11 Garden is a nineteen-story, 219 unit, Workforce Housing Transit Oriented Development. The podium consists of amenity and service spaces for the residents, a commercial Incubator space for the City of New Rochelle, and parking. The parking serves the building’s residents and also provides municipal parking, located conveniently across the street from the New Rochelle train station.
The façade is designed as a prefabricated concrete panel on an insulated steel stud frame. The building’s cornice articulation is constructed of precast concrete. The finish of the cast-stone façade has been selected to emulate limestone. The exterior of the open garage is to receive a finish to match the building façade. Articulation at the windows and on the façade are integral to the prefabricated façade.
A landscaped Private Garden occupies the triangular shaped East corner of the site, with a decorative fence celebrating the Terry-Tunes local history. A Public Plaza occupies the West corner of the site where Garden Street meets North Avenue.
Status: Under Construction
Location: 11 Garden Street New Rochelle NY
My Role: Project Manager