
2008 M.Arch applicants, commiserate here!


Yes, the Dec 15th deadline schools don't start looking through application materials until Jan 15th.

Jan 17, 08 4:29 pm  · 

How many applicants have the m.arch 1 of Harvard.

I couldn't apply for the early deadline as well as MIT, berkeley and princeton.
I guess the acceptance should be the same than Columbia... Too low around 10%

Jan 17, 08 6:50 pm  · 
C. Leigh

I' bet everyone on this thread applied to Harvard. I know three people with good authority who warned me off of it, but hell, it's there.

Having lurked a bit I'll now jump on this bandwagon as I just completed my apps and am now in the " everything else get there?" mode.

Applying non-arch background and a little intimidated by some of the portfolios on here. I, uh, did mine in all Photoshop, 'cause I'm poor and the boy had a bootleg. As soon as I can figure out how to post it properly I'll open it on up for excoriation.

Jan 17, 08 7:16 pm  · 

I saw, somewhere, that Harvard accepts 20%+ percent. Of the 4 schools I applied too, I know the least about it. I do know, however, that It's Harvard, cant be that bad.

Jan 17, 08 7:22 pm  · 
C. Leigh

Yeah, I didn't mean to imply "bad," more like "better have a tough skin," people bawling after pinups, etc.

Jan 17, 08 7:25 pm  · 

oh, you'll get that everywhere. tough crits are not unique to harvard. during my undergrad I can think of a handful of people bawling after crits. hell, one professor even set someone's model on fire.

Jan 17, 08 7:28 pm  · 
C. Leigh

My plan to deal, should I get in anywhere:

a. Acting background
b. Start smoking the reefer again
c. Constant replay in my head of "Dirt Off Your Shoulder"

Jan 17, 08 7:35 pm  · 

i must be one of the few that hasn't applied to harvard. 20% is a good # btw, considering Princeton and I think Yale, is about half that.

Jan 17, 08 7:46 pm  · 
C. Leigh

I don't think that can be quite right, though....I remember you mentioned Berkeley has 670 applicants and if the GSD has around that many that's....134. Seems high, right?

Jan 17, 08 8:01 pm  · 

Somewhere around 10% for the MArch I program is more like the number...

One of my classmates said she saw Jorge Silvetti and Scott Cohen looking at portfolios a few days they're starting already!

Good luck you guys!

Jan 17, 08 8:03 pm  · 

24, the actually number was on a link posted awhile back listing a number of march 1 programs and their acceptance rates. Maybe the webpage was incorrect, not sure. But it did have princeton at 9%, which is about right.

Jan 17, 08 8:09 pm  · 

Somebody from Atlanta? I missed my conecting fly ... I am thinking in going to get a bear close to the campus area ... And try for a blo##ob

Jan 17, 08 8:20 pm  · 

Huh, that's strange, I remember hearing that there were about 600 apps per year for MArch I, and given that the incoming class is about 60, that would make 10%...or is the number actually higher because they always accept more than those that actually show up?

Jan 18, 08 1:51 am  · 

Yeah, maybe it's just my pessimism but most of those figures posted earlier seemed pretty high from what I understand in terms of applications vs. acceptance ratios, 10% or thereabouts seems much more realistic depending on the institute's notoriety / desirability amongst applicants. And a school like the GSD is only accepting maybe 10% more students than they expect to enroll, certainly not 50%.

Anyone else wish it was March?

Jan 18, 08 2:43 am  · 

On some columbia admission webpage there's a data sheet of # applied, # admitted, # enrolled and % acceptance. Now, at the Columbia Summer program Daniel Smoller said that they accept fewer than 1/10 applicants. This information is incongruent with the applicant information provided by the admissions website, which states that from 2003-2006, the acceptance rate for the MArch program ranged from 22% - 32%. Most schools have a solid understanding of the likely hood that a candidate will accept given an admissions offer.

