
Thread Central

Sarah Hamilton
Because you're doing some sort of exposé? You didn't hurt yourself, did you?!
Nov 15, 14 11:08 am  · 
chatter of clouds

These snide and vulturous attacks against others (here Richard) in order to consolidate some kind of vulgar comedy-lynching not just what these individuals are like - disrespectful, callous, disdainful - but also shows how some others' here- positing themselves as being polite, mild mannered and so on- are just as bad in their own way by opening up more mockery venues -knowingly-  for attacking Richard (who really isn't insulting people, as far as I can tell).

By that, I mean the likes of Sarah Hamilton. Nothing personal, but should you seriously have objections over the length of his posts...why don't you ignore them? why don't you dissociate yourself from that mocking hyena bandwagon ...instead of jumping on it, in your own prim manner? After all, you impel your own self to give your judgement (not asked for/not necessary) over another member's rightful practice here in total knowledge of the cruel circus that is being perpetuated, pushing Richard into the center.

Nov 15, 14 11:27 am  · 

Probably (hoping) just a paper cut.

Manta ... who's the FNG?

Nov 15, 14 11:34 am  · 
Non Sequitur

TAM, who let you out of your cage?

Nov 15, 14 11:58 am  · 
chatter of clouds

There you go, one hyena.

Nov 15, 14 12:01 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

TAM, you're like a Batsignal for nonsense.


Nov 15, 14 12:14 pm  · 
chatter of clouds

...and so predictable

Nov 15, 14 12:17 pm  · 

From what I can tell, if Richard is on the my end of the spectrum heading towards what some people like to call Autism (asperger perhaps) as someone suggested above, I can assure you he doesn't care, not because he is trying not to, its because he would have to pretend and reformulate after long reflection what the comments should mean in what are called acceptable emotional behavior....but I did learn a new phrase from Miles....and Vado Retro when you writing the American novel? (I believe my first post ever on thus thread)....I like to get hammered at townie bars and take the homecoming queen with me when I leave, because you can fake good social behavior like solving a math problem (people have buttons)....but these are some townies here at Bar Thread Central...

Nov 15, 14 1:10 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

Who's calling who autistic? I was not aware medical science was at the point where diagnostic could be reached through architectural forum posts.

TAM, not as predictable as your insane rants are. Perhaps if you applied yourself with something other than historical revisionism and one-sided political ideologies, more would be willing to read objectively about your opinions.

Nov 15, 14 2:54 pm  · 

manta I really want to know more about the baby! But I'll email you.  Congratulations!!!

Court of Thread Central: I found a pair of iPhone earbuds with microphone ont he ground.  I walked my dog past them for almost a week and they were never picked up, so I brought them home, swabbed them in and out with alcohol, and tested to make sure they work.  They do, so I plan to keep them.  My husband is utterly repulsed at this.  

What say you, keep or dispose?

Nov 15, 14 3:49 pm  · 
chatter of clouds

Non Sequitur "Perhaps if you applied yourself with something other than historical revisionism and one-sided political ideologies, more would be willing to read objectively about your opinions."

Therefore, you admit that your reactions so far have been based on an exclusively subjective basis and not on the actual content contained within the posts. One sided, you say?

Secondly, I do not see why youbring up my "one sided" political ideologies (ie being against a racist criminal and for the victim - ie empathy, not ideology) here. It shows how irrational you are being, how infantile you're being in not localizing your concern within the thread contained and by going after people who don't hold your opinions (that go to support racism, crimes against humanity and so on) irrespective of thread, context and situation. In short, you're being an irrational disrespectful bully who insults people for having -lets call it at least- different viewpoints. Nothing more.

So,, its about a culture of ganging up and nitpicking on individuals by the likes of you - not about someone's viewpoint, political ideology or manner of writing.

Again, I expect the likes of Non Sequitur to be this way, they're a little bit psychopathic this way and devoid of empathy. I'm more amused by how this hound mentality creeps into the polite and prim mild mannerism of the likes of Sarah Hamilton (again, I speak not of the person but the trope).

The more you go on about individuals, be they Richard or others, the more you expose your repulsive narrow mindedness.

Nov 15, 14 4:08 pm  · 

Donna - I don't know what's more disturbing, that you'd put something in your ears that have been in someone else's ears, or that's totally something my wife would do too.  I feel like I know a lot of women who would do that - but a lot of men who would be repulsed by it.

