
accepted to grad schools yet? (fall 2007)


design - I won't be visiting at all!! I'm in Australia - it's too expensive to fly over and I can't get time off.

I also quite like UWash's program and I like the idea of being in NY (not sure about Pratt though) but yea, I really need to do some more research.

That would really suck if you can't go because of that you've applied and gotten acceptances.. There must be some way to get the schools to give you some more funding?!

Mar 27, 07 5:31 am  · 

I'm a west coast person. I would go SCI-Arc because of the location = resources! SCI-arc is pretty sick though... i love their studio. I don't know if you like the cold weather in NY. I am pretty sure you will like the sunny california. the food, the weather, the lifestyle... you name it... :-)

I visited UPenn last Sept. Their facilities are Boo Boo....... Also, super expensive. just about everything... I'm sorry to say this. You can ask the Penn people here.

I have a buddy at UW - graphic design MFA. He told me the Arch building/facilities are super. The campus... oh boy! next to the ocean. Very nice. Super close to downtown Seattle. I agree, it's a tough call. Good luck.

yeah. I have to wait and see if i can get some money. Otherwise, I really can't go. I don't think i can afford any expensive private schools.

Mar 27, 07 5:51 am  · 

design - Thanks for the info! I'm glad you've got something nice to say about both SCI-Arc and UWash. I love NYC but yea, i'm so over east coast weather (studied in maine for 4 yrs- almost died from the lack of sun exposure (VitD!!)).

Good luck with hearing back about funding/scholarship!!

Mar 27, 07 6:18 am  · 

Thank you. Good luck to you too. I have to say something about the fresh fruit, vegetables, California fresh produce. The best in the world.

Do you surf? There are many good surf spots in Australia. Once again... sunny california. Surf spots all over. From northern california all the way down to San Diego. 3/4 wetsuit up north. warn water - shorts down SD.

Call SCI-arc. Someone is going to give you the some detail information. :-)

Mar 27, 07 6:31 am  · 

archmed, sorry my bad.

but i would appreciate u'r help in "GPA" thread;

that was the info i needed.

Mar 27, 07 6:49 am  · 

design - I've surfed a couple of times but I'm pretty bad... not a surfer but huge fan of the beach. mmmmm and I looove fresh vegies. OH I'm getting all excited now! but i think i should look harder at the program eh? :)

Mar 27, 07 6:53 am  · 

You should. You should. If you love the beach. I don't know where else you can go... Sorry about that. :-)

Oh, you can go down to Mexico, Costa Rica and Panama. More beach......!!! Not THAT far from Los Angeles. Cheap flights. If you drive maybe 2 hours to Big Bear Lake - ski area. 4 hours to Las Vegas!!! Party party.

haha... alright. that's enough for you to think.

Mar 27, 07 7:14 am  · 

A little late but here are my results so far:

Minnesota- accepted (waiting to hear about $$)
Illinois-Chicago- accepted
Michigan- accepted (with scholarship)
Texas- supposed to hear today
RISD- ??
New Mexico- ??

I've basically narrowed it down to Minnesota and Michigan since Texas has taken so long to respond. Now it's just a $$ race between the Gophers and the Wolverines...

Mar 27, 07 8:34 am  · 

UNM's new school is very close to completion...the new building is pretty amazing.

Mar 27, 07 8:38 am  · 

hello everybody,
since there are so many people answering questions, I figured I should ask mine here..
so, I got accepted in cornell (marchII) with tuition credit (8,650).
in pratt marchII, illinois institute of tech, and columbia (msarchi+urban design)
cant go to columbia till june 2008 as I havent graduated yet from home!hopefully i ll get deferment.
still have the other options.
should I wait a year?or the other schools are worth not going to columbia?the thing is I really like the program in gsapp..

Mar 27, 07 1:28 pm  · 

Is anyone waiting for Pratt anymore? Did all the acceptances go out already?!?!?!?

Mar 28, 07 3:17 am  · 

balagan: Berlage? Is that an accredited program? I think it's just a post-grad laboratory...

miss-j: PennDesign, yes! Very good!

maraki: are you an international applicant?

Mar 28, 07 9:20 am  · 

I 'do go to Cornell though. Now if we were talking GSAPP's MSAAD it would be a different story. Why did you apply there in the first place since you wouldn't be graduating earlier? And most importantly: how come you got accepted since you wouldn't be graduating before their course starts?

