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The new Pérez Art Museum that opened here last week embodies a vernacular style—deep-shaded, loose-limbed and connected to the tropics—that should have been but never was because of those two invasive species, Art Deco and the air conditioner. —
As virtual access to art collections expands through online walk-throughs and projects like Google’s Open Gallery, museums have long been experimenting within their own halls with ways to accommodate a wider range of visitors, particularly those with disabilities. Historically, museums... View full entry
"The building, designed to be the New York City Pavilion of the 1939 World’s Fair, is a long, barrel-vaulted shed, with austere colonnades on both long sides and a few luxury touches, like the limestone and the scalloping on the columns. It was never a wonderful building, but it troubles me that the shorthand for a renovation is to slap a layer of glass on the side facing the road and call it new". - Justin Davidson — NY Magazine
Recently art critic Jerry Saltz and architecture critic Justin Davidson toured the updated building and new expansion, designed by Grimshaw Architects. View full entry
A team consisting of Mecanoo, Michael van Gessel, DELVA Landscape Architects and Jojko Nawrocki Architekci has been selected to design the new Garden of the 21st Century with integrated exhibition pavilion at the Royal Łazienki Museum in Warsaw, Poland. [...]
Mecanoo will be planning the exhibition pavilion, while Michael van Gessel and DELVA Landscape Architects are in charge of the garden design.
All images courtesy of Mecanoo architecten. View full entry
BIG is having a good week, now with another competition win to design the Museum of the Human Body in Montpellier, France.
The jury — led by City Mayor Ms Hélène Mandroux — selected BIG out of five international shortlisted teams. BIG collaborated on the design with A+Architecture + Egis + Base + L'Echo + Celsius Environnement + CCVH.
All images courtesy of BIG (top four images by BIG + MIR). Head over to Bustler to read more. View full entry
Designed by Louis Kahn in 1972, the Kimbell is considered the greatest American museum building of the 20th century. Understandably, the new $135-million addition by Renzo Piano, which at 101,000 square feet (9,383 square meters) just about doubles the Kimbell’s space, has been anticipated with trepidation. —
BIG's latest museum design, the Blåvand Bunker Museum, will be built in the historic dune landscape of Varde in Denmark after the museum received the necessary funding from the A.P. Møller and Chastine Mc-Kinney Møller Foundation.
The museum will transform a former German WWII bunker into a four-volume museum complex — all while fully integrated into one of the dunes.
Images courtesy of BIG. View full entry
“It is amazing,” said Mr. Piano...“Looking back, I counted, and I said, ‘Is this true?’ ” — NYT
Ted Loos sat down with Renzo Piano to discuss his firm's design for an expansion to the Kimbell Art Museum in Fort Worth, opening on Nov. 27. They also discussed the firms history of 25 major museum projects either underway or built, and how Piano has seemingly become the go to "starchitect" for... View full entry
Following a strong architectural language of repetition, movement, rhythm, and proportion the ‘weeksville heritage center’ designed by American firm caples jefferson architects PC serves as a gateway to a 19th century african-american freedman’s settlement. the sustainably built complex is located in brooklyn, new york and features a new two-story, 23,000 sq ft building and 41,000 sq ft of landscape that redefines the site’s context. —
Weeksville Heritage Center is a new sustainable cultural center designed by Caples Jefferson Architects PC. It is a two-story, 23,000 sq ft new building and 41,000 sq ft interpretive landscape, located at the intersection of Buffalo Avenue and Bergen Street in the Crown Heights neighborhood of... View full entry
Spanish architects Antonio Cruz and Antonio Ortiz of Cruz y Ortiz Arquitectos have been presented the Abe Bonnema Architecture Award for their outstanding renovation of Amsterdam's historic Rijksmuseum. The prestigious Dutch award is granted biannually to an architect that designed a building of 'remarkable high quality architecture.' From a total of 49 entries, five projects were shortlisted, with the New Rijksmuseum winning the award. —
Olson Kundig Architects' renovation project for the Tacoma Art Museum in Washington is set to begin later this month. [...]
The 16,000 sq.foot project consists of a new wing and building expansion that will double gallery space—including housing the Haub Family Collection of Western American Art—and therefore enhance visitors' art experiences and the museum's overall significance in downtown Tacoma.
Earlier today, we published the ten shortlisted firms which qualified to move on to stage 2 of the international architectural competition for the new National Center for Contemporary Arts (New NCCA) in Moscow, Russia. The entry by Los Angeles-based Tom Wiscombe Design didn't quite make the list, but we are happy to present it here to a wider audience. —
Previously: Ten Firms Shortlisted for the Final Stage of Moscow’s New NCCA View full entry
Competition winners for the redesign of 54 Jefferson were announced at SiTE:LAB in Grand Rapids, MI on Sept. 24. The open one-stage ideas competition challenged participants to create compelling proposals for the redesign of the 54 Jefferson, a former natural museum building that opened in 1940. However, deterioriation and changing museum standards caused the museum to close to the public in 1994. —
“It has long been our goal to ensure that the contemporary artworks in the Broad collections are seen by the broadest possible public,” said Eli Broad. “We believe that free general admission to The Broad will help draw visitors to all of the cultural institutions along Grand Avenue.”
The Broad, Los Angeles’s newest contemporary art museum on Grand Avenue in downtown Los Angeles, will offer free general admission when it opens in late 2014, founders Eli and Edythe Broad announced today.At a hard hat tour and preview of the museum, the Broads were joined by Los Angeles Mayor... View full entry
For 20 years, the Mexican Museum, longtime tenant of Fort Mason Center, has sought to open a dedicated building in the evolving Yerba Buena Cultural District as its 14,000-object collection long ago outgrew the present space's capacity. The wait to integrate the museum into the first four floors of a Millennium Partners luxury high-rise may finally be ending - in about five more years. —