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I hadn't opened the mantle thread... It sounded boring... How did I miss that? I almost died laughing.
May 29, 15 3:09 pm  · 

This song, this scene.

I mentioned on the music thread I listen to the Nick Cave/Warren Ellis soundtrack to the Brad Pitt Jesse James movie when I'm writing. Lord, the music is so incredible, and the movie is so moody and slow and gorgeous. Westerns can be such wonderful meditations on the human facing the cruelty of the environment and the cruelty of other humans. Thinking also of Dead Man and True Grit, and I just finished the Firefly series which was the Old West set in outer space. And a great book called The Sisters Brothers about a pair of hired killers.

Do I love the Western stories because I grew up in Arizone, or just because Brad Pitt looks amazing in a cowboy hat? It's a deep question worth pondering. 

May 31, 15 9:56 pm  · 

"San Andreas", the new quake movie, has another architect pseudo-antagonist.

Hollywood needs Brad Pitt for pure synergy.

May 31, 15 10:24 pm  · 

Hahaha how was the movie, kickrocks? I heard it was only average as a disaster movie, a genre I enjoy.  And what did the architect character do?!

May 31, 15 10:27 pm  · 

It felt more soap drama than the typical action disaster (Day after Tomorrow, 2012, Armageddon, etc). Quake, buildings fall, conversation between the divorcing parents trying to save daughter, bigger quake, more buildings fall, more conversations. 

Oops, the rich boyfriend of mom is a real estate developer. I thought he mentioned architect or hinted at raising "children", maybe not what they meant.

Further cements the need for Brad Pitt.

May 31, 15 10:39 pm  · 

I didn't love Brad Pitt until I saw Inglorious Basterds...  I rewatched it recently and every part still makes me laugh / gets me riled up in the way that great action movies do.  Super excited for The Hateful Eight, and trying to restrain myself from reading the (leaked) script...

Jun 1, 15 12:13 am  · 

The first scene in IB - the farmhouse - was exquisite. The rest of the film was garbage and Pitt was awful, even more so when compared to Waltz.

He was great in Burn After Reading and 12 Monkeys. I like the way he uses his celebrity. 

Jun 1, 15 6:54 am  · 

Maybe a Brad Pitt gif for every page of TC should be a thing. I just keep checking in to gaze at it for awhile every now and again and it's very pleasant.

Jun 1, 15 3:37 pm  · 
Don Kashane

I've been on Architect in the past under other monikers, but the fireplace thread made me sign up again as...a pun name.  This one is from perhaps the all time champs at pun names - and none of them dirty - the Car Guys  (complete list here).  You're welcome.

Jun 1, 15 6:27 pm  · 

Just saw pictures of the dismantling of the railing panels on the Pont des Arts in Paris.  Wish there was some plan to preserve them (there may be, but it wasn't mentioned in the article I saw), but I totally get the removal.  Talk about unintended consequences.

Jun 1, 15 6:55 pm  · 

Danke schoen, Don Kashane!

Jun 1, 15 8:50 pm  · 

Does the internet make people stupid, or were they already stupid to begin with and it just makes them stupider (the dodecahedron thread)?


Jun 3, 15 10:15 am  · 

i have a theory miles.  i think it's skynet

at some point artificial intelligence is going to take over.  you need to have a point where you say, 'this is artificial intelligence,' as compared to 'you're not there yet.'  that, of course, is the turing test.

now a lot of people are focused on making computers more 'human-like' in order to achieve that.  but if you were a really smart computer, surely you would see the flaw in that.  artificial intelligence is impossible if you try to make a computer human.

so, in order to pass the turing test, we need to make people dumber.

it's brilliant really.

Jun 3, 15 10:46 am  · 

I can't find any flaws in that theory.

Jun 3, 15 10:52 am  · 

I can't either.

I commented, couldn't help it.

Jun 3, 15 11:59 am  · 

The fallout of the FIFA scandal just keeps coming, surprising no one has commented on this, as Qatar seems to have a central role in the corruption investigation.  All the while claiming innocence and racism.  They also continue to claim no deaths on their stadium projects, and a sterling human rights record...  I can only wonder what effect this will have on the future of the stadium building craze that's floated several firms to the top of that game on the back of the current need to build new stadiums for every new Cup.  

Jun 3, 15 2:38 pm  · 

Russia and Qatar, what a pair. Actually kind of excited to see the actual backlash if any besides complaints and social media shaming (as if that old man gives a crap). Will there be no audience for once or will it all blow over soon? 

We know FIFA is corrupt. Now it's time to watch the heist movie implode.

