
2009 M.Arch applicants, commiserate here!


no news from anybody in illinois yet?

Mar 17, 09 1:27 pm  · 

or boston?

Mar 17, 09 1:29 pm  · 

just got the rejection from cornell...
brings my score to
GSAPP-?(probebly out)
GSD-another nothing today so probebly out
Syracuse-in with $

Mar 17, 09 1:30 pm  · 

5f2b you are welcome :)

Mar 17, 09 1:40 pm  · 

Hey Mr. Will,

Since you went to undergrad at UT Austin, can you give us a perspective on their program? I know several others on here have inquired about it with little luck.

Do they have professors that work with Rhino? How design oriented is the program?

Any input would be greatly appreciated and congrats on all your acceptances.

Mar 17, 09 1:47 pm  · 

I am thinking about calling RISD....

I am I the only one waiting for them (ie I def didn't get in), or are there still some people out there that have not heard yet??

Mar 17, 09 1:51 pm  · 

ME - still waiting on RISD. although sort of given up hope.

Mar 17, 09 1:59 pm  · 

Nothing in the mail from GSD today, I live in Wisconsin. This is turning into one, long, agonizing week.

Mar 17, 09 2:19 pm  · 

anybody in the southern states have any mail from the GSD? why can't they make a phone call like civilized people? the stress level is unhealthy

Mar 17, 09 2:22 pm  · 

sturgey -- I live in Boston and I haven't heard anything from the GSD yet.

Mar 17, 09 2:23 pm  · 

I live in Atlanta and haven't received anythinf from GSD. SO far rejected from Yale and Princeton. I'm really deppressed.

Mar 17, 09 2:31 pm  · 

those who haven't heard from GSD: March1? March 2? AP?

Again, I'm AP from UVA. I cant imagine that we should expect good news at this point, but I also can't believe that ALL the folks from some specific regions represented by our group would have been rejected.

Mar 17, 09 2:39 pm  · 


because that would be regionism and regionism has no place in the admissions process.

Mar 17, 09 2:42 pm  · 


I am MArch I. As someone said above, the MArch II's didn't even go out yet.

I think the MArch I's may be over. They seemed to have planned it quite well for everyone to receive it on the same day. I have pretty much given up hope at this point.

I just wish I would know one way or the other. Enough of this limbo!

Mar 17, 09 2:49 pm  · 

obviously. so it has to be either a postal service issue, delayed mailing by the gsd directly, or that our representatives here just happen to be unlucky and its a coincidence that we're in specific areas.

Mar 17, 09 2:49 pm  · 

Cornell is sending out email acceptances

Mar 17, 09 2:53 pm  · 

Yeah. That sounds about right.
I find it very hard to believe though, with all the talented archinectors here, that no one from this area would have gotten in.

How could that be???

Mar 17, 09 2:54 pm  · 

just got into cornell!

Mar 17, 09 2:57 pm  · 

Nice Kaysc!

Where does Cornell fall on your list?

Mar 17, 09 3:05 pm  · 

If it's any consolation to Chicago folks waiting to hear from the GSD, frequently during the application process (and much to my chagrin) while overnighting my portfolios with express mail I would often see my envelope sit in Chicago for a day or two on the tracking site. "Guaranteed there by 10 AM." my butt.

I've got enough well-documented evidence I could probably fight them and get the money back, but I just don't care enough to go through the headache.

I think we have some really lazy mailmen.

Mar 17, 09 3:06 pm  · 
Workshop B

Cmon MArch II acceptances!! The MArch II commiserate thread has been dead since it started.

Congrats to everyone so far!

Mar 17, 09 3:07 pm  · 
mr. will

Blake Smith: Sorry for the time lapse in response. Just got off work and got home (in Paris).

Utexas-Austin is a great architecture school. It is very design oriented and a good balance between artsy-fartsy design talk and practical "how to build building" education. There are several great courses focusing on digital prototyping (with the use of Rhino, 3d scanners, and laser cutters). Basically, I would highly recommend the school. There are really great professors. three of my design professors came from yale. two still teach there part time. One professor (taught my digital fabrication course) was just hired at Kieran Timberlake as Research Director.

