
2008 M.Arch applicants, commiserate here!


pretty sure the average acceptance rate for arch schools is around 10-15%.

Jan 3, 08 5:47 pm  · 

I sent 10 portfolios, so I should be fine

Jan 3, 08 5:59 pm  · 

10 of the same work? ;-)

Jan 3, 08 6:00 pm  · 

No I had to space my work out, fill the rest in with work from rem and officeda.

Jan 3, 08 6:04 pm  · 

rem and officeda? You're def not getting in now.

Jan 3, 08 6:06 pm  · 

crap, I knew I shouldve used zaha's stuff

Jan 3, 08 7:23 pm  · 

Someone posted this a while back...


canI see your portfolio...?

Jan 3, 08 7:23 pm  · 

has acceptances percentages of all schools?..good for when you feeling blue...unless of course your applying to Yale...9%...ouch!

Jan 3, 08 7:24 pm  · 


I wouldnt mind posting it, but how would one go about doing that?

Jan 3, 08 7:26 pm  · 

Wasn't there a very informative excel sheet posted somewhere? It feels more accurate and complete then that on ArchRecord.

Jan 3, 08 7:31 pm  · 


I must have missed that spreadsheet...

anyway..I propose to share ports,..if you people on this thread so much lately (like afrdzak , asbukeye,..or anyone else out there...) are game...I am just curious how my peers are looking these days amidst the big send off...

Here is mine, if you care...

(asbuckeye, If you want to share can also use this free file sharing trial..

or flickr or somthing?)

Jan 3, 08 11:40 pm  · 

Yeah Ill see what I can do (think I have a webshots account still).

Just finished my last application last night, phew...all done.

Jan 4, 08 7:25 am  · 

cool portfolio ff, it's much different than mine (then again I feel that way about everyone I see). Its got a sort of futuristic, morphosis-like quality to it. And you did the decathlon twice!

Jan 4, 08 7:29 am  · 

ok here's mine:

Jan 4, 08 7:44 am  · 

and here's mine. i feel mine is also very different as well. both of yours look very good - where are you both applying again?

Jan 4, 08 8:16 am  · 

i guess i should answer my own question?

well, if anyone cares:

u of cincinnati
u of south florida
nc state
lawrence tech university

Jan 4, 08 8:48 am  · 

im applying to:
princeton, yale, harvard, uva

Jan 4, 08 9:30 am  · 

laurilan...yeah its different, other than the cruciform thing at the beginning (nice touch!). Ha, I did that velux light competition in school too, it was my worst project ever so I omitted it. All and all cool work, whats up with that one at the end? Is it getting built? Pretty cool, I passed up an opportunity to work with Arquetectonica...probably a bad move.

Jan 4, 08 9:40 am  · 

i wish it was getting built, but no - nixed at 100% cds. it was cool to work with digital project, though. and get to detail something as crazy as that.

Jan 4, 08 9:49 am  · 

nice one asbuckeye. I like that last project alot! I started to look for structural could have really gone a long way with I think.
(semesters always end too soon...)

laurilen, very nice as well..your florida turnpike was awesome..I wish I could see more of it..but you got some nice details in there too.

anyway..I guess, I am going for SCI Arc, UT , UCLA, MIT, and Columbia.

(I was goging to fire off a Yale ap. today...but ..I have doubts..for soem reason.)

Jan 4, 08 9:50 am  · 

oh that was done on DP? ouch, I tried that program out once but my head almost exploded trying to grasp it.

Jan 4, 08 9:51 am  · 

ff33, exactly what my jury said. At OSU we had quarters (10 weeks), and that project's conceptual stage took over half of one...that left 5weeks to design a 1 million sqft. highrise with as shaky of an idea as possible.

Jan 4, 08 9:54 am  · 

oh and a funny story - why to never print at kinko's.

so, my bf got this free printer when he got a mac - epson cx4200. nice little inkjet printer. prints borderless. i got some good matte photo paper and i was pretty happy about the way it looked.

so, i take it to kinko's to get it bound. they ended up looking at it a little bit when i was wandering around the store.

so when i come back to pay, they ask me where i had gotten it printed at... so, i told them about the free printer.

quote of the day:

"wow, i really thought that was professionally printed. i mean, we can't do anything like that here at kinko's."

