Paradoxx...I have no interest in getting personal emails from you calling me a dipshit or any other name. So, I'm going to just stop responding to you no matter what you post. I'll also happily stop posting on this thread. I also don't know Orhan personally, so I have no intention of asking him to confirm or deny your posted biography. But thanks for the suggestion. If Orhan wishes to confirm that everything you say is correct, then he can do so of his own accord (whether on this thread or to my personal email). But that's up to him (and yes, I respect his contributions to this site).
In regards to your last post saying you had no idea what the Torah was...this was the most convincing bit of information you've shared about yourself. Wow. Just wow. And you later followed up with, " don't like to read." Thanks for the humor. I appreciated it.
And I have no interest in getting insults from you based on lack of evidence. If you need evidence "I" have it,you don't..if you can't handle that, it is your problem.
I'll stop posting. There is no need to waste my time arguing with ignorant people.
Didn't know that one of the main initiators of the ban is SVP politician Soli Pardo, who has a Turkish father and was born in Izmir, Turkey. I'm getting confused here...
Anyone whose veins course with any measurable portion of ancestry derived from the noble heritage endowed by classical Western Civilization should be ashamed at the trajectories of contemporary Western Society. The progress of the ages has been paralyzed by the nauxious poison of the siren song of equality and the extinction of the only people who are capable of providing viable solutions to the world's problems are themselves facilitating their own destruction. Why?
Equality is the ultimate Trojan Horse. Everyone will unequivocally see one day that Obama is just another Pied Piper who receives his support from foreign interests (yes, Muslims to be sure among others). By then it will be too late. Of course, that is the moral of the story of the Pied Piper. Some things truly never change.
If only we'd build on the wisdom of our forebearers instead of every generation thinking its smarter than those who came before and the only smart thing is to start from scratch and reinvent the wheel every generation.
ParadOxx86 I don't speak about Judaism because my knowledge on Judaism is 0! I had to google them just to find out their book was Torah,never read that book..So I don't talk about things I don't know about.
ParadOxx86 but some of them [religion] are much worse than others..
spot the paradox? as in paradox point 2 of the definition.
then shush down. you only foreground your blindness to anything but your hateful sieving of Islam. yes, there is a fair share of non-humanist views, but not more than so many other religions and, indeed, all Abrahamic monotheisms. religion does not contain humanist values as foundation; it works within its own logic. whether its a mayan sacrifice, a christian crusade or an islamic fatwa. in fact, even modern secular humanism can fail to contain humanist values at its core.
you argue as if its a case of Islam vs all religions. i can also delve into the jewish canon and demonize it. in fact i don't need to...a myriad of sites on the net for that.
if you really are thankful for Nietzsche, then you would be knowledgeable of his criticism that is first directed towards christianity and foremostly the jews as master-slave peoples. he does not mention islam because it wasn't common in europe at that time (maybe you and OneFella4 should have been born then and there so we don't have to listen to your nonsense here and now). in essence, he attacks the self-prostating passive aggressive, to use a modern term, servitude turned tyranny of the semitic strain of religiosity, Judaism and Christianity (the non grecoroman memes in it, ...christianity being an amalgam of hebraic monotheism and grecoroman mytho-philosophy) . an intelligent acerbic instance of european racism of the time.
ParadOxx86 [i]There is no need to waste my time arguing with ignorant people...[i]
better amiable ignorance than deliberate and calculating half-knowledge. i enjoy spending time with that sort of graceful ignorance over spening time delving into a cesspool of half baked ideas simply to defame and confirm the validity of one's own intellectual pettiness.
my opposing views on this swiss referendum and subsequent ban of the minarets, are based on gross violation and attack on the basic human rights of the said nation's muslim immigrants by so called one of the most civilized societies of the world.
the fact that you have a democratic system, by no means diminishes the dangers of racist politics.
But do they say: Muslims you're not allowed to practice your religion within our country. No, they just have something against the minarets, for whatever reason. I know plenty of mosques without minarets and plenty with, so it is not necessary to have a minaret to be a house of worship. Also not all churches have bell towers and surely in some areas it's not allowed to have bell towers on the church either. But Orhan is also right, because wasn't Hitler elected democratically? But then again, what do I know, I'm neither Muslim, Catholic nor Swiss.
true, a democracy also means that the voice of a schmuck or a psychopath equals that of an insightful person or a saint. more schmuckdom and less wisdom.
"you argue as if its a case of Islam vs all religions. i can also delve into the jewish canon and demonize it. in fact i don't need to...a myriad of sites on the net for that."
Sure you can do that and I don't give a rat's ass about you criticizing Judaism.
"if you really are thankful for Nietzsche, then you would be knowledgeable of his criticism that is first directed towards christianity and foremostly the jews as master-slave peoples"
See? That is the beauty about the Western civilization: They have the FREEDOM to criticize! There are lots of books out there written to criticize Christianity and Judaism. Everybody is free to talk about the negative aspects of these religions as well as the positive aspects and nobody issues a fatwa on them for speaking. Do the same thing about Islam (especially in an Islamic country) and see what happens! Muslims see Islam as "immune to criticism" because according to them they are the words of Allah therefore can not be challenged. They ARE really oversensitive. Just look at what happened after the Danish cartoon incident:
Theo Van Gogh was shot 8 times and killed for criticizing Islam in his video:
Whomever tried to criticize Islam had to flee from the Islamic countries.Do you SEE the same thing happening in the West?
You couldn't answer THIS question: Have you seen any muslim countries which are advanced like those in the west? Why are the majority of muslims are still living in middle ages?