Nov 15, 14 5:07 pm  · 

Great. Now the troll is in TC.

Nov 15, 14 5:30 pm  · 
chatter of clouds

No, you were here for quite a while Miles. With your dentured bitterness, jaded disdain and uninspired wit(lessness).

Nov 15, 14 5:38 pm  · 
chatter of clouds

Does the TC clique require toothless shriveled up yappers to guard their sense of proprietary belonging? Or a case of old pets finding it hard to cope with a change in their environments?

Nov 15, 14 5:42 pm  · 

Sorry everyone, looks like I stepped in something and tracked it all over TC. 

Can somebody get a mop?

Nov 15, 14 5:49 pm  · 
chatter of clouds

Miles, you don't need to step in anything to track it all over. You track your own self serving bitterness, disdain and hypocritical righteousness everywhere and anywhere here.

Nov 15, 14 5:56 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

TAM, you have a sandbox to play in, don't annex TC or other threads with your rants.

Nov 15, 14 5:58 pm  · 
chatter of clouds

Non Sequitur, shoo away. I'll do what I'd like to do. I don't see how that involves you.

Nov 15, 14 6:01 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

Donna, keep em and refer to his Holiness, George Carlin for justification if required:

"So personally, I never take any special precautions against germs. I dont shy away from people who sneeze and cough, i dont wipe off the telephone, i dont cover the toilet seat, and if I drop food on the floor, i pick it up and eat it. Yes I do. Even if I am at a side walk cafe, in Calcutta, the poor section, on new year's morning during a soccer riot!"

Nov 15, 14 6:02 pm  · 

donna, my vote is repulsed.  perhaps a male thing, as toaster seems to be leaning towards.  if you have a need for ear buds with a micorophone, go to microcenter, fry's, newegg, or tiger (probably in that order).  if not, throw them away. 

i think the mr. balkins thing is related to his insistence on being right on internet forums (not uncommon, as i myself sometimes display this trait on occasion, which is a negative and probably should be recognized as so), to the point of using all capital letters as a way of emphasizing his knowledge and being right. as we all know, capital letters are a tool of the bourgeois to oppress those of us that work for a living.  also, he tends to be wrong sometimes, while emphatically insisting he's right, suggesting he is unwilling to listen to others.  he's not engaging in the discussing so much as perhaps establishing expert credibility, or something like that.  with capital letters.

as an example, i believe he has insisted an architect is not responsible for the decisions made by their consultants.  i really don't think that's true, and archinect as a community shouldn't be propagating that sort of potential falsehood if it remains controversial.

Nov 15, 14 9:37 pm  · 

ha ha ha, capital letters are a bourgeois tool!  Nice curtkram.  Ok I went and read (parts of) the gas station thread and I can see what you mean.  Although he does also seem to make good points and he seems reasonably respectful about the whole thing so on the whole I'd probably call him a positive addition to the forum.  But I also skip many long posts ;-)  I also always enjoy tammuz's posts because s/he brings a perspective we often lack around here… I find tammuz thought-provoking, not trolling, but anyway that's just me.

hello beta, and donna, and sarah, and vado, and toaster and miles and whoever else I "know"!  Sarah I suspect you know exactly what newborn-life is like, if you can still remember that is!  Everyone tells me I'll forget this phase instantly.  Seems unbelievable… 

I suspect having a newborn is slightly easier on architects because we are intensely familiar with functioning on literally zero sleep.  That seems to be the biggest complaint of everyone about this period and for me that has NOT been the hard part, far from it.  To each his own, I guess.

Nov 16, 14 10:42 am  · 

to be fair - I do know men who would probably use something they found off the ground - but I feel like they wouldn't admit it publicly - so it's probably just cultural and everyone is disgusting and repulsive.

Nov 16, 14 10:46 am  · 

hi manta!   infant stage goes by really fast.  scary, exciting, challenging... mostly it's the sleep deprivation.  time seems to speed up when you have a kid.

Nov 16, 14 10:57 am  · 

Infant stages do go by too fast. Right when you're comfortable with what they've just started doing, they change and do something else. I remember crying the day I realized one day I would never be able to pick up my baby again.  He's over 100 pounds now, and while I can bear hug him and lift him a  few inches I'll never be able to hold him on my hip to wave at the garbage truck guys in the morning ever again.'s so beautiful and wonderful and painful all at once.

