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no, i like the pages, _mutt you need to be here a while to appreciate the 301 pages to this particular thread. if it disappears, it'd be like loosing a middle finger.

May 16, 09 1:52 pm  · 

Interesting mutt as I find everything very readable. I prefer the pages as some of the discussions get VERY long and intense. Nested responses only work in certain situations. Many times I respond to multiple people in one post, as do many others (case in point my last previous post addresses both you and LB). I personally would get annoyed having to back over the threads to find these posts, it's much easier to just keep scrolling down to see the naxt comment.

But to each his/her own.

May 16, 09 1:56 pm  · 

I completely disagree, mutt. Generally I do respond to multiple people at once, and prefer to read the flow of the overall discussion instead of sub-threads within a discussion. Bringing "better" comments to the top puts them out of order, which can be confusing because you no longer know who said what first.

With regards to different text sizes/colors, I refer to the great Edward Tufte who said "minimize contrast." The Usernames and comment times are already bold, AND positioned differently than the text of the responses. That is two levels of contrast: to introduce a third (or fourth!) would be overkill.

And on paging vs. scrolling, I'm in favor of paging. Studies have actually shown that the never-ending-scroll model deters readers, and in the more image-heavy threads we tend to have here they could be hard for computers to load.

May 16, 09 2:17 pm  · 

I belong to another comment board that has similar viewing as what I described. It works very well, and the same as here - if you are used to something, you adapt, as man is an adaptable being.

Carry on-

May 16, 09 2:32 pm  · 
liberty bell

Yeah, sorry mutt, but I totally disagree with pretty much all your ideas. When I was pregnant I was on a board of expectant mothers that mid-pregnancy switched from linear to nested comments - I stopped reading. Partly it's the tendency to dislike change, but I also dislike "finishing" one thread only to find someone has posted another comment to it and now I have to go back again. Linear comments just stretching onward make it very easy to stay current.

And, we tend to do pretty well using italics and quotes to respond directly to someone else's words.

Also, we've discussed - very recently, though I can't remember where - modding comments up and down, most people don't seem to want to do it as it's yet another thing to muck up the clean design. Same thing with avatars and tags (you know - the Nietzsche quote or pithy joke people add to the end of every post so you end up reading it 40 times a day during an intense discussion - ugh).

One of the things I love about Archinect is reading "dumb" comments right next to helpful, knowledgeable ones. That's what makes the discussions so funny and therefore fun.

Also, I'd like to point out to everyone who says TC is a "clique" that design-mutt has been a member for a week and is in single digit posts but we're all treating him/her with respect and engaged discussion. So suck it, haters ;-)

May 16, 09 3:20 pm  · 

yeah, suck it!

May 16, 09 3:34 pm  · 

TC is a clique that anyone can join. Welcome, designmutt.

I, too, disagree with your ideas (sorry!), and am active on a few other boards that do have nested comments, etc. as you described. Like the others, I prefer this approach for the same reason plus one more : nested comments are difficult to do in a clean, organized fashion. Either you get the excessive-indenting phenomenon (where the right border of the page has to keep shifting further and further to accommodate the conversation) or you get the "+" and "-" show and hide buttons that force you to constantly show and hide comments simply to keep up with the conversation.

The nested comments work well with static threads that don't keep getting re-opened and added to over time; for example, on the gawker sites where the posts are news-item specific and thus very confined to the present time. The comments come all at once, generally within a 24-hour period, and then everyone moves on to the next news item. The post topics themselves are thus, by nature, kept chronological and the comments within them naturally go "dead" after a certain time. The format of the website itself is chronological rather than content-ordered; the comments within each post can then be content-ordered (nested) and it's fine because you usually go and read everything all at once and then move on to the next news item and don't come back.

In this site, discussions are very content-driven. It is not unusual for someone to re-open a discussion thread from years ago because the topic is again made relevant. Topics are broader than in the news-forums and thus re-engage people over and over again. For this reason I find it extremely useful that the comments are kept chronological order so that the thread of the discussion (and it's mutation over time) can easily be followed, no matter how old it is.

