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vado retro

well this morning my back is feeling its age. also when i got home last nite my lot was still a mess so i parked on a major street which meant i had to get up and move my car at six a.m. so i just got up and came into the office at six and worked on the breuer charrette and drank coffee til 7:30 and now it s nine.

Feb 15, 07 9:03 am  · 
"Rather than buy an existing house, we want to build an ECO-FRIENDLY HOUSE FOR THE LONG HAUL, that will be healthy for our children and for the environment."

Salena Gallo

when you read a comment like this from a client in Architecture MN, what do think? does it seem odd? how would you as an architect respond?

Feb 15, 07 9:19 am  · 

that they're as much excited about advertising their eco-friendliness as actually practicing it through the re-use and possible adaptation of an existing structure which represents construction efforts/energy/resources already expended.

Feb 15, 07 9:39 am  · 

EXACTLY what I thought! A naive comment like that highlighted by an architecture mag, you'd think someone would have pointed that out and maybe try and de-emphasize?

Feb 15, 07 9:42 am  · 

I don't think that people caught my post on the DI Rankings thread. I just honestly didn't feel like starting a new topic for it, but it's pretty funny. Click this link to witness the genius of some current DAAP students.

And beta, I agree with you and Steven.....where did this quote occur? I think it shows that perhaps someone in that equation needs more education on what exactly "eco-friendly" means. Although I suppose it is possible that building a new home with balls-out sustainability might be more cost efficient, practical, AND eco-friendly for your average home-owner than retrofitting an existing structure.

Feb 15, 07 2:00 pm  · 
Ms Beary

whoops. i meant to only order one pint at lunch today.... I'll have to try extra hard to take good notes at this afternoon'snew project kick-off meeting. Anyways, today is the first day back after the whole funeral shabang and it SUCKS.

rationalist - sounds typical to me. That's the kind of stuff that pisses me off to, when the stuff that isn't supposed to be hard, suddenly is, like correspondence. I totally know what you mean about doing those things, I've been there. It won't last.

Feb 15, 07 3:38 pm  · 
vado retro

wondLer, I did make a comment about it!!!!

Feb 15, 07 3:50 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Arrgh... I've just spent the last several hours re-formatting my hard drive and re-installing Windows XP Pro on my home computer.

All my anti-virus, anti-spyware, and anti-adware software was up to date. Windows XP was up to date, and I have a good firewall. I'm pretty internet-savvy, and I never open weird email attachments. My hardware is a high-end Dell desktop that's less than a year old with no issues. And yet I still managed to get some sort of virus or worm that completely wrecked my Windows XP operating system.

It's official: My next computer is going to be a Mac. I have converted, I've drank the Kool-Aid, and you can count on me becoming one of those holier-than-thou Mac users that Windows people love to hate. You have been warned.

Feb 16, 07 1:33 am  · 

Yay! Come into the light, will all be OK.....

Feb 16, 07 9:39 am  · 
brian buchalski

i'm still alive. thankfully.

Feb 16, 07 10:07 am  · 

I passed!

(one down)

Feb 16, 07 6:43 pm  · 

yay, gar!

I wanted my next computer to be a Mac, but for financial reasons my next computer is going to be my last computer, with a new motherboard off of ebay.

Feb 16, 07 6:49 pm  · 
Living in Gin

I actually priced out a Dell laptop with similar specs as a 17" MacBook Pro, and it came in at about $1000 more expensive, and about twice as heavy. Go figure.

Feb 16, 07 9:40 pm  · 

Yay, garpike! Well done sir!

You deserve a GarwondLering!

Feb 16, 07 9:42 pm  · 

oh yeah, my Dell cost me $1k more than the MacBook I want (I like the bitty screen of the 13"---I might actually take it somewhere). But rehabbing my old Dell will only cost me $200, compared to the $1100 MacBook.

Feb 16, 07 10:10 pm  · 

Funny, we were just comparing prices between a Dell and a Mac for someone at the office the other day, and results were similar.

Don't worry rationalist, after awhile you will be able to afford one! I saved for a long time, too. Also, it helps that Macs last forever, which cuts down their lifecycle cost.

Feb 17, 07 1:21 pm  · 

macs last forever?? On which planet? Oz?

Feb 17, 07 3:58 pm  · 
brian buchalski

well, i don't know if they last forever, but i do find that one of the nice things about macs is that they tend to come with all the latest bells & whistles as standard (part of the reason for the high cost) so that even a year later you still feel pretty cutting edge.

actually, my powerbook is now pushing four years old and it's only recently crossed my mind that i might want to consider getting something new in the not-too-distant future. not because my g4 powerbook won't last forever...but eventually it's going to be hopelessly out of date. besides, i've got too many mp3 crowding up the space on my hard drive and i'm supposed to be an architect, not a dj, right?