I wear clothing from used clothing stores, too, which my husband would not do. Even shoes. I wash the stuff as well as possible before I wear it, but seriously, it just doesn't bother me much.

Nov 16, 14 11:24 am  · 

I came in from the cold......changing my anti-freeze ....needed a cup of java and some heat before I tackle the next phase.

OBTW.....Taj was sold a couple weekends ago.  He was on the market for 15 minutes. The guy who bought Taj was a former mechanic and now insurance adjuster.  So I guess he saw a bargain.  I didn't even have to dicker with him over price.

Carry on folks...and try  just a little harder to be nice to one another.

Nov 16, 14 11:31 am  · 
Don't the teens these days hand over one earbud to their friends so they can hear the same songs?
Nov 16, 14 12:03 pm  · 

donna, teenagers probably stick lots of things in holes where they don't belong.  that doesn't make it a good thing.  i think you can get ebola that way.

Nov 16, 14 12:53 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton
I'm prim? That's a good thing, right? And for clarification, I only brought up long posts as a way of saying that I understand why others would be annoyed, but still think he should be treated with kindness.

There are some parts of baby-dom I remember, and then many parts I've forgotten. Like when they can eat what. I constantly asking my sister if I can give my niece this and that.

Donna, I think Abr is getting close to that can't be picke up stage. I will miss it for sure, although he's never been much of a snugler/hugger. He's much too busy for all that mushy stuff. All that said, your post reminded me of that "I'll love you forever" book. Always thought it was weird and creepy that the mom sneaks into her grown son's house to snuggle with him.

To the earbuds: if you swabbed them, then I think you're good. Teenagers ARE always sharing earbuds, and I think that is gross. I'd have to carry around a splitter if I was still in HS. Then again, kids these days don't seem to understand boundaries. I have them trying to drink my tea, and I've even had them TOUCH me!! Would you have EVER touched your teacher? I even had one boy ask to wear my shoes!!!

Snook, what was Taj?
Nov 16, 14 6:27 pm  · 
vado retro

i have no problem with the ear buds. my best ironic trucker hat from Rush Truck Service in Bossier City , Louisianastan was found on the street. I mean its got the Peterbilt logo on it, afterall. Congrats, Manta. I fondly remember our crepe date on my birthday. It was coooold that day.

Nov 16, 14 7:48 pm  · 
snooker-doodle-dandy 1984Grand Marquee Mercury with 47,400 miles.  Taj was white with the vinyl tuffed roof and lights between the front and back doors.  LOTS of Chrome!

Nov 16, 14 8:05 pm  · 

Hi TC! what a nice relaxing non-sick weekend i had.

manta great to hear life is good, although I bet, a bit sleep deprived at moment... There are a lot of new faces around but many of the same old ones as well.

@donna i would totally have picked them up especially if they were there for that long. you swabbed them, plus what is a bit of shared inner ear? although i think "the kids" may be blue-toothing now instead of sharing buds.

have i mentioned I have been loving the podcast!

night night

Nov 16, 14 10:49 pm  · 

You don't know what kind of music has been played through those ear buds.

Nov 16, 14 11:17 pm  · 

parenting question.....

Can some of the more experienced people give some tips?  My daughter constantly gets compliments on her looks, any ideas on ways to ensure she becomes a well rounded person?  My wife's family includes a stripper and a morning news weather girl, nothing against them but I'd rather she not depend on her looks....


Nov 17, 14 12:35 pm  · 

congrats mantaray - sorry i only read the posts immediately above before.....

Nov 17, 14 12:38 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton
Shuellmi, that's sarcasm, right? In case it isn't, praise her for working hard and persevering. Praise her for sticking to it when things get tough, even if in the end she fails 30 times.

Or, just teach her to save and invest her earnings. I hear there's money to be made in stripping. Oh, and enroll her in some Kung fu classes. We've all seen that Demi Moore movie.
Nov 17, 14 1:27 pm  · 

for once it really isn't.... I've been thinking about it ever since carrera posted something awhile ago about his family. The kicker was last night when a someone my wife barely knows sent her an email about getting her into modeling.  

