Tower Model is not merely an architectural representation but a reimagining of urban surroundings. Beyond replicating the building's exterior, the model seamlessly integrates with the surroundings of Brooklyn Bridge Park Pier 6. Meticulous landscaping and water features create a harmonious cityscape, enhancing the architectural appeal. As a part of New York City's architecture, the Quary Tower Model serves not only as a static display but also as a time tunnel, transporting us to historical moments in architecture.

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Status: Built
Location: New York, NY, US
Firm Role: Architectural Model Maker

QZY Models
QZY Models
QZY Models
QZY Models