
2009 M.Arch applicants, commiserate here!


Just got an email from GSAPP saying they're in the final stages of review. Jumped out of my seat when I saw that email pop up.

Mar 9, 09 9:45 am  · 

I see a few people beat me to it hehe.

Good luck this week everyone!

Mar 9, 09 9:46 am  · 

My heart skipped a beat seeign that message.

Mar 9, 09 9:48 am  · 

Haha 5f2b, we posted the email at the exact same time. And sourdough too. I guess we are all just excited (and really nervous) about such things... hope we all hear good news from them soon.

Mar 9, 09 9:54 am  · 

just got an email from GSAPP, almost got a heart attack
it was basically telling me that theyll send out notifications by 1st of april..
i guess no GSAPP this week.

Mar 9, 09 9:57 am  · 

oh dang..
didnt realize what was happening in the previous page.
sorry guys :)

Mar 9, 09 10:01 am  · 

haha, i think everybody's heart skipped a beat there. just got the same email... oh well, what's a little more waiting?

Mar 9, 09 10:09 am  · 

Ok, this isn't healthy. I almost had a heart attack when my cell phone rang at work.

Unfortunately, the call was far less dramatic. "Yes, i remember I have a haircut this wednesday"

Mar 9, 09 12:17 pm  · 

I got an e-mail from somebody named "Gregory Pratt" but all I saw was the "Pratt" part and i nearly flipped out of my chair, alas it was not to be, at least for today.

Mar 9, 09 2:32 pm  · 

imsleepy, your story just made my day - hilarious!

Mar 9, 09 2:36 pm  · 

Wasn't gregory pratt a character on ER?

Mar 9, 09 2:46 pm  · 


Mar 9, 09 3:10 pm  · 

for the record, i dropped off a letter of rec at the gsapp admissions office earlier this month, and they said that the e-mailing process would probably run march 15 - april 1, although of course that could have changed with this e-mail.

also, first time poster, with apps looking like this:

ut austin - IN
yale -
gsapp -
berkeley -
ucla -
pratt -
rice -

i sure hope ONE of those schools contacts me this week, otherwise March Madness will only continue to be agonizingly silent, except basketball-wise.

Mar 9, 09 3:43 pm  · 

for the record, i dropped off a letter of rec at the gsapp admissions office earlier this month, and they said that the e-mailing process would probably run march 15 - april 1, although of course that could have changed with this e-mail.

also, first time poster, with apps looking like this:

ut austin - IN
yale -
gsapp -
berkeley -
ucla -
pratt -
rice -

i sure hope ONE of those schools contacts me this week, otherwise March Madness will only continue to be agonizingly silent, except basketball-wise.

Mar 9, 09 3:43 pm  · 

newport 2009 what happened? is that a bad or good scream?

Mar 9, 09 4:04 pm  · 

i don't know about the rest of you... but I consider March 9 to be mid-march, no?
Sooooo losing patience :(

Mar 9, 09 4:11 pm  · 

got a fairly large envelope in the mail today, my heart stopped, it was from discover - credit card offer - please don't do that again discover!

if I can expect to hear from schools mid-march, I'm assuming they're mailing things today as many people mentioned. *sigh* i wish there are better things i can do

Mar 9, 09 4:21 pm  · 

sorry andimdone, it was just a frustrated scream, i couldn't help it - just had to let it out. hope i didn't scare you xP

Mar 9, 09 4:24 pm  · 

i keep getting these automatic voice/telemarketer calls and they are not good for my heart.

Mar 9, 09 5:41 pm  · 

So... what's the deal with UT Austin anyway. They don't really have everything together and compared to a Michigan's admissions package, its frankly putting a damper on my excitement. Someone tell me something compelling about Austin's Program other than pulled pork, the fact that I can wear my boots, and what I can gather from the website before I drop $500+ on this trip...

Mar 9, 09 6:35 pm  · 

Sturgey, it's a couple of years old, but there's actually a thread called UMich vs UT-Austin or something similar. Search 'umich' and it is one of the first that comes up.

I'm from Austin btw, and the school is very well-respected -- nationwide. They also were one of the first schools to really institute study of sustainability. If it weren't for the substantial scholarship award that umich has offered me + the fact that bf is in law school there, I'd be extremely hard-pressed to find a reason to leave Austin.

Mar 9, 09 6:48 pm  · 

sorry, maybe I'm just a little angry because its snowing like hell in Boston after a beautiful teaser of a weekend. gonna be an awesome bike ride home!

I knew new england was a bad idea... ;)

Mar 9, 09 6:49 pm  · 

No apologies needed! My parents actually agreed that the UT acceptance side of things was a little weak --- and they're the types that would just about die before speaking against UT.

