
I'd never spend money there...


there are some things I'd never buy or places I'd never buy from, like Kentucky Fried Chicken(check out or sweatshop made Nike Shoes. Are there things you'd never buy, why?
Please weigh in...

Aug 5, 04 10:48 am

there's nothing wrong with buying things made in sweatshops

Aug 5, 04 10:54 am  · 

fair argument, oregon.

Aug 5, 04 11:02 am  · 

id never go into bleecker bob's records in nyc again. he's an asshole and refused my friends and myself service because of the band shirts we were wearing. I asked him if he had a cd in stock and he pretended to look and said no, even though i could clearly see it right behind him.

oh, and wal-mart. its really disturbing how people allow them to crush mom-n-pop stores.

Aug 5, 04 11:06 am  · 

wouldn't starbucks fit into walmart's category.

Aug 5, 04 11:09 am  · 
el jeffe

of course there are things 'wrong' with 'sweatshops' but capitalism doesn't address morality. while they provides employment there, they achieves it by exploiting local resouces & typically polluting the environment which present long term problems that can't be solved with the dirt cheap wages there. As soon as that country presses for environmental regs the manufacturer will just close shop and relocate to another country willing to do the work.

btw, i don't shop at walmart or sam's club.

Aug 5, 04 11:17 am  · 

jdesP - perhaps- though they are too singular in their product- if seen alot of coffee shops do well because they werent starrbucks. walmart makes it a point to undercut and eliminate regarless as to the cost. starbucks is just overpriced yuppie fodder.

Aug 5, 04 11:18 am  · 

I won't shop at wallmart either. i think their business practices are exploitive of their workers and manufacturers.

I do, however, like starbucks quite a bit. I've seen lots of them pop up in my years in NY and philly and it seems rare that there was a local coffee shop nearby that is being put out of business.

I also really like the big bookstores, B&N and Borders as opposed to the bookstores from 15 years ago: those little Crown Book and B.Dalton holes in the wall in the corner of your local strip mall.

Aug 5, 04 11:35 am  · 
le bossman

i don't shop at wal-mart, but neither do any other normal people around here, because we all have meijer's

Aug 5, 04 1:32 pm  · 

i think starbucks treats the employees a lot better than walmart. they give offer stock options. and even health care i think.
starbucks is sickening in the sheer amount of stores there are, but i dont know that they effect the local stores that much.
personally i dont care for their coffee so much.

i try not to buy music or go to concerts by artists involved with clear channel entertainment.
because it is my personal believe that they censor and are part of making the music industry corporate and completely shitty.

all in all i try to support local businesses as much as possible. fortunately i live in a part of town where there aren't a whole lot of chain stores, and it is actually less convinent for me to spend my money there.

Aug 5, 04 1:46 pm  · 

i don't like the overpriced grocery stores like whole foods they always serve the 'uber aware' people who will run you over with their shopping carts and cut you off at the checkers and will not even say excuse me.
when i was there once i asked for a pack of camel lights and everybody looked at me like i belong to county jail.

Aug 5, 04 1:47 pm  · 

I'm not buying all of these posts professing "i don't shop at wal-mart." Unless your living in a very urban environment where there are no chain stores ( like stephanie) then I'd think you'd have to go to wal-mart at least every once in awhile. I may have a skewed perspective though, because here in texas wal-mart is often the only place to shop. I prefer target, but every once in awhile i have to venture into the big W. You can usually hear me cursing on my trek across the vast wasteland of asphalt and vehicles, as I push my way through the hordes of overweight sloths in the isles, and while I'm standing in one of the 12 hundred checkout lanes. I agree wal-mart sucks and we shouldn't shop there, but somebody is putting cash in Sam’s pocket.

Aug 5, 04 3:32 pm  · 

OMG! downtown boise, idaho has joined the ranks of a "very urban environment!"

thanks defen.

Aug 5, 04 3:51 pm  · 

i've seen many amish people shop at walmart in ashland, ohio. and, their horses leave piles of, you know what, on the asphalt parking lot. avoid adjacent parking on rainy days.