Feb 17, 07 11:53 pm  · 

puddles, get an external hard drive!

So SuperBeatledud's birthday was yesterday, and all I have to say is, I think I am taking a break from drinking until St. Patrick's day. SBD is from Wisconsin, land of cheese and beer, so it takes copious amounts of alcohol to get him drunk.....and he took us all down with him. The wicked irony is that today he feels great and my motor skills are still at only about 80%. I am borderline ashamed of myself for becoming so obliterated, but I guess it was for a good cause, right?

Feb 18, 07 12:53 pm  · 

happy belated birthday SBD- glad to hear that somebody is having a good time.

Just arrived at my office (on sunday!!!) first bit of real OT in a while- ugh!!!! maybe will start a thread about working on the weekends.

Feb 18, 07 1:55 pm  · 

puddles...being architect encompasses so many many rich and beautiful let your inner dj out and "play that funky music..."

Feb 18, 07 7:23 pm  · 
vado retro

was sbd's cheese tolerance leveL?

Feb 18, 07 8:01 pm  · 

Extremely high. He absorbs Brie through his skin without ever opening his mouth. Which is a feat since his mouth is usually open and yammering about something, lol.

Feb 18, 07 8:13 pm  · 

buzz buzz buzz buzzy buzz. That's the sound of all the bees in your bonnet WonderK. And WonderK, even though I don't give a damn what they're saying, I still think it's an attractive sound.

Feb 18, 07 8:18 pm  · 

As usual, I have no idea what you're talking about. I do have some delicious honey in the living room though.

Feb 18, 07 8:20 pm  · 

lol stop the flirting...gah

jealousy doesn't suit me :(

Feb 18, 07 8:28 pm  · 

buzz = the sound I hear when you talk.

treekiller, thanks for the birthday wishes...I was SOOOO drunk last night and apparently fell several times. The only proof I have is a bruised knee, bruised forehead, and cuts and scrapes on my right hand. Oh, and copious amounts of pictures.

and incase some of you missed it, I'm moving to London and comments/suggestions can be made on this thread.

Feb 18, 07 8:30 pm  · 

architechno> I am confused. SBD and I are roommates. That wasn't flirting, that was the electronic equivalent of the "I'm not touching you" game.

Also, why did you start a new group on Flickr? You could have started a topic under the main Archinect group and we could have all sent our pictures there, instead of starting a whole new group?.....I'm just saying.

Feb 18, 07 8:51 pm  · 

HA I just got back from a little foray into the edges of Wisconsin, and I can affirm that there are many large buildings with the sign " C H E E S E " mounted up on their rooftop. One said "CHEESE AND SAUSAGES!"

Feb 18, 07 10:40 pm  · 
liberty bell

That reminds me, myriam, of driving through rural Michiganistan and coming across a bar-looking building with the sign out front "ROD AND GUN CLUB". I thought "I wouldn't want to go in there in a skirt!

Feb 18, 07 11:00 pm  · 
some person

I'm confused...Brie is NOT a Wisconsin cheese.

We'd know SBD is a true Wisconsinite if he could eat cheese curds without relenting. Any confirmation on this?

Feb 18, 07 11:06 pm  · 

Cajun cheddar cheese curds, Bucky Badger type or anything from Woodman's is pretty good. My friend's grandparents made good cheese at their farm in Richland Center (bonus points for anyone that can point out the importance of that city with out wikipedia it). Cheese curds come in fresh style or deep fried beer battered. The key to Wisconsin cheese curds (unlike Minnesota, or other midwestern styles which can be found at their state fairs) is their cheddar innards. They are common in most every bar and wisconsin-style restaurant.
more info.

I'm also a big brat fan, Johnsonville can be found almost anywhere, but I personally like UW provisions which you can get in Madison...same Brats served at all UW games. Here's more info on that. I love World's Largest Brat Fest in Madison.

squeak squeak.

Feb 18, 07 11:22 pm  · 
vado retro
Feb 18, 07 11:29 pm  · 
some person

I get sentimental when I see the sausage race.... For a company meeting, the principals of the firm I worked for in Milwaukee borrowed the sausage costumes and had a race down a street in the Third Ward. Good times.

Nice work on the cheese curds, SBD. (straight to the arteries) You've proven yourself as a true Wisconsinite.