For instance, in the year 2005, the MArch program had 700 applicants. They accepted 203; 83 people enrolled. That's an acceptance rate of 29% with a yield of only 41%.

i wish i had that link. it had every department/college/school at columbia. pretty interesting.

oh, here it is

Jan 18, 08 9:27 am  · 

sounds like columbia is the chico state of ivy league arch programs

Jan 18, 08 10:33 am  · 

i've been to a number of gsd crits, mid-reviews, thesis reviews, etc. etc., and i haven't found them to be at all cruel or degrading in tone. the reviewers are definitely ready to challenge students, and you'd better have some damn good reasons for your decisions, but the tone is generally constructive.

gsd acceptance rate for m.arch (1, ap, & 2) overall is 20%, but there's some variation within that. ap for example is the most competitive category (....great.), so i think the %s are probably a pretty misleading way to try and guess your odds. they definitely accept quite a few more students than they're hoping will matriculate, they know they're competing for the best students with all the top schools, nationally and internationally, and they also know a certain fraction of those accepted won't come for reasons financial, familial, geographic, etc.

too bad dating a gsd-er doesn't give my app an edge.

Jan 18, 08 10:56 am  · 

unless it was ms. Mori...reow

Jan 18, 08 11:17 am  · 

shhhhh.... i can't have my secret getting out!

Jan 18, 08 11:46 am  · 

Numbers are one thing but you need to consider to type of student that is applying to these schools (GSD, Columbia, etc.). Many are very qualified applicants and you are all competing with each other. I think it's more competitive than all you think.

Jan 18, 08 1:36 pm  · 

I think the viewpoint is that the majority of applicants are underqualified and dont know what they're getting themselves into. thats just my opinion from what Ive observed so far. when the number one question at open house is "how many pages should my portfolio be?" or fretting over gre scores.

Jan 18, 08 1:41 pm  · 

i agree and am reminded by my experience at Columbia this summer when one poor soul asked if it was "okay to be creative?"

Jan 18, 08 1:45 pm  · 

In all seriousness, the numbers don't matter anymore. The entire application process has a subjective factor, and every year the review committee are different and so are your competitors (pool of applicants). One year you get rejected, the next year you don't

I hate to do this, but the first thing that comes to mind is American Idol, LOL!

Also, if a school has a 75% acceptance rate and you get in, you're not going to feel as good as if you were accepted into a school with a 10% rate.

Jan 18, 08 1:52 pm  · 

I am really worried with my records of my civil engineering 5 years degree. Well in Spain I am whitin the average. Even a bit upper but here it is gonna be poor.

When are you thinking they are going to start to review the applications?

Jan 18, 08 1:58 pm  · 

I know the schools that had Dec 15th deadlines started after the holidays.

Jan 18, 08 2:00 pm  · 

Somebody here knows people in the schools in touch with the comitees?

Jan 18, 08 2:02 pm  · 

most places i think need about 2-3 weeks after the deadline to gather and organize everything, and to collect lagging transcripts and letters and things. some places probably take a month just to start looking through stuff, and i think most of them divvy up the apps and then send them home with a couple of people to take a first pass at, so that's got to take some time.

Jan 18, 08 2:03 pm  · 

Sure, there's a subjective quality to this whole process but there's also a lot of consistency; every single really strong grad applicant I’ve known in the last few years has gotten their applications accepted at all or nearly all of the institutes they applied to, likewise the weaker ones were rejected along the same lines. I'd expect the figures to be far more scattered if there was a significant degree of subjectivity involved in this process. It is within the school's best interest to reduce luck, subjectivity, or other factors of determination that aren't qualitative.

YbTH, Many of the schools are a good way through processing the applications now. They'll probably keep that up for another week or two and then start moving through them (Jan 15th deadlines, the earlier ones are probably reviewing now).

Wouldn't worry about your grades either as long as they're not laughable, it's portfolio, letters, and your essay that'll do it.

Jan 18, 08 2:15 pm  · 

Asbuckeye, I do not think that you can change the student quality based off archinect postings. There are a ton of applicants that do not read archinect. I know I didn't read archinect until after the application process was over.

Jan 18, 08 2:20 pm  · 

fair point. my comments were referring, mainly, to applicants i ran into at open houses. but that might be not a good gauge either, as people who know less about all this are more likely to attend an OH. actually though, archinect seems like a sampler of open house attendees...that is half know what they're getting into, the other half, not so much.

