
Sarah Palin???


yes but MArch did you catch the obama interview -- i just watched it and -- i actually thought it was great. who knew that obama and o'reilly could agree on a few different foreign policy issues??

o'reilly did his trademark "i'm gonna make sure you answer exactly the question i asked" no spin zone style interruptions sometimes, but he actually let obama explain himself, which i think he did in an intelligent RELATEABLE way -- i think some people in the fox news viewership who are o'reilly fans might see things differently b/c of this?

who knows, but i think it was a great interview. (part one of three or four, i think)

Sep 4, 08 9:23 pm  · 
MArch n' unemployed

yeah i watched it mfrech, and i agree with you...although you mean i have to tune into this guy 3 more times? ugh.

he interviewed a woman before obama came on regarding the US weekly story about palin and they both bitched about how it was unfair reporting in regards to palin. apparently referring to obama as osama is fair - no spin there. i don't get how people watch this crap all day long

Sep 4, 08 9:27 pm  · 

haha, that's how they getcha! sort of like back a few months ago with john mccain wanting to do ten-thousand town hall chats w/ obama just so he can piggyback off his popularity, hehe.

ugh that US weekly stuff was the worst! stupid megyn kelly or whatever her name is, they argued it was misleading because some people just might get their news from US weekly. US WEEKLY!

fox news is poison...some nights though, i'll get drunk with my brother and watch it for hours and hours...except since we don't have tivo, i can't pause it to debunk what they just said every 2 seconds. that's my one regret in life, hehe.

Sep 4, 08 9:32 pm  · 
MArch n' unemployed

there is a drinking game waiting to be created with that may be on to something

Sep 4, 08 9:44 pm  · 

the drinking game w/ fox is to do a shot every time there is a graphic w/ an american flag, or they mention the word liberal.

because there is no such thing as a moderate.


Sep 4, 08 10:03 pm  · 

um, what's with the top gun music?

i crashed 5 planes! woot woot!

Sep 4, 08 10:04 pm  · 

haha you must have forgotten holz, they're "fair and balanced" --therefore, moderates = liberals, and liberals, well...they're commie socialist fascists!

Sep 4, 08 10:06 pm  · 

Oh yay, more war speak. War rocks!!!!

Sep 4, 08 10:07 pm  · 

john's life was spared! oh dear god... this is lame, and i come from a frickin military family.

Sep 4, 08 10:07 pm  · 

But holz it was God's will.

Sep 4, 08 10:12 pm  · 

know what you find in a dank cell?

Sep 4, 08 10:12 pm  · 

"change from strength" (and fighter jet montages)

i dunno about that. i think he should talk about his POW experience more. wow, all this "when you've lived in a box" presentation now that the lights have dimmed is pretty ridiculous. if you want to honor that sacrifice don't exploit it for political gain. wowee.

Sep 4, 08 10:13 pm  · 

he looks so happy!

Sep 4, 08 10:13 pm  · 

yeah, that fighter jet was an f-16, flown by the air force, not the navy...

Sep 4, 08 10:14 pm  · 

dude, cindy's worth $100,000,000 and her hair looks like... well... yeah. time for a run.

Sep 4, 08 10:15 pm  · 

is he behind a green screen? i want more colbert report montages.

Sep 4, 08 10:16 pm  · 

oh hell yes!

Sep 4, 08 10:16 pm  · 

struggling to get the standing ovation for w...

Sep 4, 08 10:17 pm  · 

I'm loving the shots of the protester.

Sep 4, 08 10:18 pm  · 
MArch n' unemployed

two questions:

1. how can i get one of those elephant hats - my dog could always use a new toy to piss on
2. how can i get one of those "drill baby drill" t-shirts

Sep 4, 08 11:02 pm  · 
vado retro

jim lehrer sounds like a total tool...

here comes the confetti...its multicolored

here come the balloons

those fireworks aren t real they are on the screen...


how come they're playing barracuda instead of magic man????