May 16, 09 3:43 pm  · 

That said, I *do* wish that the front-page (discussion page) link took you straight to the end of a discussion rather than the beginning... but we've covered this before.

May 16, 09 3:44 pm  · 

That would be nice manta. I also wish there was an easier way for searching for members when viewing the directory other than scrolling until you find the person.

Oh and welcome to TC mutt :o)

May 16, 09 5:12 pm  · 

Thanks for the welcome ladies and gentlemen.

Nice to be here. I've been lurking without registering for a while.

Oh, and as far as the "look" - I'm used to the other way and believe each has it's pros and cons. It's a matter of preference as well as what you are used to.

I can get used to it since I enjoy the discussions...

May 16, 09 5:30 pm  · 

Finally went over and picked up my brother's dog, which was good because she was shaking and whining when I got there, but ecstatic to see me. She seems to be settling in quite nicely. The cats on the other hand... not so much. Only one has ventured inside. The other two are sitting on the porch waiting for the perpetrator to leave

Way to win over a dog... feed them wet catfood. HI LOLA!!!!!

May 16, 09 5:31 pm  · 

*m has cats that bark, and a pooche she's feeding cat food. Sigh it's like a merry wonderland over there. Beautiful dog looks part Alsation/German Shephard.

Design Mutt - welcome. Sorry but I do side with everyone else. I do like the design simplicity of the site, quite useful for a community of architects it's nice to disconnect from the visual and focus on the connect.

Oh and for my design problem *m and I were talking about, I have a set of shelves being built - roughly 8' tall by 3' wide, timber. But I'm desirous of finishing it dark, reeaaaal dark - almost black. The solution if I was anywhere else would be to buy lacquer or black wax and go to work. But being as most if not all hardware stores cater either to the diy costumer or the off-the-shelf requirements of contractors/developers those options are not available. I was able to find a dark walnut stain but it's far too red/brown than what I desire. So I'm seeking a local solution since I want to start packing my books by next week over a decanter of Merlotch. Lady *m suggested stretched water based paint with a clear varnish for a sheen... does anyone have any other thoughts?

May 16, 09 6:50 pm  · 

Hi all.

It is Saturday evening.

Jump, priceless,

"think chuck is a bit of a silly fellow, really. his recent re-labelling is a bit like the creationists creating intelligent design.

Welcome mutt (:o

Nite all.

May 16, 09 7:12 pm  · 

thanks nam.

for what it is worth i agree about the reaction to mutt's ideas. this site is great because it doesn't try to look designed. the content is the text. and the rest is unimportant. i would HATE to see the site turn into one with avatars and stupid quotes under each post. ick.

my mum is angry at me because i don't want to watch extreme homes. she thinks im an architect snob. actually i'm just not interested. being home is funny.

May 16, 09 7:57 pm  · 

wow I just watched the Fountainhead.... for the very first time. I had my suspicions about the plot etc but really had no idea how much love played a part in the whole thing. My biggest shock was that Ayn Rand was accused of being a communist for such a film. Brilliant!

May 16, 09 10:00 pm  · 

It's movie night here too. Just got done watching a German film called Requiem. Based on a true story about a young woman who kept having epileptic seizures but felt it might be demonic possession.

So all the critters seem to have settled down. Puppy is now eating her own food and the cats are starting to realize that the dog really could care less about them. All is right in my little world. Dumb question though, how often should I be taking her out to pee, as my backyard isn't fenced in. Anyone? Anyone? We went for a walk at around 7pm and I'm about to go out one last time before I settle in for the night. Hopefully it won't take too long as it's getting kinda chilly.

May 16, 09 10:48 pm  · 

I'm supposed to finish writing my thesis by tomorrow evening... but I just want to curl up into a ball and sleep for a week! I don't know what's wrong with me, but this is not the time for it.

May 16, 09 11:12 pm  · 

*m that should be enough for tonight - just make sure she has a poop. Then again first thing in the morning. I assume she's house broken, then she's probably used to the schedule

May 17, 09 12:06 am  · 
liberty bell

techno you could try black shoe polish for the stain. Seriously! But test it first.

May 17, 09 12:19 am  · 

I am officially fucked.

