
2007 M.Arch applicants, commiserate here!


+i this is where telling early will only help you in my mind. it gives you some leverage to negotiate because you were upfront over 3 mo. in advance. of course there are no guarantees, but i'd say you'd loose that 2k for sure if you wait and give your 2-weeks sometime in june.

Mar 12, 07 5:27 pm  · 

UIUC! I'm in!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mar 12, 07 5:51 pm  · 

acceptance letter is a regular 4A paper... weird

Mar 12, 07 5:52 pm  · 
Living in Gin


Mar 12, 07 5:52 pm  · 

ok wow, i'm brand new to this forum and it's already well on its way to giving me an ulcer!!! I applied to 9 schools, all M. Arch I, and haven't received any decision notification from any of that fact that a bunch of you have heard back from schools that I applied to (and you started hearing from them a week ago!!!) is making me really FREAK OUT! No calls, no mail here... I applied to: Parsons, Pratt, Columbia, RISD, UT-Austin, CU-Denver, UCLA, UC-Berkeley and SCIArc.


Mar 12, 07 5:58 pm  · 

congrats ding. nice work.

Mar 12, 07 6:02 pm  · 

I'm sorry scspisak. If it's any consolation, Pratt is usually one of the last to inform, and none of us have heard from them yet. SCI-Arc also seems to lean towards the tardy side.

Although, now that I'm thinking about Pratt, they mentioned that most responses would go out in "mid to late March". Well, by the time I get back from UW on sunday, it'll certainly be mid-March. So I guess I've got another one to start worrying about!

Mar 12, 07 6:03 pm  · 

scspisak - i'm guessing cu-denver is the least of your worries in the bunch. but, i was told they are sending out letters (snail mail) this week.

Mar 12, 07 6:04 pm  · 

Yeah...per an email from Pratt a while back they said they'd mail letter on March 15th. And not as worried about CU...But UCLA and Parsons? People here already know! OMG...

Mar 12, 07 6:08 pm  · 

thank you w3.

Mar 12, 07 6:10 pm  · 

Yeah scspisak I'm in the UT Austin waiting line as well. Is there anybody that didn't apply there? I really want to wish you all good luck, but I might have to "eliminate" some of you people to ensure that I get an admission letter. Otherwise I'll have to relocate to another school far away, and my boyfriend will have only a few months to find a new job. What a nightmare!

That brings me to a good question: What are those of you with families doing about schools? Are your significant others just going to go along to wherever you get accepted and hope to find a job there? Or will they stay behind while you attend school?

Mar 12, 07 6:11 pm  · 

scspisak- what letter was that? Was it from the architecture department, or admissions?

Mar 12, 07 6:12 pm  · 

oops. A4 paper... my bad

Mar 12, 07 6:21 pm  · 

Congrats ding and welcome scspisak!

Mar 12, 07 6:23 pm  · 

od86 - my wife is coming w/ me. work for her is definitely up in the air...but she'll come and find something. when we know what all of our options are - and how much $$ we're actually working with...we'll decide for sure. obviously a location that gives her the most opportunity will be taken into account - but we're prioritizing school for me right now. her work is pretty flexible so fortunately for us, she'll have opportunity at all the places i applied.

Mar 12, 07 6:23 pm  · 

hey, just a bit of news: according to the grad cafe, Yale has started accepting people by snail mail.

Mar 12, 07 6:24 pm  · 

It was from Pratt Admission back in Feb.

Mar 12, 07 6:27 pm  · 

Blumbering boondoggles!!!!

Mar 12, 07 6:28 pm  · 

od86 - My husband actually already landed himself a job in I guess I am following him by going to UCLA. But we've been thinking about the move for the last 2 years already and we went out there last summer and I loved it. I never had much of a problem with the idea of moving to Cali. Personally, I didn't want us to be long distance for 3 years and limiting myself to LA was fine for me since LA has some great programs. I would say you might not want to drag your family somewhere where there is nothing for them. Once you get all your acceptances you guys can prioritize locations. I don't know where you are applying, but you could consider not going to your very top choice if you've gotten into a solid runner up in a place that's better for your family. Ok, RAMBLE. See you guys tomorrow...

