
Thread Central


is it class 1 or class a finished cardboard? hell, they could probably build the damn thing out of recycled gas containers, just as long as there were sprinklers...

May 12, 09 3:48 pm  · 

I just had fun sending this memo out to all our staff:

Management has requested that we attempt to cut our use of paper in half, so please make sure to print on both sides of the page whenever possible. Even better, is don't print unless absolutely necessary. Web pages often print on lots of extra pages, so please use the preview function when attempting to print from the web.

Beyond saving money, printing less or double-sided can save water, energy, trees, and the air. The $$$ we save will go for keeping candy in the bowl by [the receptionist's] desk.

If you do not know how to set your printing preferences on the Savin or Konica printers to 'duplex printing', please ask me how.

manager of sustainable design

think we'll be able to upgrade our stash of halloween sized butterfingers to bon bons?

May 12, 09 4:29 pm  · 

LOL!!!! Mmmmmm bon bons.

Love the post TK. Our printer, for whatever reason, won't let us print double sided, but it WILL let us copy double sided. How's that for trying to be good. Oh, and I've started laying into people around me that don't turn off their monitor at night. I loved being the Tree Hugger Nazi. It's funny sometimes how much power little ol' me has over the boys.

May 12, 09 6:42 pm  · 

funny you need to ask people to do that TK. going paperless is so easy these days it is absurd. and so much more convenient.

i keep most of the stuff that i used to print as pdfs on hard-drive, including much of our reference material for products and cetera. when i did phd dissertation it was sooo nice to not have to go and look up material from articles and such in the solid world. google desktop and acrobat made writing infinitely simpler.

sometimes i wonder if the electrical consumption and pollution of a computer is worse than printing reams of paper though. has that calculation been done? like, 1 stack of paper saved is paid for with 6 mg of toxic sludge to maintain the paperless infrastructure....?

May 12, 09 8:07 pm  · 

I'm working a couple of weeks beyond graduation at my on-campus job, which doesn't pay a lot but is as enjoyable an office to come to as any I've ever worked in. Today my coworkers arrived to find some of their bikes "taco-ed" and part of the bike rack they were attached to destroyed. We've been sleuthing all day - trying to get ahold of security camera tapes to see if we could figure out what happened overnight, and we finally got some video feed from a researcher who is mapping the campus in 3D. Lo and behold, at 4:38 am this morning, a golf cart came careening down the walkway and slammed into the bike rack, backed up into a concrete seating platform, and went back in the same direction it came. Hilarious! Has to be a drunk student. We're sending the video in for forensic analysis now, LOL.

May 12, 09 8:38 pm  · 

tk, i think you are running yourself too thin and are on the threshold of being a fix it guy... i don't know if it is good or bad thing though...
your friend orhan

May 12, 09 9:26 pm  · 

LOL DubK. Wonder what the golf cart now looks like. Hope none of their bikes were damaged.

In other news... just had oldest Brother come over and install my new carbon monoxide detector. Next step... to have him come over with his fancy shamcy electric chain saw to cut down all the evil trees of heaven growing in the plot behind my house. :oD

May 12, 09 9:34 pm  · 

I second Orhan's statement.....

Nite all.

May 12, 09 11:01 pm  · 

Nice work, *m brother!

TK, like techno, I've sort of lost track of what you are doing, but also like techno, I have no doubt you are doing a good job.

In other news, did anyone see The Daily Show tonight? Their piece on Arizona State was amazing. All I have to say is, good luck with that fund-raising, ASU.

May 13, 09 2:39 am  · 
brian buchalski

i can't stand reading on the computer. in fact, i often print out a hard copy of thread central and then make notes while reading it later. of course, half the time, i don't even read it just goes to waste.

May 13, 09 9:00 am  · 

being a mr. fixit is one way to survive this recession - not that this was my first choice of career paths. I've lost track of what I'm supposed to be doing too, that's why I'm bailing for teaching in the fall. I'm attending some of the capstone reviews tommorow and will have a sit-down with the department chair over lunch. this should give me enough to tell ya'll what I'll be teaching.

atechno- congrats

May 13, 09 10:18 am  · 

Wow atechno...
Pretty cool.

Also, I have applied to join one of the local CRA citizen advisory boards...

I have a family friend on the city Design review board who said it shouldn't be difficult to get on one of the three I applied for..

May 13, 09 10:50 am  · 

random tangent... I had a dream last night that me and a few others chopped two houses (vertically) in half so that we could fasten them to the inside of a ship to transport. They were small houses, but I found it rather odd none-the-less.

Carry on folks, carry on.

May 13, 09 12:59 pm  · 

i am, as of this writing, sitting in my coffee shop writing down about 20 or so ideas about "architecture" projects that i have collected over the past few years, and they all have a wonderful thread running through them. so, what's my problem? where do i start? some of them require scripting skills that i know are suited to rhino, but i guess the biggest challenge - and i know many of you have faced this - is time? no, that's not right, perhaps it's maintaining enough focus on the first one, before jumping to the second and so on...any thoughts? feels like add...ugh or is it arrgh?

