PeiJu Lin

PeiJu Lin

New York, NY, US


Sound Editing Machine

The focus of this thesis is on the effects of neglected noises in urban contexts that can lead to the decline of spaces, whether directly or indirectly. To address this issue, I propose an architectural mechanism that generates spaces designed to respond to unwanted noises by connecting infrastructures and soundscapes. By creating these spaces as an attachment to the existing urban fabric, it is possible to reframe the perception of noise, using it in an interesting and innovative way. This approach offers a unique perspective on the relationship between sound and architecture, thus providing opportunities for exploring the potential of noise as an undefined element.

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Status: School Project
Location: New York, NY, US
My Role: Student
Additional Credits: Advisor: Prof. Florian Meier, Prof. Nima Javidi
Coordinator: Prof. Daphne Binder, Prof. Theodore Kofman
Special thanks to Augusta Thomson