
2009 M.Arch applicants, commiserate here!

lost in stress

amnesiac, if you could afford it I would go to AA. What a wonderful opportunity!

Mar 5, 09 7:01 pm  · 

AA would be incredible! Congratulations.

living in London, and the school would be sooo crazy expensive though :(

but worth it if you could swing it

Mar 5, 09 7:16 pm  · 

Does anyone else feel like some bombs are going to be dropped tomorrow? Yunno, Friday is the day when you fire someone so they can take the weekend to cool off. Sigh. I'm feeling a rejection marathon coming on.

Mar 5, 09 7:18 pm  · 

my hands started shaking every time i pick up the mail... still nothing.

trying my best to stay calm...

congratulations to all who got accepted!!!

Mar 5, 09 7:34 pm  · 

my hearts starts to race and my palms get sweaty every time i:
-check the mail
-the phone rings
-get a new email

i've even considered skipping out on work next week, because i don't want to be in the office when the "bombs are being dropped" as andimdone so eloquently put it...

but i am le tired!

and wish i had the funds to attend the AA.

congrats to all the new acceptances. :)

Mar 5, 09 7:44 pm  · 

University of Oregon acceptances-

Has anyone received anything aside from the early notification and housing packet?

Mar 5, 09 7:44 pm  · 

F2: good effing question. i'm wondering the exact same thing.

my mom called earlier today to let me know that a "thick packet" had just arrived from u.oregon. naturally, i assumed it was my official acceptance letter to follow up the email i got last week.

but NO, it turned out to be that housing packet, arriving after a very long delay.

wtf mate?

oh - and do you know if the "admitted students day" is mandatory? i don't want to shell out the cash to fly to oregon from LA, especially since i've already visited the campus twice.

Mar 5, 09 7:50 pm  · 

same happened to me today. at least it's consistent. the last thing we want to hear is that everyone else is getting their hard copies and we're not. as such, i can be patient...

and i don't think the admitted students day is mandatory, but if you wanted to do a meet and greet with professors and do some more exploring it would help. i'm going - from boston - but only because i love oregon and am super excited about going to their program.

Mar 5, 09 7:58 pm  · 

got my umich package and very pleased!

i just booked my flight for the recruitment weekend.
maybe i will see some of y'all?

Mar 5, 09 8:30 pm  · 

watanabe -

Oh wow, Waseda undergrad eh? I have a few 友達 at Waseda, and they really love it down there -- I would have loved being in Tokyo, but living up north has been pretty amazing in and of itself.

Looks like we definitely have similar stats (and similar picks)! Who knows, we may end up BOTH getting into our choices :-D It's definitely encouraging to hear you got into UMich, major congrats on that.

I'd be happy to post my portfolio (any other takers?)... but I have to put a disclaimer in here -- being in my current frail mental condition waiting for notifications, I'm afraid my poor little heart cant take any harsh criticism right now.... so please, if you wouldnt mind waiting to say anything (other than maybe "you are the super coolest ever") until AFTER letters go out (then feel free to let loose), that would be super (haha). That said, happy viewing:

My M.Arch Portfolio (non-arch bkgd) on flickr

Oh yea, and watanabe I assume you are waiting for notification in Tokyo? I wonder if it will take longer for them to send/email stuff to us since we're int'l....

Anyway, good luck! Keep us posted!

Mar 5, 09 9:05 pm  · 


I thoroughly enjoyed looking through your portfolio. Lots of diversity and the text was a good amount for a quick read. Simple, concise and engaging.

also, "You are the super coolest ever."

Good luck!

Mar 5, 09 9:47 pm  · 

is everyone and their mothers applying to Umich!? seems there's a lot of applicants, on here atleast.

to those who cam from a 4 year degree and have been accepted, where did you place into the program? any advanced placement? or any added semesters? (i'm interested in hearing from you Umich people in particular having myself gone through that transcript process in their application)

it appears Parsons offers advanced placement but it doesn't reduce the time down from 3yrs for their M.Arch I program. it only allows youto take more electives in place...

@lost in stress and Blake.T.Smith
AA will be very difficult to fund and also a bit of a risky choice for me :(

Mar 5, 09 10:07 pm  · 

am i the only one that applied/accepted to


i'm waiting on my package... :/ ...... a bit nervous on that also..