Aug 5, 04 4:01 pm  · 

no walmart for me. there are many options in seattle without doing walmart. i can understand how it might be difficult for some to avoid shopping there who are having difficulty putting food on the table or as defenestrator mentioned, have limited options.

starbucks coffee sucks too. here in seattle, where their shops are everywhere, they are used as landmarks to give people directions. uggh.

Aug 5, 04 5:00 pm  · 
le bossman

yeah but you don't have to go to wal-mart if you have meijer's. meijer's invented one stop shopping. it is a much larger, cleaner store, and it is locally owned. most of the people there have all their teeth

Aug 5, 04 5:20 pm  · 

i would avoid some of these places

Aug 5, 04 5:47 pm  · 

Apparently, Starbucks is one of the better companies to work for.

I will not shop at Urban Outfitters. The CEO is a far right-winger who started an ad compain to discourage young people from voting.

Aug 5, 04 6:04 pm  · 

you can actually make a case that starbucks helps other coffee shops. It was intsurmental in introducing the unwashed masses to good coffee and now small coffee shope thirive in most cities in the us. Starbucks has also made huge inroads as far as fair trade practices are concerned (somewhat due to activist pressure) and has great employee bennies and wages (compared to other companies in the service industry).
walmart is pure evil plain and simple and unless it's the only store wiithin 100 miles should anyone with a soul ever set foot in one.

Aug 5, 04 6:05 pm  · 

I never shop at Wal-Mart but I do frequent Target. I suppose that's just a lesser of two evils to most of you.

Personally when I shop I'm very conscious of the manufacturing labels. I won't buy apparel made in China and try to aviod all other China made goods, although it's difficult. Just my decision since I don't desire to support a country that oppresses their people like China does.

Aug 5, 04 6:51 pm  · 

defenestrator: why would we "have to" go to Wal-Mart? What do they sell at Wal-Mart (or any chain store) that we must have and can't get elsewhere? I've lived in a "very urban" environment and didn't shop at Wal-Mart, I lived in a very rural area that had no Wal-Marts in the whole state at the time that I lived there, and I live in a smaller city now that has two Wal-Marts within 5 miles of me, as well as K-Mart and some other chains - but I never shop in any of them. What do you buy there?

Aug 5, 04 7:24 pm  · 

I suppose your right Ormolu.... come to think of it I probably could get most everything i have bought at walmart somewhere else. Except of course when I lived in my home town of 20,000 people. Wal-mart had already destroyed all the smaller businesses. We were actually forced to shop there or drive 60 miles to Amarillo.
Recently Wal-mart has decided to build a super store in my hometown. My parents are excited about it, but I think its a crying shame. The town is going to pot.

Aug 5, 04 7:32 pm  · 

super stores like wallmart,target,kmart and others are replacing american public spaces. sometimes those are the only places people see others or have interaction with them. i wonder how many citizens go there because of lonliness. does anybody have anything to say about that?

Aug 5, 04 8:00 pm  · 

believe it or not i never every drink Coke. also would never every shop at Walmart.
I know a friend who works at Starbucks, and she mentioned that though the job was really strenous (like all of our jobs), they got excellent healthcare benefits and good amounts of sick leaves, something that me and many of my friends working as architects do not have. So i dont really mind starbucks that much

also i try to avoid any huge-ass grocery stores and try go to smaller stores like the Mexican store across the street, or the Armenian grocery place on the way...theyare also cheaper, and the food is not genetically engineered bullshit.

Aug 5, 04 8:08 pm  · 

yeah, i am totally all about buying quality produce.
which is why i live across the street from a food co-op.
which is better than those shitty chain whole foods stores.

Aug 5, 04 11:25 pm  · 

I suppose that we as architects are willing to spend a little more $$$ for a better product (that is how we make our $$$). I assume that the people who shop at WalMart are the same people who wont spend $$$ for an architect

Aug 6, 04 12:03 am  · 

rite on.! when are those po bastards will come out from their 1 room apartments and hire us? when? when?

