
2008 M.Arch applicants, commiserate here!


I am officially part of the waiting crowd.

Jan 31, 08 7:45 pm  · 

Tomorrow I will send out everything to Parsons and Syracuse.

I just finish my drawing class ... I feel really good. After six and a half years studying a shit that never I liked I am getting fun with the classes of the university.

Who has applied for GSD, Berkeley, MIT, Yale, UCLA and the earlier deadline universities?

Jan 31, 08 9:27 pm  · 

move over jlo, gypsy wedding planner in the house

Jan 31, 08 10:28 pm  · 

I had to write my own rec for one of them he signed the letters eventually and still technically has not filled out the forms to go with the letters and he is away for all next week. But the letters finally went out the door today

Jan 31, 08 11:21 pm  · 

TGIF!!!!...thank god it's february-one (~1 1/2) more to go.

Feb 1, 08 11:39 am  · 


I cant submit the application online to Syracuse and Parsons because I will not register my recommenders.

They have sent the letters physically.

I sent an email to both schools but I am really worry because the deadline is out. You think they are going to reach me??? with every thing sent ... but without the payment due the deadline?

Feb 2, 08 12:47 am  · 

Make sure you can't just check a box that says they're sending in the letters physically. All of the schools I applied to had this as an option; so you just put their names/email addresses in and it accepts your application but doesn't require their digital submission for completion.

Feb 2, 08 1:13 am  · 

I did with Columbia. I will review again

Feb 2, 08 1:16 am  · 

Already in the application process of M.Arch of (in priority order):


Feb 2, 08 1:28 am  · 

my list (in order of priority)


Feb 2, 08 11:15 am  · 


Feb 2, 08 11:17 am  · 


Feb 2, 08 12:03 pm  · 


I'm an Art and Physics dual degree at Tufts (BS/BFA). I am graduating early from my 5 year program and have applied to MIT M.Arch I. If I don't get in, I will spend a 5th year undergrad abroad (Netherlands or Finland).

My question concerns the GRE. I scored 780M 590V and 3.5 AWA. I accidently deleted a chunk of my persuasive essay and couldn't recover it using the computer's format (no multiple undos).

Anyway, my 3 letters of rec are from MIT grads turned Tufts Professors...and I have a 3.6 GPA with a 3.6 in my physics major as well.
I was just wondering if anyone knew how heavily the AWA score is factored into the admissions process, since samples of writing are provided in the statement of objectives.

Anyone else applying to MIT? Hit me up

Feb 4, 08 3:08 am  · 

This has come up numerous times both here and on other threads, and usually it's the general consensus that most programs don't pay much attention to the GRE, some don't pay any at all. I applied to MIT and didn't see anything to make me feel more weight than usual was put onto the GRE scores.

My guess is that the GRE only comes into play when it raises red flags, 3.5 is well below average so it might cause some concern.

Realistically though it's out of your hands so why worry about it now? Ultimately 95% of people are in or out based on their portfolios; I can't imagine letters, statements, GPA or GRE meaning much to a committee without a body of inspirational work to back it up. I’d also guess that a stunning portfolio can smooth over a less than stellar GRE score, so as long as you put the effort into this I wouldn’t call a 3.5 a deal breaker by any means.

Feb 4, 08 4:53 am  · 

my list -no particular order.

SCI Arc (MArch2)

Europe (if I dont get in anywhere,..I am going to Europe)

Feb 4, 08 11:50 am  · 

my list runs roughly:

1. princeton
2. gsd/berkeley
3. yale/ut austin

and i want to move anyway if i don't get in anywhere. i'll only stay for another boston winter if it's spent in gund.

Feb 4, 08 11:55 am  · 

_juut .... you're a strong applicant ... what about your portfolio. May we see?

Feb 4, 08 11:58 am  · 

_juut, good to see another tufts kid on the block.

don't worry about your situation. Degrees in physics + art from Tufts make you as close to an ideal applicant as you can get, as long as your portfolio lives up to it - which I'm sure it will, considering their BFA program.

Feb 4, 08 12:17 pm  · 

jeff kipnis = physics and physics only for formal education. of the world's leading theorist.

Feb 4, 08 12:23 pm  · 

does a low writing score really hurt your chances of getting in given everything else about your application is good?

Feb 4, 08 3:03 pm  · 

gre writing score shouldn't matter much as long as your actual application essays are good. they're going to care way less about your ability to expound on some bogus "argument" than your ability to talk about your interest in architecture and your goals for your education.

