
2007 M.Arch applicants, commiserate here!


kustaroo, so far I've decided on:

*Diane Favro (ancient architecture & women in architectural history)
*George Rand (psychologist, as relates to design, sounds fascinating)
*Richard Schoen and/or Baruch Givoni (sustainability emphasis)

I will definitely have to check out the Mexican food when I am there. I've been scouring the L Word for hints on nightlife, but it's not helpful, since it's, you know, fake.

Mar 12, 07 10:21 pm  · 

sirgemhl, I'm thinking yes... the Princeton guys are apparently pretty sadistic. Geez, let us off the hook! I mean, by "March 15th" right? WTFM8

Mar 12, 07 10:22 pm  · 

i already made my decision on where i'm going to go- and i thought i should mention, since everyone here seems to have a cat- my kitten is also very excited at the prospect of a new town, and of me not sitting at the computer for hours rechecking this thread.
good luck to all the archinecters out there and may you all receive all the financial aid you hope for!

Mar 12, 07 10:29 pm  · 

Yeah, that's the thing with TV shows: surprisingly faulty credibility! I mean, for one, the OC's nothing like The OC... Anyway, you might want to check out la-underground (, which seems pretty 'wit-it.' (I suppose, while you're at it, you might want to check out West Hollywood!)

George Rand's agenda sounds really interesting--I wish UCLA had more faculty like him. Hell, based on his brief, sounds like every school needs a Rand. The psychology of architectural space/programming seems pretty lost under the voluminous love-handles of formalism at large. But, I'm kind of disturbed that the Critical Studies program ranks in at a grand four professors.

Crap, DD drawing meeting.

Mar 12, 07 10:32 pm  · 

Long time reader, first post:

I'm an urban planning graduate from UC who's applied 5 different to M.Arch programs:

Cincinnati: no decision
Miami (OH): wait list
Ohio State: no decision
UIC: no decision
IIT: Accepted! today 3/12 (have to take math & physics, D'oh!)

I looked into Michigan but decided not to due to some of my lower GRE, Ugrad GPA and such... (I'm a Go Blue football fan)

Mar 12, 07 10:44 pm  · 

kustaroo was is the 8 at the end of wtfm for?

yeah, given that they probably only have 10 people to call back, i think we can assume princeton is a no.

Mar 12, 07 11:00 pm  · 

congrats jasoncross and rationalist on your acceptances! your portfolios were both really great and def. deserve it :)

Mar 12, 07 11:00 pm  · 

Hi everyone-
Congrats on the recent acceptances!

I have a B.A. in painting and am waiting to hear back from SCI-Arc, CCA, RISD, and Pratt. Like most everyone who has posted here- I am incredibly nervous.

Rationalist- I think I read that you studied arch? I think CCA would be a really fun place to go. The graduate building is really neat- tons of natural light and lots of bike racks.

Mar 12, 07 11:08 pm  · 

Froccli - m+8 = mate

rationalist - congrats on CCA!

Mar 12, 07 11:11 pm  · 

congratulations on the acceptances!!

brightside - i haven't heard from SCI-Arc either and I'm MArch 1... was freaking out before but that round of acceptances are most probably all MArch 2.

Mar 12, 07 11:24 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Rationalist: Congrats on CCA! (sucks about the financial aid, though)

Mar 12, 07 11:28 pm  · 

thanks, all. Yeah, I pretty much feel it's unethical to not publish financial aid information until all the other schools want deposits by. It effectively punishes those who need financial aid to attend your school. I'm going to call them tomorrow and talk to them about this in as calm of terms as I can (i.e.- how am I supposed to reject all my other offers without knowing whether I can afford to come to your school, where I would obviously prefer to go?)

Sarah, yeah it does seem like a very fun atmosphere. I wasn't even going to apply until I decided it couldn't hurt to take a visit while I was in San Fran, and they jumped close to the top of my list as a result of that visit. The new grad center being finished will make a huge difference in the place, though- it's becoming much more campus-like.