Aug 6, 04 12:14 am  · 

i recently overheard a girl say, 'whenever i go to walmart
i end up seeing everyone i know...'

is walmart becoming the new mall?...

and defenestrator...even nyc has a bunch of large big box
stores in buy, circuit city, borders, b and n,

we just don't have walmart...

Aug 6, 04 2:10 am  · 

so we've all agreed that walmart is evil...are there any other places people should be aware of?

Aug 6, 04 7:43 am  · 

ikea when used inappropriately is Grand Wizard of EEEEvillll, like the frewits of the Deeevill.

Aug 6, 04 8:00 am  · 

rage on and start a revolution

Aug 6, 04 8:59 am  · 

So the folks in Honduras can now work for a foreign corporation that moved their factory there in order to be able to pay their workers less so that they can make more cheap crap to sell at Walmart and which the Honduran workers still can't afford. Moral corruption at its finest.

Starbucks should switch to buying 100% shade grown free-trade coffee, but until then we can appreciate their contribution to the downfall of Maxwell House shit water and the booming business of small coffee shops, of which a small percentage do serve shade grown free trade java.

Basically I avoid any businesses that are willing to cut corners and make or sell a crappy, non worker or environmentally friendly product in order to make a few extra bucks. They should be ashamed of themselves. That said, you can also ruin your own life getting too militant about anything.

Aug 6, 04 9:29 am  · 

Many Starbucks have free wireless internet while you sip. That totally rocks.

I NEVER buy anything from McDonalds (it's been 8 yrs)--- but I will always use their washroom facilities.

I bought a cheap tank tap from H&M and was very please. After I brought it home I read the label and it said 'Made in Cambodia'. I don't know about you, but I was thinking of having a holiday there.
so, now i am a label checker before i buy.

On that note I love American Apperal goods. made in downtown LA. anybody have a reason to hate them?

Aug 6, 04 12:27 pm  · 
le bossman

i don't know whats wrong with you guys, i love these stores. while i enjoy a nice walk along quaintly co-op row, i have to admit it is the big-box + freeway that make my life much more livable. i don't know what the hell i'd do if there was no home depot, target, or sam's club. like it or not, they are modernism's most successful legacy. you all would probably like target a lot more if it had lofts somewhere inside of it, and a little choo-choo to take you to the organic section, not that there is anything wrong with that.

Aug 6, 04 12:42 pm  · 

this post was about organizations that were outwardly doing bad things, being aware of their activities and knowing how they could inadvertently effect the lives of others and ourselves. i don't mean to make this dramatic, but this isn't about convenience or wireless connections.

Aug 6, 04 1:01 pm  · 
design geek-girl

Where I spend my money and where I want to spend my money are two different things.

Ideally, I would only purchase sneakers not made in China as I am a sympathiser with Tibet. But, those are hard to come by.

I would not shop at the kmarts and targets and H&Ms of the world because nearly everything they sell is made in China... and the lighting is unflattering to my complexion.

But, my student status keeps me 3 dollars below the poverty line, not really allowing me to be picky in all situations. Fortunately, this does prevent me from buying coffee anywhere other than local delis where it is half the price of a starbucks cup. It also forces me to satisfy most of my book needs at the Strand. And it means I'm not buying electronics at Best Buy... or anywhere else for that matter.

Blank - If you're boycotting Bleeker Bobs' then you also have to avoid Generation Records. Same owner, same "I'm more hardcore than you" attitude. Similar thing happened to me at Trash and Vaudeville because I had a bag from The Gap. Lame.

Aug 6, 04 1:18 pm  · 

avoid all american made not support a country who bombs at will.

Aug 6, 04 2:28 pm  · 

How about Eisenman and His Sweatshop? We aren't helping.

Oh, I hate the Arizona Cardinals because of that.

Aug 6, 04 2:44 pm  · 

design geek girl- the irony of it all is that we were hardcore! (atari teenage riot and black metal shirts). i also remember a time when the employees at generation records would laugh you out of the store if you asked for a rap cd, but now the carry some. still, they dont charge 18.99 for a cd like mall chains do.

