
2008 M.Arch applicants, commiserate here!


I think they review the applications in one swipe. after the application admin people take a month or so to sort it all out, the faculty of each school take a day or two to decide our fates (at least thats how princeton does it)

Jan 7, 08 12:19 pm  · 

sent in my last application today (final count:berkeley, gsd, princeton, yale, & ut austin).... anyone have any suggestions now for what to do with the big spreadsheet-scented hole in my life? i feel so empty now that i have nothing to agonize over......

Jan 7, 08 3:58 pm  · 

Have you ever considered getting into methamphetamines?

Jan 7, 08 4:00 pm  · 

I started that...fingers crossed it ends well

Jan 7, 08 4:01 pm  · 

meth is better during the application process rather than after - however there were periods when I was spending entire nights disassembling and reassembling my portfolio. I did obsessively document this process, so I ended up incorporating these images into each of my projects. I sent along a bag of ice so that the reviewers can experience my portfolio in the same way I did. plus it plays throbbing techno music when you open it.


Jan 7, 08 10:31 pm  · 

i now have the time to masterbate again

Jan 7, 08 10:33 pm  · 

haha, snarkitect is haveing spreadsheet withdrawals,..LOL

Jan 7, 08 10:39 pm  · 

to, it almost sounds like you are not kidding , scary.

Jan 7, 08 10:43 pm  · 

can i just check in here for a minute and say that never has anything inspired more self-doubt in me than this application process? that's all.

Jan 7, 08 10:51 pm  · 

join the club

but at least we have each other

Jan 7, 08 10:53 pm  · 

wait 'till you actually get into an architecture school..

Jan 8, 08 6:51 am  · 

tumbleweed - what is your focus? are you MArch II?

Jan 8, 08 3:44 pm  · 

the UCLA program doest prepare you to work in an office....not that many programs do

Jan 8, 08 3:51 pm  · 

tumbleweed, is this the general concensus of you and your peers?

mdler, which program does?

Jan 8, 08 4:52 pm  · 

After some discussion with tumbelweed, I think I might put some weight in what tumbleweed says...although I admittedly visited the campus recently, and liked it, and thence applied there...but upon further investigation..I am crossing my fingers for SCI Arc now...

Jan 8, 08 4:57 pm  · 

why does the [UCLA] program have so much hype? Because it's UCLA and it's in LA?

Jan 8, 08 5:00 pm  · 

tumbleweed...are you Thom Mayne?

Jan 8, 08 5:13 pm  · 

I emailed you about UCLA

Jan 8, 08 10:26 pm  · 

Id be curioius to know what you guys at SCi Arc did for fun in LA. I mean I have been there to LA a few a tourist and i did the funky VeniceBeach thing, and bars, and shit...but i mainly remembering driving around culver city alot.

Maybe I should put this out on another thread..but , IF I somehow get in to an LA school, I would be curious to know what is "cool" about LA.

...tumbleweed... , mdler?

and yes I know that I 'll never be able to see in the city during the school year.

Jan 9, 08 10:52 am  · 

Where would you be moving from? And what do you enjoy doing? I live in San Diego and lived in LA for one year so I might be able to help you out.

Jan 9, 08 11:34 am  · 

oh..I dunno..I am bit of workholic these days... but

I live in Denver and ride bikes and boards and stuff. I wonder if LA is bike friendly, haha thats is bit of a joke I guess..

Mainly i am into film, theater and the like.....maybe the occasional dance party. I woudl welcome a change in scenery form Denver

I have always liked San Diego....wish there was a school there!

Jan 9, 08 12:19 pm  · 

There is a school here: New School of Architecture. It's located in downtown San Diego.

There are plenty of things to do in LA. However, what you CAN and will be WILLING to do will be partially determinant on where you live, whether you have a car or not, and how much patience you have for driving.

I lived and worked in Western LA, which is my preference. I rarely went East of the 405 as far as downtown which is where Sci-Arc is located. There's plenty of places and opportunities to do the things you mentioned/enjoy, but like I said, accessability might be a problem. For example, living in West LA I had no problem driving down a mile or so to reach the beach; drive a couple miles south to reach Venice or Huntington Beach. Living near Sci-Arc, these will be less accessable. Tumbleweed might be able to answer the question about what to do around Sci-Arc since she attended that school.

Jan 9, 08 12:29 pm  · 


i have been asking myself the same thing lately....

you can basically shop and go out to eat (which isnt all that fun because the service usually sucks)

I loive Downtown which has especially very little to do. You cant really walk anywhere and there really isnt anywhere to walk to.

I will probably be moving within the next year

Jan 9, 08 12:30 pm  · 

That is what i suspected.

Jan 9, 08 12:37 pm  · 

well, I guess Gschool isn't about tourism, and perhaps the general regional shift will be enough to entertain any "off" days . As for a car... in Boulder where i live, the trendy thing to do is drive a beater with bike and bike rack that exceeds the worth of the car itself, haha We also have pretty decent Public Transport,:sometimes, I even do my site visits without a car.

LA , would be the place to have a reliable, economic one. I can pimp out an ECHO , put some rims on it...oh, and to drive in LA, do i need a gun?