Jan 4, 08 9:58 am  · 

dp isn't too bad - all about organization. once you get the hang of it, it makes so much more sense than most of the other programs i've used (3d max, form-z, etc.)

but the rendering capabilities are nil. i had to render stuff in 3d max.

Jan 4, 08 10:01 am  · 

haha. "why to never print at kinko's" - self-explanitory

Jan 4, 08 10:01 am  · 

I'm having a good time as a non pre-prof M.Arch applicant looking at your portfolios and then shitting my pants when I think of what mine is going to look like in comparison.

Jan 4, 08 10:04 am  · 

jeh, the people looking at them though, look at non-arch background ports v. arch background ports in completely different lights.

Jan 4, 08 10:06 am  · 

I hear ya OSU - I'm also interested in pursuing a preservation certificate and getting into restoration work. Two years as a historic preservation consultant and an MS in Urban Studies from the same school should help me out. I just get stressed about having nothing visual to show. It's hilarious to pull out my old drawings from Tulane Architecture School that are now 10 years old...times have changed, but I guess that's why I'm looking to go back.

Jan 4, 08 10:11 am  · 

old drawings? probably hand drawn?...shoe-in for a place like uva. Id be more afraid of being someone like me with a portfolio that could be viewed as pigeon-holed into the nowness of digital design. just a thought.

Jan 4, 08 10:15 am  · 

Unfortunately, I was so sick of carrying around crumpled up vellum drawings in a tube, that I threw those in bad shape out, including a cool design problem based on Mies' Farnsworth House. All I have left is a cemetery design on the site of the Battle of New Orleans, that's in the worst possible scale for reproduction. My only option at this point is to take a good digital photo of it. I'm applying to UW-Milwaukee and plan on spending the rest of my life in Wisconsin, so I think most of my professional ambitions will be well-suited to a school that produces the majority of WI architects. Did I mention I just got married? I think I've lost my mind.

Jan 4, 08 10:22 am  · 

as long as she's not an architect, you'll be fine.

Jan 4, 08 10:27 am  · 

Very true. She's in advertising, but not a creative, so our egos shouldn't clash too much, and I'll still get the free hook ups on Packers tickets.

Jan 4, 08 10:31 am  · 

Well good choice then, except for the packers...go 'skins

Jan 4, 08 10:34 am  · 

Yes, go 'skins indeed, right through Dallas and into Lambeau. At risk of getting way off topic, I'll end it there. Good luck to you all in your apps, and thanks for the reassurance buckeye.

Jan 4, 08 10:40 am  · 

asbuckeye, i wouldn't worry too much about uva pigeonholing you - they've certainly got a rep for being all-hand-drawn, all-the-time, but there are really only one or two profs there who still want students to work that way. your portfolio shows plenty of evidence of process/design investigation, and that's a lot of what they'll be looking for. there are some great hotshot young faculty there (nataly gattegno springs to mind) who are totally into the potential of digital investigation.

looks like you and i are going for a lot of the same schools, i sent apps to princeton, gsd, yale, uc berkeley, and ut austin. would have included uva but i went there for undergrad and much as i'd love to live in c-ville again, i think some new perspectives will do me good.

Jan 4, 08 11:32 am  · 

snar, well I certainly hope they feel the same way. Its not that I wouldnt want to design that way either, bring on hand-drawings, its just my undergrad fancied themselves a mini-columbia type school.

you know, you are literally the 5th uva person ive heard in the past two months avoiding the grad school because they went there as undergrads. Interesting. Im avoiding OSU grad's program like the plague...probably for different reasons though. I also live in VA, so uva's a sort of "safety" (although its not really).

Jan 4, 08 11:40 am  · 

ideologically uva is everything i'm looking for in a grad program (intense, non-prescriptive, projects ranging from the highly theoretical to real design-build, etc.), the only reason i'm not applying is that the best faculty members teach both undergrad and grad so i'd probably have a lot of repeats. not that i couldn't still learn a ton from them, but....

