
2009 M.Arch applicants, commiserate here!


And congrats to amnesiac and Entasis, along with others who have started to receive good news! May the trickle of acceptances now turn into a full-on downpour...please.

Mar 8, 09 1:39 am  · 

Thanks di-c.

I hope this week goes well for us all.

Mar 8, 09 1:44 am  · 

@ nickthegreek
yeah they seemed to still be in the process of acceptances though. they should be mailing things out shortly. are you expecting any Advanced Placement?

Mar 8, 09 1:52 am  · 

hobo: my department has lots of students from ASIJ/st. mary's; on the whole they are some of the most unmotivated/boring/spoiled people I have ever met. Could be the side effect of going clubbing in Roppongi every weekend since they were 11 years old.

For those who have received your UofMich package, has your wolverine page updated to reflect your financial offer? I got the email about the invitation week saying that my official letter (and any possible funding) should have arrived by now; but of course it hasn't. On the site I just get a bunch of 0's for my aid package.

It's monday in Japan! Good luck to everyone in the coming week

Mar 8, 09 11:27 am  · 

hey watanabe, i think any scholarship offers from the school are largely separate from the fin aid office at this point. i was asked to contact the office of financial aid to report the award so that they could repackage any need-based/FAFSA financial aid offers. i reported the award on thursday --- but still see zeroes. it sounds like it may take fin aid another couple of weeks before they have any need-based offers.

...does that answer your question at least sort of?

Mar 8, 09 11:45 am  · 

I need a new serve location of my portfolio... i'll get it back up in a hot second

amnesiac: thanks for the compliments. and actually I went to London for a week to see the school/meet with the program directors. After that, admissions told me I could be in any of the MSc Programs that year or could defer with no fee. Damn this BSc! (I can't do a MArch at the AA, only an expensive MSc.)

AA - IN (deferred last year)
Michigan - IN (w/ a smaaaaaalll scholarship and a large t-shirt)
UT Austin - IN (no idea about $ yet)
SCI-Arc - ?
MIT - ?
GSD (AP) - ?
Yale - ?

Thoughts on the best strategies for asking for more aid/scholarship money?
Also, who's heading to Austin for open house? Currently I have no idea where to stay and can only think of bbq!

cheers to all and keep your fingers crossed this week. Are we expecting top choice GSD/MIT letters this week or next?

Mar 8, 09 1:37 pm  · 


I'm hoping for Advanced Placement as I have a BSc and 4 years in Arch from the UK and I think my portfolio is pretty decent(or that's what I like to believe) fingers crossed....I ll let you know how it goes this week!What other schools have you applied to???

Congats and good luck to's gonna be one crazy week!

Mar 8, 09 2:06 pm  · 

sturgey, if you've got some $$$ stay at hotel san jose. ;) don't know too much else about the hotel/motel scene around here though... there may be another hotel on south congress avenue, but i am blanking. and hah! about the large umich t-shirt. i saw that one coming - i'm quite small. trying to find someone that's handy with a sewing machine. ;)

Mar 8, 09 2:13 pm  · 

If you are careful not to get soy sauce or russian dressing on your michigan T you can send it back for a different size.

In regards to additional funding, you probably wont see that until you make a commitment to the school in question. I received a sizable $ from one of the schools you applied to, if I decide to go somewhere else then this $ goes back into the pot to be redistributed to wait-listees and strong admits who show resolve early.

Mar 8, 09 2:37 pm  · 

i don't think you will need to make a commitment to see more $$ options -- although i do believe that 10 is correct in saying that you may need to wait for things to "shake out" a bit at schools as people try and determine where they are going which will possibly put more money (and spots) back into the program.

Mar 8, 09 2:45 pm  · 

Hey amnesiac- belated congrats!

And to respond, I don't think all schools offer AP, RISD didn't mention it. I would think that i probably can't shorten my program length, but could perhaps waive certain courses if I wished to try (i.e. manual drafting, history of arch.). I say that because at least 1/2 of my required courses each semester are new and relevant to me, though there will be a bit of redundancy my 1st year. Fortunately, the more redundant courses are also my favorite types of classes that I honestly would love to repeat.

