
accepted to grad schools yet? (fall 2007)


LiG, show me that ranking sheet... lol

Mar 19, 07 10:44 pm  · 

i dont believe ur ranking...

Mar 19, 07 10:49 pm  · 
Living in Gin

i dont believe u got a scholarship...

Mar 19, 07 10:50 pm  · 

oh i did and a good scholarship ....

Mar 19, 07 10:58 pm  · 

Why all the ragging on the Boston Architectural College?

Mar 19, 07 10:59 pm  · 

everywhere - I was in Colorado's undergrad program. If Peter Schneider is still running the grad program I would recommend it. He is great. Denver blows'll be in studio the whole time.

Mar 19, 07 11:18 pm  · 

Also - very interesting work at CU in sustainable design. Much more than NJIT.

Mar 19, 07 11:19 pm  · 

look, rankings are dumb and pointless and stupid and innacurate and biased and for law students. we can all agree on that.

ryjny27 - congratulations on your acceptance and your scholarship but i don't know anything about RISD so I am no help. sorry.

Mar 19, 07 11:20 pm  · 

thank you cpnorris

Mar 19, 07 11:27 pm  · 

Entasis, I think the ragging is even more on Yale

Mar 20, 07 12:26 am  · 

So I finally got my first response back - sort of. . . got waitlisted at Yale. That doesn't help very much. Nobody's mentioned waitlists-is anyone w/me, and what do you all think about them? Don't know what the chances of getting in is, and if I'll get much money from them. Hmm - oh how this process just drags on.

Mar 20, 07 9:19 am  · 

How, exactly do the waitlists work? Is it different at each school?

Mar 20, 07 10:03 am  · 

Concerning CU....yes there are certain "Sustainablility " Focuses @ CU-Denver... CO is a Solar State!....but I would recommend visiting, before you consider.... I live here in CO and still need a Masters ...I didn't even select it as a back up. CU-Boulder's Undergrad is a different story.

p.s the few ppl I know that did time at the BAC all seem to know what up!

Mar 20, 07 10:30 am  · 

I imagine a waitlist works much the same as flying standby, if someone doesn't show up for the flight (doesn't accept yale's offer) then there seat is given away to someone on standby (waitist). I'm sure they have everyone on the waitlist listed out in priority and, much the same as standby, if you are a lower number on there list then chances are not good.

Mar 20, 07 10:39 am  · 

Recommend visiting because of the city or the school itself?
I'm working in Japan, so visiting really isn't an option.

Mar 20, 07 11:38 am  · 

oh. everywhere.
Well..lets see...I hate these categories...but are you really into Digital, Green, Baux Arts -ish, ....

I think Denver is great place to go to be employable , save money , maybe get LEED certified...many go part time and work in Denver.

If you want a more rigorous research school , or more digitally oriented, or something...not sure this is it. I don;t go there..I just know some folks.

p.s skiing is also a good reason to come here

Mar 20, 07 11:54 am  · 

As far as waitlists go, it really depends on how much you want to go there. There are always going to be one or three spots left open. In fact, if you REALLY want to go there, sometimes calling the school two to three weeks before the semester starts. People always drop out at the last second for some reason. You also might want to send them a letter expressing how much you'd like to be a part of their program. That could help a lot.

Mar 20, 07 12:03 pm  · 

what?...that sounds crazy! I wish you were right.

Mar 20, 07 12:20 pm  · 

does any one knows about RISD M.arch program???

Mar 20, 07 12:26 pm  · 

there is a guy in the M.Arch program with a blog on here. you might want to contact him.

i visited the school back in the fall to check out the MLA program. very impressive. there's a lot of interaction between arch and larch. the kids seemed happy, but they work their asses off.

Mar 20, 07 3:18 pm  · 

Did one of you just try to call Parsons admissions from Texas? Just curious.

Mar 20, 07 3:26 pm  · 

do u know what is the blog jwillefo?

Mar 20, 07 4:39 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Jesus Christ, the links to the blog section on this site are as plain as daylight. How about taking some fucking initiative and doing your own footwork for a change?

I hate to think of the people who got passed over so RISD could hand a scholarship to your lazy ass. Did you get your mommy and daddy to do your portfolio for you?

Mar 20, 07 4:45 pm  · 

dude, chill.

Mar 20, 07 4:55 pm  · 

holy shit, LiG! that's some funny stuff. lofl.

Mar 20, 07 5:00 pm  · 

getting a little testy GIN? or just a little too many rejections?

Mar 20, 07 5:04 pm  · 
Living in Gin

No rejections yet.... I just don't have patience for people who ask stupid questions when the answers are already right at their fingertips, and then continue asking those same questions word-for-word when it's obvious nobody is going to respond. And when they ask those questions with the literacy level of a retarded aardvark, it displays an incredible lack of respect for one's audience.

ryjny27 wants to know about RISD's M.Arch. program? Maybe he should have done his research before he applied there.

ryjny27 wants to know what RISD's ranking is? The rankings are a sham, but if he must know, it's easy enough to use the search function.

ryjny27 wants to know where the RISD blog is? How about looking at the link on the upper-left side of the screen that says "school blog project"? It's even highlighted in bright orange to make it especially hard to miss.

Sorry, but if he displays this much stupidity and laziness in grad school, he won't last five minutes.

(I'm assuming ryjny27 is a he; I don't really know or care what his/her real-life gender is.)

Mar 20, 07 5:19 pm  · 

what is ur problem?? ......why is ur attitude for???? maybe u didnt make it any where does why u have attitude talking to jwillefo ,, not you instead of losing your time getting into others people conversation why dont you go and work in your portfolio cuz it seems that it didnt get you anywhere.....

