QZY Models

QZY Models Diversity Badge

Asian/Pacific Islander owned

Shenzhen, CN

QZY Models
QZY Models
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Hogwarts School

Harry Potter fanatics tune in! Another Fantastic Model by QZY Models. A stunningly detailed model of Hogwarts School from the magical world of Harry Potter! Our team takes pride in bringing your imagination to life, crafting realistic models with limitless design possibilities

Client: M.J
Scale 1:125
Production Cycle: 21 days

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Status: Competition Entry
Location: Shenzhen China
Firm Role: Architectural Model Maker

QZY Models
QZY Models
QZY Models
QZY Models
QZY Models
QZY Models
QZY Models
QZY Models
QZY Models
QZY Models
QZY Models
QZY Models