Also, Austin is an amazing city. I came there from chicago, and already miss it. So, if your a northerner and are scared of the south, dont fret about that.

hope that helps. let me know if you have any more specific questions.

Mar 17, 09 3:19 pm  · 

Mailman just came (Boston).....

I got one piece of mail advertising Metro PCS cell phone service addressed to "Resident" and one advertising contact lenses to someone that doesn't even live here.

Wow. I feel like crap.

Mar 17, 09 3:27 pm  · 

that's still better than my hippy roomate's huge package... of seeds at the front door, followed by a big Harvard... Pilgrim (insurance) packet on my coffee table.

well at least its a fun night to go out and drink!

Mar 17, 09 3:32 pm  · 

First time poster long time lurker here. It's nice to hear everyone's stories so I figured I should chip in. I graduated from asu w/ b.s. in arch in '08, my school stats are as follows:

gpa - 3.66
gre - 1200
biz minor

Applied to:

asu - in
austin - in
yale - waitlisted
gsd - *elevator music*
berkeley - *elevator music*

Does anyone know the acceptance deadline for Yale - when those of you who have been admitted contractually have to accept? Time to barrage them with phone calls.

I can't wait until my future isn't floating in the ether

Mar 17, 09 3:49 pm  · 


Mar 17, 09 4:06 pm  · 

w. AP and scholarship!!!

Mar 17, 09 4:08 pm  · 

gnac- congrats! so... where are you?

Mar 17, 09 4:08 pm  · 

wow. i got rejected from austin. I checked my status and bam, its all over.

I am really stunned. I feel robbed.

Mar 17, 09 4:19 pm  · 


Mar 17, 09 4:22 pm  · 


UVA: Out
Princeton: Out
MIT: ??????
Yale: ??????

Very happy with GSAPP if nothing else works out! The wait for Yale and MIT is, however, slowly killing me.

Mar 17, 09 4:33 pm  · 

ahhh this may be at home, or it may not be. I must leave work.

Mar 17, 09 4:40 pm  · 

cornell e-mail is out, if anyone is curious

ut: in
gsapp: in
gsd: in
cornell: in
yale: out
penn: ?
berkeley: ?
sci-arc: ?

berk was my top choice, but i didn't anticipate gsd and gsapp coming before. they really have me seduced.

can anyone speak to gsaap over gsd? i did my undergrad in boston, and am trying to find more reasons than new york to favor columbia.

To consolidate trips, I plan to attend the gsd's OMA function, and columbia the same weekend.

Mar 17, 09 4:52 pm  · 

cornell e-mail is out, if anyone is curious

ut: in
gsapp: in
gsd: in
cornell: in
yale: out
penn: ?
berkeley: ?
sci-arc: ?

berk was my top choice, but i didn't anticipate gsd and gsapp coming before. they really have me seduced.

can anyone speak to gsaap over gsd? i did my undergrad in boston, and am trying to find more reasons than new york to favor columbia.

To consolidate trips, I plan to attend the gsd's OMA function, and columbia the same weekend.

Mar 17, 09 4:56 pm  · 

Probably not your typical student, but these are my stats:

- M.Arch II Applicant
- B Arch. '98 (Foreign Degree) = 3.39/5.0 GPA
- M.S. Construction '03 = 3.5 GPA
- 7+years in project management consultancy - Still working
- GRE: 1130 V: 540 Q:590 A: 4.0

GA Tech: ???
Penn: ???
GSD: ???
Princeton: Out
Columbia: ???
Yale: Out

Mar 17, 09 4:59 pm  · 

cornell e-mail is out, if anyone is curious

ut: in
gsapp: in
gsd: in
cornell: in
yale: out
penn: ?
berkeley: ?
sci-arc: ?

berk was my top choice, but i didn't anticipate gsd and gsapp coming before. they really have me seduced.

can anyone speak to gsaap over gsd? i did my undergrad in boston, and am trying to find more reasons than new york to favor columbia.