Mar 12, 07 6:54 pm  · 

i always get confused. architecture masters is m.arch, right? not a masters in science of architecture.

wow. this week is so much more painful than i thought. no calls no snail mails no emails so far!

-shaking in boots

Mar 12, 07 7:00 pm  · 

oh congrats ding!!!

Mar 12, 07 7:04 pm  · 

Just a quick question for you guys.

Base on your knowledge, which one do you like? or would you go? (let's leave the $$$ problem away)

UW Seattle
Wash U St. Louis
UI Urbana-Champaign


Mar 12, 07 7:05 pm  · 

The post-professional masters can be an MS in Arch, but an accredited (first-professional) masters is always an M.Arch

I am leaving a long-term companion when I go to grad school. We will have lived together for five years by the time I go. Our ideas of our futures are completely different, and heading off to grad school provides a clean break to something that might otherwise be much more difficult. It's hard, but the right thing to do.

Mar 12, 07 7:05 pm  · 

My partner is coming with me. So that means we have to move either to Denver or to somewhere where she'll have some job options. She's working on her PhD dissertation right now, but will finish while I'm still in school and will need to have a position as a professor readily available. Her specialty is very limiting, unfortunately, but I moved here for her to begin her PhD program & career, now she gets to move for my career. It all evens out.

Mar 12, 07 7:14 pm  · 

oh, and I totally never got that email from Pratt that you mentioned. But, as we saw a page or two ago with brightside and CCA, that doesn't necessarily mean that they don't like me. I hope.

Mar 12, 07 7:17 pm  · 

My cat is definitely coming with me. Granted she likes her current window quite a bit, but I've promised her that there are other windows, with equally good views. So, although she's making a lot of noise about it, she accepts my decision.

On a side note, another day has passed, and nothing. Rar. Seriously, how long does it take to mail a letter?!

Mar 12, 07 7:18 pm  · 

I've still got over an hour before I can race home to check my mailbox. I'm getting anxious....

WonderK- tell your kitty that there are much warmer windows to sit by in LA. It's like 80 degrees out here today, and it's beauuuutiful.

Mar 12, 07 7:23 pm  · 

I keep ditching class to check my email and this thread. Do you think my drawing professor will have a problem with 45 minute long bathroom breaks? 1.5 more hours until I can get to the mailbox. seriously, speed up the snail mail, people.

Mar 12, 07 7:27 pm  · 

so i asked to have my portfolio returned after the admissions committee was done--- i received one of them today... yet no news from the school. i think that might be bad news.

Mar 12, 07 7:40 pm  · 

check your email folks, I just got acceptance to Sci-Arc. woohoo!

Mar 12, 07 8:33 pm  · 

jasoncross: kern THAT, motherf---ers :)

Mar 12, 07 8:51 pm  · 

no news yet...dying slowly

anybody any news from gsd / gsapp???

why am I not getting any

Mar 12, 07 8:52 pm  · 

thanks namby.

It definitely feels better to know something from someone. I am still very anxious to hear from my other 6 schools...but I enjoyed my SciArc visit a lot and am excited to have been admitted.

Mar 12, 07 8:57 pm  · 

I think we will start hearing from GSD by the end of the least that is my assumption based on last years decisions.

Mar 12, 07 8:58 pm  · 

autonomous - do you mind if i ask what school pulled that one on you? pretty bad form regardless of their answer is for you if you ask me. chances are they put your letter, and your folio in the mail at the same time and the portfolio happened to get to you first...doesn't necessarilly mean anything one way or the other.

Mar 12, 07 9:05 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Congrats, jasoncross!

I'm in the same boat as WonderK here. Nada, zilch, bokus. A big fat envelope with an Ithaca or Cambridge ZIP code would have been a nice birthday present, but it wasn't meant to be. Better luck tomorrow.

Wherever I end up, my cat is coming with me. He's already been to Philly, NYC, Oregon, and Chicago, so another locale won't be a big deal for him.

Mar 12, 07 9:13 pm  · 

I got nothing either. I guess the only good news is I have no rejections.....yet.