JK...I am sure you CA drivers hate these joke

Jan 9, 08 1:10 pm  · 

that's ok, in East LA, you'll need one or two ;-)

Jan 9, 08 1:12 pm  · 

I lived in westwood for a month in summer 2005. I spent around 70% of the entire time in/waiting for the public transport. It was really disgusting. But westwood was very pretty. Anyway LA is not the best city I have been.
For example I lived next summer in Little Italy of San Diego and found there the city of my life. I am applying to SCI-Arc, Columbia, Parsons, pratt, Cornell, RISD, and to the undergrad of AA. If I couldn't get in any of them I will think about New School.

I have been all the Christmas making up the portfolio. It is gonna have +80 fucking pages of drawings, digital treatments, 3d models, lot of photography, design... That's all that I have from the last couple of years... Nothing related directly with architecture as the portfolios you have uploaded here.. I am civil engineer and I never did something beautiful in class to put down in an artistic portfolio.

I will upload the PDF to be judged this week.

Jan 10, 08 12:54 am  · 

I dont consider the New School a valid option, aside form it proximity to the beach. It looked pretty lame to me

Prove me wrong.

Jan 10, 08 11:14 am  · 

pay to play

Jan 10, 08 11:17 am  · 

ff33...ultimatley, they're all pretty lame. We make buildings for rich people...begin preparing your justifications now.

Jan 10, 08 11:19 am  · 

now that's a positive outlook

Jan 10, 08 11:40 am  · 

Ha! Im a positive guy. Its just the truth.

Jan 10, 08 11:42 am  · 

ha - if you really want to start feeling bad about the profession (and further emphasize what asbuckeye says) read "the edifice complex" - i'm in the process right now and it's rather depressing.

Jan 10, 08 11:48 am  · 

however, my current job is mostly city/county/public arch. so, i am mentally fighting what the book says and still have hope for the profession.

Jan 10, 08 11:52 am  · 

haha, Im currently designing houses for rich people. Im going to hell.

Jan 10, 08 12:03 pm  · 

Work for a firm that does civic/institutional buildings: public schools, fire departments, police stations, courthouses, etc. It doesn't always have to be for the man, man.

Jan 10, 08 12:09 pm  · 

For the record, I'm lovin' Berkeley after my first semester.
There's a whole slew of us who were also accepted to UCLA and turned it down without regret. Come visit if you're unsure.

Jan 10, 08 12:24 pm  · 

yeah, I might apply there when you get your new Dean or somtpon...

oh, do you guys have a digital Fab Lab at Berkeley

Jan 10, 08 12:26 pm  · 

how is civic/public work NOT for the man?

Jan 10, 08 12:27 pm  · 

its all for the man. that's why they call him the man. all and all the mans not that bad, he's all we've got.

Jan 10, 08 12:30 pm  · 

Maybe its different where you all work, but here the people on the county school board and other elected officials that we work with are far from the man. Not exactly a glorious/cush job that they have.

Jan 10, 08 12:37 pm  · 

I knwo all about the contradictions of school and the profession.
Recently,I threw my T -square and trace paper in the trash...because i want the next three years to be filled with scripting, fabrication, and design build type of shit.

eventually , when i work for the man...I'll have had fun getting there.

Jan 10, 08 12:38 pm  · 

Better working for "the man" instead of "the czar" or "general" or some totalitarian head.... I have no problem working in America. Long live capitalism. More power to the rich guys out there. God bless them (hopefully I'll join the crowd eventually).

Yes I'm a little peeved right now, though not surprised, over the recent murder of a passerby that filmed a beating in red China. It's such a joke that the olympics are there this year. Red flag represents blood in my eyes.

Jan 10, 08 2:19 pm  · 

Oh, and I'm working on my folio right now, trying to get it finished in time (feb 1). One thing I am working on is where to find a good binding service, and to get some good hard covers for the printed pages. I am using InDesign for the formatting.

My folio will likely be around 8x9 or thereabouts, 20 pages or so. I have 2 of the 3 refs I need from previous profs, and am just about finished with the educational goal statement. Transcripts should be sent by now.

Anyone else in crunch time?

Jan 10, 08 2:38 pm  · 

I'm in the process of getting my portfolio printed and i'll probably be binding it myself. Everything else is done. Deadline is Jan 15th.

Jan 10, 08 2:42 pm  · 

I wqs able to pull off a semi-pro look, by using 3/16" lp of dbl sided tape at teh bind, then....cutting the edge...

same as a stich bin, ..but twice as fast,

Jan 10, 08 2:47 pm  · 

Also, what kind of binding do you want? I'm doing saddle-stich binding which is very easy to do yourself. The hard part is the printing.

Jan 10, 08 2:50 pm  · 

I am printing by my self... Currently in my little town of Spain is too hard to find out another solution. Actually I am fucked up because I have not enough ink and all is sold out in the closer shops ....

Do you think a home print out would be a reason of kick out an application?

This X-Mas is gonna be the worst in my life!!!! haha ... You guys know if the schools are comprensive with good excuses when they received some material a little bit late? - The guys working in the international relation office in my university are a little bit %$&@# and I am not trusting if they will send out the transcripts to be in the universities due the deadline.

Even I will send out the portfolios, statment, 2/3 RL, and all the documents on 14 of Jan... When I am arriving to NY from here... It is faster and cheaper instead of send in an urgent box from Spain....

Jan 10, 08 7:04 pm  · 

The binding .... I am not sure jet. I will see...

The porffolio format will be, 10.8 x 6 " ... 50 Sheets of 180 grams, covers 270 grams...

I had in mind a custom format could be original......

Jan 10, 08 7:09 pm  · 

im moving

Jan 10, 08 8:19 pm  · 

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