
2009 M.Arch applicants, commiserate here!


I just emailed Nader to ask him if all of the MIT acceptances have gone out...

here's hoping :-/

Mar 18, 09 9:41 am  · 

ohohohoh- sturgey, you're so brave!!!
Thank you! I also wanted to, but couldn't!!

Mar 18, 09 9:49 am  · 

Has anyone heard any specific info on the GSAPP open house? I'm trying to figure out my flight, but I'd like to know when the thing starts/ends.

Mar 18, 09 10:02 am  · 

sturgey: Throw that up asap; desperate for any news good or bad so I can start planning what to do for the next year.

Mar 18, 09 10:04 am  · 

will do - he may even be coming into my office today. anyone else hear that he's up for deanship at rice? NASTY.

Mar 18, 09 10:06 am  · 

Has anyone got rejected from UIC?

This waiting around is killing me. Why do schools wait so long from when they send acceptances to when they send rejections!! Just let me know already!

Mar 18, 09 10:12 am  · 

mint waxed, congrats on getting into CU! what area of specialisation for the MArchII did you specify? did you apply anywhere else?
I am also waiting to hear back from the GSD and MIT. has anyone heard of any MArchII acceptances at these schools?

I am in Ireland so if I am going to the open houses I'd want to know pretty soon. does anyone know when the Harvard open day would be? (i'm trying to think optimistically!)

Mar 18, 09 10:13 am  · 

Does anyone know what the dress code is for these open houses? Are most of you going to one planning to wear something "business casual" or just plain casual?

I'm feeling a little clueless about dress since I've been working a couple years in an uptight corporate setting.

Mar 18, 09 10:27 am  · 

just go mother casual...

they arent gonna reject u for wearing jeans...

Mar 18, 09 10:35 am  · 

ha, "mother casual" -- so pastels and some sassy capris?

Mar 18, 09 10:46 am  · 

anyone not heard from GSAPP and can't access to the admission status page?
I'm now trying but not working.... are they updating status now..?

Mar 18, 09 11:42 am  · 

bardamu, yes the dress code = be your self

Mar 18, 09 11:50 am  · 

Anyone here apply to the MDes program at the GSD?

Mar 18, 09 11:52 am  · 

No news is Good News, right? Has anyone received an email denying their M.arch application to UC Berkeley?

I've heard here were some acceptances yesterday but I haven't heard yay or nay.

Does anyone know if they send emails to both the accepted and rejected applicants? Thanks and good luck!!!

Mar 18, 09 12:00 pm  · 

sakurani - i can't access mine either and i've heard nothing from them. Yikes

Mar 18, 09 12:00 pm  · 

so Nader spoke in generalities re: MIT, but said that 'Cynthia has or is sending letters out today'

Mar 18, 09 12:03 pm  · 

oh, sorry, that reminds me... i haven't had an email response from trish @ ubc. Still waiting.....
la_la84, that's awesome that you received your acceptance package!! congrats! has your online status changed too?

Mar 18, 09 12:06 pm  · 

Fraggle - Now it is working again, and no status change. Phew..or Dam*? haha I don't know whether I want to know or not. Thank you for trying and letting me know though!

Mar 18, 09 12:10 pm  · 


Thanks for the advice. Hope it was clear the swiffer pic was just a joke.

Mar 18, 09 12:11 pm  · 

haha at this point i just want to know - update soon please!!

Mar 18, 09 12:19 pm  · 

sturget - thank you for sharing this info. I'm drowning.

Mar 18, 09 12:21 pm  · 

hey bardamu, i was responding to your first one but it would be funny if the swiffer pic was your style, that'd actually be bad arse.

Mar 18, 09 12:25 pm  · 

wear your love like heaven

fashion tips

Mar 18, 09 12:27 pm  · 

'Cynthia has or is sending letters out today' definitely kills my level of productivity for the next 8 hours...though I will likely end up waiting 10 more days for the rejection letter anyway. Since March 1st, the days have dragged on endlessly--I'm surprised to have made it this long.

silence from schools since last week has caused the frustration level to build exponentially

Mar 18, 09 12:29 pm  · 

"Also, anyone wondering if they should go to GSAPP or GSD, I say GSAPP all the way. Not only will you have a fantastic program to energize you, access to amazing professors (with ties to NYC) but you will also have New York City itself."

Two points:

"Fantastic program"-- yes obviously but how does this program operate relative to the program at the GSD and to the discourse of Architecture at large. What material considerations should be made in regards to the quality of the program.

"New York City Itself"-- how does being in a city like New York provide opportunities. When do these opportunities and their hidden ideological costs become restrictive?

I generally agree with meowkytekt on a number of issues but find the auto-new york response to be a little short sighted.

I would encourage people interested in the GSD to go to the open house.

Mar 18, 09 12:37 pm  · 
Mark Faulkner

Ildyansi, besides Cooper I applied to GSAPP, and Princeton. – I wanted to stay in the NYC area. I received a ‘yes’ from Columbia and a ‘no’ from Princeton. I choose ‘technologies’ my area of interest at CU. It seems vague and loosely defined. I have the impression that they are stressing that the students define their own interests

Mar 18, 09 1:00 pm  · 


what did you email UBC about? I'm currently waiting to hear back from them as well. -_-. The anticipation of waiting for these responses is killing me!

