
2009 M.Arch applicants, commiserate here!


is it a bad thing to feel disheartened to have not gotten accepted to ut austin first round?

ego, please take another crushing blow......

Mar 5, 09 12:53 am  · 

um...geeky cat thread cont. I/we love my (3) cats, couldn't get rid of them without substantial heartbreak. Probably makes most of my schools a bad choice but then again, they're used to a small city apt. Any plan that involves getting rid of any of my cats is not an option I'm my head. Hard to move w/ 3 of them, but we did it once, can do again.

Mar 5, 09 3:38 am  · 

GD iPhone correction: 2nd to last sentance, I'm = in.

Mar 5, 09 4:18 am  · 


I have also received two emails from UTSOA but not yet any from GIAC. Are you going to ask for some sort of financial aid?

Mar 5, 09 5:56 am  · 

I've been hovering around following the discussion for a few weeks now and figured I would finally hop on the torture train at this friendly little commiseration station...

Stats: graduated last May with a BA in Studio Art/East Asian Studies, doing independent research now in Sendai, Japan at Tohoku Univ. 3.8/1340

As of now, no news (is good news?). Still expect about a weeks wait, and who knows if it will take longer because I'm abroad... but, I'm crossing my fingers for:

u florida

Congrats so far to all those who have gotten the good news, and good luck to all who are still sweating out the wait!!

Oh yea, and feel free to follow my anguish on twitter too (@TheDavester)

Mar 5, 09 6:14 am  · 

Interesting; pretty similar stats TheDavester:

Liberal arts degree from Waseda, 3.9/1320 and in at u of mich so far; also applied to mit/gsd with you, in addition to princeton/yale.

Got a portfolio or SoP? Interested to hear how your apps go!

Mar 5, 09 6:18 am  · 

So many lurkers coming out of hiding...

I would say monday/tuesday next week is when we will start finding out about Princeton.

Mar 5, 09 6:34 am  · 

just heard that Cornell eliminated/laid off the AAP College's entire Knight Visual Resources Facility This seems like a big deal. They tout this resource in their open house. I'm curious if anyone knows of other cuts at other schools.

Mar 5, 09 9:33 am  · 

ok here's my pathetic update :

umich - accepted
uf - ?
upenn - ?
clemson - ?
tulane - ?
cornell - ?
yale - ?
uic - ?

anyone else apply to clemson? last year they sent out acceptances the second week of february... guess the increase in applicants hit them hard..

davester - are you from florida? i went to uf undergrad and the grad program just got a new director who is awesome. i had him for my last studio and he has big plans for the grad program. plus in state its basically free!

and umich people... they offered me a scholarship that covers a little more than 1/3 of tuition... hopefully they'll be a little more giving with you all! i think someone already mentioned it, but the package arrived priority mail

Mar 5, 09 9:47 am  · 

thanks so much for the peace of mind, miwrn. you're a good man/woman.

Mar 5, 09 10:02 am  · 

I figure I should post this before the rejections come...

RPI - Accepted
Oregon - Accepted
IIT - Accepted
U Washington - ?
UIC - ?
UBC - ?
Minnesota - ?

Has anyone else applied to Minnesota? It's one of my top choices right now, but the silence coming from them right now is killing me. I went to their open house in October and left with a good impression, plus I'd get in state tuition as a Wisconsin resident.

Mar 5, 09 10:02 am  · 

10 - i hope your cat lives

Mar 5, 09 10:35 am  · 

i've got two sweet tabby boys who will stay with me if i go to texas or will go live with their "grandparents" (aka my parents) if i relocate to michigan. a part of me believes that the parents are crossing their fingers i leave so that they have these two little purring motorboats around their house.

Mar 5, 09 10:38 am  · 

have definitely started to worry about whether my cat (her name is dominique francon, of course) will receive enough attention while i spend my late nights in the studio.

but my soul simply cannot handle leaving both my boyfriend AND my kitty if i go out of state.

so the kitty is comin' with.

a week or two i half-joked to the boyf about having to fully enclose my studio space to prevent kitty escape-age. i mean, i saw several dogs roaming around the SCI-Arc studio when i visited in october...

Mar 5, 09 10:57 am  · 

hahah re: your cat name, hobopjs.

my two are cass (gilbert) and (paul philippe) cret.

Mar 5, 09 11:01 am  · 

someone posted on grad cafe about getting accepted to UCLA M.Arch I via some website, no email. (!!!!!)

was it one of you? or rather, us?

and if it was ... tell me which website so i can check too, please!?!?

PS: thanks, mismeer. and your kitty names are awesome, they've got a lot to live up to. :) god i love architecture nerdiness.

Mar 5, 09 11:22 am  · 

I initially recoiled at the idea of Dominique Francon given as a name to a loved one (in this case, a cat), but I guess it does fit the general disposition of most felines. Kind of like naming a terrier "Rommel" or something. Not pleasant, but fitting.