Why doesn't anybody say for the violence going on in muslim countries? Why doesn't anybody get "pissed" like they do because the swiss ban when it comes to the KILLINGS happening in these countries? By not raising your voice against this violence you are already admitting these countries are backward.
Going back to the minaret issue, this is an immigration issue above all else. There is said to be approximately 400,000 muslim immigrants in Switzerland currently so according to the people who don't support ban, 400,000 people can't be a problem because they constitute a very small minority about 5% but by comparison the muslim population in US is 1%. Anyway.The problem is these immigrants resist integrating themselves to the system. Some of them don't even speak the country's language let alone participating in the traditions. Also if you check out the statistics the violence among these immigrants are much higher than of the Swiss people. They are not racist but they are cautious.They should come up with a better way of integrating these immigrants into the society before they allow more and more immigrants coming in and establishing their own traditions. The Swiss minaret ban is similar to France banning burkas. Talking about France, the muslim population there is about 12-13% and the 25% of the infants are already Muslim.It is estimated that by 2025 the muslim population will be the majority and not the minority. The country's muslim immigrant population is increasing about 400,000 people a year and add the muslim folks who already live over there procreating and the number becomes frightening.
30% of the musim population in England rejects the existing govenment and want Sharia Law. Just look at the terrorism incidents in England.
In Netherlands about 6-7% of the population is muslim. These numbers will keep on increasing,RAPIDLY!
So it is not about the 4 minarets in Switzerland and it is certainly not about the 400,000 muslim immigrants living there. It is about the immigration issues and the slow Islamification of Europe.
Understand this: Europe is NOT United States.European countries were not found by foreigners and they are not a "melting pot of cultures" like US is. They need to and have every RIGHT to preserve their cultures.
Have you heard about the story of the boiling frog?
Basically if you place the frog in a boiling water it will jump out but if you put the frog in a cold water and slowly heat the water it will stay there will be cooked to death.
Finally I would like to share a part of a poem with you:
minareler süngü/ kubbeler miğfer/ camiler kışlamız/ müminler asker
The current prime minister of the Republic of Turkey read this poem not so long ago however the poem was originally written by Alp Aslan.
So in English it means:
minarets are bayonets/ domes are helmets/ mosques are our barracks/ mumins(aka Islamic worshippers) are soldiers
So if they refer to minarets as BAYONETS then I think these poor people have every right to be scared!
That poem is obviously the work of a degenerate and militaristic culture. I saw 70,000 frothing extremeists screaming this one a few months ago... what do we do about them!!!!?:
Let's go, children of the Fatherland,
The day of glory has arrived!
Against us, tyranny's
Bloody banner is raised,
Do you hear in the countryside
Those ferocious soldiers roaring?
They come right into your arms
To cut the throats of your sons and consorts!
To arms, citizens,
Form your battalions,
Let's march, let's march!
May an impure blood
Water our furrows!
What does this horde of slaves,
Of traitors and conjured kings want?
For whom are these ignoble trammels,
These long-prepared irons?
[My people] for us, ah! What outrage
What fury it must arouse!
It is we whom they dare plan
To return to ancient slavery!
To arms, citizens,
Form your battalions,
Let's march, let's march!
May an impure blood
Water our furrows!
true, the Middle Age Christian Inquisitions did not issue fatwas. They merely tortured to death.
its more relevant to look at religion in its mainstream and fringe historical development and its relation to the regional and international politics of the time (and i blame those current politics for economic, social and even religious stolidity within the region) rather than to mono-essentialize a great variety of moslems and their relation to islam as well as islamic koranic interpretations, tafsir, themselves falling within a spectrum from that which has been obviously informed by humanism (although, as i have stated, religion itself, sans interpretation, has nothing to do with humanism) to, yes, extreme fundamentalism and theological literalism.
that someone would calculatedly cherry pick and cite only instances of extreme fundamentalism in his/her anti-Islamic rhetoric rather than admit more nuanced variety signals either a traumatized person, a propogandist or simply a hater (known to oneself or not).
oh let me clarify. tafsir, interpretation, is seen to be exremely important as the link betwen the Book and the reader. when i say religion, sans interpretation, i do get myself into a bit of a semantic trap. what i intended to mean is that religiosity, casting the person within the folds of religions, rather than the holy scriptures, does not need interpretation...a religion person's faith is not bound to his religion by way of a spatio-temporal interpretation but by absolute, invisibely associative, incontingency.
You know when you talking about cultural relativism but purposefully misspell "muslim" en anglais... you're not really doing your argument a whole lot of good.
Refusing to "go with the flow" through irritating passive aggression drives a wedge in the whole idea of tolerance and understanding.
Your overly academic writing and eloquent grammar is impressive but it still fails to answer my basic questions.
"true, the Middle Age Christian Inquisitions did not issue fatwas. They merely tortured to death. "
I'm talking about the centuries starting from the 19th coming to this day..I'm not talking about the middle ages.I'm talking about the 19-21th century and you compare it to the middle ages. Yes I know about the Christian Inquisitions but they were in middle ages,they issue fatwas in 21th century,HELLO!?
Throughout the history Christians were able to replace their harsh traditions with modern perspectives. Could muslims do that? No. Why do I like Irshad Manji? Because she called muslims to make reforms in Islam(she is living behind bullet proof windows now because of your "peaceful muslims"). I like her Ijtihad idea. Attempting to "edit" the Islamic laws which are considered to be Allah's own words is kind of silly but is better than nothing,at least it encourages independent thinking.
"and i blame those current politics for economic, social and even religious stolidity within the region"
Uhmm have you ever thought maybe it was the religion who affected the politics? Do you think Islam is ONLY a religion? Think again.