Mar 28, 07 9:27 am  · 

marl:I applied to msaud because I think the program is much more
close to my interest in urbanism than the others. when applying, I thought i would be able to start in september.but unfortunately, they can't do that. So you think Cornell?
What do people think about the msaud?Has anybody been in the msaud?me, i am really into doing it.
and yes i am international.
So Cornell sounds the best to everyone?
Do you think Pratt is off the table and iit also?
You see I am not American and I don't have as many evaluation criteria as you do..I do need some of your advice!

Mar 28, 07 11:39 am  · 

I'm still waiting on Pratt, but I'm in the communication design department, not architecture, and have been told that it's all departmental at this point.

I got into UW yesterday, with enough $$$ that I think I can actually go.

Mar 28, 07 11:44 am  · 

final tally:

columbia: accepted
harvard: rejected

Looks like im going to NY!

Mar 28, 07 12:00 pm  · 

clemsonDnB - i sent you an e-mail the other day asking about your thoughts on the m.arch program at clemson. not sure if you got it or not - but if you have any thoughts from the inside i'd be curious to hear them.

Mar 28, 07 12:04 pm  · 

Cornell- waitlisted
Sci-Arc - waitlisted
Penn - accepted
NJIT - accepted
City - accepted

And a bunch of rejections.

I'm thinking Penn or Sci-Arc. Such different schools. Sci-Arc is brilliant but I thought it was really lacking resources. I'll go to Penn's open house and see, I guess.

Mar 28, 07 12:23 pm  · 

buckity.... 3 year m.arch?

Mar 28, 07 2:11 pm  · 

The aftermath:

So for those of us who choose not to go to grad school after finding out the results, for whatever reaon - cost, money, not top choice - what's the next step? I could change jobs now, for one. When should I start preparing for the next round? The one thing I've been wondering is the idea of asking the same recommenders for recommendation letters again. Like, hi it's me again. You wrote letters this year for me but turns out I'm not going b/c _____. Do you mind writing them again for next year? Do they mind?

Sorry, I suppose this is sort of a me thinking publicly post, however, it'd be nice to hear others' thoughts, as well.

Mar 28, 07 3:57 pm  · 

yeah. 3 years, march1.

Mar 28, 07 4:50 pm  · 

maraki: I am not sure but I think that the Urban Design Course is not as strong as Advanced Architectural Design but who am I to judge? IIT has the great new (refurbished even) buiding and Ben Nicholson of course and Chicago is nice but still...Mind you I love Chicago but wouldn't choose to go to IIT. Cornell has a MArch 2, eh? I think this one is new - all these Ivy League schools' March 2 programs are mainly targeted towards international students. And they gave you financial aid so that's a huge plus. I can't think of a better choice. It's a very respectable school - I think the most respectable among the ones you mentioned although not for it's graduate program, but hey it's Cornell how bad can it be?
Oh, also maraki seems like you have a strong portofolio - being an international applicant (where are you from by the way?) without a degree yet still you have been accepted to such good schools. I am really curious, can I get a glimpse?

Mar 28, 07 5:17 pm  · 

MArch 3 year, or 2 year?
How'd they inform you? Mail? Email? Call?

UW is the one I'm waiting on? It would solve a lot of my problems and is my top choice. If not, then UO, but then I've got to figure out a way to work it out that my work contract ends July 28, but the program starts June 24.

Anybody else find themselves in an early start, summer quarter bind?

Mar 28, 07 6:28 pm  · 

nope. MFA in Visual Communications. No worries, completely separate notification schedule. Be glad it's not the same program- they only took six people into the program I applied for. I was a bit floored to be accepted.

Mar 28, 07 6:36 pm  · 

I talked to them and they said sometime this week. Man, the longer the wait, the harder it gets.

Mar 28, 07 6:38 pm  · 

marl - Yeah, Berlage gives you only a certificate of participation, in retrospect I guess I applied out of panic, afraid I'd get in nowhere. I'm international, so I was fine going either US or Europe.

Mar 28, 07 8:54 pm  · 

Damn: in at GSD

Frito in at MIT

Guess I will have to find a second job along with the Mrs inorder to keep the buggers in School. Count your blessings young ones and thank your parents for ever....might even design them a house or two
at no cost.

