
Hi all you fancy graphics lovers



please please please.....cant the chit chat carry on on part duex?

my fingers dont like going through 5 pages.

Apr 11, 05 5:31 pm  · 

well, that's easy

click on this discussion...

and then type a 400 here:

whenever Per brings this one to a 500-posts thread, then type 500, and so on..

though closing this one and continuing in the deux part would be better, me thinks...

Apr 11, 05 5:38 pm  · 

i must survive!

Apr 11, 05 5:43 pm  · 

far too high tech for me.

sound like paul should just add a 'magic' button....... last comment....... next to bottom of page

Apr 11, 05 5:56 pm  · 

threads are not usually this long. we might add a "last page" button or "go to page" option if more threads become long like this one... but for now all you fancy graphics lovers will have to use the trick that Medit just mentioned or just wade through the brilliance of the entire thread.

Apr 11, 05 6:07 pm  · 


Apr 11, 05 9:30 pm  · 
Per Corell


Realy I am much more into the actural practic process, sure a lot of the structures are exiting but more exiting is the process in providing the means -- that is where the real wonders refine , if the tools are not there how far can you get with a flat screen, what is relevant when you need to work the actural materials , why can't you get a 5 meter long guide for a heavy router, just attach it to your computer why can't you find 4 of these wouldn't it be nice if then you could just load the driver place the sheets and start build the actural thing. ------ offer me the mashin and I will create wonders you never emagined but realy ,do you think this don't ask a serious aproach , that any amature one who don't know how to sharpen a tool can perform anything, now you academics expect that beauty to come out of an acadamy you expece real beauty to come strait from school or as a sideeffect of social skills , if it was so show me one piece and I will show you a thousand that was brought with a compleat different aproach , one based on the practic experience.
A real wonder ask a true will ,today that ask you to develob all the means the method and to do that a high level of experience just to know what are the options --- well hand a student a hammer a saw and a hand plane then se what will be the result, then offer the same to someone with a life long experience and check out the difference.
Decide then what you want ; the artswork of the student or the artswork from someone who could develob the tools just to build the thing, what will be most valuble what will show most attitude.

Apr 12, 05 7:06 am  · 

Hi...Hi?.........HIEL!!!, I mean HI!!!!!!

Its time to close the Perhaus.

Apr 12, 05 10:26 am  · 
Per Corell

This call been up several times a few times I agrea but in the tread there are a few clues a lot of noise and I must agrea to, quite a bit great words small talk and nonsense, maby it is time to move on that's true but why is it this tread reached that number and on other boards reached double the numbers of visitors---- is it the call for new methods is there any need for such will the world be a better place with this unspoken beauty ,is it even possible to spark another view a different perception --- how can it be you Romans don't trust your own computers.

Apr 12, 05 10:51 am  · 

I think this thread has been a showcase for humorous discourse and sir per is an interesting personality. Unfortunately as to any real progress in perception of the built environment - not so much

I bid it farewell. Sadly. Reluctantly. I gotta go home and drink now.

Apr 12, 05 10:57 am  · 

3D-H is spreading!

Apr 12, 05 11:27 am  · 
Per Corell

I trust two things my eyes and my computer

Apr 12, 05 12:57 pm  · 
Pimp Minister Pete Nice

Per, are you hiring?

Apr 12, 05 2:20 pm  · 

Per, its not 3D-H that made this thread so popular with archinecters. I know you've worked hard, but don't give it that much credit.

"will the world be a better place with this unspoken beauty"
are we talking about the same thing here? you gotta show us different renderings than the ones that you're showing us here if you're going to call it beautiful...

Apr 12, 05 2:45 pm  · 

And if theres one thing I learned from the CareBears Movie, its to trust your own heart...

Apr 12, 05 2:46 pm  · 
Per Corell

The call is for new tools they are the only thing that will give the new jobs, did shaping the forms doing the design ever create as much as a new method ? Please consider that "creating" can be many things and I wonder what artist would call out for a patent on beauty. Anyway Im'e lucky Im'e a designer not an architect.

Apr 12, 05 3:05 pm  · 

but architects are designers...

Apr 12, 05 3:11 pm  · 
Per Corell

a-f I guess you know that if I use that picture I would step my own line, I would do so to protect the property of intelectural rights, still you know my attitude ,I am bound to do just that this is what I do what I can.
Still this picture are so persaving that you realy are attracted to misusing it, when putting away so much as I had to put away, to progress my visions about how to make computers make decent housing ; over time my wish for this new method is not to se fancy forms rather than nice cheap houses and the impac a new method will transfuse architecture.
Please tell a bit more about that picture.