Mar 12, 07 11:53 pm  · 

yea -- the three accptances i wrote were m-arch 2

Mar 13, 07 12:01 am  · 
Chase Dammtor


i'm going to be at UCLA next week to check out final reviews. email me if you'll be around then.

if you want to avoid driving too much, there are two hotels run by UCLA that are right on campus and apparently pretty decent. The UCLA Guest House and the Tiverton House. Both are for people visiting UCLA only...they're both about $115 a night, but with no hotel tax (normally 14%) and free parking, that's a steal for the area. There's a few other hotels within walking distance, although I can't really vouch for them. If you want to pay less than $100 a night for a place that's not gross, you're going to have to drive 30 minutes probably.

Mar 13, 07 12:17 am  · 

Just received a letter of acceptance from the Univ. of Washington, Seattle for the MArch I Programme. I'm an American, but living in Hong Kong - it was sent via International Priority, postmarked March 2nd.(that's 10 days ago - hmmm) The letter said that I would receive a 'formal' acceptance in a seperate mailing. Anyway, whew...

Still waiting for word from the UC schools....

Mar 13, 07 1:38 am  · 

congrats kark!

I'm moving along on the portfolio... printed 16 sheets, rejected 1 outright, will try to coax better quality and/or color out of 4. Not too bad for a first printing. Still have to get together the magazine book (will post pics later).

Mar 13, 07 1:45 am  · 

I've also decided to go for the final reviews, so I'll meet you, Chase! Do you know if they publish a schedule in advance? I'm looking into some hostels around the area. I've somehow morphed into an awful priss lately, despite my punk teenage years, and this is my opportunity to rectify that character deficit! The thought of driving in LA completely terrifies me, so I won't do it. That's the biggest downside to UCLA in my mind: need for car. Scary!

Mar 13, 07 2:06 am  · 

kark - congrats!! 10 days for international priority - seattle to HK?? that's a big dodge... ohhhhh i've applied for the same and will be anxiously waiting for mail...

Mar 13, 07 2:50 am  · 

Still on vacation. In Cambridge today. Really tempted to just walk into the GSD and ask if I got in.

I asked a friend to check my mail yesterday and, like many of you, haven't received anything yet. Hopefully, they're saving the best for last.

Congrats to everyone who's recieved an acceptance already.

Where's Broccolijet? I'm worried about him. I've seen some UCLA and Sci-Arc acceptances and, from what I remember, those are the only two schools to which he applied.

Broccoli, please let us know you haven't committed suicide.

Mar 13, 07 8:18 am  · 

LIG, I just checked the gradcafe site and someone's posted that they received a Cornell MArch acceptance via e-mail. They say they got it on 3/8 even though they just posted it. It shows they are an international student.

Mar 13, 07 8:22 am  · 
Living in Gin

Yeah, a couple other people have reported Cornell admissions as well... I'm trying not to freak out.

My current coping strategy involves concentrating on my "Plan B" that I have in place in case I'm not able to attend grad school in the fall. That way maybe it will come as a pleasant surprise if I'm actually accepted somewhere.

Of course, looking at NYC apartment listings is just as ulcer-inducing as waiting for grad school decisions.

Mar 13, 07 9:40 am  · 

Good morning all (or good evening to those of you on the other side of the globe)! So you guy know the expression, "A watched pot never boils"? Well, I'm starting to think the same thing is true for grad school applications.....[sigh]

Mar 13, 07 10:13 am  · 


i hate it, but i can't stop watching this thread...

i have eight schools remaining.

Mar 13, 07 10:20 am  · 

ok, trying not to freak out, but it's hard since my two of the schools i applied to, that i really thought i would get into, just rejected me, via snail mail. i REALLY REALLY hate small envelopes!! both UIC and NC State want nothing to do with me, oh, but they both hope that i can find "other avenues to persue my academic and professional goals." yea, thanks! that makes everything ok!! but i still have 4 other schools that i'm waiting to hear back from, so hopefully that will still work out. it's just hard to keep positive...