Jun 3, 15 2:48 pm  · 

The FIFA scandal is huge, but looking at it through the prism of USian attitudes towards sports corruption I just don't see things changing, at least not radically. The stories of severe corruption among recruiters, vastly over-inflated salaries, coverups of criminal activity, and overzealous application of public dollars to building private stadiums are well-documented in the US, but attendance and enthusiasm for teams never seems to wane. Professional sports barely have any redeeming value ethically, but people still like them. (insert shrug emoticon guy here)

Jun 4, 15 9:11 am  · 
Non Sequitur

Let's not forget slightly under-inflated balls.

Jun 4, 15 9:13 am  · 

it's going to be hard to tie roger goodell to this, but hopefully he takes a big fall too

Jun 4, 15 9:15 am  · 

Let's not forget slightly under-inflated balls.

A rare problem in a testosterone-filled world. The more pressing problem is overinflated balls.

Jun 4, 15 10:43 am  · 

Of course folks in the US couldn't care less, they hardly bat an eye when scandal breaks in sports they actually CARE about.  But, as one who understands the personal nature of the relationship soccer fans have with their sport, and the ubiquity of soccer fans around the world (less the US) I foresee dark times in the soccer world.  ...Equaling dark times in the sport venue A+E world (maybe).  

Jun 4, 15 11:21 am  · 

why would this be dark times?  the people getting in trouble don't actually play the sport.  it's a bunch of executives who's job is corruption and greed.  kick them out and a bunch of new people who like corruption and greed will step in.  i don't see how that has any effect on the teams, players, fans, or games?

the ball is round.  the game lasts 90 minutes. 

Jun 4, 15 12:02 pm  · 

If soccer games were fixed and the new band of replacements is not into scores (maybe higher ticket prices or absurd licensing fees or something else), then it's actually a win for fans and viewers. The game is purified, the business can remain whatever it is but still be an improvement from the current. Would their antics matter if they were not involved in any playtime manipulations? You can hate Ticketmaster but still enjoy the performance.

Look at Barcelona. Qatar on the front. Think the whole squad will boycott 2022? That leaves out the huge stars from Brazil, Argentina, Spain, Uruguay and wherever else. Big moneymakers absent. Are soccer fans going to really protest and miss something they live for? Are they not going to endure 140 degrees in the desert to root for their team? Business as usual.

Jun 4, 15 7:10 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

Why worry about Qatar when the Women's World Cup starts tomorrow?

I sense a less than productive next few weeks.

Jun 5, 15 8:34 am  · 

I sense a less-than-productive day today now that I know about @_FloridaMan's twitter feed!

Jun 5, 15 8:36 am  · 

that reminds me, about this time a year ago a co-worker got himself fired for streaming the world cup for about two weeks straight

Jun 5, 15 8:53 am  · 
Non Sequitur

Shuellmi, is that not why I have a 2nd monitor?

Streaming big soccer games is kosher in my office... and I often have to show our senior associates where to access live feeds.

Jun 5, 15 9:20 am  · 
The reality is my architecture friends are my deepest, best friends of all. We get each other. (Yes it's Friday night and I'm drinking. And weeding. Rockin' the (historic streetcar) Suburbs.)
Jun 5, 15 7:47 pm  · 

i love the suburbs!  i was just sitting here in my aeron chair and had my new 90 lb and 120 lb dogs both jump on my lap.  credit to the chair.  it would be hard to live this life in manhattan.

Jun 5, 15 9:00 pm  · 

wow, this archicture student really has his shit together. absolutely amazing, and beautiful!

Jun 6, 15 9:16 am  · 


Jun 6, 15 10:06 am  · 

At The Whitney tonight... alive with art & people... the buildings art is in it's interior simplicity, Piano has a gift of distilling details.

Jun 6, 15 11:40 pm  · 

^ You were in NY and you didn't let me know?

Jun 7, 15 11:39 am  · 

(Laughing) well I probably should have waited till I got home to reveal that. BTW Manhattan is amazing these days.

Jun 8, 15 7:22 am  · 

Texas again...  And it revolves around a pool party of all things.  The thing that gets me is all the news stories seem to insinuate that those kids had no permission to be there, which seems to mean that it's a segregated pool?  Then you look up Craig Ranch in McKinney and you do in fact find that they have been in trouble for creating a de facto segregated community up there through their development policies in the past.  That cop was absolutely out of control, and that Craig Ranch development represents so much that is wrong with this country...

Jun 8, 15 10:02 am  · 

I saw Mad Max this weekend, meaning the new one. It was great, really well-made. Excellent details throughout, and I think a higher percentage of it was non-CGI - I think all the cars were actual physical objects - which made it all the better. Also Charlize Theron is fucking amazing - gorgeous and powerful. So good, and I LOVED her black makeup.