Apr 12, 05 3:15 pm  · 

It's the Son-O-House in Son, Holland, by Lars Spuybroek (better known as NOX) - completed in May last year.

Apr 12, 05 3:34 pm  · 
Per Corell


Guess you all are interested in the issue of intelectural property, the fact that an invention can be the result of years of efford and sacrifise , that the one who do a serious work and develob something new also deserve the credit as why shuld anyone develob these things that we all will profit from ,spend his or her life on something that is maby the only think he or she can do .As while artists are many sorts and arts is something that reflect our inner values and wishes , I reached the point I forseen the point where the concept I been progressing for so many years and can document ,is used in an application where the method this new tool with no doubt, is what bring the spetacular aproach .
Di you find it fair from the architectural community, that someone real skilled spend 12 years progressing a fantastic idea, and then when someone who are bound to have seen the concept on the web, in one of the various groups, just publish a concept that with no doubt is a 3D/Honeycomb structure, and that then not one single word, is vasted mentioning that the idea are borrowed from some poor danish guy, who don\t profit from the academic rights in the academic circles.

Do you find this, that with the new regulations about patents and intelectural property must be described as a "loan" fair, without giving the credit that shuld be a natural thing for this sort of innovation.

With the last picture a-f added, there can be no doubt that "this is possible" but mark my words when I talk about how dameaging it can be, to "loan" the concept without one line of credit to the guy who suffered to develob it, --- as these people totaly forget the multible applications where this will be the fantastic tool of the new architecture, and in that contect, must the new architecture be based on property taken without giving any credit whatso ever ?

Now I beg for your reply, --- will it be the right thing to ask you all to mail this studio and tell that there are a thing called intelectural property and that Mr. Corell never asked anything but a bit fairness and to have his name mentioned now his method seem so perfectly shaped to make anything in this project ,that is not sound.

Is it to much to ask the board -- will the members even care about intelectural property ,would _you_ if you worked for 20 years ontop had an autistic child and a family , was not able to work with anything but your art would you trust, that all you nice people would mail this studio and tell that they forgot a very important thing ?

Apr 13, 05 3:39 am  · 
Carl Douglas (agfa8x)

... this is pure gold. you could not MAKE this stuff up.

Apr 13, 05 6:30 am  · 
Per Corell


I can do many things, I can take the consequense be realistic and make sure the world forever remember I could do it in that spot make sure you academics forever know that real artists take life serious the way they leave it

Apr 13, 05 6:42 am  · 
Carl Douglas (agfa8x)

Why don't you like academics, Per?
Academics are just people who have spent time learning about their subject.
Its OK that you haven't had any professional training.
Its not OK that you refuse to listen to criticism.
Why aren't you glad that Spuybroek has demonstrated that your idea can work?
I think it is because you don't care about architecture, only your own name.

Apr 13, 05 6:49 am  · 

per for you, anything, just post the name and address of these romans and i'll email them and INTERPOL. if you must know, i have a call into CNN too.

Apr 13, 05 7:16 am  · 


For the record, I would like to point out that I told you about NOX's work and gave you their website earlier in the adventure that has become this thread.

This just seems to say to me that you failed to research your 3D-H system and the fact that it has been and continues to be used outside of your investigations. Its not a drastically new or inventive system (as has been pointed out by many people on this thread), so I don't see why you are so surprised that other people are actually building with it.

Apr 13, 05 9:09 am  · 

Oh no, it seems as if you'd have to sue Pier Luigi Nervi too! Problem is, he's been dead for almost ten years!

Apr 13, 05 9:52 am  · 
Per Corell

Look closer you will not be able to cut an assembly slot in same isometric vise direction a-f. We dissussed this graphic before it show that the concept partvise been tried before but there are a great difference producing a structure from standard elements oposed the concept to slice any shape , look at the far end do the sections follow the slice direction no. Ofcaurse you will find such structure but do the notches point in same direction --- well before computers it would be silli.
Beside this discussion suddenly changed from oppoments saying that "this is impossible -- do you remember ? --- back to "ell this is done by hand how can you say it's never done with computers before you said it could 12 years ago ; we did take another step, hopefully with the next step we cover the intelectural claims I made with each post.

Apr 13, 05 10:04 am  · 

Yes yes, I am pulling your leg a little, I admit! Nervi was the master of concrete shell structures, and not CNC-cut steel plates. My original critique was this: 3D-H is nothing new, you only make a strange 45 degree rotation to create additional assemblage problems. 3D-H is not cheaper than any other system, it will not rid the world of global unemployment. 3D-H is not a universal blob-detail problem solver (if you look at the Son-O-House, it has no climate barrier, but is covered by a fine mesh).

