Diana Trushell

Diana Trushell

New York, NY, US


Hunam's Mixed-Use

Mixed-use building in an urban in-fill site comprised of a lower level restaurant and retail space and two levels of apartments above. Each apartment contains three bedrooms, each facing outwards to gain natural day-lighting while the common living spaces such as the living and dining rooms gain lighting from light-boxes above each of the bedrooms adjacent closets. These light-boxes act as a transom above each bedroom's closet and have a pane of translucent glass on either side, allowing for both natural day-lighting and artificial during the evening hours.

These Working independantly under the license of a local architect, responsibilities included all phases of the design process from programing to construction documents. This 11,000 sq. ft. project is currently under construction and is scheduled for completion in September of 2012.

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Status: Under Construction
Location: Manhattan, KS, US