Mar 13, 07 10:46 am  · 

yes, i agree. i applied to 4 schools and haven't heard anything yet (um, hello princeton? email notification by march 15?) i've become completely neurotic, but thank god for archinect. it's like AA for M.Arch applicants.....

Mar 13, 07 10:54 am  · 

hey - i forgot to mention this last night, but josh got denied from university of washington, but accpeted at ut-austin and uc-berkley - last year - not this year. admissions works in strange ways - there is still much hope!

Mar 13, 07 10:55 am  · 

maybe its a blessing...U of Arizona is a great program...maybe you will have better luck with them...Mary Hardin at UofA does a great design build studio pushing the use of rammed earth.

stay positive and best of luck everyone.

Mar 13, 07 10:55 am  · 

yeah, wtf princeton? I seriously don't want to go back to ithaca. Give me city life.


Mar 13, 07 11:05 am  · 

what is 'email notification by march 15?' about regarding princeton?
is that what they have told you?
i applied to 5 schools and havent heard anything from anyone...
really about to freak out..

Mar 13, 07 11:23 am  · 

it's pathetic how i've been eyeing on my cellphone in case of a call from 609(princeton) throughout the whole day yesterday(and honestly today too). guess should be expecting to get an e-ject within two days then!?! anybody knows anyone who got into MarchII at princeton?!? BTW, GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE!!!

Mar 13, 07 11:24 am  · 

hey baboomba! been missin ya round here buddy...hope your vacation's been good.

thanks for your concern i haven't tried to hurt myself (yet). just been reading and trying to live vicariously through those already accepted. as you mentioned though, it's been tough keeping my sh&t together with all the ucla and sciarc acceptances milling around.

i actually had a dream last night that i got my portfolio returned to me prior to receiving a decision (as happened to another poster above in real life). puzzled, i remember opening up the package and flipping through my portfolio to find a hand-scribbled note on the bottom right saying "rejection" with the initials "n.m.d." (as in neil m. denari). ohhh, man...harsh.

actually it's pretty friggin' funny now, but it wasn't at 2am this morning!

Mar 13, 07 11:30 am  · 

sirgemhl: Princeton said on their architecture admissions website that they would send an email admissions notification "on or about March 15."

rabbits: I'm not sure if you're familiar with NJ, but Princeton is faaaaaar from being considered a city.

Mar 13, 07 11:34 am  · 

i totally understand broccolijet...carnegie mellon still has not cashed my application check. i think i'll be getting a decision before that even gets cashed. in the event its a rejection, im going to stop funds on that check. haha that should liven it up a little

Mar 13, 07 11:37 am  · 

I'm starting to get really worried about funds. The school I classified as a 'safe match' gave me 10k, the school I classified as a 'match' admitted me but gives me no money, and the school I classified as a 'slight reach' wants me to interview before admitting me. This means to me that I came up with very, very accurate self-rankings of my schools. If the trend continues, I expect to: be rejected from MICA, no clue what will happen with UW, be admitted to Pratt with a piddly 2k scholie, and be admitted to RIT (last choice by far) with big enough money to make it basically my only choice.

Am I prognosticating too far ahead here?

Mar 13, 07 11:50 am  · 

yes, for now...just be happy you got in have plenty of time to worry about other issues.

Mar 13, 07 11:56 am  · 

+i -- did they at least confirm receipt of the rest of your materials?

you should stop payment even if you get in, teach 'em not to sit on it for so long.

rationalist, now that you're in at CCA, where does that sit in your self-assessment?

Mar 13, 07 12:09 pm  · 

oh wait...disregard, that's the one you're still waiting to hear from.