I will never have a job in public sector planning now.

I mean the cops let me go on ALOT tonight... but now I'm a known "making tom collins while driving" and known litterer.

I actually have a misdemeanor litter charge. I have to go to court... over a cigarette butt!

May 17, 09 4:47 am  · 

Move to Chicago - you can pretty much do and get away with whatever personal self destructive vice you have as long as it doesnt involve shooting someone. Seriously - drive as blasted as u want - just follow the stop and go traffic to home. Its pretty easy. Just dont cross the city limits.

May 17, 09 4:54 am  · 

Liberty B, thanks I think I'll try that. I've read that the wood should be treated before hand with say a conventional stain and/or finished with a protective coat like polyurethane so I'm going to give it a whirl.

But now I'm going to go back to sleep, it's been raining all night and morning

May 17, 09 9:22 am  · 

Yes she is house broken, I'm guessing she'll just let me know when she has to go out?

Shoe polish! What a brilliant idea LB. OK, time to get ready for a friend's birthday brunch, which is good because I'm starving.

May 17, 09 9:56 am  · 

I think most here misunderstood my suggestions for the site. I didn't say to turn it into a flashy visually annoying place. Just a few tweaks that IMHO would organize it better. It still would remain clean and simple.

architechnophilia - try combining finishes. Combination of stains might get the hue you want, and then multiple layers might get you the intensity. I'm sure you know that if you finish with gloss, it'll make it seem darker under certain conditions....

May 17, 09 9:56 am  · 
Ms Beary

Just checking in to say hi! I found a boutique that will sell my jewelry. (I am a "jewelry designer now", btw.) The store owner told me I wouldn't have a problem selling it, but at the prices she suggested, while giving her a 40% cut, doesn't leave me enough to make it worth my while. I will probably give them a few pieces to display anyways, as it is a really cool store. Besides, it's fun, and what do I have to do anyways?

Going to go help a friend build a deck today! Her hubby is out of town and we decided to attempt an "Extreme Backyard Makeover" before he comes back. Most likely we will drink a lot of wine and just make a big mess. :) Friday night we demoed the old deck and found 10 lighters and a bunch of mardigras beads underneath it. Hmmm.

May 17, 09 10:17 am  · 

a sunday morning [80s flashback!]here

[/thanks to that car commercial for planting this tune in my head]

May 17, 09 10:31 am  · 
vado retro

The only thing that should change about archinect is that there should be "stars" next to a poster's name for spectacular contributions. Sorta like the Ohio State Football helmet. A buckeye for a big play...

May 17, 09 11:10 am  · 

'beary you never told us your place was the party hangout? Have fun with the project seems like it may be a good use of your time, especially since there doesn't seem to be a rush on the job - if I read you correctly.

Dark and intense is what I'm going for mutt...kinda like how I used to be. Now I'm just friendly chocolate... consider it a homage to my former self.

May 17, 09 12:59 pm  · 

I'm still alive! ....And kicking at the end of graduation weekend. Am now feeling a little bit like a fish out of water. WonderMan is here and trying to cheer me up but all I want to do is go to sleep for days. These are weird times.

May 17, 09 4:07 pm  · 

aren't there ebony stains?

a friend of mine in mpls used to invent ways of coloring wood using various household things like steel wool, vinegar, and things. figured out chemical reactions instead of just applied color. i always wanted to be able to afford a piece of his furniture, but...

May 17, 09 4:30 pm  · 

You can stain ebony anything you want. 0_o


I'll be here all week...

May 17, 09 5:27 pm  · 

I like oil stains. Linseed etc.

Beary, hope you didn't exert yourself to much.

Lb, that project with the NanaWall system, is nice. Dream kitchen.

May 17, 09 7:24 pm  · 

marrrrgh, i wrote a whole response about ebony stains and then lost it... looks like others have mentioned it anyway. regarding the household chemical reactions that steven mentions : yes, there's lots of those, depending on the wood species; most woodworker's forums talk about them. might be a good solution. ebony stains can work, they do have less red that your typical mahogany or even walnut stain...

shoot, i had a link to a woodworking forum talking about using various agents to chemically blacken various types of wood species and lost it. will find again.

