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brian buchalski

hey...i'm still alive...looks like i'll even make it to the end of another

Dec 29, 06 11:35 am  · 

saw that, lb, and immediately went looking to see what/who they are. still don't know, though i'm guessing it's one person right now. does seem a little overblown for a sole practitioner that does single family homes and baha'i temples, but...

Dec 29, 06 11:40 am  · 

that's misleading--he didn't do that ba'hai temple, the white one. hrmph. guess the "one world" thing is a reference to their ba'hai faith.

Dec 29, 06 12:38 pm  · 

it does show up in the portfolio. maybe did some small renovation project or something? or consulted on the cleaning/restoration of the stone?

Dec 29, 06 12:46 pm  · 

looked again. appears that maybe the project was pool, fountains, and some other elements in the landscape outside the temple.

Dec 29, 06 12:51 pm  · 
brian buchalski

shit...they are now saying that saddam is going ot be executed by saturday. that means we've got very little time to rally and force his release. should we start with a special thread? or should we just grab our guns and attempt our own rescue op? we gotta do something!

Dec 29, 06 1:19 pm  · 

saddams hardcore follower's are gonna beat us to grabbing guns...

Dec 29, 06 1:30 pm  · 


Dec 29, 06 1:32 pm  · 
vado retro

the saddam defense lawyers should have used this brilliant strategy:
show pictures of various massacres perpetrated by american forces. examples are plentiful from wounded knee, to the phillipines, to korea, to the pics to the jury, show the numbers of dead etc...and show what the consequences were, light sentences if any for the guilty. absolutely no consequences against the leaders of the country. andzo, you argue that yes horrible crimes were commited etc and the loss of human life is always a tragedy :( but saddam was not responsible, gave no orders, and the murders were commited by frustrated troops who were furious with the kurds for supporting the iranians during the war...not guilty.

Dec 29, 06 5:40 pm  · 

It's a little surreal isn't it? The dude that basically started all of this, the man who was the rallying cry for the right to start an unjustified war, kind of comes out looking like a scapegoat/victim/epic tragedy figure in the end. Was it worth it? Was it worth almost 3000 american lives + 100-odd civilian lives a day so we could bring to justice this now humbled man?

Do you think the morons that voted for Bush ever ask themselves this?

Dec 29, 06 5:44 pm  · 
brian buchalski they are saying it's going to happen within hours.

probably next they are going to say they already did it yesterday...i don't suppose this is all the result of gwbush's "new" iraq strategy that he's been pondering all week in texas, is it?

Dec 29, 06 5:44 pm  · 
vado retro

will it be on youtube? will saddams profile be deleted from myspace?

Dec 29, 06 5:45 pm  · 

do you guys think our pilots doing a skywriting over baghdad will be too much?...

Dec 29, 06 6:25 pm  · 
brian buchalski

i think i would actually vote for saddam before i'd vote for bush/cheney...and i still think of myself as a republican. speaking of republicans, what a bummer that jerry ford passed this week too.

a shitty week...perfect ending to the year. goodbye 2006, bring on 007...think i'll start drinking now and go on a 3 day bender to end the year...

Dec 29, 06 6:35 pm  · 

rationalist - 2k or not 2k? you were a little soft on your advice to dzzz. with the awful grammer and poor spelling, the post seems like a satire on the entire 'where to go to grad school' themed threads. maybe archinect should try to get a school blog at itt tech with this guy - if he's for real...

Dec 29, 06 6:36 pm  · 
brian buchalski

ok...just found a bottle of sparkling wine chilling in the rear of my fridge that i didn't even know i here goes...a toast:

to thread central...on completing a monstrously successful year in 2006 and with no signs of stopping in 2007. bring on all challenger. hip hip hooray!!!

Dec 29, 06 6:39 pm  · 

2k? I'm missing what that means, tk. I hadn't even GOTTEN to the advice yet! I have now, though. I don't think he's a fake, I think he's one of those guys who was applauded for going to a college, any college, not someone who was expected to go to a real university. I'll be happy for him if he moves past that.

Dec 29, 06 6:45 pm  · 

tk, it's 'grammar'...

Dec 29, 06 6:58 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Damn, and I thought they were going to hang Saddam during halftime at the Super Bowl.