Mar 28, 07 10:42 pm  · 
fad gadget

Fellow UMichers, where are you? I feel lost in a sea of Ivies on this thread! It's getting me down!

It's UMich for me. It was a combination of the fact that UT-Austin lost my 1/2 of my transcripts (they were all sent together in the same envelope so go figure) and I got rejected from Columbia. And UMich's scholarship offer was pretty sweet.

Mar 28, 07 11:20 pm  · 

that shit happened to me too, skinnyrobot.. wtf! fuck texas anyway

Mar 28, 07 11:26 pm  · 


Where do you think you will go......

Mar 29, 07 3:51 am  · 

well, I am greek.
We have five year bachelors here, which is almost a March I, we
have a thesis also, two actually, both research and design.
plus, 4-5 archit.studios, 3 urban design, preservation, a lot of history and theory of art and archit, artistic courses...competitions..
I guess it's pretty much the same in content as it is in the us, but in greece it's more in quantity.
plus i went on an exchange program in paris for a year for school,
i guess all these helped.
i dont have my portfolio on line unfortunately!
pratt answered with a scholarship of 9,000 so it's back in the game!
plus I have a Fulbright scholarship which I ll loose if I dont attend a program this year.
still a lot of thinking to do.

Mar 29, 07 4:03 am  · 
Say No to Student Loans


Michigan is still in contention from me; along with Wash U and Penn. I know, we need to talk about these other top programs rather than discussing our GSD and Columbia dreams.

It's a really good school and environment with great profs and lots of resource. I'm originally from Michigan and have been there a few times. They offered me no money and I like Penn and Wash U's program a lot, but there is a chance I'll go there. I am at least going to take another tour in April.

Are you going to the open house? Besides Texas, which other schools did you look into?

Mar 29, 07 12:49 pm  · 
Say No to Student Loans

i got accepted into RISD today; if anyone is still waiting to here from them.

Mar 30, 07 2:53 pm  · 

Hey guys first time post on this thread...

I got accepted to UCLA, UT Austin, OSU. I will be starting at UCLA next year !!!! M-Arch 1 Anyone else coming with me?

Mar 30, 07 5:51 pm  · 
Nell Lime

To those waiting for UW -I am too...
My list so far (no change in a week really)
UC Berkeley - rejected
UO - accepted
UW - ?
UBC - ?

We've got about another few weeks before UW says they will notify (April 15th, on the application information packet).

everywhere - I'm too deciding between UO + UW (provided I get into UW), you must be applying to the MARch III program, if you're worried about contract with work, and school overlapping 4 days, I'd contact the school and see if there is a way you can work around it, also I'd talk with your work, I don't know what you do,but it's worth a try.

Mar 30, 07 6:11 pm  · 

Here's my tally...

UT-Austin: accepted
RISD: waitlisted
SCI-Arc; waitlisted
UCLA: rejected
Berkeley; rejected
Columbia: rejected
Parsons: ?
Pratt: ?
CU-Denver: ?

Mar 30, 07 7:46 pm  · 

I emailed UW the 20th and they said they'll get letters out in two weeks, which would mean sometime this week. April 15th sucks, as it's already past some of the deadlines for some of my other schools.

As for the work, it's a little more complicated. I'm working overseas in Japan and the contracting organization has paid for things like my flight and conferences. If I bail on the contract and they want to, they can charge me for all that they've spent on me. But hopefully if it comes down to it, they'll let me leave a month early without any trouble.

I'm not going to worry about it until I hear from UW.

Good luck man

Mar 30, 07 11:58 pm  · 

designbydesign -

I think I'm going to Penn if I go at all. I have heard to much crap here in NY about not thinking Sci-Arc was a good school if I wanted to work here. City College is tempting because I already have somewhat of a relationship with them, and Cornell is tempting because they have a really good undergrad that I think gives them a good rep. Penn is the most established of the grad programs available to me.

I'm still so indecisive about it. Ugh.

Mar 31, 07 8:18 am  · 

Here's my list.....

columbia - accepted

sci-arc - accepted

ut austin - denied (probably should not have sent them the same loi that i sent sci-arc and columbia)

florida - accepted

the only reason i applied to florida is because i am a resident and went to undergrad there, but the grad program is going down the drain. visiting columbia this week for open house and maybe going to la for the thesis presentations at sci arc. im 90% columbia right now if i can handle the finances, interested in getting a dual masters in development there too, anyone know if you can integrate the real estate program with architecture at columbia? they are both within the GSAPP so i imagine they could be intertwined somehow.