Mar 18, 09 1:30 pm  · 

mint waxed, I chose 'technologies' too. It is the area I want to focus on - I was also rejected from princeton (today) but I sort of agreed with the rejection email that we wouldn't have been a good fit! I'm sorry to say my princeton application was pretty rushed and i didn't know that much about the school.
The class in CU is only 8 people which is very small. I wonder how that would affect the learning curve of the class? I was wondering if 8 was too little but it always depends on the group dynamics and of course the faculty. As far as I understand it, the class is run by 3 members of staff. They said that the waitlist I am on is 'very short' but taking into account the size of the class I imagine I will not be accepted.

Mar 18, 09 1:36 pm  · 

st1tch - i emailed to ask when they were sending out decisions... and subtly implied that I would love to know my decision :)
yep, it's getting a bit ridiculous.... i hate waiting. oh well, i think it will be this week.

Mar 18, 09 1:46 pm  · 

I guess if we have not heard from GSAPP we can assume "no" at this point???

Mar 18, 09 1:47 pm  · 

Just heard from a friend who got the call from Parsons on Saturday.

So Parsons peeps still waiting, hope is not quite lost!

Mar 18, 09 1:48 pm  · 

Do schools send out the acceptance emails all at the same time?

Mar 18, 09 2:31 pm  · 

So, I have heard nothing from Yale. I check my application status and it just shows the dates they received all of my info.

Has this happened to anyone else?

I'm tempted to call but the thought of the unknown means a possibility of hope!! When should I comes to terms with reality?

Mar 18, 09 2:46 pm  · 

Anyone hear anything from Cincinnati?

Mar 18, 09 2:47 pm  · 

mikylee, I'm in the same boat. I have been restraining myself from writing an email, trying to wait until at least the end of the week. It sounds like acceptances, rejections and waitlist notifications are out, so I don't know what to think.

Mar 18, 09 2:49 pm  · 

but yes, I have a small, small ounce of hope. Maybe they are fighting over our two apps for the last spot haha

Mar 18, 09 2:52 pm  · 


I haven't heard anything from Cincinnati yet, but I have a friend who said that when he applied there he didn't hear anything until June.

Mar 18, 09 2:56 pm  · 

Yeah, Cincy can be wierd like that. When I was there for undergrad, they wanted to know if we were going to accept their grad school offers well before we would have heard from other schools. Their administration seems to be on their own schedule.

Mar 18, 09 3:03 pm  · 

gsarch---my plan was to wait until the end of the week too! I was hoping that we were on the full scholarship pile and they just haven't had a chance to send out those scholarships yet!

atomicvette---last year I applied to Cincinnati and heard from them first, early in March, with a decision that need to be made by March 31. School starts at Cincinnati in June since they are on that weird schedule..i think?..

Mar 18, 09 3:04 pm  · 

while i am waitlisted at yale (and will wait for that however long it may take), otherwise it looks like its between ucla and ut austin for me. do any of you have any advice/knowledge about those two programs and how they prepare you for a professional career? my understanding is that ucla is very technical/computer-oriented with an all-star faculty while texas has a stronger sustainable design program. are those statements accurate and is there more i should know?

Mar 18, 09 3:14 pm  · 

RE: lesov,

I hope it's soon. My heart sunk when I saw the phone call acceptance on

Where else did you apply? and what program did u graduate from?

Mar 18, 09 3:25 pm  · 


IN AT RISD!!!!! with 5K Assistanship!

I got a package today in the mail!!!

I am sooooooooooooo excited. RISD is my 2nd choice so I am PUMPED!!!!!

Mar 18, 09 3:29 pm  · 

Wow, congrats entasis! I had figured risd was done w/ acceptances

Mar 18, 09 3:32 pm  · 

Congrats Entasis! Hopefully I will receive some good news in the mail today as well. Where are you from?

Mar 18, 09 3:34 pm  · 

Thanks guys! I really appreciate it!

Stuzzzie, I live in Boston. I certainly hope you get some good news too today!!!!

My tally:

RISD: IN with 5K
MIT: ????? BIG NO?
GSD: ????? BIG NO?

Anyone else going to the April Open House at RISD????

Mar 18, 09 3:45 pm  · 

Did anyone hear "NO" from GSAPP? They are awlfully quiet.

Mar 18, 09 3:46 pm  · 

Does anyone know if UC Berkeley only notifies applicants via email and the rest via rejection letters? Or do they let everyone know via email as they make their decisions?

Mar 18, 09 3:52 pm  · 

Well for me this is how it adds up as of now...

UCLA = in

GSD = ?

RISD = ?

SciArc = ?

UW = ?

I am in Seattle.

Mar 18, 09 3:55 pm  · 


did UCLA send you an email or something in the post?

Mar 18, 09 3:56 pm  · 

First an e-mail then a package.

Mar 18, 09 4:04 pm  · 

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