QZY Models

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Asian/Pacific Islander owned

Shenzhen, CN

QZY Models
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ONEXE Guangzhou New World Kaisa Bay Mall: A Stainless Steel Model

Guangzhou New World Kaisa Bay Mall: A Stainless Steel Model

Scale: 1:300
Design: ONEXE
Production Cycle: 20 days

This architectural masterpiece is a symbol of sophistication, and the model encapsulates its essence in meticulous detail.

The entire model is crafted using brushed stainless steel sheets, showcasing a seamless blend of structural integrity and aesthetic brilliance. From the base to the intricate details, the use of stainless steel elevates the model to a new level of sophistication.

To capture the transparency of the glass facades, transparent acrylic is sparingly used, creating a visual representation of the building's luminous exterior. This subtle addition adds an extra layer of authenticity to the model.

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Status: Unbuilt
Location: Guangzhou, CN
Firm Role: Architectural Model Maker
Additional Credits: ONEXE

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