
2009 M.Arch applicants, commiserate here!


re GSAPP...

Not having a background in architecture (European History actually)...

Is GSAPP's theory heavy reputation true? (Which I like but really do want to be a practicing architect...) Or is the rumor true that they're moving slowly away from that and becoming more "skills" oriented? Any thoughts?

Mar 17, 09 6:38 pm  · 

UCB acceptances seem to be coming across the wires... I'm in.

so i'll spill my list

UVa (MARCH)--out
UVa (MLA)--in
Penn (MARCH)--??
Penn (MLA)--in
Michigan (MARCH)--in +$$
Princeton (MARCH)--out (x2)
GSD (MARCH)--?? (probably out)
UCLA--?? (probably out)

I WANT to go to GSAPP because one of their think tanks (IPAL) is right on for my interests. That being said, I don't particularly feel like committing financial suicide. I plan to eventually get a second professional degree, either MARCH+MLA or MARCH+MAUD so I can always try and get the MAUD @ GSAPP... Right now I'm leaning towards Michigan but if Penn accepts me into the MARCH programme... that changes the game.

Planning to visit Michigan, UVa and Columbia... perhaps Penn too.

Mar 17, 09 6:40 pm  · 

congrats _juut! berkeley's awesome!

Mar 17, 09 6:41 pm  · 

holy crappers that's a long list

Mar 17, 09 6:41 pm  · 

There is a one-in-ten chance you end up in Ithaca?

Mar 17, 09 6:44 pm  · 

Congratulations to everyone on the amazing wave of acceptances!

As for me,

Yale: denied
Berkeley: in (hooray!)
Penn: ?
UCL Bartlett: ?
GSD: there may or may not be a letter waiting at my mom's house-- she's on vacation for another week(!)

Anyone going to the architecture reception at Berkeley April 6?

Mar 17, 09 6:47 pm  · 

you applied to TWELVE schools?

oh em gee.

Mar 17, 09 6:53 pm  · 


excuse me, my one year of high school french seems to have affected my typing of your alias.

Mar 17, 09 6:54 pm  · 

current undergrad senior at northwestern. history degree.

yale - no

is there any hope left? is anyone else here an undergrad with a non-arch major?

Mar 17, 09 7:02 pm  · 

congrats everyone! very exiting week! so far,

Pratt (March II):in
AA DRL: in
The BArtlet (AAC): in
UPenn(March II):?
MIT (SMArchS):?

I'm overseas so I hope thats the reason why I have not heard from some schools. Anymore Post-professinal applicants applying/going to this schools?

Mar 17, 09 7:19 pm  · 
Workshop B

Dont think any MArch II's have heard anything yet from most schools. I was accepted to Pratt, waiting on UCLA, UCB and Harvard

Mar 17, 09 7:21 pm  · 


is cornell in?
i got a reply that the official letter would be sent in a few days.
what's this suppose to mean?

anyway,,, so far.

GSD MLA : in (AP)
GSD M. Arch : waiting list

Cornell : ??(Open house email received)
Upenn : ??
RISD : in with 14k
UCLA : in
UW Seattle : in
Yale : nope
MIT : ?? (Prob. out)
UCB : ??

GSD tells me i have to make decision by Ap 15,
but what happens to my M.arch waiting list when everyone
is going to decide sometime april?
Do I have to wait until the last moment and hope someone will
give up GSD March before the 15th???

Mar 17, 09 7:27 pm  · 

From Cornell, I got this email 4 hours ago.

"Congratulations! You have been accepted into the Master of Architecture Professional Degree Program for Fall 2009.
Due to technical difficulties, we are a bit behind in sending out the admission letters, however, we are moving along now and you should receive an email later today and official letters will be mailed out no later than tomorrow morning (March 18, 2009).
You can also check your status on EMBARK."

I got open house invitation yesterday.

Mar 17, 09 7:40 pm  · 

how are people hearing from berkeley???

Mar 17, 09 7:53 pm  · 

also, which option were you??

Mar 17, 09 7:59 pm  · 

I finally got my UT Austin rejection today. They didn't even email... just updated the status site. I guess my obsessive refreshing of that site every half an hour for the past 2 weeks finally paid off :/

My list...

Yale: in
UVA: in with $$$
Michigan: in with $$$$
UT Austin: out

MIT: ? (probably not)
GSD: ? (probably not)
Penn: ?

I just want to know already!

Mar 17, 09 8:10 pm  · 


you heard from Penn MLA? thought they weren't sending anything out until march 23rd? tons of us received an email from j. weston to that effect.

what's the deal? mla I?

Mar 17, 09 8:12 pm  · 

hey gsd acceptances -

it seems that a couple have been posted, but if people dont mind sharing, who is accepted as an AP compared to the regular M ARCH I track? just curious.

Mar 17, 09 8:21 pm  · 

for berkeley, option 3. email.

cornell's "note" was an unofficial acceptance, but it didn't even mention the university. awkward.

and to kungapa: i applied to yale, cornell, and penn as back-ups for gsd and columbia, which themselves were back-ups for berkeley.

now i have the wonderful misfortune of making a CHOICE. guess i'll donate the rest of the night to kierkegaard.