To consolidate trips, I plan to attend the gsd's OMA function, and columbia the same weekend.

Mar 17, 09 5:01 pm  · 

here's an interview with columbia's dean:

i dunno if these ideas saturate gsapp, but this is what excites me about gsapp. as a comparison, can anyone point me to a "manifesto" by mohsen mostafavi?

Mar 17, 09 5:03 pm  · 

can watch mostafavi video here...

Mar 17, 09 5:06 pm  · 

cornell e-mail is out, if anyone is curious

ut: in
gsapp: in
gsd: in
cornell: in
yale: out
penn: ?
berkeley: ?
sci-arc: ?

berk was my top choice, but i didn't anticipate gsd and gsapp coming before. they really have me seduced.

can anyone speak to gsaap over gsd? i did my undergrad in boston, and am trying to find more reasons than new york to favor columbia.

To consolidate trips, I plan to attend the gsd's OMA function, and columbia the same weekend.

Mar 17, 09 5:09 pm  · 
lost in stress

_juut, I think you just took the award for the most duplicated post...4!

Mar 17, 09 5:12 pm  · 
wes thomas


I'm in Texas. Got a packet on 3/16

Mar 17, 09 5:12 pm  · 

BA in Arch-2008
SO Far....
Oregon: Yes!
Yale: NO
UT-Austin: No
U Washingtion.....?

Mar 17, 09 5:13 pm  · 

well, after not having posted since the 13th page and reluctantly checking in only to make myself progressively more anxious, i finally received my first response after weeks of agony. i got accepted at wash u. just got the email, no letters or anything yet. i'm so relieved. i won't be able to make the open house because i'll be overseas, but whatever.

i can start a tally!

Wash U: Accepted
UT Austin: ???
GSD: ???
ASU: ???

Mar 17, 09 5:14 pm  · 

"maybe preston scott cohen is personally waiting on my doorstep pissed off and checking his iphone to track me down right now...."


Nope, he's sitting right next to me pissed off at my lack of progress in studio...=P

So you can sleep (or work) in peace.

Mar 17, 09 5:35 pm  · 

i'll bite.

my stats:

B.A Arch - '07
B. Arch - '08

M.Arch 2 applicant (1 year study)


IIT - In via e-mail (no formal package received yet)
U.Wash Seattle -- ?? (called, and told I may not hear until next month, probably out)
UC Berkeley -- ??
Harvard -- ?? (If I don't hear this week, can probably assume I'm out)

berkeley is my top choice, but it looks like I may end up in Chicago next year. We'll see.

Mar 17, 09 5:35 pm  · 
CAD Mangler

andimdone & MINIme -
Yeah, I got the reject from UT Austin also (via the website-thanks for the heads up). You know what, though ... I'm actually relieved. At this point I just want to know an answer--yes or no--so I can move forward with my plans. This is not a fun game anymore.

Mar 17, 09 5:38 pm  · 

Oh, and he has a Blackberry....meh.

Mar 17, 09 5:40 pm  · 

Stats For MArchI`:

GSD: Postal received Yesterday with a grant
Yale: Out

I'm not complaining, but is Yale more selective than GSD?

Mar 17, 09 5:48 pm  · 

CAD Mangler- I hear ya... I was actually checking my online status "one last time" before I called/emailed to see. After hearing from UVA yesterday, I just wanted to be done. I think the wait for my next two schools hurts more than the actual rejections... I just need to know I don't have to make a back-up plan for my "lay off back up plan." I'm thinking a cert in CM or a Masters in Art Education... but I'm fairly confident I'll get into at least one of my schools. Plus I love architecture too much to quit at 23... I've got at least a few more years in me before I learn to despise the industry. 8*)

Mar 17, 09 5:53 pm  · 


ut: in
gsapp: in (35%)
gsd: in (30%)
cornell: in (10%)
yale: out
berkeley: in (25%)
penn: ?
sci-arc: ?

what happens when you put torn pieces of paper in a hat- 7 columbia, 6 gsd, 5 berkeley, and 2 cornell?

Mar 17, 09 6:31 pm  · 

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