Setting religion aside,you successfully ignored more than half of my last post I guess I'm not the only one who is "cherry picking" here...
Out of curiosity, what is your background Fondue?
Obama is completing the ultimate Jihad in North America.
Minarets are physical symbols in the built environment of jihad and the destruction of Western Civilization and the increasingly rare form of mankind that makes civilization possible in the first place.
Women in Western Civilization need to stop accomodating the planting of the seeds of the kind that inevitably result in the extinction of their White Children (both the psychological seeds and literal). First stabalize society and stem the bleeding by putting an end to abortion. Then the women in Western Civilization need to start having babies again on a massive scale with white men only and stop the Tiger Woods style mixed madness.
Make no mistake: "MultiCULTuralism" and "diversity" are just euphamisms for anti-white male progressivism. "Equality" is the ultimate Trojan Horse containing the metaphorical and literal hordes of those who are invading and exterminating Western people's from their own lands.
I dont give crap what religion you follow except that in my experience the muslims are trouble. My neighborhood in Chicago hosts a lot of faiths, I don't care what they are, except for the Muslims. They are rude, incitefull and a general pain in the ass and refuse to assimilate or even try to blend into American life. Send them back, they dont deserve American or Swiss Citizenship. They are an Antidemocratic society and will never integrate unless they refute their traditional ways which support such lovely ideals as their Jihad or holy wars. Fuck 'em all. We have been too nice as it is and it was repaid the destruction of our World Trade Centers.
Let Me clarify the above - after 9/11 I saw an increase at least 5 fold of the number of headscarves, burka and general traditional muslim garb as if 911 was a moment to proclaim your nationality. If my culture had just committed an atrocity on the scale of 911 the last thing I would do is promote the custom dress but this is exactly what the majority of the Muslims in America chose to do. I have no feelings for them.
Bounce them, they dont deserve our freedom. And for those who do cherish our freedoms I honestly feel bad for them getting painted with the same anti-western brush. But thats the way the ball bounces.
Fortunately the neighborhood "pressure" has done what our politicians wont - Relieve us of the "Plague" by whatever means necessary. I suggest you do the same before its too late.
if jack klompus is hitler reincarnated then you are barney the purple donosaur.
I have found it very ironic that in contemporary society as soon as a person or a group starts throwing stones with words like bigot or racist more often than not that person or group is usually much more bigoted and racist themselves than any other person or group.
count me in jack klompus! There are way too many suicidal dimwits willing to sacrifice themselves and everyone else in the name of their false god and religion of equality.
for the record bigot and racist are merely euphamisms and code words the advancement of anti white male progressivism in western lands. Guaranteed that anytime someone appeals to anti bigotry or anti racism that they are really not interested in fairness or equality but the extermination of the white race and its replacement with anything and everything as long as its not white or traditionally european.
Onefella. Theres a word for what youre describing. Its called white supremacism. And it looks like this:
Whats so disheartening to me, is that people dont even know what civil equality is anymore. I mean Jack, seriously man. Your "experience" teaches you that "muslims are trouble"? And that amounts to what exactly? Starting to notice a lot more "burkas" after 9-11? Youre sure that doesnt say more about you than it does about whats supposedly happening in your neighborhood.
Look. Its really, really simple guys. People are measured by their own actions, by their own contributions and failings as individual human beings. Not by their gender, not by who they choose to love, not by the color of their skin, and not by what god they do or dont believe in. If that concept is really too alien for you, I wonder if youd ask yourself who really understands the "freedoms" we have.
sure oe. and jesus christ and all the jews were nazis too because the old testament exposes homosexuality and beasteality as perversions. LOL. the argument that anyone who believes in any iota of difference between individuals or groups is a nazi is getting really, really old (like 70 years old post WWII). I know thinking is hard but you really ought to try it sometime instead of parroting the same old tired contemporary bigoted line of thinking.
[/i]Women in Western Civilization need to stop accomodating the planting of the seeds of the kind that inevitably result in the extinction of their White Children (both the psychological seeds and literal). First stabalize society and stem the bleeding by putting an end to abortion. Then the women in Western Civilization need to start having babies again on a massive scale with white men only and stop the Tiger Woods style mixed madness.
Make no mistake: "MultiCULTuralism" and "diversity" are just euphamisms for anti-white male progressivism. "Equality" is the ultimate Trojan Horse containing the metaphorical and literal hordes of those who are invading and exterminating Western people's from their own lands.[/i]
Is white supremacy. Now if it bothers you that your warped little quest for jesus or whatever is indistinguishable from what neo-nazis think, maybe that should tell you something.
in europe and england the muslims are expected/ encouraged/ taught to engage in a practice called "grooming" of young white teenage girls. basically they impregnate them and leave them and their bastard children to survive with no father in order to prepare the host population for jihad. the invasion isn't just in the form of a thousand minarets invading the skyline; its also very literally in the form of millions of arabic (asians to the europeans) penises invading and colonizing the wombs of european women.
So, nazifella4, do you really think that when a pure, white saint of a woman is left alone by her muslim terrorist man with a mixed child and the man doesn't take part in the upbringing at all, that this bastard child will have any interest or knowledge of Islam and is willing to go Jihad on your sorry white ass?