Mar 17, 09 8:22 pm  · 

congrats juut
if you do come to berkeley, you can buy textbooks from me!!!

Mar 17, 09 8:24 pm  · 

I wouldn't call it a misfortune to make the CHOICE but yeah that seems like a difficult decision.

Mar 17, 09 8:26 pm  · 

E-mail from Anu Mathur on March 16th giving me "advance notice of your acceptance" so I could make arrangements for the open house. This e-mail was out of the blue... no hounding e-mail sent on my behalf. Still no information on Penn's MARCH.

For Berkeley, I received notice of acceptance via e-mail around 3pm (PST) for the two-year first professional degree track.

Mar 17, 09 8:27 pm  · 

_juut, what I meant was that if you go ahead with your hat-plan, there is a one in ten chance you will be in Ithaca. Are you sure you want to take the risk?

Mar 17, 09 8:27 pm  · 

has anyone been waitlisted at Austin? Or was it just rejects and cool kids?

Mar 17, 09 8:30 pm  · 

odear: im in at gsd and am m.arch 1.

so far i've gotten accepted at cornell and gsapp as well! rejection from yale.

b.a. in urban design (humanities), '04
americorps experience, '05
2.5 arch. office experience abroad
gre: v770, m700

i too am contemplating on asking columbia to match my harvard grant...has anyone done this before and how much are they actually willing to negotiate?

Mar 17, 09 8:35 pm  · 


Mar 17, 09 8:47 pm  · 


Mar 17, 09 8:47 pm  · 

di-c ive heard from multiple sources that yale is often the most willing to "negotiate" in terms of financial aid, but you never know. if _juut is commenting on your post, im going to side with them; i dont know how much you got from gsd, but i dont know that gsapp will match the amount they have offered. i dont even know if they are willing to budge on their initial offer at all.

just one opinion

Mar 17, 09 8:57 pm  · 

Who's going to GSAPP OPEN HOUSE? It be cool to meet some people before then.

Mar 17, 09 9:06 pm  · 

got GSD MLA accepted.
but March waitlisted.

Does anyone know how this process goes?
because they want me to answer by April 15.
Which I assume will be the decision deadline for
most of the programs including GSD march.

Do they want me to wait for someone who gives
up GSD march BEFORE april 15 and hope to get in that
Or are they just saying that i am waitlisted to make me
feel good about march?

anyone.. please...

Mar 17, 09 9:12 pm  · 

Mr. Will,

Do you know how UT is about granting AP with a 4-year architecture undergrad?

Also, is it possible to find housing within walking distance from Goldsmith? If not, suggestions on a good place to live?

What are the chances that you are going to end up back in Austin? I imagine you won't be coming to the orientation since you're across the globe/already pretty oriented with the program.

Sorry to bombard with so many Q's

Mar 17, 09 9:49 pm  · 

Hey MIT acceptees:

Has anyone gotten additional phone calls (after Yung Ho's)? Anyone received any 'hard copy' materials or financial aid info yet?

Did they offer anyone else a full ride and year-long fellowship upon graduation? (just kidding about that last bit)

Mar 17, 09 9:53 pm  · 

do we think berkeley is done?

Mar 17, 09 9:59 pm  · 

yeah just checked my UT status too... rejected... awesome! but at least i can move on...but for a $50 app fee, they could at least send me a letter or a pencil or something...

so i havent read anything about cincinnati on the thread... did anyone out there apply?

Mar 17, 09 10:13 pm  · 
wes thomas

My UT status still says:

We have received all credentials required to process your application. Your file has been forwarded to the Graduate Committee for review.

I guess that means i'm either waitlisted or they haven't got around to rejecting me through the EID system. Haven't received a single thing in the mail from them

Mar 17, 09 10:33 pm  · 

In at Berkeley!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (3-year M.Arch)

Deafening silence from GSD, GSAPP, and MIT (But I'm in the Boston area, and it seems like a lot of people around here haven't heard anything from the GSD [am I being too optimistic?]).

No word from Cornell (except for the weird open house email)

In at Oregon (several weeks ago)

Nothing from SCI-Arc

And polite rejection letters from Princeton, Yale, and RISD

I can't wait for this whole effing process to be over. Why do the schools have to stagger out their responses?!

Mar 18, 09 12:29 am  · 

odear/juut: that's a shame about columbia! but yes, I HAVE heard that they are not very generous with their grants to first years... I just thought i'd get an updated opinion from you guys before I decide IF&how i'm going to fashion my negotiation speech.

and what is goin' ON at RISD and MIT? i thought i'd have my rejection letter by now. ack.

Mar 18, 09 1:30 am  · 
never nude

Have you been able to visit berkeley? I'm on the east coast so chances are looking slim for the open houses. any insights on the school?

