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the dweeb architects thing is a dangerous side effect of our business. Today I was having coffee with my partner and a non-architect friend, and the two of us kept straying towards the subjects of planning or architecture. didn't matter where we started from. It was quite embarassing. Luckily the non-architect was kind, and thought us amusing...but, damn! This could be a serious problem!

Jul 17, 06 9:53 am  · 

I've had this problem many times. My architect-girlfriend and I will be out to dinner with an architect-friend and their non-architect date, conversation will "stray" toward the architectural, 4th wheel will begin to stare off into space...wheels 1-3 will notice, usually a bit late, and attempt to take the conversation in a different direction...

Happens every time...difficult to avoid.

Jul 17, 06 11:09 am  · 
A Center for Ants?

new guy here on archinect, here on archinect, needs to learn to sit still and finish his thoughts. 6 responses to a thread all in consecutive order in a span of 18 minutes.

oh architecture and dating. we're so self-indulging it makes me sick. (i'm guilty of talking about architecture too much)

Jul 17, 06 12:15 pm  · 

Yeah, I was at a party at a friend's new loft the other night, and the architects were all standing around wondering aloud how they could get away with not fireproofing the steel in the building, etc. Silly architects, alienating the chemists and musicians and other randoms in the room.

Jul 17, 06 12:27 pm  · 
liberty bell

That was hilarious, ACfA! Reading those sequential posts after reading your take on them made it very enjoyable - like watching a person on coke but with no fear of violence.

On the other hand, that same poster made a long, considered argument on the REAL purpose thread. I actually considered responding but can't do it today - I have sworn to be uber-efficient and focused today as an offering to the archi-gods that a certain employment issue of a friend gets resolved well and quickly. For today, at least, I believe in karma.

Jul 17, 06 12:29 pm  · 

OH. And I found out at said party who will be the next Dean of the USC School of Architecture. I can't say who know, they can't officially announce it now, but suffice to say that I am not happy with the choice. I think they've potentially made a huge mistake with this. Very concerned.

Jul 17, 06 12:30 pm  · 

rationalist. did they select eric owen moss?

...i'm just kidding.

Jul 17, 06 12:39 pm  · 
brian buchalski

i never talk architecture with fact i usually don't even talk about architecture with architects. i don't talk about architect because i don't know what it is. i can't explain it with words and i sure as hell can't draw it. it's always in the background and that's probably too close for comfort as it is.

and usc's getting a new, i didn't even realize that south carolina had a school of architecture

Jul 17, 06 12:49 pm  · 


judging by your comment, rationalist, it couldn't only be one person. during previous discussions, you were concerned with a certain candidate....anyway, nice joke dot.

there's surely an upside...

Jul 17, 06 12:49 pm  · 

puddles- please tell me you are kidding. Someone else seems to have made this mistake in this thread. This always pisses me off when people confuse us with stupid gamecocks.

AP- yeah, I figured those who knew me here would figure it out, but it wasn't quite broadcasting to the world before they can announce it (which could be a few months). If you know who it is, you may be able to guess why they can't officially award them the job yet.

Jul 17, 06 12:58 pm  · 

The upside it recognition, publicity, buzz. But in my eyes the potential downside is enormous.

Jul 17, 06 1:00 pm  · 

The upside is recognition, publicity, buzz. But in my eyes the potential downside is enormous.

Jul 17, 06 1:00 pm  · 

HA! the jokes get better and better! puddles one-upped ya, dot...

Jul 17, 06 1:01 pm  · 

can't compete with a joke about gamecocks. it's just too rich.

Jul 17, 06 1:19 pm  · 
brian buchalski

come to think of it, i didn't realize that southern cal had an architecture program either. i thought the trojans were l.a.'s favourite pro football team, by default of course.

Jul 17, 06 2:47 pm  · 

So where the heck did you think Frank Gehry and Thom Mayne went to school then?

Jul 17, 06 3:24 pm  · 

they played for the Raiders, right?

Jul 17, 06 3:54 pm  · 
vado retro

cocks, trojans its easy to see the connection. you may delete this comment...

Jul 17, 06 5:22 pm  · 


Jul 17, 06 11:25 pm  · 
liberty bell

Oh, jeepers, who has time for YouTube?!?!? There is so much linking to it lately and I just cannot get sucked in aaaagggghhhhhh!

(yes I'm working late tonight)

Jul 17, 06 11:41 pm  · 
vado retro

i have been watching todd rundgrens performances from the midnite special!!! on youtube. he is a wizard and a true star...

Jul 18, 06 12:10 am  · 
liberty bell

I wish I had your time, vado dear.

Jul 18, 06 12:13 am  · 
vado retro

just bang on the drum all day!

Jul 18, 06 12:22 am  · 
vado retro

next 24 hours thread responses will be todd rundgren lyrics only. fair warning.

Jul 18, 06 12:23 am  · 
liberty bell

vado, "we gotta get...." oh, forget it.

Jul 18, 06 12:28 am  · 

i've been listening demis roussos today. remember him and aphrodite's child?

Jul 18, 06 12:38 am  · 

i decided i still don't like him.

Jul 18, 06 12:43 am  · 
sporadic supernova

wow LB .. one of those night ? .. are you still up ? ..
I just got to work !! .. Last day !!! woo hoo !!!

Jul 18, 06 1:18 am  · 

g'night all, morning sporadic. have a nice last day, and have a great time w/ the wedding, honeymoon etc...

