
critique my undergrad LA portfolio?


(see two links at bottom of page)

This is an abbreviated copy of my full portfolio to be posted online and emailed.

Feel free to comment on any and everything. Constructive criticism is appreciated.


May 26, 09 10:34 am


Sorry, the link takes you to the general search. If you'd like just type nothing and hit search, my name should be on the first page "Nick Aceto."

I'm going to need to find a better way of posting it here or somewhere. Eventually I may get it on my website, but I'm missing DW on this computer.


May 26, 09 10:39 am  · 

This is the login page...

May 26, 09 10:42 am  · 

even searching doesn't work.

May 26, 09 10:42 am  · 

Just put it on flickr, or something.

May 26, 09 10:56 am  · 


Put it up on flickr...view the set "digital portfolio" or here:

May 26, 09 11:44 am  · 
boots cats

Really nice graphics. Clean and simple, all that jazz. One criticism I have is that your text gets a little long-winded at times - do you really need to explain to people why sketching is important?

Your images are really strong though. I'm not going to try to critique LArch projects but you obviously know how to put together a compelling image. Some people are probably going to rip your work for being pretty New-Urbanist - and what about your urban design techniques are "unconventional?" To me it seems like a very solid, conservative scheme.

The content of each blurb is sort of erratic, especially when dealing with the hard facts about the project. You're very clear in stating that it took you two hours to sketch out those plans on 24" x 36" tracing paper [what brand?] but if you're going to talk about that, how long did it take you to do the renderings and the flashy diagrams? and what media did you use? Decide what information is important to include, and include it across the board.

You switch between third person, passive voice, and active voice when talking about your own involvement. Pick one [preferably not third person or passive voice] and stick with it.

This might not be a big deal, but consider disabling hyphenation. It's kind of annoying. Try justifying both sides of your text too - it's not a huge problem to have the ragged edge, but it might look better as a block of text.

Typo report:

pg8, third line from bottom, "its" instead of "it's". Second paragraph last sentence, "architectural character and land use WERE suggested by..."

pg20, "Superintendent" not "Superintendant". Names of seasons are not capitalized. Missing comma: "Bob Jones, Superintendent and Denargo resident[,] helps...."

pg30: "Anomalously" and not "anomolously", and I don't think that's the right word anyway.

pg32: Cardinal directions, same deal as seasons. Not capitalized.

pg33, 36: "Amphitheater", not "ampitheater"

pg40: "nation's most scenic..." rather than "nations most scenic"

pg62: Your text just cuts off in the middle of the word "team."

That being said, I really do like almost everything about it. Are you planning to use it for grad schools or jobs or what? Good luck.

May 26, 09 11:56 am  · 
boots cats

Thanks boots-very thorough analysis and I appreciate that truly!

I've already posted this online and at least one employer, though I don't think this is going to make or break me.

I think I made the common mistake of assuming no one is really going to read anything carefully anyway, so I didn't put much thought into the text-noted.

Honestly, I get annoyed when I see portfolios that list every image with software used and time taken. I can't put my finger on exactly why.

Thanks again for the comments..

May 26, 09 12:06 pm  · 

I'm using this for jobs as I just finished undergrad last week. Not sure on grad school, but it may be a few years if I do.

May 26, 09 12:08 pm  · 

Hey, cool portfolio - I really like your sketch quality, and coloring them is a great idea.

Is this for graduate school apps, or for employment?

May 26, 09 12:13 pm  · 

Leaps better than my undergrad portfolio back in the day.
That said - way too long. Are you putting this together for a job search or grad school? Totally different audiences.

Personally Id like to see you pick a few of your stronger projects and let them stand. Also, the sketches have a nice loose style, but don't make them so special. No need to isolate them on a page by themselves. Group more stuff together to tell the story.

Edit it down, make it a little more concise and I it would make it into my "interview" pile if we were looking for a an entry level.

Oh, and in the construction details - take out the sheet with the trash can and the tree planting sheet. Your first detail is showing me the height and width of a commercial trash can. Not cool.

May 26, 09 12:14 pm  · 


Thanks. I do have better cd detail sheets I can include. Somehow, in the maelstrom of portfolio design those were the sheets that made the cut.

This is actually my third compression attempt. I've left out at least half a dozen decent projects from this version. The print copy is 106 pages and still missing a fair amount of work. I figured if the file size is under 10 megs I might as well include as much as possible. Maybe not a good idea. I'm still kicking myself for the trash can detail..haha.

In some defense of the large sketches I thought it helped make it feel a bit more dynamic and emphasize my "loose" ability to sketch...or whatever. Some of those really loose sketches toward the beginning dont have the nicest edges either.

Ultimately, the last thing I wanted to do was make a really indesign-y layout that just looks plop and dropped...I hope this isn't that so much.