Aug 6, 04 2:44 pm  · 

mdler, while there is a large group of people who won't pay for architecture, most people can't afford to pay for it.

Aug 6, 04 3:25 pm  · 

What is the general concensus of IKEA???

Aug 6, 04 4:45 pm  · 
design geek-girl

I've boycotted them since the Pirelli building incident a few years back.

Aug 6, 04 5:03 pm  · 

There are certain stores that I will never go to. For instance: Purgeso. Maybe you don't know this store. However, I assure you that it is a real store and, moreover, to repeat, I will never go there. Reasons? There are many. I cannot get into all of the details right here. I have my reasons. I can't stand that PURGESO shop. I'll call it a "shop" because I don't even want to think of it as a store. Not after what happened. Are there people still shopping at PURGESO? Possibly. Most likely. Certainly, there are. I'm sure people shop there everyday. I can't deny that. But I don't like to think about it. I, for one, will never go back. Here's an idea: if you're thinking of shopping at that damn PURGESO shop, think twice. Please think back on what I have written about it. All that damning stuff. Reflect on it and reconsider. Perhaps you will be at some threshold of a PURGESO when it occurs to you to reconsider. Not too late. Standing there, under that air curtain, perhaps, think back on it , on THIS, and just turn around. Go some other place. PURGESO is not for you, friend.

Aug 7, 04 1:05 am  · 

i like the first link. second one sucks, no thanks.

Aug 8, 04 6:22 pm  · 

abracadabra will now disappear..
thank you all. it was a fun weekend with "the weekend dieharts" and looking forward to appearing soon. peace and health to you all and all the best with your work..

Aug 8, 04 6:35 pm  · 

Like you I choose never to buy food from fast food restaurants, from KFC to McDonald's, simply because i think their food sucks and that their marketing and production methods are more than questionable -dare I say evil?- and i just don't like the idea of directly contributing to the environmental and social consequences of companies who are greedy and profit driven at all cost (on this topic recommend a book called 'Fast Food Nation' by Eric Schlosser that makes for entertaining and enlightening reading). i am however not exempt from criticism, i do buy Nike products for exemple, so in a way one could say that i am cavorting with the enemy... i am just very much aware of it. Do you guys know of a sneakers brand that do not get their stuff produced in the far east by the way? pretty fucking tough to find, sometimes i guess we're just doomed to consume shit with disagree with. Also i was one preached by a vegetarian for eating meat and who felt good for not eating meat but who would go to KFC to eat veggie burgers... In a way he was contradicting his very own ethics by giving his money to an animal slaughtering industry, therefore directly contributing to things he very much stood against. Potentially everything we buy has got a bad side to it i guess, we should just try to buy as intelligently as possible.

Aug 10, 04 11:23 am  · 

this might seem a bit offensive, maybe with too much claw, but sincerely, what does this and others have to do with making architecture more connected. Stop stop in the name of what-everrrr, this is bo ring. Oh right "duh! you don't have to read this"

'You people' are destroying someone's cyber-dreams of archinect wit, intelligence and making architecture more connected.


I am not sure how that is possible, making architecture more connected...there is ian ritchie's "(well) connected architecture" book...

Aug 10, 04 11:36 am  · 

you're probably right, this thread's got nothing to do with making architecture more connected. however, wider social issues do influence the way we think and therefore the way we practice architecture. which i guess is precisely why this site site has a section called 'random tangent' where people can rant and rave about pretty much everything they please provided it's not offensive. you're free to ignore it and save your breath for things YOU judge more related to 'making architecture more connected' whatever the fuck that means. as for me i am happy to read posts about lots of various subjects -serious or wacky ones- which only make this site richer and more interesting to use.

Aug 10, 04 2:29 pm  · 

I think that this topic is quite relevant to architecture as a whole. The construction of box retail stores and developer housing has nearly wiped away the average person's regular exposure to architecture and, therefore, appreciation of it.

Aug 10, 04 2:43 pm  · 

first link sucks. no thankyou.
second link sucks. yes thankyou.

Aug 10, 04 2:46 pm  · 

correct second link.

Aug 10, 04 2:51 pm  · 

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