
2007 M.Arch applicants, commiserate here!


eighttwo- my Gsapp letter came to Northeast Ohio where my "home home" is. Hope that helps

Mar 17, 07 4:57 pm  · 

Got a call from my parents this morning. Somehow my financial aid package from NJIT ended up at their house, even though I don't remember ever putting their address on anything?? Well, for the year, they're offering $3,000 in work-study and $22,000 in mostly unsubsidized loans. Ok, did they even look at my fafsa? I have zero dollars to my name. I'm pretty sure that's what they mean when they say "need-based."

If anyone's on the NJIT M.Arch I waitlist, I give my position to you.

Mar 17, 07 5:31 pm  · 

heavy package from Yale in the mailbox today, fin aid letter to follow. postmarked March 15th. nothing from GSD still.

looks like it should be a long weekend...

Mar 17, 07 5:55 pm  · 

cpnorris, you win.

Stipend? man.

Mar 17, 07 6:13 pm  · 

congrats neat.

Mar 17, 07 6:25 pm  · 

neat- did you get an email earlier, or just the package?

Outside - me too...the same aid package and I have 0 money.

Mar 17, 07 7:07 pm  · 

i got the earlier email

Mar 17, 07 7:15 pm  · 

got big yale package today also.
also got letter from ucla.

Mar 17, 07 7:18 pm  · 
Living in Gin

This after noon I went out to get some groceries, and came back hauling several heavy bags of groceries into my apartment.

I got into the vestibule and grapped the mail out of my box and put it in my teeth before brining my groceries up the stairs. When grabbing the mail, I caught a glimpse of an envolope that had the word "Academic" and "Notification" on it, and had something that I thought vaguely resembled the Columbia University seal in the upper left corner.

So, almost fully convinced I gotten into Columbia, I went up the stairs and put down the groceries... But when I actually took a closer look at the envolope, it was from the Golden Key International Honor Society, labeled "Academic Honor Notification".

That's it, I've officially lost my sanity now.

Mar 17, 07 7:44 pm  · 

does anyone know how many columbia admits?

Mar 17, 07 7:54 pm  · 

Me too, LIG. I'm insane until I get some letters...officially. And I've gotten that stupid notification. As if I'd pay to join their society. Hmph.

Mar 17, 07 7:55 pm  · 


i work for one of the professors at berkeley, getting the insider info....

Mar 17, 07 8:05 pm  · 
black francis

I remember reading something about UW having their open house during the last week of March. If this is true and I still have heard or received NOTHING I am probably not in, correct? If anyone has any information about this it would be appreciated. Thanks.

Mar 17, 07 8:20 pm  · 

i live in sc - pratt sent the acceptance notification via e-mail on thursday morning. sci-arc's letter came today (saturday). i am most definitely going to pratt.

Mar 17, 07 9:11 pm  · 

OK guys, I just landed in L.A. and I have a bit of focus-group style advice for the geniuses in charge programming content on United Airlines' in-flight movie:

Do not show violent, explosion-filled, vertiginous-heights-displaying movies about airplane terrorism to a captive audience of people on board an in-flight aircraft.


Mar 17, 07 9:13 pm  · 

oh and to keep things pertinent, my roommate informed me that

a) She got into NYU today (not planning or design related, though.)
b) I also got the big Yale envelope.

Mar 17, 07 9:15 pm  · 

skeminator - just wondering why you're choosing pratt over sci-arc?

Mar 17, 07 9:15 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Okay, I'm starting to feel better now. My "Plan B" is beginning to take shape, which involves moving to NYC and enrolling in Columbia's summer program. I'd then have plenty of time to work on my portfolio, tie up any loose ends with my BA degree and prerequisites, and get a (hopefully better) job and bank some coin before starting grad school in 2008.

So regardless of whether or not I get into grad school this year, at least I have something to look forward to this summer.

Mar 17, 07 9:27 pm  · 

LIG- it's good to see plan B's! I'm glad you're looking foward to your summer no matter what happens! I swear, this thread has provided so much emotional support during these past few months.

Mar 17, 07 9:56 pm  · 

does anyone know where the 2006 thread?

