
Official Boston Festivity Time!


Ok. We've tossed the idea around a bunch of times just since I've been around the boards. It's now that funky, cold-warm-cold time of year, the time when you are sick of your winter hibernation but are still waiting for your summer activities to commence... so, I propose an Official Boston Archinect Meet-up! Featuring Drinks!

Possibilities off the top of my head:

Publick House at Washington Square
Audubon at St. Mary's
one of the many South End choices

...can you tell I live/work on the green line?

Anyway. I nominate this Thursday, what the hell. What do y'all think?

Mar 14, 06 7:57 pm

wow. a real Boston archinect meet-up? I'm stoked. I also live in the green line and would be up for it for sure.

Mar 14, 06 9:33 pm  · 


Mar 15, 06 9:51 am  · 

i also live on the green line but I can't make it on thurs bc my boyfriend's band is playing at the middle east (shameless plug).

Mar 15, 06 10:19 am  · 

what's the band, what type of music?

Mar 15, 06 10:58 am  · 

the band is called sad marvin. they're playing with three other bands: the luxury, scamper and reverse.
sad marvin, scamper and reverse are all rock rock. i think sad marvin is more sort of 90s rock (think soundgarden, pearl jam, toadies). the luxury are more modern rock. i've only seen the luxury once but the lead singer was mesmerizing.
i'll be there probably around 9:30 or 10. my boyfriend's band goes on at midnight i think. but i'll be hanging out at the middle east the latter half of the evening...

Mar 15, 06 11:24 am  · 

I'm game! I work off the green line till about 10 so I'll be stylishly late. My vote is for Bukowski's or The Squeeling Pig. Everywhere is gonna be crowded though being a Thursday.

Mar 15, 06 7:36 pm  · 

Ill be in if you do another one, but tomorrow is no go. Maybe this ends up as a monthly meet up or some less regular but still reoccuring deal...

Mar 15, 06 7:41 pm  · 

hmm. turns out I'm gonna have a lot to do for Friday, so I may or may not be able to make it tomorrow night. is anyone planning on going? anyone wanna plan another one for another time, either in addition to tomorrow or in place of?

Mar 15, 06 8:51 pm  · 

Well then, how about Monday? Don't wanna plan it *too* far in advance b/c in my experience you gotta strike while the iron's hot!

or something like that.

Mar 15, 06 11:10 pm  · 

haha. monday works great for me! i really am quite stoked. haha. I guess I'm a bit of a nerd.

Mar 15, 06 11:20 pm  · 

haha. monday works great for me! i really am quite stoked. haha. I guess I'm a bit of a nerd.

Mar 15, 06 11:20 pm  · 

doubly stoked! :)

bukowski's would be excellent for me, i work like 3 blocks away. my only concern would be whether it's too loud to talk or not (can't remember)... but i guess that's gonna be a common bar problem.

what's the squeeling pig?! sounds intriguing!

Mar 15, 06 11:27 pm  · 

i've never been to bukowski's. where is it? i haven't been too too many beers in boston yet on account of recently turning 21, but the squeeling pig is great. good beer and good food. great place to hang out too.

Mar 15, 06 11:40 pm  · 

Bukowski's is this weird little bar like... shoved into the side of a parking garage along the mass pike. It's hard to describe. Do you know where the Sheraton and Hilton are? It's next door to the Hilton. And Hynes Conv. Center.

Mar 16, 06 12:21 am  · 

Squeeling Pig is located on Huntington Ave. across from the Harvard Medical School's Xavier building (or something name with "Xavier" in it) by Bringham Circle. A nice small pub, but on my previous late night Thursday attempts to get in have been twarted by the place being filled to capacity... damn fire codes...

Buk's is cool with me if that where we're gonna do it.
Frank Lloyd Mike, if you're game you know where to find me, I know how to get there.

Mar 16, 06 8:31 am  · 

Oh yeah, Monday is my day off, so its fine with me if thats when we want to do it. Figured eveyone would still be recovering from Sunday's festivities, but a bit of the hair of the dog always helps ease the transition.

Someone (aka not me) make some sort of executive descision on this. I'm nominating myriam, since you did start this whole thread.