I notice you said you had a BS tho, I have a BA-and didn't take some of the more technical of my possible electives (structures, material performance) that you may have had already, making your first year more redundant. I say it certainly can't hurt to ask them if you qualify for advavced placement or can waive courses you've had already- that's my best advice, ha, but I really don't know!

Mar 8, 09 2:46 pm  · 

sturgey - I'm planning to attend the Austin open house. Not sure about the hotel though, I'll probably stay at the cheapest thing I can find...

Anyone else going to the Austin open house?

About advanced placement - I too have a four-year degree in Arch, and applied to AP programs at the schools I applied to. Probably at some schools I'll get it, and at others I won't (if accepted). UWash already accepted me into their two-year program, but even if I get the magic phone call from the GSD I'm pretty sure I won't get AP there, mostly just because I've heard that almost no one gets it.

Giantclam - how'd you like Watchment? I saw it the other night and wish I had my $10 and 2.5 hours back...

Mar 8, 09 2:56 pm  · 

congrats to everyone thus far on their acceptances. i'm one of those phantom readers of this post that's been slowly going crazy waiting for the mail. fortunately, i got a call from RISD yesterday lettin me know i got into their M. ARCH I program with a small fellowship (well, small relative to cost of attending). Also got in SAIC last month, but waiting to see what kind of award package they'll offer. As of now just waiting on SCI-arc, which i suspect won't be for another couple weeks.

My background is a BA in Anthropology at UCLA (barely a 3.0 GPA), but ended up working in graphic design after graduating. after several years of less than inspiring jobs, i eventually left my job and took a couple semesters at LAIAD's grad prep program, which immensely helped get my portfolio to where i was hoping it to be. only downside was i missed all of the december deadlines (ie Harvard, Columbia, UCLA) because our final review was around the same time, and I didn't have my portfolio fully built till mid january.

I'm considering reapplying for next year to a wider net of schools, with high hopes of getting a substantial scholarship somewhere... we'll see what happens i guess.

here's my portfolio... it's a bit long, so bear with me :)

good luck everyone!

Mar 8, 09 3:06 pm  · 

Sturgey and Landshark, where did you get the UT open house info? there was nothing in my email, and I wrote to Jane but she hasn't responded. I really want to go.
Does anyone have insight into UT financial aid? it seems like only after the first year is anything available, but that seems weird to me. Also, any knowledge of the tuition? I've seen conflicting figures.

Mar 8, 09 3:44 pm  · 

oco, -- note that figures are per semester, not year.

my understanding of merit based aid is the same as yours --- majority reserved for continuing students. no mention of $$$ in any of my letters from giac / soa... but i'm in state which is already fairly inexpensive -- not sure if that ever factors in for them when determining merit-based stuff.

Mar 8, 09 3:53 pm  · 

the open house date is on the 27th btw. i take it you haven't received any hard copy mail from UT? i got it about 2-3 days after the email notification. it comes with a acceptance letter from soa.

it went to my parents, btw --- which i had listed as my permanent address -- rather than coming to my current address.

Mar 8, 09 3:55 pm  · 

i can't make the UT open house (i'll be heading down the week after to check it out), but for those of you who are going and are looking for some good bbq, try to get down to Lockhart. Its a small town about 40 minutes south of austin - a bit of a drive, but worth it (i was in austin on a road trip a few years ago, and ended up making two trips in two days). texas officially declared it the bbq capital of texas, and it earns the name. Smitty's is my favorite, Kreuz Market is great (very sauce, just salt and pepper on some well cooked meat), and blacks is good as well.

on an architecture related note, i still haven't gotten any word of financial aid yet either....

Mar 8, 09 4:01 pm  · 

kreuz is good for the sausage, but it's all about city market in luling for ribs.

Mar 8, 09 4:20 pm  · 

Any word on the meat situation in Cambridge?

Are we talking strictly Bartley's or can we branch out a little?

Mar 8, 09 5:41 pm  · 

I'll be in Austin the 27th for sure. Don't know much about hotels though as I will be staying at a friend's more than likely.

@Landshark - saw Watchmen last night. Absolutely loved it. Had an eye orgasm for almost the whole movie. Then again, I am a huge fan of the graphic novel in the first place.