I have to disagree with OneFella4 on one important point: European women are not putting-out to the Arabs like you've described. They are, however, bringing their women along for that purpose.
perhaps not randomized but the dna is still dna and the internal leanings and sympathies towards the faith of the fathers will always be there. case in point obama's kenyan muslim father.
at least obama has enough self respect and respect for his race to stick to his own kind.
contrary to the contemporary ignorance of the masses difference is way deeper than the superficial color of one's skin, indeed the real differences are on a scale so infinite and eternal that they are literally embedded within every molecular strand of dna within each and every cell of the body.
making the infinitly moronic statement that difference is only skin deep smacks of medieval superstition akin to the totally moronic argument made during the dark ages that the world was flat and the earth the center of the universe.
you're right -I'm a quack and the world is flat and differences are all merely skin deep. all that science behind dna? nah! that's just proposterous nonsense!
everybody knows the sun revolves around the earth and that the only difference between a caucasian and a negro is the wavelengths of light that are either absorbed or reflected by varying amounts of melatonin in the skin. that's all. only color. dna is a myth.
the ideas behind genetics were invented by nazi quack white supremacist wannabe scientists. God had nothing to do with the existence of genetics either. I know all this because my professor of social science at the local sesame street inspired and publicly funded university told me so.
So fella, stick to your own kind, whatever that means. If you really have such an interest in genetics, you should know that through genetic diversification man and all life forms (maybe even you) can evolve and adapt to the reality of life. Remember what happened when the Native Americans were confronted with simple European germs and viruses? Well, enjoy fishing in your drying gene-pool...
Gee and I thought the hatemongers wore least thats what MTV, CNN, and the AP and associates have been telling me my whole life...I guess I'd better rethink reality.
OneFella4, what you are hating is what white women choose to have sex with other races. If you like really to insist on the purity of "White" gene, blame Your white women who have sex with other races, before blaming her parteners.
You are a neo nazi not only because you are a racist but also because you don't admit other person's choice even if the other person is the same race as you.
Parad0xx86, you keep saying "show me Muslims aren't wrong." which seems really pitiful to me. The issue is not who is wrong and who is right. What really matters is that no one can judge other person's choice against his own viewpoint. You sound like a person in the early modern era who had found alien cultures for the first time, which is really silly in this time.
I fairly understand most of people like his own race and have some natural nature to preserve the purity of his own race.
If you really like to live within your own little boundary, it is your choice, and so be it. However, you shouldn't force other people to do same thing as you do.
As a Korean, this some western people's talking about the geneitic purity is really funny, because, when science says genetically and ethnically and lingusitically Korean is one of the rece having the purest gene (which I don't care), most of western people say there is no pure gene.
Namely, they are trying to deny the genetic purity when saying about other races but in case of their own they insist they are "pure".
Does 'the Purity of Physical Gene' really matter if that destroies peace of the entire human race?
Isn't the belief in the "Purity" the same stupidity as some religious nonsense are?
yeah, western civilization is terrible. Indoor plumbing, modern medicine, air conditioning, et al. Terrible, absolutely terrible. To say nothing of the Aids medications and food exported to Africa over the past several decades.
most of us in this forum are familiar with how easy it is to criticize. What we aren't conditioned to accept in our profession or society is to be grateful for what we do have versus what we don't.
Western Civilization went post colonial post WWII and then morphed into the present post industrial a couple of decades ago. what guns, germs, and steel is missing, besides gratitude (the author might start by thanking Western Civilization for the gift of free speech and the printing press) is useful, probing insight into what the future actually holds (or more appropriately DOESN'T hold) for its inhabitants. Instead guns, germs, and steel is so predictably libertard in its documentation of the social theories that have crippled Western Civilization its downright nauseating. Kind of like taking beating a dead horse and preaching to the choir to a whole new unattained level.
If public tax money had been more appropriately expended PBS would have sponsored a television special highlighting the prophetic sociocultural vision of Pat Buchanan and what the future holds for a collapsing empire. The title might be Cheap Imported Toxic Crap from China, invading bed bugs from South of the Border, and mass miscegenation.
OMFG, OneFella, you are such a racist bigot. LOL. Your use of teenage internet lingo, however, really detracts from your arguments. LMAO. So why don't you go read a book, maybe on history or biology, or really anything not written by a grand dragon or "Mein Kampf".
Lets say that a platoon of aliens arrives on the planet from a neighboring galaxy one day, taking mankind completely by surprise.
Option #1: everyone grabs their pitchforks and torches and determined to "git 'em" before they get us.
Option #2: everyone runs out and shacks up with the first non asexual version of the recently landed aliens they can find hoping to find peace through the maxim "make love, not war".
Option #2 is what the contemporary "wisdom" of the masses would propogate. Option #1 is what the doctrine of "preemptive strikes" would propogate. I submit that neither option is ideal. There should be some balance.
In the current state of affairs, given that the hippies of Western Civilization have taken ahold of the reins of public policy it shouldn't come as a surprise that the contemporary policy makers dictate that welcomming and making love to aliens is not only desireable but anything less is hateful self preservation.
This promulgation of option #2 as the only solution to the inevitableness of conflict is actually self hate, as its full implementation unwaveringly leads to self extermination and the supplantation of the original in favor of OTHER. Change is always good, all the time, right?
Swiss Minaret Ban
Paradoxx...I have no interest in getting personal emails from you calling me a dipshit or any other name. So, I'm going to just stop responding to you no matter what you post. I'll also happily stop posting on this thread. I also don't know Orhan personally, so I have no intention of asking him to confirm or deny your posted biography. But thanks for the suggestion. If Orhan wishes to confirm that everything you say is correct, then he can do so of his own accord (whether on this thread or to my personal email). But that's up to him (and yes, I respect his contributions to this site).
In regards to your last post saying you had no idea what the Torah was...this was the most convincing bit of information you've shared about yourself. Wow. Just wow. And you later followed up with, " don't like to read." Thanks for the humor. I appreciated it.