Mar 5, 09 11:32 am  · 

Hey Kaysc - I applied to Clemson, I live in Charleston, really hoping to get in.... Here is my rundown:

Clemson - ?
Oregon - ?
Tulane - ?
RISD - ?
SCAD - ?
Pratt - ?

I hope I get in somewhere. If not, it's off to the BAC for me....

Mar 5, 09 11:58 am  · 

weird, cat people....

Jinxy cat, Jinxy cat, where are you? I love you!

Mar 5, 09 12:02 pm  · 

Hi all,

I've been obsessively reading this chain for the past few weeks and figure it's about time I jumped on the bandwagon.

stats: graduated in 2006 with a degree in art history, 3.4 gpa, 740v 640q

Applied to:

UVA: accepted
Michigan: accepted
UT Austin: haven't heard anything :(

Congratulations to everyone who has heard back! Next week should be interesting...

Joentasis: What do you think of the BAC? It's my plan B as well (if I don't get enough funding anywhere else) and I'm taking a class there right now but get very contradictory reports from current students. I'd appreciate any thoughts you'd like to share.

Mar 5, 09 12:42 pm  · 

I go to the BAC right now. As I'm sure may guess from my applying other places this year, it's not necessarily the place for me.

I would be ok staying there, if I must, but it's just not the best fit. Working at the same time as doing school does have some benefits, however I never feel like I can do either one as well as I really want to because I spend half my time doing the other.
Many students seem to have a problem with the professors (high turn over rate, not usually very experienced, etc.), but I have had GREAT experiences with all mine so far. For me, it is the usual student there that is the issue. In all my studios so far, very few students are really committed and put 100% into the class. This is understandable with jobs to deal with on top of school work, but I am looking for a more rigorous studio experience where there is work on the wall to actually bring about conversation. I'm not talking a problem of quality necessarily, just being able to do enough exploration to know where you are going I guess.

Mar 5, 09 1:00 pm  · 

Ilseve + Entasis79,

Sounds like the typical response about the BAC. I am not qualified really to answer what it is like. However, since I got accepted, I called to ask what it is like to be a student at the BAC and try to work right now with the state of the economy. I was concerned of course with, if I attended, would I be able to find a job with a non-arch background? Most people are getting laid off. What firm would want to take on some BS BAC student? Anyways, it seems like a neat approach to education, but I agree with Entasis79 that I would rather devote all my time to the studio. We have the rest of our lives to work, right? I'm young so that's how I feel. However, I just don't know if I could forego another year of going to arch school if I don't get in anywhere else. Ahh! Nervous....

Ilseve, since it appears you have gotten acceptance from UVA and UMich, I would imagine you are in pretty good shape to not have to go to the BAC. Good luck to you.

Entasis79 - where else are you applying?

Mar 5, 09 1:13 pm  · 

Having a husband is similar to having a cat. Can’t leave him alone.

Mar 5, 09 1:15 pm  · 




Mar 5, 09 1:18 pm  · 

Hi ilseve ,

I am also new to this forum...just window shopping you could say. Congrats on getting into UVA; that is one of my top schools.

I was just wondering when you heard. Unfortunately I have not heard anything and I am assuming the worse. I am just hoping you heard more recently to keep my hopes up. But still, congrats!

Mar 5, 09 1:20 pm  · 

scroll up a lil, Entasis79

Mar 5, 09 1:21 pm  · 

here is my line up:

UIC - nothing :(
U of Toronto - ?
Gsapp - ?
Wash U - ?
U Penn - ?
Va Tech - ?

I can't wait to hear from just one of them! It's definitely not a good sign not to have heard from UIC...major bummer

Congrat's to everyone else who got acceptances!

Mar 5, 09 1:41 pm  · 

Entasis79 + Joentasis:

Thanks for your takes on the BAC. It definitely seems like a hectic way to go about getting an education. I've always been pretty awful at balancing work and school so I have worried that the BAC's educational model may not work well for me. That said, there is something very appealing about the idea of getting that much work experience so soon. I have absolutely no architectural background (I did the Career Discovery program at the GSD this past summer but that's it for me) and I feel as though beginning to work in the field could potentially influence the decisions I'll make about my education. Who knows though, I'm probably over-thinking it and I would definitely miss having a real studio environment.


Thanks for the congrats! I heard from UVA a week or two ago but (as people keep telling me when I whine about UT) I don't think you should take not having heard yet as a sign that you won't be accepted. Where else did you apply (sorry if you've already listed it somewhere)?

Mar 5, 09 1:50 pm  · 

Guess it's time for me to jump in as well!


U Penn - ?
UVA - ?
VA Tech - ?
GA Tech - ?
Clemson - ?
UNCC - waitlisted

@ kaysc + Joentasis: Called Clemson on Tuesday, and provided that your application is complete, they intend on sending out letters this Friday.

Congrats to everyone with acceptances!

Mar 5, 09 1:59 pm  · 


thanks for the quick feedback!

Most definitely regretting it now, I only applied to reach schools. Im still an undergrad so with classes/money and other excuses I only wanted to apply to a few programs.