May 13, 09 1:35 pm  · 

melt, you know, i like that dream, i am thinking what if you cut a home in half horizontally and then "lengthened" it, like bone lengthening surgery....shit. another idea. thanks melt! [shakes fist]!

May 13, 09 1:47 pm  · 
brian buchalski

there's 168 hours in each week. create a plan for using them all & it's amazing how much can be accomplished. plan the work, then work the plan.

link to an interactive art piece blastgetcreative...or maybe it just an expensive investment in creating a mess that could have been just as easily accomplished with a bunch of paint and un-supervised 5 year olds...or something like that

May 13, 09 2:01 pm  · 

***melt, welcome to the weird dreams party!

May 13, 09 2:34 pm  · 
liberty bell

I just received a 1" thick 8x8 3Form sample in the mail - it's heavy! And super, duper cool!

May 13, 09 2:41 pm  · 
Living in Gin

SPYDER01 needs to be dragged out into the street and flogged.

May 13, 09 3:47 pm  · 

LB, LiG... when are you and the rest of them going to raze, burn pillage and farm Detroit?

Do it, quickly.

May 13, 09 3:55 pm  · 

can someone PLEASE tell me why the AIA can't be more like this group - and i mean web-site and everything - AIGA

it seems so simple, inspirational, and straightforward...

May 13, 09 4:17 pm  · 
Living in Gin

I have enough geographical confusion in my life without adding Detroit to the mix.

May 13, 09 4:36 pm  · 

Beta as in graphic design?

Also, hillrock better to repurpose the structures, thus no razing and burning.

May 13, 09 7:23 pm  · 

Whatever you do, just get rid of it somehow.

I'm tired of it existing in the capacity it does.

May 13, 09 7:52 pm  · 

nam, the organization and the website seem to do a better job of communicating benefits and resources to their members.

May 13, 09 8:25 pm  · 

lb... have used 3Form extensively, it's a great material. seems like it would suit your design practice. beware though that the company is extremely slow in responding to basically anything.

May 13, 09 9:53 pm  · 

interesting point, beta. I was about to say, "yeah i wish the AIA were like that, too -- check out the content on their website... and there's a commenting area and so they're really helping to foster a sense of community instead of a lifeless soul-and-money-sucking bureaucratic entity..." and then I suddenly thought, wait a minute, we HAVE this already... and it's archinect!

Essentially, archinect is the new AIA. what do y'all think of that statement?

May 13, 09 9:56 pm  · 
liberty bell

hillandrock, did you visit Detroit since the last time we discussed this?

mantaray my local 3Form sales rep seems WONDERFUL so far - she's been super helpful.

May 13, 09 10:18 pm  · 
I have enough geographical confusion in my life

- brilliant!!

Thanks for the kind words Wonder K, and the rest for the virtual conference. Sad though that I'm so tired/hungover from the travelling and this weeks events that my contribution is likely to be contrived at best.

and I just to search like crazy to find out what AIGA stood for.

I'm tired... long drive for a site visit

May 13, 09 11:08 pm  · 

My Mom is here! I'm exhausted already.

May 13, 09 11:13 pm  · 

techno, all you had to do is ask, seeing as I'm a member and all

beta, agreed. I've been very happy with my membership, despite not participating in many of the student-oriented functions the local chapter puts on.

May 13, 09 11:17 pm  · 

did anyone get their free NRA membership? i did, and i don't own a gun or plan on owning a gun. i just want a vote.

May 13, 09 11:21 pm  · 

beta - free membership? Seriously? I wouldn't even need to worry about it, my crazy father has already said he's buy my membership if I wanted him to. Sometimes I wonder what body snatcher stole him away. I think some of it may have to do with 9/11. :o/

DubK - Tell WonderMom I said hi. I know she drives us all batty, but hell, you at least got your political views from her.

LB - I wonder if you and I have the same 3Form rep... our office had issues with ours. Kinda dropped the ball in a big way b/c she didn't know what she was doing. Oh well. Time to get some work done.

May 14, 09 8:31 am  · 

My 3Form rep was fantastic at first. Then he hugely dropped the ball, and they replaced him with someone else (a new person) who was largely ignorant about the product. My bigger issue however was with the factory... unless it's something extremely common, all samples have to be fabricated at a central factory and shipped to you; we had to wait weeks and weeks and weeks for the simplest sample requests, and it seriously impacted our decision-making process. For example : those colors can be applied to one surface, two surfaces, or both surfaces AND all edges; we were asking for variations in these options, and all of these samples had to be fabricated just for us. There was no cost, thankfully, but these were all standard options -- they are listed in the literature as being spec'ed that way. (As in : when you go to order the product, you have to spec which side / edge you want what color on.) Therefore in my view they should have been prepared for us to want to see what we were thinking about spec'ing. It was a SERIOUS headache.