Sep 4, 08 11:10 pm  · 

That's got to be the most underwhelming presidential speech I think I've ever heard. I almost fell asleep.

Sep 4, 08 11:11 pm  · 
vado retro

i reiterate that if the dems lose i am moving to another country.

Sep 4, 08 11:16 pm  · 

it wasn't a speech, it was a bio.

meat and potatoes, substance... wtf are you for?

you really expect to win on an issue-less platform?

Sep 4, 08 11:16 pm  · 
MArch n' unemployed

i appreciate what mcCain went through in vietnam and i appreciate his service for this country, but the doesn't it take something away the more and more this story gets politicized? personally im getting tired of it

Sep 4, 08 11:20 pm  · 

MArch 06, how dare you that man is a POW and his running mate is raising a down syndrome baby we know all you hippie liberals would have aborted.

John our christian soldier and Sarah Our Lady of Alaska will rule this country with God's justice on their side.

Sep 5, 08 1:18 am  · 
MArch n' unemployed

sorry, that post was god's will

Sep 5, 08 1:30 am  · 
MArch n' unemployed

OK, i just turned on cnn and i just saw something despicable. the republicans actually produced a short film with footage of 9/11. those fear mongering fucks!

Sep 5, 08 1:43 am  · 
sorry, that post was god's will

holy sh*t, I laughed out loud at this for a few minutes!

You guys are so great. Thanks for keeping me posted on all the TV that I can't watch. I have a pretty weak stomach so I'd rather not tempt fate.

The sad part is, I actually don't think McCain is a terrible person. I've agreed with him a few times over the years, but I think that in order to get the support of the party, he basically had to sell his soul to the devil, ahem, or Rove. (Sometimes I picture Rove like Saddam Hussein hanging out with the devil, like on South Park ... hee hee, sorry). But yeah, point being, I think they basically said, you have to let us run things this way or else we won't support you. Ironically, placing his campaign in the hands of the very people who screwed up the country to begin with - well, I think it will be his downfall.

That video brought a tear to my eye.

Yay time for the Daily Show again! That show was probably the main reason I didn't leave the country in 2004.

Sep 5, 08 1:56 am  · 
MArch n' unemployed

wonderK this is not the mcCain of 2000....not even close

Sep 5, 08 1:57 am  · 

Yeah, I know. It's sad, isn't it? I almost feel sorry for him. Almost.

Sep 5, 08 1:58 am  · 
MArch n' unemployed

it is sad. i wanted gore to pick mcCain back in 2000 so badly. it was a pipedream at the time, but man that would have made so much sense. but ultimately he's a puppet now of the karl rove machine.

Sep 5, 08 2:04 am  · 

given the heavy emphasis at the RNC on John McCain's military story, perhaps there needs to be a new campaign slogan:

John McCain - 'Prisoner of War - Again'

john mccain's stated vow to "end partisan rancor" has been overwhelmed by the new cultural war being waged by the GOP and its operatives. it is clear that by the end of the RNC convention John McCain may be their candidate, but the party does not belong to him - he is a prisoner to the party. the party now holds John McCain and his "maverick streak" hostage to a Bush_Cheney_Rove attack that uses every tactic it perfected over the last 12 years to create dissension and partisan divide. the US america vs. the THEM america.

this is the saddest thing to emerge out of the convention - the stealing away from John McCain of any moral authority to act as a true uniter. not only did he look older and more frail than ever before, but you could sense that he knows he has lost control of the party and that they (the Cheney-Roves) will now use Sarah Palin, Guilliani and others to re-ignite the war of separation based on personal beliefs. no policies, no solutions, no future - just fear and loathing.

John McCain has just been put back into a very dirty prison cell.

Sep 5, 08 3:59 am  · 

Republican VP Candidate

Sep 5, 08 4:45 am  · 
vado retro

my friends i am going to change that do nothing congress, of which i have been a member for 22 years...change my friends.