Mar 8, 09 5:41 pm  · 


Mar 8, 09 5:43 pm  · 

mikan, great work! can't believe you were able to accomplish that much from a summer "prep" program. so are you passing on risd's acceptance this year? i guess if you can wait a year, it makes sense to cover all your bases before committing 3 full yrs to a school!

Mar 8, 09 5:50 pm  · 

mikan - congrats and nice portfolio!

ocotillo - I got the info in an e-mail from Richard Cleary:

"We hope that you will consider joining us on Friday, 27 March, at the open house for prospective students admitted to graduate programs in architecture and landscape architecture. The event will allow you to meet faculty, current students, and future classmates."

Still haven't received any snail mail from UT though.

Mar 8, 09 5:57 pm  · 

Blake.T.Smith - yeah, I've heard that if you're a follower of the graphic novel, Watchmen is amazing. I however, am not. I though the ink blot mask was cool though...

Mar 8, 09 6:04 pm  · 

yeah, if you're a follower of the graphic novel you will love the graphics. the director treated the comic book as if it were his bible and followed it to the t.

back to this waiting period a.k.a. torture session, i ordered a new bottle of wine. it should be coming in 5 mins. i don't know about you guys but it's getting harder to breathe, like drowning.....a huge SIGH

Mar 8, 09 6:17 pm  · 

I'm at work on a Sunday charge of a competition for our office...drinking beer...trying not to think about emails/calls/letters this week...and mercilessly refreshing this forum...ah me.

Mar 8, 09 6:46 pm  · 

cheers mfc~

Mar 8, 09 6:54 pm  · 

for those of you that have gotten accepted to UT but not received info about the open house - i happen to have had my dad scan the letter/open house info b/c i hate paper accumulation, lol.

see the SOA open house flier here:

Mar 8, 09 7:04 pm  · 

thanks missmeer! I suspect i will get mine soon but it's great to know that info in advance.

Mar 8, 09 7:13 pm  · 

So my fiance got into Wash U yesterday March 7th via email and postal mail - still waiting to hear if I got in :( - not looking so good

Mar 8, 09 7:36 pm  · 
Aaron Plewke

very cool of you to provide that public service, mismeer.

congrats to all on acceptances thus far.

so far i've heard from UT (M.Arch AP) and WashU (2yr M.Arch AP / MUD), accepted to both, financial aid information forthcoming. still waiting to hear from a handful of other programs. a close friend was also accepted to the same two programs (same undergrad - UF). another friend from UF got the RISD call on Saturday, with a generous scholarship offer.

_n, hopefully i'll see you at the WashU open house!

and good luck to everyone this coming week! hopefully we'll all have more good news to share.

Mar 8, 09 7:42 pm  · 

@ 10, re: cambridge eats.

bartley's has certainly earned its fan-base (i'm partial to the bill clinton burger), but there are lots of other good places to eat nearby. my personal favorites while living in the area were cambridge 1 for pizza & atmosphere, cambridge common for burgers & beers, 9 tastes for thai, diva in davis square for indian, darwin's for sandwiches, and charlie's kitchen for drinks & karaoke.

Mar 8, 09 8:46 pm  · 

thanks newport and landshark! i did their summer and fall semesters... i was surprised how much i got done within the 8 week summer semester, although it helps not having a job and plenty of free time.

i'm planning to check out RISD's open house in april, and also visit some other schools while i'm out there. hopefully i'll have a better idea of my final decision after that.

Mar 8, 09 9:47 pm  · 

UT has not yet sent me an official acceptance email from GIAC, let alone any mail package. :(

BTW, as i'm an international student, i'm afraid i cannot fly to attend the SOA open house. Would you guys please post your ideas on UTSOA here after Mar 27th?

Mar 8, 09 9:58 pm  · 

regarding cambridge area meat: redbones in somerville.

thier sides are good enough to make it one of my sister's favorite restaurants (and she is a vegetarian). their pulled pork is super tender and they have a pretty varied beer selection. one downside is the breading on the catfish, which i think should be a little bit finer ground cornmeal. that being said, i'm kind of drooling thinking about it.

Mar 8, 09 10:19 pm  · 

I second sunshy3's request. I can't make it to the UT open house either and would appreciate any reports/opinions of the experience.