I guess I just didn't realize how much I really want this....should have applied to a safety.

Anyway, I applied to:


Mar 5, 09 2:06 pm  · 

sunshy3 -

I do plan on seeking financial assistance wherever I can get it. Scholarships would be amazing, but I'm def. not counting on them.
Really though, I am so relieved that I got in there due to the fact that UT's tuition/living expenses in Austin are waaaay more pleasant than anywhere else I applied (LA, NYC).

Oh, and I need to fill out my FAFSA asap.

Mar 5, 09 2:20 pm  · 

PLEASE don't worry yet. There is still time and enough other things to cause anxiety. Not going directly to grad school after ugrad, and working for a few years has turned out to be a huge learning experience for me. I know times are tough, but something will work out. So many are going to school just because there is no other option. I don't think that is the right mindset, but this is also just my opinion.

Mar 5, 09 2:32 pm  · 
lost in stress

I agree with GS11. If you don't get it the two schools to which you have applied, then think about it is as a indicator that you are not ready (in the schools eyes) and not so much that you aren't good enough. If you want it bad enough you'll get there, timing is only a small factor in the grand scheme of things

Mar 5, 09 2:47 pm  · 

i'll third what's been said above. i definitely do not believe i would have had the success i've had if i had completed the application process i started (but soon quit) last year. for one, the strongest part of my portfolio (senior thesis in painting) would not have been there! but also, i would not have been able to report final grades + end of year honors or have the job that i have now that really helped me cement my thoughts on why i want to go to school, etc.

Mar 5, 09 2:53 pm  · 

got the package/tshirt from UMich today.

A copy of Dimensions 21, not a lot of architecture goin' down, if you know what I mean.

Can anyone offer insight into the direction of this program under Monica Ponce de Leon?

Is there any correlation between money given by larger state school and desirability for smaller/more selective programs?

I haven't got a lot to run on here, just redigesting every scrap of meaning.

Mar 5, 09 3:59 pm  · 

When visiting, my understanding was that P de L was moving sustainability more to the forefront/making it an underlying component of everything, rather than an outlying discipline of study. I also believe that she is working on upgrading the shops, increasing technology there --- 3D printers, etc etc etc. I think they recently got a laser cutter on the main studio floor that's available 24/7.

Mar 5, 09 4:10 pm  · 

burritobrittany - i hope you get in but if you don't you'll be able to spend some time working in a firm which will give you a better idea of what you want to focus on.

i just found out my sister got into her top choice phd program at berkeley... when is it going to be my turn!

Mar 5, 09 4:10 pm  · 

I received what was basically a hard copy of the UT email and open house announcement at my parent's house today. still nothing from giac though...

Mar 5, 09 4:51 pm  · 
lost in stress

Just got my UMich package, officially admitted but sadly without any scholarship... oh well. It's going to be a tough decision, UIC gave me one but UMich didn't, however Michigan does have a better program. Well, I'll have to wait 3 weeks to see what Penn has to say.

Mar 5, 09 5:08 pm  · 

just got an acceptance from UT. i'm @#$!ing thrilled, by golly. don't know what else to say.

Mar 5, 09 5:11 pm  · 
lost in stress

congrats ocotillo!

Mar 5, 09 5:14 pm  · 

haha oco :D seeeee? how exciting.

Mar 5, 09 5:15 pm  · 
lost in stress

I had freak out moment for a second when reading my acceptance letter from UMich. On the back it said that I had to complete a calculus and physics course before June 29th. That wouldn't be a problem but I spent four years studying engineering before I transfered to an art school, thought I had sufficient time spent in both subjects. Luckily I called the school and pointed that out and they said they would take care of it.

Mar 5, 09 5:53 pm  · 


I applied to Minnesota as well and haven't heard anything other than when they were missing one of my letters. I just want some news...anything really.

MiamiU-waitlisted (gpa sucks didn't get into grad college)

I just want some type of communication from someone.

Mar 5, 09 5:55 pm  · 

imsleepy: Did you find out from MiamiU via letter? Online? I applied months ago and haven't heard a thing!

Mar 5, 09 6:10 pm  · 

imsleepy - good to know I'm not the only one waiting to hear from Minnesota. I heard from some schools last week, but nothing this week. It's been so quiet! I hope next week will be better.

Mar 5, 09 6:22 pm  · 

Congrats oco, i told you hope was not lost!

maybe we will be classmates in the fall

Mar 5, 09 6:48 pm  · 

got a call from Parsons today
fyi for those of you who applied
my list is kinda wierd so far...

AA - accepted
Parsons - accepted
Umich - waitlisted!? ouch
Cincinnati - ?
UW milwaukee - ?

Mar 5, 09 6:59 pm  · 

wow, you guys are so nice! Good to know there is no need to stress too much.

I should have said something a while ago!

Mar 5, 09 6:59 pm  · 

@ imsleepy
ps i found i was waitlisted for Umich online today so check there

Mar 5, 09 7:01 pm  · 

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