Dec 29, 06 7:14 pm  · 

Treekiller, I had this romantic notion of this guy finding his batchelor in architecture degree all aery faery nonsense after his solid artisan background and was thinking that a masters would be even worse in that vein. I was hoping to get into some kind of discussion about cultural attitudes.

Dec 29, 06 7:35 pm  · 

Plus, I went through every one of those 142? 143? now dead people linked to by Vado. Kinda sad, seeing all those lovable old actors and musicians now no more. Almost all Americans, though, so not exactly a global internet rundown...

Dec 29, 06 7:38 pm  · 
now humbled man?

Saddam is far from humbled and won't ever be, don't mistake the situation for the man, WonderK! He will still be proud as he's hanging from the gallows. Just a comment. This whole thing is fucking ridiculous. What good does Saddam dying bring, at this point? There's a lot of interesting commentary on the issue on NPR today.

Dec 29, 06 8:49 pm  · 

Also, all day long, whever I think of Saddam hanging, I've had that same vaguely dreading feeling in the pit of my stomach that I carried around the whole first week of the war, back in March 2003. It feels like that week again.

Dec 29, 06 8:55 pm  · 

Re: Saddam. It takes two to tango. If we had the wherewithal to rehabilitate that monster rather than lazily executing him, it would do a lot of good for humanity.

Dec 29, 06 9:10 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Nevermind the fact that most of Saddam's atrocities were committed with the full blessing and support of the US government.

Dec 29, 06 9:14 pm  · 

Agreed, agreed, and agreed. You're right, myriam, he probably is still proud. You have to hand it to him though - it was a hell of a lot more peaceful under his tyranny than it has been since. I guess it's just so bizarre...he's like a cartoon character.

As of right now, they are saying that he has been hanged (hung?) and died at 10:05 EST.

Dec 29, 06 10:30 pm  · 

Oh, don't pity the old murderer. I don't believe in the death penalty, and in this case in particular I really don't see what good it would do (other than eliminating a rallying point for one of the factions in the ongoing civil war, which we should have attempted to avoid in the first place but oh well), but don't succumb to the temptation to minimize his tyranny simply because the effort to take him out of power was so needlessly over-aggressive. There are plenty of Iraqi ex-pats out here in LA that could describe some nasty things to you if you're feeling sympathetic to the man. He's a murderous old bastard. Much like many murderous old bastards.

At least he isn't getting away with quiet peaceful house arrest like Pol Pot...

One other good thing to come out of it I guess is to help assert the power of the Iraqi government... Even if it's a sham of power it's probably better at this point than continuing to appear weak and useless in the face of mounting factional fighting. SOMEONE needs to be an authority figure over there, and it shouldn't be us.

Listening to the generals who have been frequent guest commentators on NPR since the Iraq Study Report came out has been very educational and has changed my understanding of some things.

Dec 29, 06 10:51 pm  · 

But I guess I should save all that for some other thread. Sorry, TC! Back to cheery blurbs about our current lives...

Dec 29, 06 10:51 pm  · 
some person

"Can't we all just get along?"

(You haven't heard that one in a while, hey?
I'm not sure why that phrase just popped into my head, but it seems oddly fitting. Perhaps it reminds me of a "simpler" time...)

Dec 29, 06 10:55 pm  · 

oh i didn't mean to sound like i'm in a bad mood or something!

Dec 29, 06 11:02 pm  · 
vado retro
Dec 29, 06 11:05 pm  · 
some person

myriam: After I read your post, I thought to myself, "I like it better when myriam is talking about architectural details..." :)

Dec 29, 06 11:06 pm  · 

ha ha! Honestly I don't really care about all this stuff. There just wasn't really anything else to comment on at that moment, and I'm bored working on my portfolio on a Friday night! I'm happy to turn it back to Channel Architectural Details.

Here's a good one:

It's the paving at the courtyard of the Mosque in Cordoba--they used river stones, long and smooth, and marked patterns in the paving surface by orienting the long rows of river stones in one direction or the other. I have a good sketch of this in some sketchbook somewhere, but this is the best image I could find.

Dec 29, 06 11:14 pm  · 
some person

That's more like it, myriam :)

Good luck on finishing the portfolio. I'm going to sleep now.