Mar 9, 09 6:51 pm  · 

Well I got a bad news letter from WashU today. My dad read it to me over the phone but I knew what it said when he said I got a letter instead of telling me I got a package. Congrats to everyone who got in there, I had fingers and toes crossed knowing full well it was a reach.

WashU-nope (citing competitiveness of applications this year)

My Monday sucks, hopefully Tuesday will be better.

Mar 9, 09 7:08 pm  · 

A little parcel wrapped in white is picked up by mr. mailman, who drives it to a big warehouse. in the warehouse other mail people put the package in a bin bound for New York City that is picked up by a mailman named Tyson who drives a big truck.

Tyson takes the mail to another warehouse, in the Bronx, where the little package -- now slightly bruised by some obnoxious boxes-- it sorted away towards Brooklyn. Ms. Mirabel the Mailwoman trollies the cargo to Brooklyn and sticks it in a box labeled "buswhick."

Jasper's a mailman, he takes the Bushwick mail and sticks it in mailbag. He walks down the street and sticks mr. parcel in my mailbox.

I walk downstairs at 2:15 on the dot-- as I'm wont to do these days-- and open the mailbox to find, to my delight, a slightly weary large envelope from the school of my dreams. Its filled with letters from established professionals and some cash.

Mar 9, 09 7:18 pm  · 

is this a dream of yours or did this really happen? maybe call me gullible~

Mar 9, 09 7:27 pm  · 

sorry to hear - imsleepy - hope you get some good news soon. at least you have 3 more under way!

although i don't think i can have my parents read the letter out for me. that's a heart breaking moment right there.

10 - congrats! which school did you receive the package from, if you don't mind me asking?

damn! I'm really nervous now that I haven't heard a word from anyone. this doesn't look good...

Mar 9, 09 7:32 pm  · 

hey imsleepy. I feel you man. I have a bunch of those coming in the mail too. Cept I'm in Vancouver so i wont get my rejection letters till JUNE.

Mar 9, 09 7:33 pm  · 


I actually live in New York now O_o
so I 'm guessing i might not even get accepted!but if i do i plan on asking for AP.....are you def going to Parsons???

this waiting is killing gonna go watch 'Dancing with the Stars' and try not to think about results........

Mar 9, 09 7:58 pm  · 

has anyone else heard from parsons?

Mar 9, 09 8:05 pm  · 

To those who have been accepted by UT-Austin: Have you all received official notification from GIAC?

Mar 9, 09 9:14 pm  · 

got a letter from the UT GIAC today. didn't say much beyond "congratulations" and to expect more things in the near future (health info, etc.).

oh, and the letter was postmarked the 6th.

Mar 9, 09 10:00 pm  · 

Good news for anyone waitlisted at UofMich!

Got my letter from them; good news was I got (some) funding: 12.5k/year. Bad news was I found out they didn't accept my 2nd studio art course (was pretty borderline; a documentary film-making course). That would be alright except I can't take another studio art class (no others offered at my uni) and they need a 4 credit physics course w/lab. Another thing which my awesome liberal arts program does not have.

Basically looks like I'll have to turn down their offer and hope for the best from one of my 4 other applications (all high high reaches).

Mar 9, 09 10:29 pm  · 
CAD Mangler

Received the paper acceptance packet from U of Oregon today (postmarked 5 March) for the 3+ program. It contained the acceptance letter, curriculum outline, and lots of info on the April 6th open house (in an environmentally-friendly-looking folder with an inexplicable gold star on the front.) Nothing about funding, but it's nice to have some paperwork in hand.

Mar 9, 09 11:25 pm  · 


I got the same package from UMich. Also in a quandary because I need to take Calc and Physics before June 29th... not going to happen... unless I have to start pulling strings...

The only reach school I can think of that doesn't require physics is Yale, or is there a difference in the kind of physics class required?

Mar 9, 09 11:26 pm  · 

The other programs don't mention 4 credit hours I believe: I have the option to take a 2 credit "classical physics" course this last semester which I (believe) should cover it. Same situation w/calculus.

Mar 9, 09 11:43 pm  · 

I got into Clemson today!!!! Very excited. It was the only piece of mail in the box so I opened it on the porch and jumped around excitedly. Unfortunately, there was no one around and I looked like an idiot. In-state tuition plus an assistantship for a year. Small envelope directly from the School of Architecture, said official one would come later.

Would have been better if College of Charleston could have won that game tonight and gone to the big dance....Oh well. March really is full of Madness!!!!

Mar 10, 09 12:10 am  · 

JOENTASIS!! Congrats!

That is awesome! The assistantship is great.

So what is your first choice now???