And I have no interest in getting insults from you based on lack of evidence. If you need evidence "I" have it,you don't..if you can't handle that, it is your problem.
I'll stop posting. There is no need to waste my time arguing with ignorant people.
Didn't know that one of the main initiators of the ban is SVP politician Soli Pardo, who has a Turkish father and was born in Izmir, Turkey. I'm getting confused here...
Anyone whose veins course with any measurable portion of ancestry derived from the noble heritage endowed by classical Western Civilization should be ashamed at the trajectories of contemporary Western Society. The progress of the ages has been paralyzed by the nauxious poison of the siren song of equality and the extinction of the only people who are capable of providing viable solutions to the world's problems are themselves facilitating their own destruction. Why?
Equality is the ultimate Trojan Horse. Everyone will unequivocally see one day that Obama is just another Pied Piper who receives his support from foreign interests (yes, Muslims to be sure among others). By then it will be too late. Of course, that is the moral of the story of the Pied Piper. Some things truly never change.
If only we'd build on the wisdom of our forebearers instead of every generation thinking its smarter than those who came before and the only smart thing is to start from scratch and reinvent the wheel every generation.
ParadOxx86 I don't speak about Judaism because my knowledge on Judaism is 0! I had to google them just to find out their book was Torah,never read that book..So I don't talk about things I don't know about.
ParadOxx86 but some of them [religion] are much worse than others..
spot the paradox? as in paradox point 2 of the definition.
then shush down. you only foreground your blindness to anything but your hateful sieving of Islam. yes, there is a fair share of non-humanist views, but not more than so many other religions and, indeed, all Abrahamic monotheisms. religion does not contain humanist values as foundation; it works within its own logic. whether its a mayan sacrifice, a christian crusade or an islamic fatwa. in fact, even modern secular humanism can fail to contain humanist values at its core.
you argue as if its a case of Islam vs all religions. i can also delve into the jewish canon and demonize it. in fact i don't need to...a myriad of sites on the net for that.
if you really are thankful for Nietzsche, then you would be knowledgeable of his criticism that is first directed towards christianity and foremostly the jews as master-slave peoples. he does not mention islam because it wasn't common in europe at that time (maybe you and OneFella4 should have been born then and there so we don't have to listen to your nonsense here and now). in essence, he attacks the self-prostating passive aggressive, to use a modern term, servitude turned tyranny of the semitic strain of religiosity, Judaism and Christianity (the non grecoroman memes in it, ...christianity being an amalgam of hebraic monotheism and grecoroman mytho-philosophy) . an intelligent acerbic instance of european racism of the time.
ParadOxx86 [i]There is no need to waste my time arguing with ignorant people...[i]
better amiable ignorance than deliberate and calculating half-knowledge. i enjoy spending time with that sort of graceful ignorance over spening time delving into a cesspool of half baked ideas simply to defame and confirm the validity of one's own intellectual pettiness.
my opposing views on this swiss referendum and subsequent ban of the minarets, are based on gross violation and attack on the basic human rights of the said nation's muslim immigrants by so called one of the most civilized societies of the world.
the fact that you have a democratic system, by no means diminishes the dangers of racist politics.
But do they say: Muslims you're not allowed to practice your religion within our country. No, they just have something against the minarets, for whatever reason. I know plenty of mosques without minarets and plenty with, so it is not necessary to have a minaret to be a house of worship. Also not all churches have bell towers and surely in some areas it's not allowed to have bell towers on the church either. But Orhan is also right, because wasn't Hitler elected democratically? But then again, what do I know, I'm neither Muslim, Catholic nor Swiss.
true, a democracy also means that the voice of a schmuck or a psychopath equals that of an insightful person or a saint. more schmuckdom and less wisdom.
"you argue as if its a case of Islam vs all religions. i can also delve into the jewish canon and demonize it. in fact i don't need to...a myriad of sites on the net for that."
Sure you can do that and I don't give a rat's ass about you criticizing Judaism.
Orthodox Jews think they are superior to all other people and do not even talk to you if you're from other religions. We see Catholic Christians doing some funny things in churches:
"if you really are thankful for Nietzsche, then you would be knowledgeable of his criticism that is first directed towards christianity and foremostly the jews as master-slave peoples"
See? That is the beauty about the Western civilization: They have the FREEDOM to criticize! There are lots of books out there written to criticize Christianity and Judaism. Everybody is free to talk about the negative aspects of these religions as well as the positive aspects and nobody issues a fatwa on them for speaking. Do the same thing about Islam (especially in an Islamic country) and see what happens! Muslims see Islam as "immune to criticism" because according to them they are the words of Allah therefore can not be challenged. They ARE really oversensitive. Just look at what happened after the Danish cartoon incident:
Theo Van Gogh was shot 8 times and killed for criticizing Islam in his video:
Whomever tried to criticize Islam had to flee from the Islamic countries.Do you SEE the same thing happening in the West?
You couldn't answer THIS question: Have you seen any muslim countries which are advanced like those in the west? Why are the majority of muslims are still living in middle ages?
Why doesn't anybody say for the violence going on in muslim countries? Why doesn't anybody get "pissed" like they do because the swiss ban when it comes to the KILLINGS happening in these countries? By not raising your voice against this violence you are already admitting these countries are backward.