Mar 5, 09 10:18 pm  · 

Think we all jumped at reading about an 80% acceptance rate in last year's thread? I did read that that number seems to be not true, but it did catch my eye.

I know I would be happy to go there but I know part of the reason I was applying was to try to ensure getting in some where.

Davester: very impressive! hoping that you get into all your programs so that I have a small chance at getting into them as well. I'm assuming we'll get our Michigan packets by the 10th or so; as far as email/websites go I don't think they are affected. I got my first acceptance from Michigan on Feb 24th along w/a few other people here. I think this has to do with us not really being in the "international student" pile; I think we're both US citizens who are simply applying from abroad.

Also, don't discount your experience in Sendai! I would trade all of omotesando/shibuya for the mediatheque. So jealous.

Mar 5, 09 10:21 pm  · 

throwing my hat in the ring....

Minnesota - accepted (email)
Texas - accepted (email)
Washington - accepted (phone call)*
UVA - ?
Yale - ?

*apparently i'm not capable of correctly filling out online forms: I accidentally checked the wrong box on the form that goes to the graduate school (not the arch. department), and ended up being accepted there as a "non-matriculated" student. the only way to fix this was to resubmit my application and another application fee. its all been taken care of, but clearly one of my finer moments...

Mar 5, 09 10:22 pm  · 

gsarch- I found out via e-mail and in mail form a few days later from MiamiU(OH).

I am optimistic and eager about the next week because that is when I hope the good news drops. Any longer than that and I'm going to get worried.

Mar 5, 09 10:32 pm  · 

Davester -- love the use of the colored corners on your portfolio; sharp!

man-hole, cranbook tempted me, but at the end of the day i thought i would probably find the program a bit too teeny and probably suffer from small town syndrome for another ~4 years (i did my ugrad in claremont, ca)

Mar 5, 09 10:52 pm  · 

been reading the thread... kind of wish i hadnt found this page as the good news is making me incredibly jealous...

talked to the admissions ppl @ ut and was told that most acceptance emails have been sent out and the last of them will be sent by this weekend... rejection letters to follow in a week or so :o(

Mar 5, 09 10:53 pm  · 

wantanabe, it's pretty easy to calculate the #s for umich using figures on their website... if i remember correctly from doing it myself, most recent stats they provided showed something around ~75% admitted to 3G with a somewhat significantly lower 2G rate.

Mar 5, 09 10:54 pm  · 

cranbrook isnt that far from either detroit/ferndale/royal oak/pontiac if you wanted to explore a bit....hang out and get some food...

i felt cranbrook was the best choice for me.... the open studio/educate yourself sort of mentality... i hate structured classes/routines also...

and it was for 3d/i.d. i didnt want to do arch.. considering that i already have a 5-year b.a. arch.

Mar 5, 09 10:58 pm  · 

man-hole, it definitely sounds like a great program -- with a great pedigree ;)
and i can't say that i wasn't drooling over pictures of the campus --- gorgeous!

Mar 5, 09 11:13 pm  · 

Btw did any of you other umich-ers notice what appears to be a 10k hike in out of state tuition? Am I reading something wrong?

Mar 5, 09 11:56 pm  · 

Missmeer: You went to one of the Claremont Colleges? I'm a former Scrippsie. Which school did you go to?

Mar 6, 09 12:00 am  · 

Small world! I went to Pomona.

Re my last post about umich tuition, could it be they are including cost of the 2009 summer term? Hmm. I may phone to inquire tomorrow.

Mar 6, 09 12:24 am  · 

Did anyone else get scholarship offers from Michigan? I'm still waiting to hear from UVA about money but I'm hoping I can figure out some way of pitting them off against one another. Probably not the most realistic idea, huh?

Mar 6, 09 12:26 am  · 

Ilseve, I'm curious if we ever crossed paths! I majored in art, minored in art history, graduated in 2008. Did you take any classes at Pomona? You didn't happen to take town, castle, cathedral with emerick in spring 06, did you?

Mar 6, 09 12:30 am  · 

I got a scholarship that I'm happy about.

My boyfriend is a big believer in asking for more when you need it so I wouldn't rule that strategy out ilseve!