Anyway, I wish you the best in your continued script-experimenting (I really mean it), but try to "look outside the honeycomb".

Apr 13, 05 10:14 am  · 
Per Corell

Please let me refrase ;

a-f is what you say, that if you find an example done by "hand" , as in this picture beside with sections that do not point in the same direction, that this in any respect can be the same, as slicing in same direction to make a general assembly is the same . ----- I also seen such structures where untill you look closer "think" that this is the same concept, but it never is reson is obvious if you done it the tradisional way, as then you look to place the "ribs" pointing as in a compas as the direction of the arms in a clock ,in tradisional construction this is good sense but it is a compleatly different aproach than what you would do making all assembly slots fit the way 3D-H is based on. --- I do not question the integrety of that structure in that picture, but please don't use one technike to unprove another and in particular please don't refere such equal structure that btw. are those that most often show most common angles with 3D-H, it is different look closer it is thought different ask for the computer, it is percepted different where are the curves the actural nice side effects to be able to free form.

Apr 13, 05 10:19 am  · 
Per Corell

Thanks --- You mention the real limitation but realy I do not find that as bad ; this is a new world of possibiolties , the mesh I find a nice option as it invite to develobing new materials but, I must thank you still this is a one step at a time thing and I find the discussion progressed a mile with these pictures ---- again please don't forget the multible applications you se even those dutch seem rude enough they don't claim to have develobed the concept and again as you know there are so many fantastic applications , I just want to point to the fact, that maby the real gain beside making Solid modeling work, is all the possible refinement as you know I must keep things simple.

Apr 13, 05 10:26 am  · 

I see, and Son-O-House: a blatant rip-off ??????????????

Apr 13, 05 10:29 am  · 
Per Corell


No I invite to use this method but these are modern times, it would be nice though with a bit credit and when I look at Son-o-House I think it strange that there are no references this thing is suddenly just here after decades of stupid computer meshes, beside develobing this you get confused by the many options these people keep talking about the least important thing the music and the movement that was also the issue just a few years ago but as a dead end.
Do you follow --- there are a new role for the artist, guess why I poured graphic on the web. You know I am not protected as the acadic that come strait out of school and as I spended a few years at the acadamy I know you get robbed, but I think I did enough to prove the intelectural ownership --- that thing that most contries signed about the new copyright regulations. So no it's proberly not a rib-off just common way as things allway's worked at arts schools.

Apr 13, 05 10:41 am  · 
Per Corell

Or --- why was it that after 20 years with computer meshes, and after I published load after load, made discussion after discussion, that someone suddenly strait out of school show an attitude that othervise havn't shown the past 20 years --- untill I after years of hard work suddenly had it. Please se it like this that if you realy develobed a method like this, you would realy not focus on the music, as with the need that driven this you would focus tightly on the multible options in that particular new direction , you would brag a new form language you would not take it as an unimportant side effect when just that make the whole impression.

Apr 13, 05 10:48 am  · 
Per Corell

What I say is that time will tell and when it show it will show how things worked . For you and me it is no news for you proberly aswell as for me it seem rude it show an unplesant respect even for me it point out an arogance I know, but there are leads I dig deeper into ,papers that was not returned vice versa.

Apr 13, 05 10:53 am  · 

Straight out of school? NOX has been around since 1991. Look at their website a little bit better before writing such nonsense.

Apr 13, 05 10:54 am  · 
Per Corell

Yes I know the concept it did grow with a bit structure , it is not the same I-unit and metaphors like when architecture was way more theoretic it realy add up when there are an actural structure and not just the same old theories that did not bring anything but new theories. You guy's know much more about these things than I, still it is quite new isn't it ?
Just last year what I said was pure nonsense glad I allway's was prepared to show my work years before. Now why not show some attitude , why show just _that_ attitude, can anyone realy respect that attitude , I never needed any exchouse why do the guy who steal a bike allway's have one?
Can it realy be right when it is wrong , where do you think things end without etics. Have you realy given it a thought what you progress, as if you did don't blame anyone if you lose your bike, your car your house as if intelectural property is not respected what is the next step ? --- Why btw. do you think that sort of property is now protected.
It is becaurse it don't come natural to anyone of us, bad in fact isn't it, or would you say no not bad , lets go rob and use any exchouse ,why is it it allway's ask an exchouse why do people think you get anything but exactly what you put into it, "you get what you pay" "what come easy go easy" isn't hat how it allway's was --- why do you wish that for architecture ?