Going back to the minaret issue, this is an immigration issue above all else. There is said to be approximately 400,000 muslim immigrants in Switzerland currently so according to the people who don't support ban, 400,000 people can't be a problem because they constitute a very small minority about 5% but by comparison the muslim population in US is 1%. Anyway.The problem is these immigrants resist integrating themselves to the system. Some of them don't even speak the country's language let alone participating in the traditions. Also if you check out the statistics the violence among these immigrants are much higher than of the Swiss people. They are not racist but they are cautious.They should come up with a better way of integrating these immigrants into the society before they allow more and more immigrants coming in and establishing their own traditions. The Swiss minaret ban is similar to France banning burkas. Talking about France, the muslim population there is about 12-13% and the 25% of the infants are already Muslim.It is estimated that by 2025 the muslim population will be the majority and not the minority. The country's muslim immigrant population is increasing about 400,000 people a year and add the muslim folks who already live over there procreating and the number becomes frightening.
30% of the musim population in England rejects the existing govenment and want Sharia Law. Just look at the terrorism incidents in England.
In Netherlands about 6-7% of the population is muslim. These numbers will keep on increasing,RAPIDLY!
So it is not about the 4 minarets in Switzerland and it is certainly not about the 400,000 muslim immigrants living there. It is about the immigration issues and the slow Islamification of Europe.
Understand this: Europe is NOT United States.European countries were not found by foreigners and they are not a "melting pot of cultures" like US is. They need to and have every RIGHT to preserve their cultures.
Have you heard about the story of the boiling frog?
Basically if you place the frog in a boiling water it will jump out but if you put the frog in a cold water and slowly heat the water it will stay there will be cooked to death.
Finally I would like to share a part of a poem with you:
minareler süngü/ kubbeler miğfer/ camiler kışlamız/ müminler asker
The current prime minister of the Republic of Turkey read this poem not so long ago however the poem was originally written by Alp Aslan.
So in English it means:
minarets are bayonets/ domes are helmets/ mosques are our barracks/ mumins(aka Islamic worshippers) are soldiers
So if they refer to minarets as BAYONETS then I think these poor people have every right to be scared!
That poem is obviously the work of a degenerate and militaristic culture. I saw 70,000 frothing extremeists screaming this one a few months ago... what do we do about them!!!!?:
Let's go, children of the Fatherland,
The day of glory has arrived!
Against us, tyranny's
Bloody banner is raised,
Do you hear in the countryside
Those ferocious soldiers roaring?
They come right into your arms
To cut the throats of your sons and consorts!
To arms, citizens,
Form your battalions,
Let's march, let's march!
May an impure blood
Water our furrows!
What does this horde of slaves,
Of traitors and conjured kings want?
For whom are these ignoble trammels,
These long-prepared irons?
[My people] for us, ah! What outrage
What fury it must arouse!
It is we whom they dare plan
To return to ancient slavery!
To arms, citizens,
Form your battalions,
Let's march, let's march!
May an impure blood
Water our furrows!
What's worse is a lot of them had suspicious names and the shaved heads that I've heard characterize suicide bombers.
true, the Middle Age Christian Inquisitions did not issue fatwas. They merely tortured to death.
its more relevant to look at religion in its mainstream and fringe historical development and its relation to the regional and international politics of the time (and i blame those current politics for economic, social and even religious stolidity within the region) rather than to mono-essentialize a great variety of moslems and their relation to islam as well as islamic koranic interpretations, tafsir, themselves falling within a spectrum from that which has been obviously informed by humanism (although, as i have stated, religion itself, sans interpretation, has nothing to do with humanism) to, yes, extreme fundamentalism and theological literalism.
that someone would calculatedly cherry pick and cite only instances of extreme fundamentalism in his/her anti-Islamic rhetoric rather than admit more nuanced variety signals either a traumatized person, a propogandist or simply a hater (known to oneself or not).
oh let me clarify. tafsir, interpretation, is seen to be exremely important as the link betwen the Book and the reader. when i say religion, sans interpretation, i do get myself into a bit of a semantic trap. what i intended to mean is that religiosity, casting the person within the folds of religions, rather than the holy scriptures, does not need interpretation...a religion person's faith is not bound to his religion by way of a spatio-temporal interpretation but by absolute, invisibely associative, incontingency.
You know when you talking about cultural relativism but purposefully misspell "muslim" en anglais... you're not really doing your argument a whole lot of good.
Refusing to "go with the flow" through irritating passive aggression drives a wedge in the whole idea of tolerance and understanding.
"ú" doesn't exist in english.
But keep making an example of yourself, keep doing things your way, keep spelling words your way and then keep blaming me when I don't understand.
Your overly academic writing and eloquent grammar is impressive but it still fails to answer my basic questions.
"true, the Middle Age Christian Inquisitions did not issue fatwas. They merely tortured to death. "
I'm talking about the centuries starting from the 19th coming to this day..I'm not talking about the middle ages.I'm talking about the 19-21th century and you compare it to the middle ages. Yes I know about the Christian Inquisitions but they were in middle ages,they issue fatwas in 21th century,HELLO!?
Throughout the history Christians were able to replace their harsh traditions with modern perspectives. Could muslims do that? No. Why do I like Irshad Manji? Because she called muslims to make reforms in Islam(she is living behind bullet proof windows now because of your "peaceful muslims"). I like her Ijtihad idea. Attempting to "edit" the Islamic laws which are considered to be Allah's own words is kind of silly but is better than nothing,at least it encourages independent thinking.
"and i blame those current politics for economic, social and even religious stolidity within the region"
Uhmm have you ever thought maybe it was the religion who affected the politics? Do you think Islam is ONLY a religion? Think again.
Setting religion aside,you successfully ignored more than half of my last post I guess I'm not the only one who is "cherry picking" here...
Out of curiosity, what is your background Fondue?
Y'all should just agree to disagree. Switzerland is a liberal democracy, a damn good one, and the people have spoken. That's that.
