
What straight people think about gays


this will be a fun one. Let's go nuts.

Jun 26, 08 2:32 pm

i find this quite inappropiate.

Jun 26, 08 2:45 pm  · 

but less inappropriate than the derailing of EnemyHands's former thread

Jun 26, 08 2:54 pm  · 

Did you see the title on his last thread!? I mean c'mon.

Jun 26, 08 2:56 pm  · 

depends on the people

Jun 26, 08 3:01 pm  · 
el jeffe

i dunno.

but i do know what i think about people who post ridiculously generalized questions in an attempt to be provocative without providing their opinion.

Jun 26, 08 3:41 pm  · 

yeah seriously get a job

Jun 26, 08 3:48 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Guys, Enemy wasn't trying to be provocative, he was trying to give people a place to do what they were doing on his serious thread.

Jun 26, 08 4:08 pm  · 

See to me, this thread titles sounds more serious that his last one.

Jun 26, 08 4:09 pm  · 

gays are like women in their menopause...

Jun 26, 08 5:00 pm  · 

what makes "gay" masculine?

Anyway what does a person's sexual orientation have to do with what I think about them, unless it is that I or they are attracted to the other person. Otherwise aren't they as important or insignificant as everyone else?

Jun 26, 08 5:56 pm  · 

I am a "feminine" male. At least i like the ladies.

I suppose that means i like gays? I have known a few.

Jun 26, 08 6:06 pm  · 

why doesn't the title have 'white' in it???

Jun 26, 08 6:15 pm  · 

"Let's go Nuts"
Was that pun intended?

Jun 26, 08 6:27 pm  · 
el jeffe

and now a reading form the holy gospel according to tommy lee jones,

"a person is smart, people are stupid."


Jun 26, 08 6:28 pm  · 


Jun 26, 08 6:45 pm  · 
el jeffe
Jun 26, 08 7:04 pm  · 

More important what do I think the former gov of ny was doing with her?


Jun 26, 08 7:08 pm  · 

I knew I would blow pun intended..

Jun 26, 08 7:09 pm  · 

I hope he was making his country if not his family proud

Jun 26, 08 9:28 pm  · 

I am straight (female) but I know alot of people who are gay, lesbian, a few bisexual and even a transvestite. I don't think about those people in terms of thier sexuality any more than I think about anyone else I meet based on sexuality, unless I was attracted to them, and gay males tend to remind me of my brother... and who is attracted to thier brother? My brother is one of my favorite people and so is his partner, but I don't like them any more or less because they are gay. All though they seem to have a much better social network than I do because they are involved in an alliance and, lets face it, my little brother is just that much more outgoing than I am.

My husband wasn't as comfortable about the idea of homosexuality as I was, but he has gotten very comfortable with my brother and his partner. It seems to me that the gay people I know who have less problems being accepted by thier communities are those who don't get defensive about it. Its just something about him, not a choice he feels he has to defend against attack. Its not negotiable after all. This thread was started as a way to curb the derailing in the other thread, but it would be nice if we could have the discussion without the animosity or the feelings of animosity that seem to be going around.

Jun 26, 08 9:57 pm  · 

There is a right way and a wrong way to really evoke conviviality and/or intelligence in a has much to do with charisma and the way one poses the subject matter just right.,..

sensitivity to the content might also be a good thing to consider...

oh but yes, I luuuuuuuuv gay people ...wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Jun 26, 08 9:57 pm  · 

why would anybody be uncomfortable?

i like to kiss males. cool, right?

Jun 26, 08 10:14 pm  · 

My Brother showed me my first Swank magazine in 1978. There was a Spread called 'Sprat Man and Throbin'....There were, of course, pictures of Naked good looking men screwing Hot chicks. I was immediately drawn to the women - he didn't coach me or tell me what to look at - it was natural. I haven't stopped appreciating the beauty I saw in every curve and crease of that beautiful female form. What do I think about gays? I think they felt the same way about the Dude...and I have nothing to offer beyond that. I do, however have a daughter as a result of my 'preference' and it is the greatest gift a person can ask for, and she embodies the perpetuation of that joy.
I have alot of gay friends that I love and I would never question their preference, nor would I rub their nose in 'it' to prove a point or to see how much they hate 'it'. Their loss. No Harm done.

Jun 26, 08 11:19 pm  · 

why can't we make fun of gay ppl? we make fun of interior designer, contractor, client here rite? why discriminate gay ppl?

Jun 26, 08 11:23 pm  · 

i think if u see them as any other beings, u wouldn't need to be hypersensitive about this issue...

seems like only gay can make fun of gay these days.

Jun 26, 08 11:35 pm  · 

so a gay guy, a straight female, and a bi-sexual walk into a bar

and that was the first transvestite

i'll be here all nite.....

Jun 26, 08 11:51 pm  · 

The weird reactions on this thread are surprising, I always thought architecture was a pretty queer friendly profession.

Jun 27, 08 1:55 pm  · 

I guess I'm not disturbed by anyone's sexual orientation because most of my female friends are bi sexual, I've lived next to two openly gay men for 7 years, two of the 5 of my regular dinner partners are it seems as natural as divorce does to other people.

Gay, straight, transgender - whatever, as long as you have rights, you vote, pay taxes, I could care less who you boink in the middle of the night/ or on the streets.