May 17, 09 7:43 pm  · 

just uploaded a pdf version of my grad school portfolio...

tk, thanks for the major tom link...i jammed out to it a couple of times this morning before heading to ICFF...and of course it was in my head the whole time I was there. some pics from the fair:

stool prototype in walnut,
by young designer Jang won Yoon

Armadillo Chair in wood veneer samples,
by student designer Aodh ODonnell

table in walnut with recycled plastic x dovetail joints and metal base,
by Uhuru of Brooklyn

modkat litter box booth, for all the TC cat lovers...

May 17, 09 8:57 pm  · 
won and done williams

nice work, ap. you just made my night, seeing my old ford focus hatchback in front of the grosse pointe public library. those were good times.

May 17, 09 9:34 pm  · 

nice, ap. good stuff, presented in a sophisticated/simple way. will you pull together work work, too?

May 17, 09 10:03 pm  · 

I have a question?

In Florida, you do not need an architectural license or a general contractors license to do design and drafting. There's a guy who wants to build a detached 20' by 30' deck in his yard but needs a draft for permitting.

Can I get away with this being both unlicensed, being an urban planner and an engineer?

May 17, 09 10:36 pm  · 

In Florida, you do not need an architectural license or a general contractors license to do design and drafting.*

*For single story houses and commercial buildings.

May 17, 09 10:37 pm  · 

thanks guys. happy to provide some memories, jafidler. you probably noticed, but we did a bit of extra (post-charrette) work on the library project.

Steven, I put some of my professional work from 2yrs in Florida into a small portfolio in order to get work in NY. I haven't done the same for the work I've done up here, but I probably should while I have some free time this Summer (so it's ready to go next time I need a job).

I considered including professional work in my grad school portfolio, but opted not to due to time constraints. I feel ok about it because the material I wanted to include--complex exterior wall details and accompanying drawings from a gut reno / partial reconstruction of two adjacent brownstones--would've needed some serious reworking to convincingly fit into the book...

May 17, 09 10:42 pm  · 

AP really beautiful and succinct portfolio; at first when I saw that it was 70+ pages I was really worried but I really enjoyed it. The text at times was a bit overwhelming but again the writing style more than made up for it, intelligent yet witty. The most impressive however was how your use of different media for your projects was so seamless integrated. Top Class!

May 17, 09 11:08 pm  · 

oooh, I want an armadillo chair! or, possibly, one made out of felt samples instead of wood samples. You know, cause I like my chairs cuddly.

Interesting to see that you stuck with the Century Gothic, AP.

May 17, 09 11:31 pm  · 
vado retro

Nice work AP! Extraspecially on page 55 where my name appears!

May 17, 09 11:41 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Nice work, AP. I hope mine is able to approach that level of awesome this fall. I almost went with Century Gothic on my first grad school admissions portfolio, but decided on Eurostile instead. I'll probably stick with it.

I spoke to my parents on the phone this evening, as I usually do on Sundays. They seem pretty serious about buying some land in Northern Kentucky, and they're thinking about heading up there next month to look at a couple of properties and possibly start the process for purchasing one. If all works out, our trips will overlap by at least a couple days, and I'll be able to meet up with them. I haven't seen them since they were in NYC last November for the rededication of the cathedral.

They're still interested in building a fairly traditional-style home from a Home Depot floor plan book (this was the subject of an Archinect thread a couple years ago), but I don't find myself nearly as offended by that idea now as I did back then. At least they're now talking about cladding the house with brick instead of Dry-Vit, which I suppose is progress. As far as style goes, my attitude is now basically "whatever floats their boat." As much as I'd like to, I wouldn't have the time to design something custom for them anyway -- at least not to the level it would deserve -- and I guess I'm a bit less dogmatic about that stuff than I used to be. Maybe I'm finally starting to mellow a little bit.

My older cousin graduated from Xavier University yesterday, which makes her the first family member of my generation to get a college degree. If all goes well, I'll become #2 around this time next year.