Jan 18, 08 2:25 pm  · 

on a side note...anyone want to run a "how many netflix's will you watch between applications being sent out and notification" contest? Im up to 20ish.

Jan 18, 08 2:27 pm  · 

more like, how many drinks?

Jan 18, 08 2:29 pm  · 

yeah, asbuckeye, i know what you mean about the open houses inspiring (perhaps unearned) confidence - so many people asking questions that are clearly answered on the school's website, asking if they can still apply if their background is in photography/finance/pimping (pimps are apparently preferred in m.arch candidates), asking if they can have an on-the-spot portfolio crit with the dean..... the open houses i went to did give me a certain sense that a significant percentage of the attendees had no idea what they were getting into, and that i was definitely ahead of the curve in terms of getting all my work together and knowing how to present it.

i still don't know what i'm going to do to kill time for the next 2+ months. maybe it's time to learn german.

Jan 18, 08 2:47 pm  · 

"...i still don't know what i'm going to do to kill time for the next 2+ months..."

Wow, I wish I had that problem. My thoughts are " I can TRY to catch up with everything else going on in my life that i've put aside to get this done..."

Believe me, I'll enjoy knowing it's in their court.

Jan 18, 08 3:32 pm  · 

are you kidding? of course it will be great to get back to eating and sleeping and spending time with other humans and to a lesser degree working, but what i mean is not that i'll have oodles of empty time now but that my full time will also be full of fretting and wondering and waiting. in a way it's nice to have it out of my hands at this point, but on the other hand, until now i've been able to always be *doing* something about it.

Jan 18, 08 3:38 pm  · 

I know what you mean. Don't worry we'll both by losing plenty of time and sleep soon enough IF we get in!

Jan 18, 08 4:44 pm  · 

SCAD just sent me an e-mail saying that I'll hear back within 4 - 5 weeks on my application status.. is that normal? seems a little too soon? if so, thats awesome.

Jan 20, 08 2:27 pm  · 

I heard that applications for admission to Harvard are up by 19% over last year. Breath a little easier I think that is for the undergraduate programs.

Jan 20, 08 2:33 pm  · 

great news, that seems early to me. I hope the schools I applied to are as expedient.

Jan 20, 08 2:33 pm  · 

wow, 19 percent is quite a jump. any way of finding out if that is the gsd or not?

Jan 20, 08 2:35 pm  · 

asbuckeye - that 19% is for undergrad - due to the fact that Harvard is offering more money for scholarships after this year. This is because of the new federal ruling that they need to spend a certain percentage of their endowment otherwise they'll lose their tax-free status. They wouldn't be spending that money if the feds didn't step in. FYI - Harvard's endowment is big enough to offer every single student full tuition and still have enough left over to remain one of the largest endowments in the country.

Jan 22, 08 10:00 am  · 

Good Morning,

Who is applying for scholarship. I already got one from my goverment that will paid all the tuition, fly tickets to go from Spain and come back (1 per year) and 6500 Euros (9,507.22 USD) per semester for living expenses as housing, meals, drinks, ... and materials, books, etc...

I think it is really good one. The matter ... I have to come back for at least 4 years

Jan 22, 08 10:51 am  · 

If we're smart, we'll all be applying for scholarships and the process is much different than that in Europe.

Jan 22, 08 11:47 am  · 

Im sure the US govt is going to be real willing to hand out money in light of today's (and upcoming) events (rolls eyes).

Jan 22, 08 11:49 am  · 

loans! i think that's about all of the money most of us will be getting.

Jan 22, 08 1:17 pm  · 

so how long do we have to wait before we know if we actually got into any m. arch. programs? i can't stand this anymore.

can i quit my job yet? haha

Jan 23, 08 8:01 pm  · 

can I not live with my parents anymore?

I know, this month is going to be agonizing. I wish they'd move march madness to february so I have something to pass the time with.

Jan 23, 08 8:29 pm  · 

hahahahah,.. um yeah, that too.. can i not live with my parents anymore?

Jan 23, 08 10:33 pm  · 

I got 3.5 in the essay of GRE ... it sucks.

Jan 24, 08 1:27 am  · 

dude that does suck. you should worry more now.

Jan 24, 08 1:52 am  · 

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