Mar 20, 07 5:21 pm  · 

what is ur problem?? ......why is ur attitude for???? maybe u didnt make it any where does why u have attitude talking to jwillefo ,, not you instead of losing your time getting into others people conversation why dont you go and work in your portfolio cuz it seems that it didnt get you anywhere.....

Mar 20, 07 5:22 pm  · 

what is ur problem?? ......why is ur attitude for???? maybe u didnt make it any where does why u have attitude talking to jwillefo ,, not you instead of losing your time getting into others people conversation why dont you go and work in your portfolio cuz it seems that it didnt get you anywhere.....

Mar 20, 07 5:25 pm  · 

Buckity - Unconditional offer in the English UCAS application process means that I don't have to wait for the results of any exams or subjects in order to know whether or not I will be given an offer.

I already have a first degree and my A Levels and hence aren't waiting to hear of any outstanding results. Very happy as I know the competition is fierce.

Mar 20, 07 5:31 pm  · 

thank jwillefo , i already checked that blog before i thought it might of be a different one. thank you any was.

Mar 20, 07 5:36 pm  · 

About a week late in posting but I got fat packages from both GSD and Yale but got the boot from Princeton...anyone else?

Mar 22, 07 2:20 pm  · 

congrats signore! we're all over in the big commiseration thread, you're welcome to join us.

Mar 23, 07 2:01 am  · 

Living in Gin: you are such a little bitch. get into any schools yet?

Mar 23, 07 2:27 am  · 

hello everyone. i am new to this site and this forum. i am posting here because i have some graduate school questions and was wondering if anyone had any feedback for me.

i completed my BA in architecture at UC Berkeley in 2004. i am now apply for M.Arch and dual M.Arch and MS Historic Preservation Programs. I have been accepted for the dual degree at USC (university of southern california, not south carolina). i have been accepted for an M.Arch only at Parsons. I have been accepted for a MS Hist. Pres only at Columbia and Penn. I have been rejected from Penn M.Arch and SCI-ARC M.Arch. I am still waiting to hear back from Columbia M.Arch and Cornell M.Arch

THe M.Arch is definitely the preferred degree, the his.pres. one is more of a side degree.

Does anyone have any strong opinions so far....Parsons vs. USC?

Mar 23, 07 2:48 am  · 

Yeah, New York is better than LA, the choice is Parsons.

Mar 23, 07 9:32 am  · 

depends on where you want to work, east coast schools have stronger east coast ties, west coast etc. although now with people traveling more to teach thats not as convincing an arguement. maybe you should just go visit the schools

Mar 23, 07 10:56 am  · 

I meant that New York better than LA comment in a joking way.

tzenjujuei is right, visit the schools if you have a chance.

Mar 23, 07 11:15 am  · 

i have visited both schools. but i dont know what that is supposed to change. both seemed fine, very different though. i dont really know how to evaluate my choices.

can someone tell me something about parsons architecture? i feel like i dont know a thing about it! does the name parsons carry enough weight for me to get hired in los angeles? i am sure that USC is good enough that i can get hired on east coast with that degree. what do u guys think? any tips?

the truth is - i totally want to go to manhattan, i am sick of LA. but USC offered me a $17,600 academic scholarship + need based financial aid (amount TBD). and parsons is that great. also, maybe i could do a semester abroad in NY if i really want to go there, right?

Mar 23, 07 2:09 pm  · 

*sorry, i meant to say and parsons ISNT that great.

Mar 23, 07 2:10 pm  · 

my boyfriend and i have been nervously waiting for decisions (he for phd, i for mla). so far i have only heard back from two schools: accepted to Utoronto, rejected by upenn (o it hurt me so..)

last night, he had dream of a rejcetion letter from mit. enclosed is a box of tissue paper and a poster of scarlett johansson titled: this is not the end of the world.

what a nice touch, eh

best of luck everyone.
and keep checking that mail box

Mar 23, 07 4:49 pm  · 

fixybopixy - TAKE THE MONEY!!!!

Mar 23, 07 4:53 pm  · 

did anyone else get accepted to Columbia MArch program?
i got a small envelope and didnt think i got in. i assumed they would send a big one. so i was shocked to see i was an acceptance.

it was the only school i applied to. so, phew.

Mar 23, 07 5:14 pm  · 
Say No to Student Loans

did anyone else get into Penn 3 year M arch?

i'm curious beacause i got in the 3 year program thinking i qualified for the 2 (with a 4-year bachelor of science in architecture)

if it will be only 2 years, it's my first choice

anyone in this dilema?

Mar 23, 07 11:58 pm  · 

3 year instead of 2 year. dude, that's $40,000 + there... Did you apply for their 3 year program? I read your post before... Did you got into Wash U 2 year program? What the hell? Good luck.

Mar 24, 07 2:25 am  · 
Say No to Student Loans

I applied to the 2, but who knows, it was really late and I had a batch of 4 other apps to send out that day.. I'm going to see if I can get into the 2, hopefully it's not my fault (40g mistake).

I got into Wash U also

Mar 24, 07 4:25 am  · 

yeah I got into the 3 year program too...

Mar 24, 07 11:20 am  · 

sirgemhl. 3 year at UPenn or Wash U? where are you planning to go?

Mar 24, 07 3:02 pm  · 

fixybopixy: i have visit parsons and it is a OK school. the good thing about is the location, also most of the proffesors have their own firms in nyc so it is easier to get contacts and work with them after school. the facilities are small, but anywhere in the city would be like that. Parsons is a school that is starting to get name but the price you pay for it , i dont think is worth it . you can go to better universities for the same price plus you need to consider that the living in the city is expensive.....

Mar 24, 07 7:04 pm  · 

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