The building of Sussex County Community College's new Library Science and Dining (DD) is located in a site facing the newly restored Campus Green and was intended to bridge both psychologically and physically the upper and lower campuses. A pedestrian bridge was supposed to allow users to park on the upper lot, cross the pedestrian bridge to enter the new facility, and finally exit to the main campus at the lower level of the building, all in barrier free path. The first floor consisted of food service and dining for the campus. The dining included doors out onto a terrace overlooking the campus green. The second floor was the Science Department. Four laboratories, prep spaces and faculty offices defined the functional elements of the floor. The third and fourth floor contained the Library. Entry into the building from the pedestrian bridge allowed users to access the building without actually entering the library. A public stairway in the corner allows vertical travel in a highly visible location. The library itself contained a double height space for reading and interaction.
Status: Unbuilt
Location: Newton, NJ, US
My Role: Architect designer
Additional Credits: Partner in charge: Douglas Steele
Project Manager: David Bisbee
Initial functional arrangement: Bruce Schmit