Mar 16, 06 8:36 am  · 

okay. I do know where Bukowski's is now that you mention it. so who is in for monday if that works?

Mar 16, 06 10:13 am  · 
Heather Ring

thanks for organizing this, myriam. i'll definitely try to my best to make it.

Mar 16, 06 3:42 pm  · 

Sounds like 4 or 5 of us for Monday. Choices are: Bukowski's or Squealing Pig. Time is relative, of course. (har!) So... whatever time works best for people. I'd prefer around 9 so I could get to the gym first. That's about it. Chime in!

Mar 16, 06 4:23 pm  · 

Count me in, either is fine with me, although I'm biased towards the Pig due to tradition and convenience.

Mar 16, 06 6:08 pm  · 

Pre Party Event (if anyone is interested, and walking distance from The Squeeling Pig):

Date: March 17, 2006
Subject: Women in Design Lectures presented by Arch Dept


A reception will follow the lecture in the BArch studios; awards will be presented for winners of the architecture department charrette in January.

As the second in the "Women in Design" lecture series, Ines Lamuniere will present the work of her firm, Devanthery & Lamuniere. The practice is based in Geneva, Switzerland, where Lamuniere also teaches at the Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne. Her firm's built projects have included a railway station, hotels in Geneva and Bern, a law library, a residential district, a town hall, a primary school, a clinic, and several villas. This lecture and reception is co-sponsored by the Consulate of Switzerland - SHARE, an organization located in Cambridge. The event is coordinated with an exhibition entitled "Inventioneering Architecture," presented in Terminal E at Logan Airport and on view through the end of March.


Wednesday, March 22 at 4:30 - Jane Weinzapfel of Leers Weinzapfel Associates and Boston Society of Architects President

Monday, April 3 at 4:30 - Elizabeth Gibb of Elizabeth A. Gibb, Architect and Wentworth Institute of Technology

Wednesday, April 12 at 4:30 - Monica Ponce de Leon of Office dA and Harvard Graduate School of Design

Mar 17, 06 8:59 am  · 


Mar 18, 06 12:43 pm  · 
vado retro

pixel are you going to these lectures to meet chicks?

Mar 18, 06 4:56 pm  · 

I mentioned this to a couple other architecture kids here and they were pretty interested, so there may or may not be a few others tagging along. haha. so has anyone made some sort of executive decision on what time and where this is going to happen?

Mar 18, 06 5:06 pm  · 

Nope Vado, purely academic (of course)!

FLM: nothing that I'm aware of. Is the lecture mandatory for you?

Mar 18, 06 5:11 pm  · 

I think it is mandatory for us actually

Mar 18, 06 5:14 pm  · 

So I pick Squealing Pig, 9 pm or there-abouts--can you two give me an idea of when lecture festivities should be over?

Be there or be horribly boring!


I'll be the short girl with pretty long hair.

Mar 18, 06 10:54 pm  · 

A descision has been made!

The lecture will probably wrap up around 7 or 7:30. Not sure if I'm going to attend that or not due to scheduling issues with my day off. I was planning on biking in for everything, but I wasn't able to get my steed up here this weekend.

I'm a fairly easy one to spot: beard, glasses, and large holes in ears.

Mar 19, 06 7:11 am  · 

so i've got curly hair and will probably have a brown curodoroy jacket, oh and hopefully be clean shaven if i get out of studio anytime soon tonight. should be a fun night tomorrow. my name is mike, by the way, just in case it wasn't obvious.

Mar 20, 06 12:42 am  · 

I meant that my hair is long-ish, not that it is pretty, although I won't turn down any comments to that end. :)

I will be drinking iced tea due to a severe hangover that sucked up my entire sunday.

Mar 20, 06 2:09 pm  · 

hey. it's probably too late to even bother saying this, but i mentioned the whole meetup thing to a handful of folks in studio on a whim and now a few are pretty amped about coming. i hope it's okay. i feel a little rude if i'm the only one there who knows people previously, but i didn't want to say no either. haha. the more the merrier i hope.

Mar 20, 06 8:23 pm  · 

Kudos to everyone for showing up. My apologies for having to leave early, but so are the woes of public transportation in Boston.