Mar 17, 07 10:51 pm  · 

I'm right there with you Living in Gin. I really would be ok if I don't get into a great program - right now the suspense is hard and I'll have to decide to go to a less interesting & fulfilling program or hold out and reapply. don't know how to decide.

Mar 17, 07 11:02 pm  · 
Living in Gin

I can certainly think of worse fates than living in NYC again, and it would be nice to have that 5-week taste of studio life at a top-tier program. Who knows, I might even get a recommendation and/or job lead out of it.

Now, staying here in the midwest and working at my soul-destroying job for another year might just kill me.

Mar 17, 07 11:15 pm  · 

guys I've looked all the last year thread.
unfortunately...there(GSD) was no more batches after toshiko's call and first package for M.arch 2 or MLA, MAUD etc...
same situation with this year....

there was something admissions until 3/15 and then no news...till end of march...then lots of rejections from end of the month maybe same 'no' batch...
only few that time.

Mar 17, 07 11:51 pm  · 

whos planning on attending gsapp's open house? id love to meet some of you guys.

Mar 18, 07 12:43 am  · 

I got nothin....

cept calc. homework.

Congratulations to all of you who got called by Toshiko, you must be absolutely stoked. What an honor eh?

Surf tomorrow, tonight disco.

Mar 18, 07 12:57 am  · 


thanks for the leak!


I watched Snakes on a Plane flying on a long haul from Auckland to LA... LOVED it!!!

Mar 18, 07 3:45 am  · 

ClemsonDnB, I'll be at the GSAPP open house.

Afterwards we could all go kick the j-school kids out of the Hungarian Pastry Shop and have some coffee. ;)

Mar 18, 07 8:06 am  · 

i think no call from toshiko by now is still okay, at least for march1 applicants,... 'cause it seems she started calling ppl later than she did last year. i must admit though.. this weekend is awfully painful.

Mar 18, 07 9:50 am  · 

My freind said that Columbia upped their admissions to 80...Some strategy of Wigleys. Gets pretty crowded in there I hear...I was waiting on my Columbia envelope ...never came.....MY optimism has been waining after I see this thread lately. ...I am actually really hoping for MiT. So next week will be the bigger nail biter...

Mar 18, 07 11:49 am  · 

haano - lots of people were accepted/rejected without phone calls so I don't know that it means anything.

I dont think I'd want a program with 15 students or 80 students. 40 seems like a perfect number to me. How about you guys?

Mar 18, 07 11:51 am  · 

well regardless of the incoming class size it will be broken down into about 15 person studios anyways. bigger program you will get a larger range of exposure to different stuff. smaller program you will get more attention and time with faculty. there is more to it than that but essentially thats the difference.

Mar 18, 07 1:59 pm  · 

But I feel like it can be too small. I learned so much from my classmates in undregrad...if there are only 14 of them, that is limiting. If there are so many that you can not really know them all, that sucks too.

Mar 18, 07 2:12 pm  · 

but there will be other students there besides those 14. there will be 2 classes of people ahead of you that you can interact with. it really depends on how the school is set up though. like are the studios off in there own little rooms or are they all in one big room? that makes a difference for sure. like at GSD everyone is in one huge space so you can cruise around and talk to people but at Rice they have a small program to begin with and all their studios are in separate locked rooms.

Mar 18, 07 2:23 pm  · 

can i throw mine in too?? this was sitting in my inbox for three days...just found much for free schooling.

i would love to go surfing about now. nice work on syracuse, cp - great find. i heard their dean speak i thought he really had a great direction, lots of interesting thoughts for the school. congrats and good luck to all checking the mailboxes this week.

Dear scorr88,

Your application has been carefully reviewed by the Graduate School and by the Architecture Department. I regret to inform you that the department was not able to recommend your admission for the forthcoming year. The number of places available at Princeton for entering graduate students is very small, whereas the number of applications is quite large, so we are unable to offer admission to many who are well-qualified. Admission decisions take into account not only the merits of the applicants, but also the suitability of the departmental programs to the candidates’ expressed interests. All this is to say that we must turn away more applicants than we would like in our efforts to achieve sound matches between the strengths of our programs and the applicants.