Feb 4, 08 3:14 pm  · 

okay, good. i agree and that makes me feel better.

Feb 4, 08 3:29 pm  · 

norita. don't care. Parsons is waiting for us !

Feb 4, 08 3:38 pm  · 

Norita, I saw .... you prefer Pratt than Parsons?


Feb 4, 08 6:52 pm  · 

haha I hope! Did you visit parsons or go to one of their open houses?

I prefer Pratt over Parsons because i'm interested in their urban planning program. i didn't apply for the dual program, which i kind of wish i did - but hopefully if i get in (fingers crossed) i could maybe declare it once i've started in the fall? if not, i still wouldn't mind taking some classes in that department- just as electives at least.

Feb 4, 08 10:53 pm  · 

also, pratt's study abroad program to rome seems interesting too... i plan trying to study abroad once in grad school or at least taking another year of classes at a university in italy.. if not in architecture then definitely in interior design or some other related field....

Feb 4, 08 10:55 pm  · 

dropping in...

from Las Vegas's illustrious architectural undergrad program @ UNLV. Rootin' for an in and some dollars from...

Sci Arc
WU Stl.

not that UNLV's grad school isn't top shelf

Feb 5, 08 1:59 am  · 

norita... I didn't visit Parsons. Just Pratt ... I thought was better Parsons. The true I did not do any research of any of them in depth.

I will do if I get in ... :)

I like the study abroad programs of SCI-Arc ...

Feb 5, 08 2:07 am  · 

fucked up follow-up:

So, I called to make sure MIT had gotten all the materials I described, and they said the resume was missing. (This is fine, since I integrated biographical and occupational information into my essay). I wonder, though, if I should send the resume again (It has all my awards and work specifics).

I think I sent it the first time to Graduate Admissions, instead of the Dept. of Architecture.

I promise this to be the last of the worry mssgs. I just wanna do all I can, ya know?

my sn is ColorTheOrist.


Feb 5, 08 7:12 pm  · 

Ok... so they don't accept any missing pieces after the official deadline?

Feb 5, 08 7:25 pm  · 

So ... What a shit

Just received an email from Parsons ... next week they are going to review all the applications.

Good luck to anyone.

Feb 5, 08 10:18 pm  · 

i can't look at this thread anymore.. it's making me super anxious. :(

Feb 5, 08 11:36 pm  · 


I am fu¢#%$g busy and I do not have in my mind any about that, but any professor, any friend, and any email check make me kind of stressed.

Let's go have: cigarettes




or whatever ....

Feb 5, 08 11:44 pm  · 

now that everyone's submitted, is there a thread where we get to see each others portfolios?

Feb 5, 08 11:47 pm  · 

mine is public:

After the hard critique I had by an art professor from my university,

Whatever I can get.... hahaha

Feb 5, 08 11:54 pm  · 

YbTH. For starters, it's impressive that you included compelling poetry, considering that English isn't your primary language.

As for the content, I'm glad we're not in competition for schools (except for Pratt). Your work is awesome man. Great art, conceptual thinking, photography, and graphic layout. awesome.

Feb 6, 08 1:46 am  · 


perhaps you all think you will become wont

some of you are worried about getting into Sci Arc....60% acc rate?!

$120,000 in student loans so you can earn $34,000 after 7-1/2yrs of school?

You want to become architects and I am willing to bet almost NONE of you have ever poured one foundation, installed one 2x4, or even a window. But I suppose 3 years at Columbia or Harvard shall make you true masters of the built environment......right?

Feb 6, 08 2:38 am  · 

ripomatic just thank you a lot, ...

I tried to do the best as possible in the Christmas time. I spent 10 days without sleep selecting, photoshoping, illustrating, Cinema 4Ding, inDesigning, etc... and it is showed overall. Even, I remember two hours before take the fly from Spain to NY when I had not packed anything and I was printing out the last copy of the portfolio .... CRAZY. My father waiting for me in my house's hall thinking I had anything done. I came to the airport just a second before close the gate. Then in New York ... after three days in an Hotel finishing the small details of the aplications, on 15th of January, I sent out anything to the schools and went to Columbia and Pratt to leave in person the material.....

So it is an evidence the disorganization, the non-focused, too much thick, etc etc.... For following applications I will work over a good background.

It should be amazing that anybody upload their portfolio and we can review each others....

Just to spend time until the decisions ....

Feb 6, 08 3:28 am  · 

Sanfran- bitter much?