The product also shipped very late to the site, which caused problems.

It's a great product with better luminosity than you'll find in other products (like acrylic), but there are some definite limitations to it.

May 14, 09 8:39 am  · 
liberty bell

My big issue is it's for external use, so acrylic (which I wanted to use initially) won't work. Also I'm doing a custom interlayer, which the made the acrylic reps get all nervous tick-ey.

May 14, 09 8:42 am  · 

ahhhhhh... sounds similar to my setup, lb.......... you have been warned! i would definitely allow wayyyyy extra time on everything, just in case.

I can also say that if it's large enough to require seams, they are much more noticeable than I had thought / was told they would be. Mainly because they really stop the light from transmitting through the material, so you get a dark shadow line at the seam.

May 14, 09 8:44 am  · 

Also remember to check if your interlayer color / material is UV-stable -- it turns out not all of them are. You probably know this already... but just in case the info is helpful to you... :)

May 14, 09 8:46 am  · 
vado retro

coffee with lb in 28 minutes. its been way way way too long.

May 14, 09 9:32 am  · 
liberty bell

That's very helpful, manta. I WILL have seams, and have been trying to figure out if I should try to hide them or feature them - sounds like you gave me my answer!

May 14, 09 9:46 am  · 
liberty bell

I'm waiting on vado to show up right now. Juts talked to someone about a new cafe job; he sounds young and like he's not quite sure what opening a cafe really involves. When I mentioned $100K fitout costs I could feel him doubletake through the phone! Ah, here's vado now...

May 14, 09 9:55 am  · 

Hi LB, Manta, and Vado...
Good morning TC~

May 14, 09 10:23 am  · 
brian buchalski

i miss this guy...

Pizza Pizzaaaaaaaahh!

Pizza Pizza,
Pizza Pizza,
Pizza Pizza

--Little Caesar

May 14, 09 10:48 am  · 

I always loved the bread/cheese sticks.

May 14, 09 11:02 am  · 

Ha, pizza pizza! Oh puddles.

Ahhhh, big day today and tomorrow! Working on my speech right now! Ahhhh!

May 14, 09 12:18 pm  · 
vado retro

Thanks for the "women I am interested in" critique l.b.

May 14, 09 12:30 pm  · 

i thought this project was interesting enough to warrant further discussion, but the thread seems to have died (perhaps FRaC's name as the most recent commenter has that effect)...

i used to eat little caeser's crazy bread like it was my job. mmm.

went out for a great dinner last night in honor of a close friend from Florida who happened to be in NJ for business travel and came into the city for the evening. hadn't seen him since his wedding about a year ago, so it was cool to catch up. we ate at Pylos in the East Village. i had grilled baby lamb chops with fingerling potatoes and a stuffed eggplant.

May 14, 09 1:02 pm  · 

hi all! This morning I woke to random phonecalls telling me I was listed in the society page of one of the local newspapers. There was a photo of me and the club/lounge owner (also a trained architect) chatting bullshit I'm sure. Fun Thursday...

anyway I wish I was in on the coffee with Vado/Liberty

May 14, 09 1:21 pm  · 

Hmm, LB, I wonder if it would be helpful to you if I sent you pictures of what I did? Showing the seams, etc.

Some of the other problems we ran into were:
1) a HUGE (i mean HUUUUUGE) variation in color on one pattern/color in particular (we had to go back and forth with 3Form about what was causing it and whether we would see the same variation if we switched products... big hassle) -- luckily we caught that one in the mockup. (Thank goodness the client paid for a full-scale on-site mockup!)

2) difficulty in detailing stemming from the puncturing restrictions

3) OH I just remembered (partly) why the seams show so strongly!! 3Form expands and contracts a TON when used outdoors, so we actually had to leave a crack expansion joint at the seams. We didn't learn of this until after the thing had been designed, so it was pretty frustrating b/c at that point we couldn't do much about it other than try to minimize the seam joint to the smallest possible tolerance.

Would you be interested in pics? I'm probably heading out for a site visit in the next week or so.

May 14, 09 1:35 pm  · 

ooohhhhh I love materials.

btw, in the end the product looks great, and ultimately i'm glad we used it. It was just a MUCH bigger hassle to deal with than we had anticipated. Had we known what working with them & learning about their product would be like at the outset, we probably would have selected a different material in all honesty. This was a year or so ago however so hopefully they've kind of gotten in gear since then. I guess that's the problem with new(ish) product lines...

May 14, 09 1:37 pm  · 
brian buchalski

damn, i shouldn't have posted the picture...

now i'm nostalgic for that crazy/cheesy bread too...and my stomach is growling. guess i'll have to settle for some merlotch insteand.

May 14, 09 3:33 pm  · 

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