Apr 13, 05 11:12 am  · 
Per Corell

BTW --- looked at their webside before and after 3D-H was suddenly there, Or I guess I have as realy I reconise the same black and white with tiny tiny letters , flickering links that don't work a special concept that allway's made me wonder if the graphic impression is more important or realy must stand out so wierd and flickering ---- I can't say I followed all links, a few overlap , then disapear when you want to click them only a few links work and the screen look like some apple mismatch , anyway I realy think they shuld check the site on a PC realy there are a lot of strange behaviour , yes I know the style of webpage I seen it before.

Apr 13, 05 11:18 am  · 

anyone have connections to NOX? I would love to hear their reply to this!

come on lucky 500!

Apr 13, 05 11:25 am  · 
Per Corell

I am quite sure danish architecture center have, they never realy liked danes.

Apr 13, 05 11:31 am  · 
Per Corell

Sorry post posted by accident

Apr 13, 05 11:37 am  · 
Per Corell


Why isn't the important issue "when" and why. Why do you think the process develobing a tool, the need for one is not important.
This whole matter is about who poured out the concept when and in what concept, and if you think about it, how "thick" is the amount of thought put forth about the issue, how much talk about it for how many years, why don't they find it fantastic to build this and that, why only this application it is as if there are no real method just a new gadged, and such thing will never be just a new gadged for the one who put real efford into it, -- please ask yourself when this was published and by whom , not if you like one better than the other that's not fair.

Apr 13, 05 11:50 am  · 
Per Corell

Anyway this discussion just progressed a mile please don't forget what you called me before, --- what happened with the old claims why do the discussion now deal with if "loan" is allright or not, offcaurse it is, you just pay some respect show some decent attitude , allow another nice guy some credit as that is proberly what you expect yourself. Realy my best ansver is , who was there first who's words indicate an insight work, what words reflect attitude rather than investigating new options develobing new way's --- that's what I talk.

Apr 13, 05 11:56 am  · 
Per Corell

Please maby this is a matter of a process, that better means are made in the actural process --- don't think I say 3D-H is the ever to be mean, but danm develobing on tor ,will requier some attitude you folks maby but not lame dutch ; eh except the bright ones offcaurse. As I quote we just had one another one in copenhagen Dutch are usealy nice behaviour but may I ask ,don't you Romans have your own oppinion or is Frensh not in fasion anymore ? Take the next step it worry me that again you progressed wisdom, seen that "this work" , soon there are another claim just like that, now if you can lie you are a hero ,realy ?
All along I been hoping for some honesty see, I don't mind nice things to be formed in 3D-Honeycomb, no it's the other and ugly thing I question ------- I put it short ; why do you Romans now equaly prefere danes zor dutch , realy think the nasionality will change your perception ? well it will either you forget about the things you can put ontop make nice houses, but stiffen. Othervise you open your mind and realise what just happened, --- true Dutch can flower up a sad world, when doing it with the right means I shuld not vorry, but do it provide just a bit bread, You nicely forget the call for strong cheap structures, as argued in this fora ,then the problem is not if it can be build my reson for being your peception, REALY ROMANS can't you read your own words ? now you learned me that. been there know that don't vorry dutch are quite friendly they build halve the world but so did svedes and danes --- check the vision mine are the options the actural tools, I talk about these I focus beauty or rather the option of in your hands that is what I shown, what the dutch show, beside this very one design, think he make you a better deal not true. My perception of architecture, don't it make sense it do meet a respond ,and it is important what it contain, what do you expect me to say ?

Apr 13, 05 12:36 pm  · 


Apr 13, 05 12:39 pm  · 


Apr 13, 05 12:41 pm  · 
Per Corell

Ever heard about that Arts shuld be a difficult thing ? I just realised again , beauty was the call am I right ?
That case geometric shapes would be more exiting than organics ,even don't give it up ,you can make square rooms in organic shapes, I would hope for more of that skill , emagine it realy work, wouldn't a flexible point of view be more mature, than one sample of performed arts .
For me Art is difficult, guess you get what you pay.

Apr 13, 05 12:48 pm  · 

anyone know how many of the posts in this thread are by Per?

Apr 13, 05 1:18 pm  · 
Per Corell

Not much most is about Romans,

Apr 13, 05 1:41 pm  · 
Oana S.


Apr 13, 05 3:49 pm  · 
Carl Douglas (agfa8x)

there is no way 3d-h is cheap. build something at full scale out of 16mm steel plate and tell me how much it costs.

per, stop mistaking your ignorance for a struggle against conformism.
You accuse people of stealing your ideas, and you don't even bother to find out anything about them. I know they have architecture libraries in Denmark: why don't you visit one and research your idea? Or do you think the academics might get you.

I don't think you care about architecture at all.
You just want everyone to worship you.

Apr 13, 05 4:27 pm  · 

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