Obama is completing the ultimate Jihad in North America.
Minarets are physical symbols in the built environment of jihad and the destruction of Western Civilization and the increasingly rare form of mankind that makes civilization possible in the first place.
Women in Western Civilization need to stop accomodating the planting of the seeds of the kind that inevitably result in the extinction of their White Children (both the psychological seeds and literal). First stabalize society and stem the bleeding by putting an end to abortion. Then the women in Western Civilization need to start having babies again on a massive scale with white men only and stop the Tiger Woods style mixed madness.
Make no mistake: "MultiCULTuralism" and "diversity" are just euphamisms for anti-white male progressivism. "Equality" is the ultimate Trojan Horse containing the metaphorical and literal hordes of those who are invading and exterminating Western people's from their own lands.
I dont give crap what religion you follow except that in my experience the muslims are trouble. My neighborhood in Chicago hosts a lot of faiths, I don't care what they are, except for the Muslims. They are rude, incitefull and a general pain in the ass and refuse to assimilate or even try to blend into American life. Send them back, they dont deserve American or Swiss Citizenship. They are an Antidemocratic society and will never integrate unless they refute their traditional ways which support such lovely ideals as their Jihad or holy wars. Fuck 'em all. We have been too nice as it is and it was repaid the destruction of our World Trade Centers.
Seriously? "I don't give a crap what religion you follow except... muslims are trouble." I respect your opinion, but you are a bigot.
Let Me clarify the above - after 9/11 I saw an increase at least 5 fold of the number of headscarves, burka and general traditional muslim garb as if 911 was a moment to proclaim your nationality. If my culture had just committed an atrocity on the scale of 911 the last thing I would do is promote the custom dress but this is exactly what the majority of the Muslims in America chose to do. I have no feelings for them.
Bounce them, they dont deserve our freedom. And for those who do cherish our freedoms I honestly feel bad for them getting painted with the same anti-western brush. But thats the way the ball bounces.
Fortunately the neighborhood "pressure" has done what our politicians wont - Relieve us of the "Plague" by whatever means necessary. I suggest you do the same before its too late.
Klompus Jack, you are a bigot and a gas chamber architect wanna be.
You are the reincarnated HITLER!!!
if jack klompus is hitler reincarnated then you are barney the purple donosaur.
I have found it very ironic that in contemporary society as soon as a person or a group starts throwing stones with words like bigot or racist more often than not that person or group is usually much more bigoted and racist themselves than any other person or group.
count me in jack klompus! There are way too many suicidal dimwits willing to sacrifice themselves and everyone else in the name of their false god and religion of equality.
for the record bigot and racist are merely euphamisms and code words the advancement of anti white male progressivism in western lands. Guaranteed that anytime someone appeals to anti bigotry or anti racism that they are really not interested in fairness or equality but the extermination of the white race and its replacement with anything and everything as long as its not white or traditionally european.
i find your having a sense of irony...ironic.
Onefella. Theres a word for what youre describing. Its called white supremacism. And it looks like this:
Whats so disheartening to me, is that people dont even know what civil equality is anymore. I mean Jack, seriously man. Your "experience" teaches you that "muslims are trouble"? And that amounts to what exactly? Starting to notice a lot more "burkas" after 9-11? Youre sure that doesnt say more about you than it does about whats supposedly happening in your neighborhood.
Look. Its really, really simple guys. People are measured by their own actions, by their own contributions and failings as individual human beings. Not by their gender, not by who they choose to love, not by the color of their skin, and not by what god they do or dont believe in. If that concept is really too alien for you, I wonder if youd ask yourself who really understands the "freedoms" we have.
ew, many smelly armpits there i'm sure.
sure oe. and jesus christ and all the jews were nazis too because the old testament exposes homosexuality and beasteality as perversions. LOL. the argument that anyone who believes in any iota of difference between individuals or groups is a nazi is getting really, really old (like 70 years old post WWII). I know thinking is hard but you really ought to try it sometime instead of parroting the same old tired contemporary bigoted line of thinking.
Let me help you out son. This:
[/i]Women in Western Civilization need to stop accomodating the planting of the seeds of the kind that inevitably result in the extinction of their White Children (both the psychological seeds and literal). First stabalize society and stem the bleeding by putting an end to abortion. Then the women in Western Civilization need to start having babies again on a massive scale with white men only and stop the Tiger Woods style mixed madness.
Make no mistake: "MultiCULTuralism" and "diversity" are just euphamisms for anti-white male progressivism. "Equality" is the ultimate Trojan Horse containing the metaphorical and literal hordes of those who are invading and exterminating Western people's from their own lands.[/i]
Is white supremacy. Now if it bothers you that your warped little quest for jesus or whatever is indistinguishable from what neo-nazis think, maybe that should tell you something.
nobody forbids white people to have white partners and make babies:
except the contemporary version of common (non)sense
in europe and england the muslims are expected/ encouraged/ taught to engage in a practice called "grooming" of young white teenage girls. basically they impregnate them and leave them and their bastard children to survive with no father in order to prepare the host population for jihad. the invasion isn't just in the form of a thousand minarets invading the skyline; its also very literally in the form of millions of arabic (asians to the europeans) penises invading and colonizing the wombs of european women.
*checks watch*
So, nazifella4, do you really think that when a pure, white saint of a woman is left alone by her muslim terrorist man with a mixed child and the man doesn't take part in the upbringing at all, that this bastard child will have any interest or knowledge of Islam and is willing to go Jihad on your sorry white ass?