Mar 31, 07 11:57 am  · 

UW open house was yesterday I am pretty sure. One of my co-workers got accepted and went out there this weekend.

Mar 31, 07 12:15 pm  · 

w3 -

im a first year grad at clemson. if you'd like another perspective on the program, i would be glad to send some thoughts your way. im currently studying at clemson's campus in genova, italy.

Mar 31, 07 1:35 pm  · 
fad gadget

b.d.f. - I'm originally from Michigan too, and did my undergrad at Umich (not in architecture). Here is what drew me to consider returning to the school:

1. The facilites that are available, and the fact that anything that is not right there in architecture building is either somewhere else on campus or within an hours drive.

2. Collaboration with psychology, communications, art, music, natural resource, and engineering students.

3. The faculty seem really responsive to helping you discover and research whatever aspects of architecture particularly get you excited. I don't have a BArch and don't know exactly where my interests are headed so this was important to me.

4. I'll have enough room in my wallet and clarity in my head to do advanced studies when I feel bored with practice. The master of science in visual studies at MIT sounds pretty awesome. (I'm already seeing stars, M.I.T. 2015!)

Harvard seemed to be more keen on picking out rather than directing the focus I should take on architecture. I know they are a well-known ivy covered school, but when they said, "If any school is to teach sustainable design, we will be the first." . . .? Columbia didn't seem to fit with my intent of inter-disciplinary collaboration. In fact, they told me that, which was odd to hear because students are piled on top of eachother there. Texas lost part of my application.

M.I.T. is the only school I regret not applying to. I considered applying next year, but the Open House at Michigan, talking to students and faculty . . . I think I'm going to go there. Maybe I should start a pro-michigan thread.

b.d.f. are you a 3yr or 2 yr m.arch student? good luck with decision!

Mar 31, 07 4:14 pm  · 

Hey! Final tally here is (M.Arch I):

UCLA - accepted
SCI_Arc - accepted
GSD - accepted

Final decision is...UCLA! But, unfortunately, I won't be going to the Open House.

For all you UCLA folk out there without architecture backgrounds, they are thinking of offering a 2-3 week technology seminar right before the fall quarter begins. Just a head's up! Sounds helpful.

Mar 31, 07 5:58 pm  · 

222- good deal...i will see you there. Are you M-Arch 1? Tell me more about this 2-3 week tech deal.... it sounds like it could be a good deal.

Mar 31, 07 8:27 pm  · 
Say No to Student Loans


I'm a two year applicant (though Penn requires 3 years). I think Michigan has the most interesting Thesis work- which is almost the highlight of the grad program- judging by their website and previous tours of the college. That may also allow someone like you to really discover your passion in design and technology. A school like Penn doesn't even require a thesis in it's last year.

I'm still undecided..

Apr 1, 07 3:04 am  · 

b.d.f. this is a $40,000 decision (if you go to UPenn).

Apr 1, 07 4:17 am  · 

guys, does anyone want to talk about cornell or columbia? i don't know anyone entering arch school next year and i'm pretty confused about this choice. is anyone here going to either open house?

Apr 1, 07 4:04 pm  · 

Today I commited to going to Yale for grad school over Columbia.

I'll be at the Open House on the 12th. If anyone else is going then give me a holla.

Apr 1, 07 5:53 pm  · 

kdollaghan, i am going to open house for columbia next week and i am pretty sure that is the school i am going to choose. Everything you want to know about the program should be evident in "abstract", they sent me a copy so im sure they sent you one if you were accepted. Dont know much about Cornell except i read somewhere that its reputation comes from undergrad and not its graduate program, but i dont really know first hand.

Apr 1, 07 7:27 pm  · 

mental -
yeah, the grad program at cornell is only three years old - i'm going on its rep for undergrad. i have the columbia abstract and all of the other literature - i was also at the open house back in the fall. but i'm curious about hearsay - i'm specifically interested in what people have to say about the 'community' at the gsapp. congrats on your imminent decision, see you at the open house.

Apr 1, 07 7:47 pm  · 

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