Mar 6, 09 12:32 am  · 

How funny... I majored in art history and minored in art! I took the majority of my art history classes at Pomona (several with George Gorse but none with Emerick) and graduated in 2006.

Mar 6, 09 12:58 am  · 
CAD Mangler

Davester - I especially like the sculpture/ceramics--very cleanly presented.

F2 - I haven't heard a peep from Oregon, aside from the housing packet (I applied!) and the email (plus the 2nd email correcting the open house date). Would like to hear more from them...

Mar 6, 09 2:01 am  · 
CAD Mangler

I'm not sure if anybody else is in this boat: applying as a non-arch background, but I actually did over 2 years of a BArch program before bailing and getting my BA in English.

I know this would normally get me some advanced placement credit, except ... this was back in 1995-97. I'm really not sure if the schools would credit anything that far back, although I've never seen a hard-and-fast "cutoff age" for credits. I didn't make a big deal on my apps about going for advanced placement, but now I'm wondering if/how I should bring it up to the programs that admitted me.

Thoughts, or any experience with getting credit for stale old coursework?

Mar 6, 09 2:21 am  · 
lost in stress

amnesiac, a prof of mine told me that the UK is the hardest country to get your arch license, which means that it can transfer almost anywhere... possibly even the US. Something to consider if you plan to stay there to work.

mismeer, congrats on the scholarship to UMich... something I was hoping for but didn't get. At least you can be in the same city as your bf. Good luck next year, you probably won't see me there unless I'm blown away by the facility and program when I attend the open house.

As far as the question about UMich, I agree the high acceptance rate was a major factor in my decision to apply. The one thing I just realized is the student profile page doesn't list any indication of the year those numbers came from. Those stats could be from 3,4, or 5 years ago... maybe its there way of trying to boost the number of applicants. Who knows, I'm just surprised that such a good school would have so little applicants. Heck UIC isn't even ranked and they get twice as many applicants.

Mar 6, 09 2:31 am  · 

jipster: that fucking sucks.

Mar 6, 09 2:47 am  · 

switch: i appreciate the kind words. i was trying to keep it clean and simple and i'm very glad that came across. thanks for giving it a look-see.

watanabe: thanks! and yea i've been thinking the same thing -- we are probably just treated as domestic applicants who just happen to live abroad. might affect snail mail, but emails and the such shouldn't be affected. yay! doesn't make the waiting any easier though... haha

and i definitely didnt mean it to seem like i discount being in sendai, i love it here! perfect size, tons of trees (杜の都!), great people. and speaking of that beautiful beautiful mediatheque, i actually just went to a lecture on CASBEE earlier this week there, and the Sendai Design League (graduate thesis design work from all over Japan) starts up on Sunday :-D

missmeer: i thought colors worked better than saying "photo" or "digital" or anything in the corner :-) thanks!

CADmangler: i'm really glad you liked the ceramics section, it was a fun group to put together (though sadly i havent had a chance to put my hands on some clay in almost a year). anyway, much appreciated!

crossing my fingers for everyone as the clock keeps on keepin on towards those magical moments of delight and defeat. hoping for the former!

Mar 6, 09 4:54 am  · 

So Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday should be days of intense commiserating. Many of our top schools will be notifying around then.

I think there will have to be some heavy escapism going on this weekend. I jump at every phone call or new email.

Also, davester, welcome out of the woodwork.

Mar 6, 09 5:09 am  · 

Lost, thanks for your kind words. uic's location in Chicago is great! You're there now, right? I lived in rogers park several summers ago and my boyfriend is from Chicago (Hyde park). I'd kill to live there after school.

Mar 6, 09 7:08 am  · 

Wonderful book. Beautiful.
How did you bind/combine all these pages, if you don't mind me asking. I see you have had experience in Japanese book binding...did you use that?

Thanks to everyone for posting their portfolios over the weeks. It has been fun seeing how everyone executed it differently.

Mar 6, 09 10:04 am  · 


I thought you are applying as international student. It seems that UTSOA does not offer scholarship to international students in their first year. Do you have ideas about the architecture program there?