Mar 8, 09 10:51 pm  · 

I don't know if I want Monday to come ... this is weird

Mar 8, 09 11:02 pm  · 

I'll let you guys know what I think of UT Austin

Mar 8, 09 11:39 pm  · 

man, i nervously check this thread and i'm not even applying anywhere until next year. i'm rooting for you all!

Mar 8, 09 11:44 pm  · 

so...i hate to be a bummer. but thats what I do these days.

I have been at work all day today (Sunday). The network has crashed, autocad has shut down 4 times, I have had 2 bug splats in skp, I dont know how to turn the heat on and its snowing outside. And yet, I remained hopeful everytime I checked my email that UT had sent me something. Its only fair to get some positive feedback from them for all the hard work and great ideas I've had in the past few years.

I am so bummed that this is it...according to previous forum post, by the end of this weekend all the good news is over from UT and this week the bad news begins.

Congrats to all those who are in but is there anyone else who is bummed?

Mar 8, 09 11:54 pm  · 

sturgey, yes my BSc in Arch seems only marginally better than a BSc in Underwater basketweaving at times. however, and sorry if this bursts your bubble, i got into an MArch program at AA. i just applied i think they kinda just didn't notice!? idk

nickthegreek, if you're in the UK then you might just have to be patient with the mail. did you do anything different in your app for Parsons to designate that you would like to be considered for AP? i plan on politely asking them sometime this week about all this AP stuff so i'll let you know what happens on my end.

thanks GClam, good luck at RISD. should be a quality experince. i know a few students who've gone and loved it...all non-arch majors though.

Mar 9, 09 12:44 am  · 

This week will bow before me like a fertile swath of jungle bearing massive lumber and wildlife.

The fruits of my labors will be dangling from overhanging branches overripe with congratulations.

Mar 9, 09 1:24 am  · 

Just a few hours before the e-mails start pouring in. Good news for all I hope!

Nervously optimistic...

Mar 9, 09 6:20 am  · 

Well, don't hope for too many of the schools notifying today. Most likely - judging from previous years - they will pop in throughout the week.

Mar 9, 09 6:37 am  · 
lost in stress

I agree kungapa. From the posts last year on thegradcafe, any postal notification will be sent out today. Which means that you won't be getting them until mid-week. I have no theory as to when you'll get an email or phone call. But from the looks of it, no one really got there's on a monday.

Mar 9, 09 8:41 am  · 

mismeer: perfectly! thank you; one less site I will be constantly refreshing.

Davester: my letter from UPS is at their warehouse; they couldn't deliver it cause I changed addresses, I'm guessing you should be getting yours momentarily if you haven't already ;)

Mar 9, 09 8:44 am  · 

birdie: thanks for the kind words about my portfolio :-)

sturgey: took a gander at your work - very very impressive!

watanabe: ahhhhhh!! really??? thats great news! hopefully congratulations will be in order very shortly :-D ..nothing here yet... (i hope i hope i hope........)

ahhh this is like waiting for a time bomb desperately wishing for it to go off!

hope everyone is staying sane, UNLIKE me! best of luck this week!

Mar 9, 09 9:03 am  · 

I am getting absolutely nothing of substance or consequence done today.

Mar 9, 09 9:33 am  · 

whew! my heart pounded so fast when I saw an email from GSAPP in my inbox!!! but it only says,

"Thank you again for your interest and efforts in applying to the GSAPP.

The Admissions Committee is in the final stages of the review process.

All applicants will receive an email notification from the GSAPP Admissions Office by April 1, 2009, at which point candidates will be able to check their decision status online by logging onto the Apply Yourself website. Admissions decisions are not available via the telephone nor will they become available until you receive notification from our office."

gyaaah... they are prolonging the waiting agony. at least it's not bad news.

Mar 9, 09 9:40 am  · 

an email from GSAPP today:

All applicants will receive an email notification from the GSAPP Admissions Office by April 1, 2009, at which point candidates will be able to check their decision status online by logging onto the Apply Yourself website. Admissions decisions are not available via the telephone nor will they become available until you receive notification from our office.

i guess a lot of people have been bugging them this past week...

Mar 9, 09 9:40 am  · 

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