When are we doing it again? I'm always on the lookout for an excuse to go drinking.

Mar 21, 06 8:38 am  · 

yeah. I had a lot of fun. it'd be great to visit some other bars in other neighborhoods sometime too

Mar 23, 06 9:57 pm  · 

Alright, its getting warmer outside, brighter for longer, blah blah blah... lets go drinking! I have no preference as to where we go, but the Monday thing worked out well last time for avoiding crowds. Either side of the Charles is fine with me bar-wise. Whose with me?

Apr 11, 06 9:10 am  · 

I'm definitely in

Apr 11, 06 10:24 am  · 
vado retro

i'll be there...oh wait i havent lived in boston since 1981...never mind

Apr 11, 06 10:29 pm  · 

ha ha ha :) that's a shame, the more the merrier! perhaps you should begin plotting your return, vado.

i'm in. not-it to organize! :D

i'm down for any place. i'd love to go somewhere i've never been before. or go somewhere cool in cambridge, i hear that's where all the cool kids live.

Apr 12, 06 12:07 am  · 

Why don't you wait until late August, then you can show me where the architects get drinks...only the cool ones though.

Apr 12, 06 12:22 am  · 

I'll take of the role of organizing I guess. pretty much because I have nothing else to do...

oh yeah, if anyone is interested, there is a midnite bicycle race Friday night at Porter Square. I'm not racing but I'm definately going to watch. Pretty much its all the track/courier types doing laps around a large block. the meetup for the race is Newtown Grill in Porter. I don't think the course has been released yet.

have you been to Charlie's Kitchen in Cambridge? Its over by Harvard, Brattle Square to be exact. They have a killer jukebox including great bands such as The Clash, Slayer, and Iron Maiden.

they'll be plenty of opportunity in August, but I don't think our livers can wait that long.

Apr 12, 06 8:27 am  · 
Gabe Bergeron

I haven't been involved so far - but sounds like fun. Won't be able to make the bike race, but would be up for other days/times.

Haven't been to Charlies Kitchen, but would be fun to check out.

Here are a couple more possibilities:

The Other Side cafe @ Mass Ave / Newbury

The Milkyway on Center St. in JP

Apr 12, 06 8:39 am  · 

vote for Charlie's vote for Charlie's....

anyone in favor of Toad in porter sq.?

Apr 12, 06 10:33 am  · 

anyone down for drinks tonight?

the way today is going i think i'm gonna need them.

i poked my head in charlie's once and REALLY liked the vibe. also, it's across the street from my bus stop, which is a bonus.

Apr 12, 06 1:19 pm  · 

I'm down for drinks but don't get out of work till 10 (plus I have my car, today was a long line of transportation mishaps). Ummmm... send me an email and we can figure out if we can cross paths.

Apr 12, 06 2:18 pm  · 

alright, here's the proposed game plan:

Monday the 17th, 7pmish at Charlie's Kitchen

Here's the only problem: Monday is race day. I'm not going to be hanging out watching the runners or anything, but not sure if other people are going to be around, have plans, etc. etc. Gimme some feedback so we can shift the date for something thats good for everyone. Also, does the time work for everyone? Would it be better to shoot for 6pm? Not sure if people want to head out straight from work or go home first... once again, feedback.

Apr 13, 06 9:39 am  · 



Apr 14, 06 1:59 pm  · 

I'd be up for either time monday

Apr 14, 06 2:08 pm  · 


Monday @ 6pm - Charlie's Kitchen. Upstairs. Probably in one of the corner booths. My description is listed earlier in the thread in case any new people/lurkers feel like joining and need to know what to look for. If last time was any indication it'll be a good time for all.

Apr 15, 06 2:57 pm  · 

Pixel looks like a modern-day hemingway with plugs in his ears.

Apr 15, 06 2:58 pm  · 

I've trimmed the beard, so its not as scruffy anymore. Next I need to find a place for a haircut.

Apr 15, 06 3:00 pm  · 

There's supposed to be some awesome old-fashioned barbershop in the South End that people like: State St. Barbers It was profiled in the Dig.

Apr 15, 06 3:02 pm  · 

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