Thanks again..

May 26, 09 12:23 pm  · 

Seeing it as a pdf with facing spreads (as opposed to the single sheets in flkr) alleviates some of my concerns - but I still do think you can consolidate.

May 26, 09 12:25 pm  · 

anti et al-

any thoughts on the resume via asla?

May 26, 09 12:30 pm  · 

You should make it at least half as long. Put your best work in the beginning also. I looked through almost but not quite the entire thing because I am an unemployed architect sitting in my apartment in Berlin during a huge thunderstorm. I doubt any employer would look at more than 10-20 pages until they are either bored or decide to call you for an interview.

you also have some pages of full spread drawigns or images that don't really tell that much info. For instance you have a page that is just like an arial image with your site outlined. What is that telling me about your design skills? Also you don't need a full blank page as a title for each section.

I love the hand sketches...I am NOT a fan of the photoshop effect that makes some of the renderings look like a van Gogh painting or hand illustrated.

I also agree with a comment above about the text being long winded. Not to be mean but I would say some of the text is quite poor and takes away from the work.

what does the resume via asia mean?

May 26, 09 1:10 pm  · 

ASLA= American Society of Landscape Architects, as in the link I provided in the first post.

Honestly though, you 'almost' made it to the end?'

May 26, 09 2:00 pm  · 

sorry, i read ASLA as Asia (as in the continent).

As for making it to the end...I probably clicked through 60-75 pages. Some I looked at closely others i just skipped through. In general it was good, nice clean design. Just a bit too long

May 26, 09 2:07 pm  · 

I think it makes a big difference viewing it as spreads vs. single pages as anti stated. Now I gotta get outta here a while..

Thanks all for the constructive thoughts..

May 26, 09 2:09 pm  · 

this is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much for an undergrad ptf

get rid of some of the drawings / text that arent really doing anything (and theres a lot of it in ur ptf)

also, i dont like the choppy photoshop effect u put on some of ur drawings?photos?

May 27, 09 11:34 am  · 


What drawings are you talking about? Can you be more specific?

It's kind of difficult to cut work that took me so long, so do you mean 'get rid' as in trash or 'condense?'

Is any employer really going to toss the port aside because it was too long or is that generally due to the associated file size of long portfolios, in which case this one is under 10 megs? It would help to know your reasoning.


May 27, 09 2:17 pm  · 

I think it looks good. Nice clean images, white background, consistent graphics, and very nice sketches.

Very nice indeed! I bet you a nice clean cover and binding will just make it REALLY sing.

May 27, 09 2:27 pm  · 

Thanks med-

I've got a print copy of this already, bound with black spiral coil and card stock front and back covers. The full print version (for now) is 106 pages including the covers, but to me it seems quite brief, more so than it sounds, but maybe thats just me.

Realistically, I think I can bring this down to closer to 50 pages without feeling like I'm chopping it up too much. I just wonder why though if the file size is relatively small?

I'm going to get back on it tonight and get it on my website. Thanks forthe comments..there are some tough critics here, which is good.

May 27, 09 2:35 pm  · 

larch -

im not suggesting get rid of any single project per se, but perhaps some of the less important images

its not the file size that mattered to me. personally, i got bored of flipping through 70 flipping pages of shit that came out of ur grandma's nice hairy ass. maybe i'll have to up my dose of ritalin

jk - i just think its a little long, maybe cut it down to 50 pages at most? anyway dont mind me, im just an ass. if i were u i would take advice based on the average result of a sufficient aggregate number of researched authoritative sources


May 27, 09 2:39 pm  · 

Lar, even though people are saying it rather rudely - DO cut out some of the less flattering or redundant work. Maybe weed out a dozen pages or so?

SCREW SPIRAL BINDING. If you have a nice, long portfolio like this, publish it online with or a similar service. Get it soft-cover 'perfect bound.' Looks amazing.

May 27, 09 4:19 pm  · 


thx 4 the txt msgs.


May 27, 09 6:21 pm  · 

Hey LA,
Im in agreement with most people here that your abbreviated version is still too long... one thing id consider if i were you is to really test yourself... see if you can condense each project down to 5 pages. Once you've done that, use THAT condensed version for employers. Grad Schools will be much more lenient about length, but in general, 50 pages for a U Grad port is appropriate... id really try hard to stay around that number.

Beyond the length, its really strong. Miles better than the work i had from ugrad, your graphics are strong no mater if your a fan of the method or style. Sketches are great as well. Keep up the good work, and best of luck.

One other thing, for your work related portfolio, definitely include the detail drawings you say you have. Employers want to see competency first, especially if this will be your first career type job. Nice images will be great, but where you can really impress them is showing that you can handle detail drawings...

May 27, 09 6:53 pm  · 

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