The project of platforms over Roosevelt Avenue in Queens was thought to create a space that local businesses and street vendors can use to increase their sells as for making them negotiate and ally to make a strong a coalition against the Business Improvement District (BID). The BID was displacing many businesses that have been years there and that give the area its characteristic of diversity, therefore, the project wants to empower these businesses in order for them to remain. The platform is not just a space that enhances the area but a reason for businesses to start negotiating and know each other. The platforms will have the facility to incorporate different types of modules according to the necessities or requirements of the businesses. Also, some will have the facility to be used by street vendors since they are also an important part of the area that brings diversity.
Status: Built
Location: New York, NY, US
My Role: Project Designer
Additional Credits: Nadine Raschid
Bernardo Loureiro