Jun 27, 08 1:56 pm  · 

There's a gay bar in town that some of my gay friends told me never to enter without a gay chaperone. They said the "tourist" gay bars are fine and I wouldn't be hit on there.

I want to start a "straight" bar where gay people feel uncomfortable. Where I could tell my gay friends they should have a hetro person chaperone them to guard against playboy models harassing them.

Jun 27, 08 2:06 pm  · 

Ooh, that'll teach 'em, aquapura.

Seriously, what exactly is the big deal here?

Jun 27, 08 2:15 pm  · 

1/2 the men i know have shit dick
and every girl i know is bi

Jun 27, 08 2:24 pm  · 

i have a lot of sympathy for gay and lesbian friends since they always get discriminated. i don't think that is going to stop anytime soon either.

this current article is just too funny and perfect for this thread and i couldn't pass it up.,straight-men-get-it-in-the-end,471422,15.html

Jun 27, 08 3:20 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Wow, thats quite the article, Orhan.

Jun 27, 08 4:23 pm  · 

that article is more support for the 'there is no gender preference' theory.

some people just don't want kids are are not ok with sexism.

Jun 27, 08 4:24 pm  · 

Apurimac, "Queer" is a word that, well, queers, have reclaimed from the realm of insults to address a broad range of orientations at once. As someone who self-identifies as, speficically, Queer, I did not see anything remotely insult-attracting about the previous thread - it didn't strike me as odd or calling for any response but "Yes! Me!" until I read the damn thing and got kind of appalled, even knowing perfectly well that threads on Archinect often dissolve into the sandbox.

Why do you have such a problem with the word, or think that its use automatically warrants derision and can't be serious? The Q in LGBTQIA is for Queer.

Jun 27, 08 8:24 pm  · 

in asia i always feel that gays in the design field has more privileges than straight... they never being yelled by the boss in the office, client thinks that they are more trendy so can do interior design better, women likes to bring them home etc....

Jun 27, 08 9:35 pm  · 

Indifferent; unless provoked into making a comment by someone who insists on parading it to be the one and only outstanding quality in his/her identity.

Jun 27, 08 9:44 pm  · 

e.g. someone who isn't an assimilationist?

Jun 28, 08 10:29 am  · 

Sufaces, the word queer dosent offend me, nor does, fag, homo, nigger, spic, wop, dago, kike, dyke, cracker, honkey, wetback, gook, chink, jap or any other word used in reference to a single group of people. There's a time and a place to use these words and thread titles for serious threads are usually not the place. If someone came on the forum saying "Where my niggers at?", or "Any niggers in here?" as a serious forum topic he would be flamed for it or the thread would get hijacked, or both.

Jun 28, 08 1:52 pm  · 

When a queer person tells you that the word "Queer" IS in fact a perfectly acceptable word to use in any particular context, you should listen to them.

Queer is the ONLY word that I would have thought to use, had I been the one to initiate the discussion. That was the whole point of what I said. I did not mention anything about whether or not you are offended. I was talking about your (wrong) assumption that "Queer" is inappropriate for a serious, reasonable discussion.

Jun 28, 08 2:25 pm  · 

Also, a pretty good rule of thumb is:
If you're using a questionable term as if it's an insult or slur, then it is.
If you aren't, then it isn't. (Descriptor vs. Insult.)

When you actually read the thread and it's clear that the person who started the topic is not queerbashing anyone or making a joke but instead looking to see if they can tap into or build a community of queers within the profession... then it's pretty safe to assume that they were serious. I'm just baffled by why the people here were incapable of seeing this immediately and respecting it, other than that, hey, it's Archinect, and snark is the order of the day.

Jun 28, 08 2:34 pm  · 

Point taken

Jun 28, 08 2:34 pm  · 

"the word queer dosent offend me, nor does, fag, homo, nigger, spic, wop, dago, kike, dyke, cracker, honkey, wetback, gook, chink, jap or any other word used in reference to a single group of people. There's a time and a place to use these words"

uh, could you elaborate on the appropriate time and place to use these words (as one who was just lectured on another thread by the enlightened antisthenes that "the language that we use matters").

Jun 28, 08 2:56 pm  · 

The context, is just as, if not more, important than the content.

Jun 28, 08 3:03 pm  · 

well, the only context i can think of where most of those words would not be offensive to the person or group of people they are thrown at is in reporting of its use, as in "hey did you hear that guy call the lady a spic(wop, dago, kike etc.)? or an article telling about its use in a situation. or in a context where the word itslelf is being discussed (its origin, etc.). other than that, the use of those words, especially if considered a slur by the particular group of people, are mosty offensive.

Jun 28, 08 4:02 pm  · 

i was called insurgent by cameron sinclair. i was not offended. i was called terrorist before 9/11 many times but that word became absolute no-no now. people called me turk and that is sometimes good sometimes not.
on real life and as i grow older, i look more and more either like a muslim or jewish, so nobody fucks with me anymore, but i don't know what they feel inside anymore. that is the worst...

Jun 28, 08 5:07 pm  · 

I know this is unrelated by I like your last name, Orhan.

Upon first glance it looks like "A juice" and makes me happy like kindergarten.

I apologize if that is offensive.

Jun 28, 08 7:41 pm  · 

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