PeiJu Lin

PeiJu Lin

New York, NY, US


Ama de Casa

A housewife is a person who is the most familiar with the house. With this in mind, I decided to focus on the life of a stay-at-home mom as my starting point and

challenge the traditional idea that "the dad is the head of the household".
My goal is to design a home that caters to the stay-at-home mom's needs, making her feel comfortable in a female-focused environment. I imagine a home where
she can kick back with a cup of tea, soak up some sunshine while reading, and feel just as bright, capable, independent, and self-sufficient as anyone else. I want
to ensure that the home supports her, not takes away from who she is, which is at the heart of my design. 

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Status: School Project
Location: Taichung, TW
My Role: Student
Additional Credits: 2015 The Far Eastern Architectural Young Talent Award