Jan 4, 08 12:00 pm  · 

snark - i think you're totally correct in applying to different places. all of my professors recommended this as well. i feel the same way about my undergrad - really respected my professors and know i could learn a lot more from them, but need to move on.

asbuckeye - does osu still do that whole ridiculous thing of if you don't "pass" your final project, you don't graduate? i knew a couple of people who went there for undergrad, but wouldn't attend grad. there.

i could never go there - but that's mainly fueled by my youngest sister's obnoxious osu school spirit :)

Jan 4, 08 12:17 pm  · 

laur, they have exit reviews (basically a crit on steroids of your career work) which if you dont pass, then yes you dont graduate. I didnt realize that was unique to osu...also, out of about two dozen only one didnt pass this year (and the student, an arch history TA, didnt know what villa savoy was, so there.)

osu students were pretty protoypical midwestern, football-crazy types. but that didnt translate to the arch school. architecture students still had that same sense of undeserved elitism they have everywhere.

Jan 4, 08 12:26 pm  · 

An arch history TA who doesn't know Villa Savoy? My undergrad prof worshiped Corbu so much he made the electronic combination to the arch school building his if you ever happen to be at Tulane and wanna sneak into Richardson Hall, it's 1006 on the keypad, but you didn't hear it from me.

Jan 4, 08 12:31 pm  · 

yeah it was strange as my entire undergrad faculty worshiped him (one professor actually worked for him and finished his church in Firminy just last year). I just dont know how you could not know one of the most iconic pieces of modern architecture when you go to a school that bills itself modern. But, he was an aberration, all and all really smart people there.

Jan 4, 08 12:37 pm  · 

i don't know if it was him i heard about or someone else - granted this is all information passed on from an osu alum. most of the indignation is not really mine, but her's.

Jan 4, 08 12:43 pm  · 

so do schools notify you if they don't receive all of the required application material, or do they just count you out of the running? too may stories on this site about how schools misplace/never get material.

Jan 5, 08 1:24 pm  · 

I am working under the assumption that if i missed something, other thans the application itself, and my protfolio, the school would keep my app in consideration but give me a chance to send it in.

This may sound wrong, but I haven't ever heard of apps actually being rejected for small things being late or missing...moreover, if , like my scores, or transcripts or LoR are a little late..and they want tot kick me out of the running for it, the i probably don'it want to go to their slly school anyway,.

it woudl be nice to hear from someone that states the contrary.

Jan 5, 08 1:50 pm  · 

ff33 - ripomatic - yes - some schools will send you a confirmation e-mail saying they received all of the materials or if they are missing something. I just got mine from the GSD yesterday.

but - I'd give a call or e-mail to check-in if you are really concerned... it probably won't hurt.


Jan 5, 08 6:53 pm  · 

I am so over this bs,....

I have finally finished all my is my final list

Sci Arc

Feels like a beefy enough list, I guess
..and i know I missed something somehwere.

Jan 5, 08 8:42 pm  · 

i agree about calling - i know that the university of cincinnati sent out confirmation emails last year letting you know what you were still missing. their application dealine has come and gone (MAYBE - one part of the website says jan 1st, the other says feb 1st), however, and i still haven't recieved an email this year.

but one of the other schools i applied to didn't let you know and i was missing something. i only happened to discover this by calling and checking. not sure if they ever would have contacted me.

i'd def call and check...

Jan 7, 08 7:40 am  · 

Here's my list:

Virginia Tech

I'm a M.Arch (first professional, non-arch background) applicant.

Does anyone know if our applications are reviewed in the order recieved?

Jan 7, 08 12:05 pm  · 

afrdzak, I'm in the same boat...what's your educational and professional background and what did you include in your portfolio? I'm finishing mine this week/weekend, but am able to walk it in by the due date since I live here so I can cut it close.

Jan 7, 08 12:10 pm  · 

My background is in Information Systems (I.T.) - a far cry from Architecture. All my work is from fine arts classes I have taken in the past 3 years.

Jan 7, 08 12:17 pm  · 

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