Ever been to Forest Junction? "You can get anywhere from here."

myriam: how far nort' didja make it?

Feb 18, 07 11:38 pm  · 
liberty bell

I actually listened to a little of a Prairie Home Companion today, and they had a hilarious story about an ice-fishing dog. But! even more funny was the bit about the disgruntled intern architect who, when she realized her romantic and intellectual years spent studying in Rome led to a job laying out electrical outlet locations in the real world, sabotaged a bunch of theaters by hiding loon calling devices in the air ducts. PHC has us figured out.

Feb 18, 07 11:42 pm  · 

lb, that's how that skit ended! got out of the car right when they found out the same architect did the wiring in all those buildings...thanks for the heads up on how it finished.

vado, that pic brought a tear to my eye. I loved those sausage races and the slide into the giant beer barrel whenever the Brewers scored a Home Run.

Anyone wanna come visit me in London?

Feb 19, 07 12:01 am  · 

you referring to it being the flw birthplace, sbd? or is there some further dairy/cheese connection that put it on the map?

(a couple too many trips to the home/studio in chicago. eventually the docents' spiel sinks in.)

Feb 19, 07 7:44 am  · 

well, oak park, that is.

Feb 19, 07 7:44 am  · 

Steven wins!

I would have also accepted my dad's birth place, but then I would have been creeped out.

Feb 19, 07 10:20 am  · 

only as far as milwaukee, DCA! mostly we realized that everything looks so small after living in Chicago. I imagine New Yorkers basically can't live anywhere else but Asia after leaving their hometown!

Milwaukee reminded me a *lot* of Providence's downtown, minus the hills with rich houses on top of them.

I am gonna organize a little day-trip to Spring Green once the weather gets better. I've heard I should hit up Madison and also go hiking in Door County.

But what I really want to know about right now is... where's the good skiiing at?

Feb 19, 07 11:22 am  · 
Living in Gin


Feb 19, 07 11:39 am  · 

Happy President's Day to all. I hope you all have it off.

Feb 19, 07 11:59 am  · 
liberty bell

My son has President's Day off, which means I'm home trying to work. He went with me to a couple sites this morning and was a champion assistant. Now we're about to have lunch and I'll hopefully finish this drawing this afternoon!

Aaah, parenthood.

Feb 19, 07 12:06 pm  · 

I have it "off" but I'm heading in to work soon. Hopefully I will be able to nab an apartment first, wish me luck!

Feb 19, 07 12:19 pm  · 

myriam, if you're looking for skiing in Wisconsin, I would suggest Devil's Lake.

Feb 19, 07 12:44 pm  · 

I don't have today off. Didn't have MLK day off either, but I took it off out of principal. I believe some of you partook in my MLK day festivities.

Isn't there some sort of law about holidays? When/how do holidays become mandatory? We should get all bank holidays off like they do in the UK.

Good luck myriam!

Feb 19, 07 1:02 pm  · 

we get them all off because we don't have our own building, and the building charges the firm extra if we turn on lights or air conditioning or park on holidays which the management company has taken off. This arrangement sounds like it would blow, but it works out great for the employees, because the firm is too cheap to pay the extra fees to have us work those days, so we get more holidays than most. We get MLK, Presidents, a half-day on Good Friday, Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving +friday, and Christmas through New Years. This is the one aspect of my firm that's pretty damn sweet.

Feb 19, 07 1:51 pm  · 
liberty bell

This is the life of a mom-architect: just took a phone call from a contractor re: getting the plumber in before the floor sanding starts and was simultaneously (quietly) kissing the little knee that had just bonked against my open file cabinet drawer. I hope Angus doesn't grow up hating me!

Feb 19, 07 2:21 pm  · 
vado retro

kids should be in school learning about the presidents. for example, the 23rd prezident, benjamin harrison who's house is catty corner from me.

Feb 19, 07 2:26 pm  · 
Ms Beary

Presidents? Speaking of Presidents, a tidbit I looked up this morning worth sharing here at thread central...

Calculated IQ of recent Presidents:

147 Franklin D. Roosevelt (D)
132 Harry Truman (D)
122 Dwight D. Eisenhower (R)
174 John F. Kennedy (D)
126 Lyndon B. Johnson (D)
155 Richard M. Nixon (R)
121 Gerald R. Ford (R)
176 James E. Carter (D)
105 Ronald W. Reagan (R)
98 George H. W. Bush (R)
182 William J. Clinton (D)
91 George W. Bush (R)

No day off here. I'm working HARD.

Feb 19, 07 3:16 pm  · 

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