Mar 12, 07 9:18 pm  · 

I'm in at CCA!

No scholarships though, and they aren't sending out financial aid until mid-April, by which time every other school I've applied to expects a response. My happiness at being accepted is considerably dampened by what I feel is a show of extremely poor form on their part.

Mar 12, 07 9:27 pm  · 

I've just spent some time looking at faculty bios and deciding the faculty with whom I'm going to request meetings when I visit UCLA. Exciting!!!

Anyone who's going to LA, when do you plan on attending, and where are you staying? I'll most likely stay with a friend, but if anyone can recommend a convenient, affordable, and safe/comfortable hotel, I'll consider it. I don't know the geography of the city at all - what are neighborhoods that are good for visiting UCLA, or LA in general? And are there any that ought to be avoided because they're so inconvenient?

Mar 12, 07 9:29 pm  · 

im in at sci arc too -- plus my bf and one of our other friends...

Mar 12, 07 9:35 pm  · 

Got an email this evening from Sci-Arc with acceptance into their MArch 2 program......

On behalf of the SCI-Arc Graduate Admissions Committee, I'm very pleased to offer you admission to the Southern California Institute of Architecture. Your official letter of admission containing the details of your acceptance will be mailed to you very shortly at your address in Denver. Included with this letter will be a response form which you should complete and return to us by Friday, April 27, 2007.

Mar 12, 07 9:53 pm  · 

Yup, I got an acceptance email from SCI-ARC too...M.Arch II.

It says the official letter will be in the mail shortly and open house will be on April 21.

Well, feels good to get in somewhere. Now all that's left is those Ivies...

jasoncross - I remember your portfolio, it was really good. I assume you're MArch II also? Where else did you apply?

BTW you interned at AP? I know 2 people who worked on the National Palace Museum project, Ming at the main office, and another working as liason here in Taiwan.

Mar 12, 07 10:03 pm  · 

Hey there everybody... I'm a friend of 222's and for a long time wasn't reading the thread because I was able to get all my anxiety out through her... But alas. she was accepted into UCLA last week and now i have no outlet. So today I snapped and read the entire thread (my boss asks nothing of me) in one sitting.

I'm just wondering if the folks getting accepted to SCI-Arc are all applying to MArch Is or 2s..... (please say 2s.... please?)

Mar 12, 07 10:06 pm  · 

Congrats to all who have been accepted to SciArc.

Balagan - Thanks, and yes, MArch II...I also applied at MIT, Harvard, UCLA, UT, Rice, and Cal.

Ming is very nice, he started working there (the same office I worked in) right after I left...he is working on the museum now, I believe...I only worked on the competition boards and presentation. He may not know me by name, but he would know my bald ugly face in a second. :)

Mar 12, 07 10:09 pm  · 

Hey namby, what faculty are you eyeing? I'm going to try to talk up Lavin, partially because her book "Flash in the Pan" sounds interesting, and partly to put a mark on the 'down to earth <-> total wench' scale.

UCLA's in a great area: just west of Beverly Hills and east of Santa Monica/Venice Beach, which are nice for shopping and hipster-ing, respectively. It's very leafy and well-populated with BMWs. It's actually fairly far from Downtown LA, which is way to east and partially obscured by perpetual smog drifts. Mmm, if I were you I'd dun check out Roscoe's House of Chicken 'n Waffles in Hollywood, Pink's Hot Dogs (also in Hollywood, usually really crowded), In-N-Out (all over the place)... man I really miss LA food.

Mar 12, 07 10:10 pm  · 

yeah, I think it is all MArch II in this round.

Mar 12, 07 10:10 pm  · 

should i officially consider myself to be rejected if I havent heard from princeton yet...

Mar 12, 07 10:12 pm  · 

jasoncross - Ha, I'll ask him about it sometime. Small world huh?

I'm waiting on MIT and GSD too, so good luck to you man! As well as Columbia and Yale.

Mar 12, 07 10:15 pm  · 

no, no, no. By April 15th, if still no word, then, yes.

Mar 12, 07 10:18 pm  · 

Balagan - yes, very of luck in the coming days.

Mar 12, 07 10:19 pm  · 

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