Mar 18, 09 1:52 am  · 

Should I be worried that I didn't get an email from Berkeley yet?


berk: ?
penn: ?

Mar 18, 09 2:24 am  · 

ugh, all this waiting is taking a heavy toll

gsapp - in! (but no money, ugh)
mit - crickets... feeling a big fat no coming from them
gsd - crickets... (postal transit time to japan longer? i hope thats why...)
berk - crickets...
penn - ?
uf - ?

unfortunately it's getting harder to stay optimistic as the days crawl by over here

wish they all notified like med school residency programs, one "match day" to get all your acceptances and rejections at once. i'd much rather get hit in one day than have to wonder in relative agony for weeks on end...

Mar 18, 09 2:38 am  · 

wow i sound like such a brat in that last message. i really have no reason to complain, at the end of the day i did get into one of the best friggen programs in the country. so what if im poor the rest of my life :-P

...i blame this incessant waiting and ambiguity for my complete and utter bitchyness haha

Mar 18, 09 2:49 am  · 

loulou thank you so much for calling!! It seemed like no M Arch II had heard from the GSD, but it's so nice to know for sure.

It's weird that they would send out M Arch I and M Arch II so far apart.

Mar 18, 09 2:57 am  · 
mr. will

Blake Smith:

To be honest I don't really know the policy at UT and Advanced placement. I think it is difficult to obtain AP, like most schools, but not impossible. But, dont really know.

There is plenty of housing in walking distance from Goldsmith. There are much better areas to live in though. I would look for places near 30th street and Gaudalupe. It is still a close bike ride and easy by bus. The east side of Austin is sort of the happening part of town now. East of interstate 35, is being gentrified by artists and musicians. Manor Rd and Cherrywood is a good place to look.

I won't make it to the open house. I recommend going to South Congress area and having a beer on the patio of the San Jose hotel. It was designed by Lake Flato Architects. Have fun. Keep the questions coming.

Mar 18, 09 5:39 am  · 
mr. will

That last post sounds like I am a supporter of gentrification. The statement was meant to be somewhat of a warning to the gentrification that is happening/

Mar 18, 09 5:47 am  · 

georgev - I'm definitely going to the GSAPP open house. I propose that we all (who else is coming?) meet up by the Alma Mater statue bottle of champagne in hand. I don't mind providing the champagne, just email me to RSVP for this little party.

Also, anyone wondering if they should go to GSAPP or GSD, I say GSAPP all the way. Not only will you have a fantastic program to energize you, access to amazing professors (with ties to NYC) but you will also have New York City itself. It doesn't get sweeter than that. I'm looking forward to seeing you guys at the open house and in the Fall!

di-c - ask Columbia for money. If your request doesn't yield any $ this year, I'm sure you'll have a very good idea of what to expect next year. You can also do things to offset your costs, like being a TA for their summer program. I figure there is a way to make sure we don't come out with an obnoxious debt. Also, if you borrow money this year, that will be taken into account when they are awarding you money next year. Just remember, your education and connections stay with you for the rest of your career.

jhk11 - Columbia does a lot of theory but you'll come out fully employable, so you don't have to worry about being a practicing architect.

Mar 18, 09 7:10 am  · 

going along with meowkytekt's post --

this might be purely out of naivety, but i am assuming financial aid re-evaluated every year at columbia? i am certain my lack of funding this time around has all to do with my parents being fairly well-off, despite the fact that they won't contribute a dime to my graduate edu costs. i guess what im saying is, the full cost of the gsapp has major sticker shock that scares the pants off me and i'm trying to find some way to make an argument that it wouldn't be financial suicide to accept.

i suppose i'm wondering what kind of paths there might be to help offset the mountain of debt that will be sure to accrue regardless (scholarships? assistantships not being taken by first years?). i haven't been able to find any information on the gsapp website, but does anyone have any insight on second and third year aid possibilities?


Mar 18, 09 7:24 am  · 

TheDavester - I had lunch last spring with a 3rd year student from GSAPP who was in exactly the same situation like you: her parents made good money but were not contributing at all to her education/living. She took out loans and said that the committee re-evaluated her in her subsequent years and were very generous with her (they can see if you borrowed $50K and it shows that your parents aren't helping you out). So yes, every year is different and they will help you out eventually. Also, you'll be in NY so freelance jobs are an option.

Mar 18, 09 8:11 am  · 
Mark Faulkner

Just curious,

Did anybody else apply to the new Cooper Union M.Arch II program?

Mar 18, 09 8:43 am  · 

I did - I got waitlisted unfortunately. I got into the MArchII at Yale and GSAPP though which was good news. Did you apply?

Mar 18, 09 9:04 am  · 
Mark Faulkner

Yes, I was accepted CU.

Since it is the inaugural year there are a lot of unanswered questions I have, obviously. I’m pretty intrigued. Being the first class leaves this unique opportunity for the new students to define its image. . but that is speculation. With all new programs there probably are kinks and bumps along the way.

Mar 18, 09 9:12 am  · 

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