Dec 29, 06 11:18 pm  · 

Warning: do not drink at your computer. Especially, do not drink at your computer while working on your portfolio which needs to be perfect and submitted in less than two weeks time.

Laptop is in pieces on my coffee table, drying out. Apparently, dells don't like margaritas.

Dec 29, 06 11:30 pm  · 

five minutes ago;
i was downstairs and typing something, tina came down and told me she was watching the breaking news upstairs and said with irony,
"sadaam hussein is not the same, no pun intended"...

what now? another mission accomplished?

last night i was watching cnn where they demonstrated grafically how a person dies by hanging. tv broadcasters love these moments and ratings go haywire. why not pay per view hangings?
did we really care that much in 1982 when saddam ordered people killed or later on kurds gassed? the whole world obsessed with saddams death now and nobody cared when he was killing.

Dec 29, 06 11:40 pm  · 

oh NO rationalist!!!! Tell me you had it backed up somewhere!!!!



Dec 30, 06 12:29 am  · 
vado retro

if we'd have been smart we would have used saddam to get what's his name that al kida guy. shit i can't think of his name...

Dec 30, 06 12:32 am  · 

bin laden?

WonderK, refer to the grad school thread for full description of laptop mini-disaster.

Dec 30, 06 12:50 am  · 

now that I'm listening to NPR's coverage of Saddam, my stomach is queasy again.

Dec 30, 06 2:55 am  · 

It's 2:30 am and I'm gonna be pulling the ole trick of taking a short nap in a very uncomfortable place so that I don't sleep any longer than 3 hours. I thought I had moved beyond these days years ago...? At least the portfolio will be printed 4 complete days early this way.

Dec 30, 06 5:38 am  · 

saddam's hanging:

pro - he did wretched things and was responsible for a lot of killing. appropriate punishment is deserved.

con - i'm against the death penalty, here or there.

one of those two positions should make me care about this more, whether that means that i should be happy/satisfied or outraged. i feel kind of guilty and confused that i don't care.

Dec 30, 06 7:44 am  · 

for those interested: this clarifies the 'one world architecture' thing a little. apparently this is a spin-off firm from maire. see the profile.

Dec 30, 06 8:21 am  · 
some person

Steven Ward, International Super Sleuth. Thanks for solving the mystery for us. From Evanston, IL to Louisville, KY...hrmm...

(I laughed when I saw that AP tagged One World Architecture on his page.)

Dec 30, 06 12:44 pm  · 

oh NO rationalist!!!! Tell me you had back up margaritas somewhere!!!!



Dec 30, 06 1:39 pm  · 

Total Entries: 26
Total Comments: 2000 <------------2k!!!!!!!

I hope you have a back up of salt, lime, and tequila (and those portfolio files). and I commented to soon, but you did dzzz some good advice.

dammson - i stand corrected, thanks for the spelling tip ;-) I just witnessed the birth of a kinder and freindlier archinect- no smarmy comments were posted about ITT.

now we REALLY need an ITT school blog.

Dec 30, 06 2:04 pm  · 

wow, I hadn't even noticed that I'd reached such a benchmark!

No backup margaritas..... I really only spilled about a shot worth, so I'm REALLY hoping it'll turn on tonight after dry-time is over.

I think we're all happy to think that someone like dzzz recognizes the inadequacy of his education, and actually wants to do better. If he were there saying, "I went to ITT tech and I'm doing GREAT, why'd you all pay so much for schooling?", the reaction would have been completely different.

Dec 30, 06 2:40 pm  · 
vado retro

i had an interview with gregory maire a few years back. they had done renovations on the temple up there and he showed me this eighty million square foot mansion that he was doing in saudi arabia... thats all i remember really.

Dec 30, 06 4:12 pm  · 
some person

My field reports are DONE. I wish I could post some images here, but I feel as though there may be some liability in doing so (perhaps I'm just paranoid that I will be "found out" ?)

Perhaps I should start a "Post your jobsite video here" thread and make movies when I am on site. A photo of a pile driving rig just doesn't do the loud sound of the hammer justice.

Dec 30, 06 5:03 pm  · 


duh duh duh duh duh duh



Dec 30, 06 6:16 pm  · 

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