I think what I loved about the original Road Warrior, though, was that it was over-the-top visually but not in storyline. Same attention to detail, but the level of post-apocalyptic societal breakdown felt like it could actually happen. This one, with the War Boys and the religious aspect, felt more like fantasy. Road Warrior felt almost inevitable, so it scared the crap out of me (Also, I was only 17. Now I'm a jaded old woman.)

Jun 8, 15 12:54 pm  · 

Road Warrior was epic, big fan, which is making me a little hesitant to even see the new Mad Max.  I haven't gone to a movie since Interstellar, tells you how much a movie go-er I am, but I'm extremely hesitant to see Mad Max.  That being said, the upcoming Conan movie is something I might line up to see the first night...

Jun 8, 15 2:26 pm  · 

It's fun, Mr Wiggin, and seeing it on a big screen is worth it. The story is actually barely about Max himself, he's really not even the main character, so it doesn't feel at all to me like a sequel. It feels more like a parallel story.

Jun 8, 15 2:33 pm  · 

NonS - former firm had some real old school jerks

a few goof examples

- regular emails went out about not keeping your cell phone on your desk/too much texting at work

- the first time I've even been berated in my life was for talking to a co-worker at 7:40 am

- second was for returning from an admittedly long lunch (1.5 hrs) guy was certain that I'd been drinking, I was actually the only there one who didn't have a beer. The group included 2 principles, one of whom paid for the meal

Jun 8, 15 3:18 pm  · 

I'm seeing more information coming out on the Texas cop situation on my facebook timeline. According to people who say they live in the neighborhood, it was a flash mob/twitter party thing with a DJ that started getting out of hand (fights and kids jumping backyard fences in the neighborhood).

Still not seeing any justification for the stuff seen on the video, as that one officer was way 'roiding out.

Jun 8, 15 3:37 pm  · 

Really enjoyed Fury Road myself.  I ran across an article last week that took still shots from the principle filming, and compared it to the end result.  It was amazing how little touch up and CGI there is in that movie, although the stuff that is is pretty great.

I see it as pure popcorn adrenaline.  And holy shit, they need to put the Doof Warrior on the pace car at Indy.

Jun 8, 15 3:42 pm  · 

Ugh, shuellmi that firm sounds awful. I worked at a firm where the principle's wife installed herself as front desk receptionist so she could time all of our lunch hours. She glared at you upon return if you took a full hour.

Jun 8, 15 4:24 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

Shuellmi, that's sounds pretty bad. The worst thing any of the senior partners at my office have told me was to remove my clearly visible bottle of single malt (laphroaig quarter cask for those interested) since we renovated to a more open concept meeting-room office layout. It now resides in my filling cabinet.

Also, the new Mad Max is all sorts of fun. Loved every minute of it.

Jun 8, 15 4:44 pm  · 

Just couldn’t get into Fury road as it breaks common sense.  Gas scarce?  Add a ton of weight and every mod possible to get the worst mileage out of your ride.  Water is a valuable commodity? Have a wet t-shirt contest in the desert.  Wanna sneak into an area? Ditch the motorcycles and drive a semi instead.  Are you a zealot?  Get embarrassed and you’ll change your entire belief system.  Someone enslave and torture you? Let them live…  Just so many wtf moments I couldn’t get into it.

Jun 8, 15 6:34 pm  · 

Hey TC! Feels like it has been a while. Agree that Fury Road was EPIC (especially liked the seeming lack of CGI) although as mightyaa indicated lots of incongruities...

Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior was my fav as well although to clarify it wasn't the "original". That was Mad Max which I think I saw but don't remember as much of it as the later two (Road Warrior and Beyond Thunderdome).

re: that link that must be a fortunate in legos.. hope he has a sponsor.

Currently nursing a sore knee as I had a few too many drinks Saturday (unexpectedly) with an old high school/college buddy and stupidly tried some ninja shit. oh well. Rest of night was fun at least!

Also, can't believe Schumacher published an Op-Ed on Archinect....very cool.

Jun 8, 15 10:36 pm  · 

Wow, just saw that. I'll have to spend some time with it tomorrow. In the meantime,

Let a million Post-Fordist and parametric flowers bloom!

Egad, what an ego. But how timely after Buchanan's piece. 

Jun 8, 15 11:26 pm  · 

People with ego are more interesting. I'm eager to read it more closely. Glad he is active here.

Jun 9, 15 12:25 am  · 

Make sure you listen to the podcast on Thursday, too.

Jun 9, 15 9:54 am  · 

I'm having a total IDGAF day at work, and my outfit reflects it. My black shirt is so faded it's practically grey.

Jun 9, 15 1:54 pm  · 

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