She's 3 now, so plenty of time for giant glasses and bad haircuts


Nov 17, 14 1:41 pm  · 

Who the eff peed in Darkman's cornflakes, today and every day?

Nov 17, 14 1:57 pm  · 

hmm, shuellmi I remember seeing something once about a parenting book targeted at dads specifically about how to raise girls with healthy body image… I would look into something like that.  It's really important to me also and my partner's family is, let's just say, not so supportive about non-ideal body types/looks so I have already started laying the groundwork to make sure our kid doesn't end up with some of the issues that other kids in my partner's family already have.

In general, having grown up in a very secure family with very positive body image myself, I'd say that a) NEVER EVER EVER speak ill about other people's body types / faces.  No "look at that fat guy!"  or "wow what a huge disgusting mole, why didn't she get that taken off?!"  and b) simply don't make an issue of it with your daughter.  Don't excessively praise her beauty, but instead concentrate on (constantly) complimenting other aspects of her appearance.  My family was really big on this and it worked like a charm.  My grandfather in particular would always notice when we got haircuts, new outfits etc. and would tell us how nice that specific item was.  Not "you're so pretty!" but "I love the way you put that outfit together - great style!  I should take you shopping with me next time!"  or "I love your ponytail, did you do that yourself?"  of course these comments will be different by age.

With your wife's family I recommend being explicit and firm about this issue.  I'm worried about this aspect myself so can't say how it will work out, but it can't hurt to have a come-to-jesus chat with them.  They likely won't understand ("why can't I tell my granddaughter she's pretty?!  Stupid son-in-law") but hopefully if you harp on it enough maybe they'll eventually respect it…?  I don't know, in-laws are hard, I struggle with this kind of thing a lot.

Nov 17, 14 2:01 pm  · 

thanks - some great advice. i'll have to watch myself as well

Nov 17, 14 2:58 pm  · 

Donna - relevant quote:


If you see what needs to be repaired and how to repair it, then you have found a piece of the world that God has left for you to complete.  But if you only see what is wrong and how ugly it is, then it is yourself that needs repair.


- Rabbi Schneerson

Nov 17, 14 9:00 pm  · 

Donna, thank you for that, I have the perfect application to apply that to.

Nov 17, 14 10:07 pm  · 

toast, that is a lovely sentiment.

Apparently related, you guys, Lady_Light! is my favorite new poster! With a different troll doll for every post!  LOLing.

Nov 18, 14 2:05 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

^Donna, I finally got around to listening to the first podcast episode. So far, so good. Looking forward to the other ones.

Nov 18, 14 2:21 pm  · 
Glad you enjoyed it, Non Sequitur, and keep listening - they are getting better and better the more we do! The guests are excellent. I'm excited about the one for this week and the Thanksgiving week episide promises to be great.
Nov 19, 14 6:48 am  · 

You guys, Uber is truly evil.  Please don't use them.

Nov 19, 14 10:01 am  · 

Truly truly evil.

Nov 19, 14 10:26 am  · 

I never understood why people immediately jumped on the uber bandwagon.  Even before all their anti-labor ideas came to light.  Do I want unregulated, potentially unlicensed and uninsured people driving me around?!  At higher than normal cab prices?!  NO THANKS.  Regulation exists for a reason, and in this case it's so that there is a smaller chance that I will end up dead in either a car crash or a dark alley.  The one time I used them (when a friend called) we had to give the guy directions, and he was somehow amnesiac or something so we had to keep constantly repeating the directions, and then the rest of the time he talked to us non-stop about how great Uber is.  Not a pleasant ride.  I've heard this is a fairly representative experience...

As far as I could tell the main reason people loved them was the iPhone app. My guess is that once the cab companies start improving their apps the use of Uber will drop… 

Nov 19, 14 10:55 am  · 

As a woman, using Uber (or Lyft) goes against everything I've ever been taught about how to protect myself from assault.  "Hop into a car with someone unrecordable and unregistered on a street corner? Sure!" No, thank you. I've never understood the appeal either.

Honestly, it kind of reminds me of bed-and-breakfasts, which I also don't get.  I prefer the formal, impersonal relationship of a hotel, thank you.

Nov 19, 14 11:02 am  · 

Uber? Screw that, I use Blade.

Nov 19, 14 11:18 am  · 

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