Mar 6, 09 10:27 am  · 
lost in stress

mismeer, yes I am currently living in Chicago. That is one of the major factor in my upcoming decision, ultimately I want to work in the city after grad school. As I have discussed with so many of my friends, the only, unfortuantely, aspect that UMich has going for it in in my situation is the quality of the program. If I decide to accept UMich, I would be facing many obstacles; cost, when term begins (June 29th puts too much pressure on how soon I would have to relocate and saving money for the move), and location. in the end I'm not sure if all the investments I would have to make for Mich is worth what I'll get from the institution.

Mar 6, 09 11:09 am  · 

AA- Accepted..
GSD- Waiting...

is it one more week for GSD results or when do they come out...

Mar 6, 09 11:28 am  · 


No, I'm a TX resident.
I don't really know much about the program to be honest, other than it is quite reputable. Also, I've been told they are very strong on sustainability.

I've been trying to get input on this forum in a couple threads, but haven't had much luck.

Anyone on here know much about UT's M.Arch program?

Mar 6, 09 11:30 am  · 

this thread feels like a ticking timebomb, lol.

lost, i totally understand! without the scholarship offer, there was no way i could consider umich.

but UIC is certainly nothing to scoff at! and i like to judge schools by their websites, and UIC's has come a LONG way since last year, lol.

if you do attend the umich recruitment weekend - let's say hello :)

Mar 6, 09 11:32 am  · 

On monday, shit goes boom!

Mar 6, 09 11:43 am  · 

I'm wondering if Wash U will notify today...

Mar 6, 09 11:46 am  · 

according to last year Wash U is one day behind hehe - one can only hope gs11

Mar 6, 09 11:54 am  · 

andimdone... couldnt agree more... im from tx and have been out of the state for 7 years doing the college thing and tfa... was hoping to be able to return to tx for my arch education... will keep hope alive until they send me the "thanks for applying, unfortunately..."

Mar 6, 09 11:59 am  · 

for those who applied to more than 1 program at GSD:

did you also get an email asking to rank the preference of programs?

Mar 6, 09 12:09 pm  · 
lost in stress

I think we've had some pretty good energy with all the early acceptances and what not, but with the upoming weeks we'll see dreams come true and crushed at the same time. Who here just wants to know so we can all just move on from this application process? Personally, that's where I'm at now, tell me yes or no Penn!

mismeer, totally. It would be nice to put a face to the name! UIC is definitely a quality school. As all my prof's have told me, its a school of "scrappers", people who take their education into their own hands. If you have the drive and intiative then one would walk out of there with an incredible education. Something I'm all too fond of. This year alone taught myself parametric design and rhinoscripting because my school doesn't have any resources in those areas.

Mar 6, 09 12:16 pm  · 

lost in stress - yes, i just want to know the answer so i can move on with my life. My life has basically been on pause for the longest time and it's about time to be over!

my birthday is next week. this is going to be awesome!

Mar 6, 09 12:22 pm  · 

I just want to know. The anxiety in every Outlook Send/Receive is growing and I fear for next week.

I thought today would be the day people heard, but it looks like everyone is taking longer (save UIC, UMich and a few others). Hopefully good news is on the way for everyone.

Mar 6, 09 12:28 pm  · 

Entasis: thank you! :-) Funny you ask about the binding -- originally I was going to hand bind all the books for each school. Maybe a stab bind or apply some kind of special matboard cover, but due to time and material limitations here in Japan (it's actually been pretty hard to find art supply stores in my area) I had to pull back on the reigns a bit. Ended up with a simple saddle bind with two staples. Nothing fancy (especially after I found out the printer wanted to charge a few hundred bucks to do perfect binding on a short run order... grrrr).

But I was happy with how it came out. Honestly, as important as the portfolio is, it may only spend a few minutes in the admissions people's hands. No sense going too nutsy coo coo. My goal was to make something comparable to some of the "exemplary" portfolios I saw in the admissions offices at MIT, GSD, berkeley and the like and I am happy with what came out. I suppose only time will tell...

Anyway, that wasn't a long-winded answer or anything... but yea, I would have loved to have done a special binding, but it still came out to my liking. Simple, felt good in my hands, less time consuming and cheaper!

kungapa: agreed. starting monday it's going to be mAdNeSs.

I'm off for the night, おやすみ! ...oh and here, have a link:

Mar 6, 09 1:14 pm  · 

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