More annoying than starchitects, or architects who name their firms after themselves despite the hundreds of other peers, or even young designers lured to schools like columbia/sci arc by glittery surfaces...are people like you. We can at least explain the earlier group oon the basis of the human ego, or being young and impressionable. People like you? You are conditioned to crush any ray of optimism with your arbitrary negativity. You are the same person who discredits Obama because his vibrance represents everything in your life youve failed to accomplish. So just crawl back into your cad monkey hole and let us young people dream. Even if we are making a mistake, can it truly be a mistake in the end? Isnt making mistakes as a young person important? Maybe I was misinformed.

ps. In High School 12 other students and myself built a house from the ground up with our bare hands, so thanks for assuming. Sorry if I, and everyone else here, would like to maximize our potential by going to the school's that we believe are the best.

Feb 6, 08 8:02 am  · 

i agree with rip.. except, i'm not happy we're in competition for the same schools, hah.. jk

awesome portfolio, i'm sure you will have noo problem getting into any of the schools you have applied to

Feb 6, 08 8:06 am  · 

Anyone that checks SanFrans history of threads.can see that he (or she) has always had a huge chip on their shoulder. old troll.

..been there and done that.

You would be better not replying. he is just lonely and gets off on fucking with a younger generation of students.

Feb 6, 08 9:30 am  · 

We all obviously get more out of this thread than to waste our time trying to explain our lives and ambitions to someone who doesn't have a good reputation.

Feb 6, 08 9:34 am  · 

SanFran definitely reflects some of the creeping insecurities I have about my own decision, which I have to actively suppress from time to time, so for my sake, I feel like explaining myself to him/her.

I’m 26 and I gave up a high paying job first, to work on my portfolio, and now, to get experience in a firm as a marketing assistant before going back to school. Not an ideal job , but it’s exposure none the less. And now I’m broke.

I applied to a lot of expensive schools, which I’ll have to take $180,000 in loans to attend (minus any financial aid).

The thing is, life is long enough that I’ll eventually pay it back. And I’d rather spend a lifetime doing that, than spend it having to pretend that security was a good trade off for a chance at a career I’d find value in.

I think buildings are awesome. I can’t get enough of them. Even the processes of which buildings are the artifacts are awesome, or at least interesting. This even includes dealing with shitty clients and answering to committees filled with egos who don’t know shit about shit. I don’t have this experience in architecture, but I do have it in advertising, so I know how bad things can get.

I won’t become a starchitect, though, that would be cool. And, chances are pretty good that I won’t be designing buildings until 15 years after I graduate with an March. Also, no one will give a shit where I went to school.

I applied to schools that will feed me the things I want to be fed, that’s all. I’m not expecting a school to be what propels me into some great career. I’ll have to do that on my own.

I realized that this is the last time I’ll be going back to school. And this time, I know exactly what I want to get out of the experience, so I told myself I’d be a fool to hold back just because of financing.

So basically, fuck off, SanFran. Nothing about what I’m doing is misguided, nor is it fed by unrealistic expectations. I’d bet anything that 99% of the people who contribute to this thread fall on my side of the line, not yours.

Feb 6, 08 11:25 am  · 

well put, san fran does need to fuck off. what's the purpose of people like him in this world? are you really gaining anything by putting down the hopes/desires of others?

Feb 6, 08 11:32 am  · 

i don't know about the rest of you, but I'm the next American Starchitect.

Feb 6, 08 11:35 am  · 

I think Sanfranarch had not enough recommendation letters by the deadlines....

Just it.

Feb 6, 08 11:56 am  · 

or he needs to get laid

Feb 6, 08 12:14 pm  · 

Looks great YbTH, I'll post my portfolio later this evening if i get the chance,

I'm M.Arch 1 btw applying to Architectural Association, Columbia, Penn, SCI-Arc (M.Arch 2), MIT and The Bartlett UCL.

Now i got to go take a calculus midterm.

Feb 6, 08 12:23 pm  · 

My portfolio is already posted somewhere in this thread.

...applying for first professional M.Arch

Virginia Tech

In that order.

I didn't know AA had a first professional M.Arch program...

Feb 6, 08 12:32 pm  · 

AA has not any professional Master. But their 5-years program is amazing.

The problem is, ..., the school is too expensive, and the live in London also is kind of....

I will be a late applicant to the AA. I did not submit any thing yet, because they want a 30 art works and my portfolio has around 100...

Feb 6, 08 12:42 pm  · 

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