The solicitation and evaluation of applications for graduate study at Princeton is one of the most important functions of the Graduate School as well as that of our academic departments and programs. The season is especially hectic and tense for us as well as our applicants, with decisions made on a rolling basis as we meet with each of our admitting departments. Realizing that a timely response to our applicants is very important, we have chosen this less-than-perfect method of advising you of our admission decision electronically, since that is the very quickest way of communicating this important information to you. We apologize for the informality of this email, knowing that past practice would have you receiving a formal, signed letter from my office (I would, of course, be happy to provide such a letter if you so desire).

I regret that you will not be joining us at Princeton. Please accept my best wishes for success in graduate study elsewhere.


William B. Russel


Mar 18, 07 3:52 pm  · 

can anybody speak on whether doing c-disco increases the chance to get into gsd or not?

Mar 18, 07 5:39 pm  · 

aww, im sorry for ya, scorr88, but there will be other schools and other places. surfing sounds nice right now.

Mar 18, 07 6:37 pm  · 

pratt said they (both acceptance and rejection) were going out mostly last week...still in the mail for the majority of us. That includes me and I'm in Brooklyn!

Mar 18, 07 8:59 pm  · 

Back from Seattle. Went pretty well, tons of stuff to think about.

Mar 18, 07 9:18 pm  · 

Can someone post the link to the 2006 thread? Is it true that Toshiko is done with acceptances and that there are only rejections left? Thanks.

Mar 18, 07 9:35 pm  · 

Hey, I've got one for the commisery thread.

I'm in Austin for a job interview tomorrow. An environmental consulting job. Rental car and hotel courtesy of the company with which I'm interviewing.

I'm supposed to have a presentation ready for the interview tomorrow and have barely started it. Now I'm watching the movie "Sideways" instead of working on the presentation. I'm screwed.

Mar 19, 07 12:01 am  · 

Sideways is a great movie though. You know that a month or so after that movie came the national sale of merlot dropped by about 10% while the national sale of pinot went up about 14%. Americans are so silly.

Mar 19, 07 12:10 am  · 

baboomba, does this lack of preparation have anything to do with the fact that you have no intention of taking the job?

Mar 19, 07 12:14 am  · 

So is this a sign I should definitely go to architecture school, or am I just a lazy piece of shit?

P.S. - Don't tell Toshiko if it's the latter.

Mar 19, 07 12:15 am  · 

It just doesn't interest me. I think I should definitely go to school.

Mar 19, 07 12:17 am  · 

Babs - can you use Sideways as research material somehow? Incorporate it into the presentation?

Mar 19, 07 12:17 am  · 
Living in Gin

If you're going to blow off the presentation, at least do it in such a dramatic way that you have a good story to tell us tomorrow.

Mar 19, 07 12:19 am  · 

I don't know. Maybe I can. The presentation is supposed to be a "technical presentation on a topic of my choosing".

Open season.

Mar 19, 07 12:20 am  · 

Shit, they have free movies at the hotel. I'm thinking about just drinking beer and watching movies all day in the dark. When the phone rings (the company calling) or the door knocks, I'll just ignore it until it goes away.


Mar 19, 07 12:22 am  · 

so I'm trying to process the information from my interview. It turns out that UW is very, very different from many (if not all) of the other schools I've applied to. The thing about graphic design is, you can design anything. The actual content can be important, or it can be frivolous. Many art schools give you frivolous content, let you push the boundaries of creativity and worry about sending an important message later. UW is just the opposite, they are very, very concerned with the message, the audience, the appropriateness of a piece.

These two options both have their attractions for me.... I am naturally more attracted to UW's approach actually. But then, that is the sort of thing I did in my undergraduate education. So I know that I can deal with deep content, pay attention to the client, the end user, the message, all that. But I've never had time to just create for the sake of it, so I wonder if the typical art-school approach might be the right way to go to try and sort of round myself out if that makes any sense to you guys. Or is that just a silly notion, and I should go with my strengths? I'm conflicted. I know that this is a very personal decision, but if any of you guys have any thoughts on this then please share. I'll make my own decision in the end (aided of course, by whether UW even ends up accepting me), but I'd like to get this debate outside of my head before I go schizo.

Mar 19, 07 12:24 am  · 

Just curious. If you had the option of going to the GSD or to Columbia, what would you choose and why?

Mar 19, 07 12:25 am  · 

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