Mar 13, 07 12:11 pm  · 
Living in Gin

My task for the day: Create a "Scheme H" and "Scheme I" (that's right, the 8th and 9th schemes) for a small corner of a corporate office space.

Here's the rub: All the furniture is mobile, and the end users are going to move it around wherever the hell they want it, anyway.

If I don't get into a grad school this year, somebody please drag me out into the street and shoot me.

Mar 13, 07 12:19 pm  · 
Living in Gin

These 8th and 9th schemes are strictly furniture plans, I might add. The architectural stuff is already there.

Mar 13, 07 12:20 pm  · 

LIG, it's too bad your back-up plan has you moving to NYC, because my back-up plan involves me moving to LA and camping in my best friend's living room until I find a job. I'm just saying, we could have had ourselves a real honest-to-god pity party if we ended up on the same coast.

+i, still haven't heard anything from CMU, huh? Neither have I. It's annoying me.

And London got my damned essay 2 weeks ago now so I really should be seeing SOMETHING from them very soon. God help me.....

Mar 13, 07 12:36 pm  · 

broccoli- no, that's the one I heard from yesterday. That was the 'match' school that let me in but no scholarships. They're on the topside of my list, but I have no idea how I'd be able to afford to go there.

Mar 13, 07 12:39 pm  · 

I just got acceptance to UT-Austin. MArch 1.

Mar 13, 07 12:48 pm  · 

Congrats to all receiving acceptance notices! Still no word here on any of my M. Arch I apps... I need to take a poll...who's heard back re: M. Arch I...and where from???

nambypambics...if you're an L Word fan, I can recommend a few spots in West Hollywood (WeHo) for you. The Abbey is good, and though I haven't made it there yet, I've heard GirlBar is really fun. Where are you driving in from that you don't need a car??? Driving in LA isn't really SO bad...just add an extra hour for traffic, no matter where you're going or what time you're going there. Going to a friend's house two miles away at 1am? That'll be about an hour and five minutes to get there. :) I'm in Santa Barbara, which SHOULD take only about an hour and a half to get down to LAX...but more often than not it's taken me 2.5-3 hrs!!! LA is a great get-away from up here, but has a not great public transport system and the traffic jams make me want to shoot myself! The term "Road rage" was invented in LA with good reason.

Mar 13, 07 12:48 pm  · 
Living in Gin

3 hours??? Jesus Christ, with those travel times I could live in Philly and commute to Manhattan, and still have enough time left over for a decent meal when I arrive.

Mar 13, 07 12:54 pm  · 


How did you find out?

Mar 13, 07 12:54 pm  · 

Oh yeah, by the way, CONGRATS!

Mar 13, 07 12:56 pm  · 

I just got an email from the architecture school and was told in the email that my online status should change soon as the architecture school just sent acceptance to UT's graduate admissions for final acceptance.

Mar 13, 07 12:56 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Congrats, Jason!

Mar 13, 07 12:58 pm  · 

congrats jasoncross!! great news brother.

rationalist -- ok, i'm caught up now. i feel you on the finances thing. i sound like the proverbial broken record, but the $$ may actually end up dictating whether i make the career change or not (although not getting in anywhere may make that decision for me).

namby -- driving in la isn't that scpisak mentioned, just give yourself enough time to get there. if you're not on a schedule, even better! just know that there are specific times where you don't want to be on certain roads (e.g. the 405 or santa monica blvd during rush hours of 7-9a and 3-6p). seriously though, if you're not confident hopping on the surface streets (even though you really see more of la from here), you're safe on the freeways...just be patient. there's a lot to see within throwing distance of ucla, so you may not even have to get on one.

Mar 13, 07 12:58 pm  · 

arrrrgh...i just got an email from College Loan Corp., which is doing Pratt's financial aid telling me to check my award...but when I check it on their FastAwards page there still aren't any awards listed!

Mar 13, 07 12:59 pm  · 

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