Sep 5, 08 9:34 am  · 
that's right my friends, change. "change you can belie--er--change we think you'll think is just plain swell."
Sep 5, 08 9:39 am  · 

decision 08: you pick the changemonger

Sep 5, 08 9:39 am  · 

TOM BROKAW: But the fact is, governor, that you have had eight years of a bush administration and a lot of Republicans in Congress for the last eight years, so why wouldn't the american people say, look they had their shot we're going to change?

TOM RIDGE: Because John Bush - because John McCain is very much his own man...

Sep 5, 08 10:10 am  · 

im trying to watch the O'reily and obama interview from yesterday but all i can find on you tube is part 1 of 4...

anyone want to post the links of the full interview??


Sep 5, 08 10:15 am  · 

do you really want to vote for someone who grins at the chant, "drill baby, drill?"

Sep 5, 08 10:18 am  · 

for some reason, (maybe to keep it from taking too much attention away from the RNC's big finale) the interview is going to be shown over four nights. last night was part 1, and next monday, tuesday and wednesday are parts 2, 3 and 4.

Sep 5, 08 10:25 am  · 

one of my uberconservative friends (a true fox news and billO fanboy)said that obama looked good during last night's part of the interview only because he never disagrees with anything on camera.

but that would mean he's violating a major tenet of the rigidly enforced "no-spin zone"...wouldn't it? no way that infallibill would allow such disrespect, therefore, he must have been straightforward with mr. bill.

Sep 5, 08 10:27 am  · 

ohhh, ok... that explains it... thanks mfrech

Sep 5, 08 10:27 am  · 

i think we should be asking ourselves why anyone of us ever liked McCain even back in 2000. We like to sound intelligent and informed here, so why would we fall for this warmongering ass even back then? I mean, he was still virulently anti-choice, favored a regressive tax structure, expanding American imperialism, and so on. The John McCain of 2008 is largely the same John McCain we saw in 2000, and fortunately we're not falling for it again. Did anyone hear on Fresh Air yesterday that the "mavrick" [sic] (as misspelt on a sign in the Xcel center) was never really a maverick, whatever that means anyway?

Sep 5, 08 10:59 am  · 

Hell they just want to call him a Maverick cause he is from Arizona. Well not really....His Wife is from Arizona. I think it brings back memories in the older generation of the real Maverick Barry Goldwater. He actually was taking Military Jets up and Flying them when he was a Senator....and no one said Jack about it until he was out of politics. He just wanted to be sure those F-16's were working properly.

Sep 5, 08 12:06 pm  · 

for those saying palin his hot... ur a couple decades to late.. that vag is as wide as the grand canyon after 5 kids.. so unless ur hung like a sperm whale.. get over it.. my voice could echo in that thing.

Sep 5, 08 12:09 pm  · 
liberty bell

FLM, I don't recall McCain being "virulently anti-choice" in 2000.

The whole Straight-Talk thing was big and new then, too - he seemed genuine, he was reaching out to the people, he was bucking standard practice, etc. When I read, a year ago, David Foster Wallace's account of the campaign from onboard the bus, I realized I had been as naive as anyone in believing it.

I feel I need to say here that I have voted Republican two times that I can recall. I try to vote on people not parties.

So I have the same "belief" in Obama that I had for McCain in 2000 - though I feel much more strongly that Obama is genuine than I ever did McCain. McCain in 2000 was interesting and appealing to me - if he'd gotten the nomination, I can't say if I would have voted for him or not.

Sep 5, 08 12:15 pm  · 
liberty bell

nerdy shut the fuck up. That's completely inappropriate and ignorant.

Sep 5, 08 12:16 pm  · 
MArch n' unemployed

wait, not comments on john bush? that's amazing. this party is full of douches

Sep 5, 08 12:19 pm  · 

i hear the electorate voters are in the top 5% , that explains so much....

Sep 5, 08 12:41 pm  · 

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