Jul 18, 06 1:21 am  · 
sporadic supernova

handing over sucks ... the numbskull can't understand how a finishes and door schedule can be put together !!

Jul 18, 06 1:25 am  · 
sporadic supernova

thanks AP .. G'nite

Jul 18, 06 1:49 am  · 
liberty bell

Oh, no, sporadic did I miss the opportunity to tell you good luck, best wishes for a wonderful wedding and have fun the rest of summer and keep us posted on a school blog?!?! Dang. Well maybe you'll read this in Septemebr.

Jul 18, 06 6:47 am  · 
sporadic supernova

lol .. no LB .. I'm still around ... :) ..

thanks a lot ... but I might keep poping in if time permits ...

packing up now ..

Jul 18, 06 7:27 am  · 

best of everything for supernova.

Jul 18, 06 7:38 am  · 

here is a bit of urban nicety for you...

this morning my wife was walking home when she saw an elderly man, stuck at the crosswalk because he was not fast enough and the cars zooming by simply wouldn't stop. typical story so far, but then out of nowhere a patrol car appears with speakers on and asks the cars to stop. When none did he cranked up the volume and SHOUTED for the cars to stop (you can imagine the tone). Which they did. The man crossed the street and the cars resumed after a polite and quiet thank you from the police car speaker.

I am amazed that in a city of 30 million people the police have time to help old men cross the street. Even more amazed that they still have the will to do so. I have a sneaking feeling that something right is going on in Japan...

you know it's the damndest thing, but i live in a japanese version of le ville radieuse, and yet it feels more like jane jacobs new york dream street than the urban slum it is supposed to be. What a city.

Jul 18, 06 7:53 am  · 
liberty bell

jump, that sounds like exactly the kind of spontaneous urban event that I miss terribly here in the Midwest.

But let's talk about really inspiring things: Brad Pitt!!!

I just posted on the New Orlens competition thread the following:

I'll post more of my thoughts on what it's like watching Brad Pitt talk about the influence of traditional shotgun houses on a sustainable contemporary project (whew.....) over on Thread Central.

Jeepers. Ooooh, jeepers. Lordy, watching Brad talk architecture makes me lose quite a few IQ points. I feel like I finally understand why men like to see bikin-clad women at car shows explaining the overdrive system in the latest concept car. I understand the inclusion of a stereo components section in Playboy. I sincerely wonder why I didn't throw myself into that New Orleans competition in the slim chance of hearing Brad discuss my own designs, maybe even while I'm in the same room!!

Kudos to everyone who did enter the competition - I understand the schedule was quite tight, and I'm always amazed that people can find time outside of work to get things like that done.

But as for watching Brad explain borrow a term Steven Ward used recently, I'm "all het up". Het up, indeed...

And jeez, now I have two hours to plan a cafe space?!? Hm, guys, how am I supposed to focus again here.....

Jul 18, 06 9:09 am  · 
A Center for Ants?

if i go to my forums page, it doesn't work.
but if i go to my bookmarked thread central. it does. what gives?

is that lame that i have thread central bookmarked? (and i update it to the last page).

Jul 18, 06 1:21 pm  · 
A Center for Ants?

... and if angelina joins brad on his cause, i think i might get a little "het up" too.

Jul 18, 06 1:28 pm  · 

Why does archinect never work anymore?! I get a 'down for maintanence' sign 4 out of every five tries now.

Jul 18, 06 3:23 pm  · 

is this 2999??? good luck to the 3k poster!

Jul 18, 06 3:36 pm  · 
brian buchalski

i don't care where frank gehry went to school...and i've never even heard of thom mayne. or he the guy famous for the 7-11 designs?

Jul 18, 06 3:39 pm  · 
Jul 18, 06 3:41 pm  · 
brian buchalski

that's alot of smiling faces

Jul 18, 06 4:01 pm  · 
Jul 18, 06 5:13 pm  · 

So puddles, did you happen to attend the University of Oklahoma? Or UCLA, perhaps? See, I'm trying to figure out this hatred you have for my alma mater, and why it's manifesting in football references, and the only guess I can make is that the Trojans must have wiped up the field with your favorite team rather recently. Please, do share.

Jul 18, 06 6:19 pm  · 

rationalist, I think he's just messing with you. I spoke with someone there about applying for grad school and they were very encouraging. It's a great school but expensive. I will still apply though.

So I just got back from my Great East Coast Road Trip. Pittsburgh, NYC, Washington, and Baltimore in 5 days. Exhausting and I spent most of the weekend lost but it was a great time nonetheless. Also I got to experience the heat wave first hand, 4 different ways. I'd say the pavement in Manhattan is the hottest. Eh well, I still love it.

What did I miss? I know about the war (WW3 as all the news people are calling it) I too late to wish sporadic good luck?!

I have to upload my pictures, I'll try to pick some good ones to put on Archinect.....

Jul 18, 06 9:09 pm  · 

WonderK- they're giving out mad scholarships right now. Just built a whole new floor for the grad students, now they need to fill it up! So they're basically trying to buy their way to a better grad program. It'll probably work, too.

Yeah, puddles, I know you're probably kidding. I just get a little sensitive about how USC gets so ignored around here and in the stupid (but still widely read) rankings.

Jul 18, 06 9:52 pm  · 
liberty bell

rationalist, was graphic design class tonight?

Jul 18, 06 9:58 pm  · 

nope, wednesdays. doing homework right now.

Jul 18, 06 10:34 pm  · 

WonderK, what'd you think of Pittsburgh?

Jul 18, 06 10:52 pm  · 

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