May 17, 09 11:59 pm  · 

ha, ya, that armadillo chair is cool, and I'm diggin the scales, but a softer material like felt would definitely be more functionally appropriate.

ugh, the fact that I ended up w/Century Gothic is most definitely a disappointment. It's not bad, but the more I look at it, the more CG sticks out like a clunky sore thumb. I actually decided to switch to Droid after I consulted you, rationalist, and started to make the change (combo of sans for headings and serif for body text and captions). BUT, after I switched my first project (undergrad thesis...the one with the most body text) I realized my layouts were so tightly tied to how much space the body text took up in CG. Droid needed considerably less space, so the body text didn't fill in everywhere I needed it to.

I also realized that my index was designed with CG, and it really didn't want to be reset in really needed to be changed altogether to work with Droid or the others that I tried. Time ran too short to pull it off...

There was enough time to re-set my CV in Droid, and it looks so much better (though the fact my CV and portfolio weren't coordinated kinda bugged me).

techno, I'm glad you find it succinct...that was on my mind from the start. I knew it needed to be a bit long to cover the ground I wanted to, but I hoped to do it in a way that didn't feel like it was dragging on and on. Thanks for the kind words...

May 18, 09 12:14 am  · 

I only mentioned it because I looked up that email and was surprised to find that Droid was the direction we'd settled on. I hadn't remembered that, and Droid Serif is my text face for my thesis book. The environmental bits are in Vialog with the print bits in Interstate but I found that Droid Serif was a nice proportional match for Interstate.

p.s.-that whole para gives a big fat raspberry in the direction of those who say two fonts are the max :p

May 18, 09 1:03 am  · 

AP, I have not looked at your portfolio yet but I will once things calm down around here.

Oh BTW we had AN EARTHQUAKE tonight! If the couch is a rockin'....get the hell out! No seriously though, a 5.0. Not too shabby. I just sat there watching TV and waiting for it to end. I don't recommend this as a viable life-saving strategy.

I, too, love the armadillo chair and would take one made of fabric samples. Yay.

May 18, 09 2:48 am  · 

he he! awesome WK.

May 18, 09 8:44 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Ok, that too a while to get through. What can I remember to comment on first....

Oh, this has pretty much been killed, but I hate the 'quote' style. It seems to take up space, and you have to keep reading the same thing over and over. I prefer the book/story style we have on this forum. I also like that the pages are in chronological order (first page first) but I wish the page numbers were at the top, or perhaps a "last page" button next to the "previous page" and "bottom" buttons.

Beary, arent you expecting? Maybe I'm confusing you with someone else.

We have our entertainment center stained jocobian. Its dark, very dark, but not black. We also bought 8 quarts not realizing that stain is not like paint.

I'm being trained in 9mm shooting - and I dont mean film. I'm getting more comfortable with it, but I'm still jumpy.

My Mother in Law graduated college this weekend, so we had a party for her, complete with karoke. She loved it. Husband sang a lot. I've never seen him do such things, and at times I was mortifyed because people were staring at ME! Just a tip, when karokeing at a family function, DONT sing "Love to lay you down." As a matter of fact, DONT sing any songs that have to do with how beautiful and how much you want your wife. Some things should stay private. He made up for it by singing "girls just want to have fun" and some vanilla ice.

May 18, 09 10:00 am  · 

I saw Liberty Bell yesterday and I thought I was going to die!

Not the archinect version of course, but the actual Liberty Bell. I was going for a night ride on a motorcycle and a car turned the WRONG WAY onto the one way street that I was on - right in front of the Liberty Bell.

Completely random and irrelevant to the conversation, but at some point as my life was flashing before my eyes (or maybe moments before), I was thinking about how Liberty Bell had recently posted a picture of the liberty bell.

May 18, 09 10:27 am  · 

Morning all,

SH, last i heard/remember strawbeary was, expecting. Also sounds like your husband was drinking, maybe???

Also, I will be performing at a fundraiser this evening. Work related but not work. I will be dressed like a Lollipop Guild munchkin, but will obviously be far taller.

I can't access your link from work. Something about a blocked website...I will check later for inspirational purposes.

That is all.

May 18, 09 10:28 am  · 

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