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Los Angeles, where homes sell for a median price of $475,000, has an overall Walk Score of 66.3. Each additional walkability point adds an average of $3,948, or a 0.83% bump, to the sale price. [...]
Pedestrian access adds the most proportional value to homes in cities such as Atlanta, where the overall score is 48.4 and revitalization efforts are starting to open up more community gathering hubs. A single-point upgrade to an Atlanta home’s Walk Score boosts the sale price 1.69% on average.
More on the relationship between pedestrianism and the market:Jan Gehl: "Never ask what the city can do for your building, always ask what your building can do for the city."Locals welcome The 606, a.k.a. Chicago's "High Line", but anxiety for its future remainsStockholm's Vision Zero offers... View full entry