I have to disagree with OneFella4 on one important point: European women are not putting-out to the Arabs like you've described. They are, however, bringing their women along for that purpose.
perhaps not randomized but the dna is still dna and the internal leanings and sympathies towards the faith of the fathers will always be there. case in point obama's kenyan muslim father.
at least obama has enough self respect and respect for his race to stick to his own kind.
contrary to the contemporary ignorance of the masses difference is way deeper than the superficial color of one's skin, indeed the real differences are on a scale so infinite and eternal that they are literally embedded within every molecular strand of dna within each and every cell of the body.
making the infinitly moronic statement that difference is only skin deep smacks of medieval superstition akin to the totally moronic argument made during the dark ages that the world was flat and the earth the center of the universe.
Yikes, Onefella. You're a paranoid racist quack. Just what we need more of on Archinect.
you're right -I'm a quack and the world is flat and differences are all merely skin deep. all that science behind dna? nah! that's just proposterous nonsense!
everybody knows the sun revolves around the earth and that the only difference between a caucasian and a negro is the wavelengths of light that are either absorbed or reflected by varying amounts of melatonin in the skin. that's all. only color. dna is a myth.
the ideas behind genetics were invented by nazi quack white supremacist wannabe scientists. God had nothing to do with the existence of genetics either. I know all this because my professor of social science at the local sesame street inspired and publicly funded university told me so.
When a person has nothing to say he makes personal remarks, however unbecoming it may be.
So fella, stick to your own kind, whatever that means. If you really have such an interest in genetics, you should know that through genetic diversification man and all life forms (maybe even you) can evolve and adapt to the reality of life. Remember what happened when the Native Americans were confronted with simple European germs and viruses? Well, enjoy fishing in your drying gene-pool...
Gee and I thought the hatemongers wore least thats what MTV, CNN, and the AP and associates have been telling me my whole life...I guess I'd better rethink reality.
Yea. I guess you should.
"some are more equal than others" -Animal Farm
The pigs are up to their old tricks:
It's really pitiful...
OneFella4, what you are hating is what white women choose to have sex with other races. If you like really to insist on the purity of "White" gene, blame Your white women who have sex with other races, before blaming her parteners.
You are a neo nazi not only because you are a racist but also because you don't admit other person's choice even if the other person is the same race as you.
Parad0xx86, you keep saying "show me Muslims aren't wrong." which seems really pitiful to me. The issue is not who is wrong and who is right. What really matters is that no one can judge other person's choice against his own viewpoint. You sound like a person in the early modern era who had found alien cultures for the first time, which is really silly in this time.
I fairly understand most of people like his own race and have some natural nature to preserve the purity of his own race.
If you really like to live within your own little boundary, it is your choice, and so be it. However, you shouldn't force other people to do same thing as you do.
As a Korean, this some western people's talking about the geneitic purity is really funny, because, when science says genetically and ethnically and lingusitically Korean is one of the rece having the purest gene (which I don't care), most of western people say there is no pure gene.
Namely, they are trying to deny the genetic purity when saying about other races but in case of their own they insist they are "pure".
Does 'the Purity of Physical Gene' really matter if that destroies peace of the entire human race?
Isn't the belief in the "Purity" the same stupidity as some religious nonsense are?,_Germs,_and_Steel
Run along and come back when youve grown up.
yeah, western civilization is terrible. Indoor plumbing, modern medicine, air conditioning, et al. Terrible, absolutely terrible. To say nothing of the Aids medications and food exported to Africa over the past several decades.
most of us in this forum are familiar with how easy it is to criticize. What we aren't conditioned to accept in our profession or society is to be grateful for what we do have versus what we don't.
Western Civilization went post colonial post WWII and then morphed into the present post industrial a couple of decades ago. what guns, germs, and steel is missing, besides gratitude (the author might start by thanking Western Civilization for the gift of free speech and the printing press) is useful, probing insight into what the future actually holds (or more appropriately DOESN'T hold) for its inhabitants. Instead guns, germs, and steel is so predictably libertard in its documentation of the social theories that have crippled Western Civilization its downright nauseating. Kind of like taking beating a dead horse and preaching to the choir to a whole new unattained level.
If public tax money had been more appropriately expended PBS would have sponsored a television special highlighting the prophetic sociocultural vision of Pat Buchanan and what the future holds for a collapsing empire. The title might be Cheap Imported Toxic Crap from China, invading bed bugs from South of the Border, and mass miscegenation.
OMFG, OneFella, you are such a racist bigot. LOL. Your use of teenage internet lingo, however, really detracts from your arguments. LMAO. So why don't you go read a book, maybe on history or biology, or really anything not written by a grand dragon or "Mein Kampf".
ps. does anyone else think the neonazi on the right looks like Bono?
Lets say that a platoon of aliens arrives on the planet from a neighboring galaxy one day, taking mankind completely by surprise.
Option #1: everyone grabs their pitchforks and torches and determined to "git 'em" before they get us.
Option #2: everyone runs out and shacks up with the first non asexual version of the recently landed aliens they can find hoping to find peace through the maxim "make love, not war".
Option #2 is what the contemporary "wisdom" of the masses would propogate. Option #1 is what the doctrine of "preemptive strikes" would propogate. I submit that neither option is ideal. There should be some balance.
In the current state of affairs, given that the hippies of Western Civilization have taken ahold of the reins of public policy it shouldn't come as a surprise that the contemporary policy makers dictate that welcomming and making love to aliens is not only desireable but anything less is hateful self preservation.
This promulgation of option #2 as the only solution to the inevitableness of conflict is actually self hate, as its full implementation unwaveringly leads to self extermination and the supplantation of the original in favor of OTHER. Change is always good, all the time, right?
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