Mar 10, 09 12:48 am  · 

Ha Ha. Thanks fellow Entasis79. Much appreciated.

Congrats on RPI!

First choice may be Clemson since it will be so inexpensive to attend and I don't have to move, AND I can go to Genoa, Italy for a semester....Can't go wrong with that. I will weigh my options though when I hear back from the other schools. Good luck to you and all the rest....

Mar 10, 09 12:53 am  · 

To kill time; anyone feel like sharing what their top choice or two is and why? Hypothetically debating between two or more programs?

Fun way to kill time I guess/hear about others thoughts.

Mar 10, 09 12:54 am  · 

@ Joentasis: Thanks for the congrats. I appreciate it. The Italy semester sound awesome.

Watanabe: Top choice for me would be MIT. Their program is incredibly open to a broad approach of what architecture is. The professors are unmatched at any other university and the students are 110% committed.
RISD would be choice #2. I think the program can only skyrocket now. It was ok in the last few years, but John will bring that school to top tier now.

Mar 10, 09 1:09 am  · 

I don't have a top school per se, although I might say Princeton in terms of pedagogical/theoretical lilt, as well as faculty (Sarah Whiting, Liz Diller, Stan Allen).

GSD for practical reasons (I wouldn't have to pay for housing) and as someone planning on working internationally the name on the degree holds a lot of weight in China, to the exclusion of all other schools.

Yale because I loved the open house, the visiting faculty, 1st year design/build.

Although these days UMich is lookin pretty sexy, a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush, I'm not always smitten by those who play hard to get... unless a glimmer of hope, a wink, a suggestive nod or flirtatious flick of the hair..

I am above all of this.

Mar 10, 09 1:45 am  · 

So is today the day?

Mar 10, 09 7:58 am  · 

the day has come

Mar 10, 09 8:25 am  · 

so watanabe,
you were previously waitlisted at UMich, but them you got accepted with a scholarship!? that's promising news indeed!

parsons is sounding kinda nice right about now. still waiting on Cinncy though. why do you think you won't get accepted? what other schools have you applied to?

Mar 10, 09 8:56 am  · 

Amnesiac: No; sorry, just meant that I'll probably be turning down their offer; and maybe someone on the waitlist will be picked up. :)

Trying not to get worked up over this week, been spending time looking at the programs I'm going to most likely get denied at and figure out which one I really want most so I know when to get most depressed.

Looking at the sites I can't help but feel that the Ivy's look too comfortable: pocket squares and the like. I'm no hippy (not since high school anyways) but they just look to comfortable to be in a position of challenging anything? Yes; book, cover, I shouldn't be so superficial, but it just looks too yacht/cocktail party!

(photos taken from Susan Surface's Yale blog on this site):

That and facts like Bush getting into Yale (forget about graduating) are making me second guess why I wanted to attend these institutions...

On the other hand, MIT's more egalitarian approach just makes me feel warm and fuzy:

Which is not to say I wouldn't benefit from some crony/nepotism, my father has an MBA from their Sloan school, not that that would help anyways, but I just would be prouder knowing my institution has this sort of philosophy in mind. That, and their OpenCourse curriculum thing, MIT just seems to be more in touch with reality/problems of our age than some of the other schools.

Maybe I'm just feeling inferior and don't want to look stupid in front of all cool kids in black I see in these photos.

Of course, I'm happy to go anywhere. Please accept me.

Mar 10, 09 9:33 am  · 

Congrats CAD Mangler. I'm waiting patiently to see if I got into the 2+ program in Portland, so your news is going to make my work day draaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagggggg.

Mar 10, 09 9:39 am  · 


was supposed to be one of the 2 pics.

I know, this man is a gift to architecture/the world and I will never accomplish what he has.

Actually I just looked him up on wikipedia: he's designing our last president's library? How does this man have any credibility or self-respect?

Mar 10, 09 9:39 am  · 

Considering that my wardrobe consists of jeans, band t-shirts and a sweatshirt I've worn for 7 years, I doubt I'd fit in very well there either, watanabe. Yet who knows, maybe my These Arms Are Snakes t-shirt goes well with a bow tie.

Mar 10, 09 9:48 am  · 

that first photo definitely matches the enforced cornell aesthetic. its funny watching the really old, swollen guys in the black turtlenecks and coats. ack.

hey ut austin admits thus far, what are your thoughts/plans in general? ecstatic/impressed/pleased/apathetic/horrified? i'm considering ut in favor of uw and cornell. seems personally like a good fit, but makes me nervous not having visited just yet (not able to go to the open house, but maybe 2 weeks after) and not having seen much student work.

Mar 10, 09 9:58 am  · 

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