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if they do, I want mine to say OBEY TC at the bottom...

Feb 1, 08 10:23 am  · 
Living in Gin
Feb 1, 08 10:50 am  · 
liberty bell

VERY nice, LiG!

Feb 1, 08 10:57 am  · 

I want one of those lig....24X26 feet that is so I can post it in my front yard!

Feb 1, 08 11:18 am  · 

Hmm can I get two of those OBEY TC shirts please

Puppy came to work with me, she's quite the celebrity. I set up a bowl for her, and she's on my blanket. We also have a lunch/play date.

Feb 1, 08 11:24 am  · 
Living in Gin

It's set: Friday, February 22nd is when I go under the knife.

Feb 1, 08 11:31 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Hey! Thats my date too! And somebody's birthday. Feb 22 is going to be big this year.

Feb 1, 08 11:38 am  · 
Feb 1, 08 11:45 am  · 
sic transit gloria

Hey, LiG...laaaaaaaaaaaaaaadyyyyyy!!
Best wishes for your operation.

wait, who's playing at the Fillmore tonight?

Feb 1, 08 12:15 pm  · 

Gin, good luck - make sure to put a mark so they operate on the right shoulder. And take the do not resusatate card & the organ donor card out of your wallet. We want our a'nectors returned to us in one piece

Feb 1, 08 12:54 pm  · 

Sarah; I've been collaborating my stalk puddles campaign. And will be deliberating very soon...I thought it might be good to show up at this place of business/residence wearing a architecture sucks shirt.

Feb 1, 08 3:43 pm  · 

The primary season is bringing much animosity to the normally peaceful Archinect.

Feb 1, 08 5:09 pm  · 
Feb 1, 08 5:11 pm  · 

one something completely different yet highly relevant

I'm home on a friday night. I have three bottles of wine, and I intend to drink two of them this weekend. I have three bottles of red stripe - I'm going to have them for dinner. I'll watch my fave friday night shows (cause I can) Monk and Pysch

what about you?

Feb 1, 08 5:35 pm  · 

Well, Mrs. rfuller's birthday was this week, so we're going to go out with friends and get sloshed. Tomorrow, I'm going to work on homework. Sunday, probably more of the same.

Feb 1, 08 5:45 pm  · 

Ive met Shepard

Feb 1, 08 6:07 pm  · 

It is o-beer thirty here. We have had an ice storm of sorts....took a few pictures late in the day cause it is always such an amazing sight.
Even took a couple of the Barbie with 4" icecicles hanging from it to send to my brother inlaw who is banging up the grill for Carnival Week
in Rio.

Time to go eat......da bell just rang!

Feb 1, 08 6:16 pm  · 

I just found out that most of the folks from my pseudo office are all in T'dad for carnival - damn I'm jealous!

Feb 1, 08 6:55 pm  · 


Im jealous that you are in the Carribean

Feb 1, 08 7:16 pm  · 
Living in Gin

No snow or ice here, but the rain is coming down in buckets. At least I made it home on the subway without any more trouble than usual.

Feb 1, 08 7:37 pm  · 

two beers and a loop club (chicken, guac, bacon, toast) at the corner bar with friends and now i'm in the for the night. [yawn.]

Feb 1, 08 7:42 pm  · 

mdler come visit - but bring tumbles for the journey

Feb 1, 08 8:00 pm  · 

i have an extra one, but i will be framing my gold ticket...

Feb 1, 08 11:47 pm  · 

Atechno - my plan was to stay at home this evening b/c tomorrow I'm celebrating my bday but unstead I went and played poker with some co-workers. For not knowing what I was doing I did pretty well. Tomorrow afternoon I'm going to the Bodies exhibit, which I'm stoked to see. Off to bed to get some much needed shut eye.

Feb 2, 08 12:03 am  · 
vado retro

some pics from last night's indy pecha kucha, which featured our very own liberty bell!

Feb 2, 08 8:33 am  · 

fix the link vado! wanna see!

Feb 2, 08 8:55 am  · 
liberty bell

Here you go, Steven. Naptown PechaKucha

puddles, you should enjoy seeing these too, and le bossman, you guys may recognize a face.

The event was a huge success and a total blast. My presentaiton was nerve-wracking, I was talking so fast I literally couldn't catch my breath, and I definitely tried to jam waaaaaay too much broad-ranging info into it, but it went OK. The guy who went after me totally rocked, he did a taxonomy of strip malls that was hilarious. Wil's (in the pix with us) was fan-fucking-tastic, so passionate, about the oversaturation of image in architecture and the need to just stop it.

A guy with a local urban design blog, the urbanophile, gave the suggestion that Indy should "embrace Naptown", which is one of our derogatory nicknames. That went over well and I'm all for it - but in a good way. Come here and relax!

It was a blast. Next PechaKucha will see vado up there doing his thing, I am sure...

Feb 2, 08 10:35 am  · 

I'm going to be in Naptown on Monday night. I arrive around midnight. I have a meeting/site visit at 7:30 am then I drive 5.5 hours back to my home to vote.

Feb 2, 08 10:43 am  · 
brian buchalski

yikes...i thought i saw a pirate ship this morning...

but after heading down to beach for closer inspection, it was just old yacht, with newer, sleeker one now showing up too...

...kind of disappointed about no pirates though...i was looking forward to a swashbuckling saturday

Feb 2, 08 10:59 am  · 

so phew.

Long week. new job using a new cad program working on wall sections of a building (and building typology) I'm not that familiar with.

and no I go car shopping, to spend even more money I don't have. whee.

Feb 2, 08 1:38 pm  · 
some person

Congrats on your Pecha Kucha presentation, liberty bell! Nice use of the poche image, too :)

My project for today is to take construction photographs of buildings in DC, with the goal of starting an Aggregate DC thread, similar to the Aggregate Chicago thread.

Feb 2, 08 2:28 pm  · 

nice photos puddles - the yacht on the right looks familiar - I would be more disappointed that I wasn't on it.

So today I have working on my new house, not construction mind you - or even demo, rather tidying up. I filled 3 garbage full of rubbish and I'm no where near complete. I will likely do another 3 bags tomorrow. Anymore and I'm sure sanitation will just drive right past them.

Now I'm wallowing under my second glass of red wine and its not even 4pm...going to take a nap.

Great photos vado/Liberty Bell...glad to see indy's pecha kucha was a success

Feb 2, 08 2:49 pm  · 

Thanks for the pics vado! I'm so proud of you, lb! It looks like it went great!

Feb 2, 08 2:54 pm  · 
vado retro

happy bday tuna. happy groundhogs day also...

Feb 2, 08 3:51 pm  · 

In the abstract of the web image I found the posters... intriguing, but in the installation shot I find them downright threatening and a hark back to scenes I don't think this country should repeat. The idea of "progressing" back to 50s-era strong-arming the masses is not only scary but antithetical to obama's message of hope & working together. Would a man who talks a lot about coming together for the future want his image to be drawn from below and dramatized in this fashion? --as though he is the end-all be-all? I do not like this installation at all.

Feb 2, 08 4:00 pm  · 
sic transit gloria

Rats, I was supposed to be away this weekend, but here I am with congestion and hot tea and back on Archinect.

Well, I'm in an age group (older) that might not know about Fairey's work, but most people my age know what the references are, we're not naive, no matter what tumbleweed suggests. And I did admit above that the posters are cool. My objection was with the connotations of the word OBEY, which, contrary to what I thought, is not really very prominent on the posters.

But please, please stop saying stuff like "the word has no meaning" and "what they might be referencing - which is nothing". This shows a complete lack of knowledge of linguistics and the meaning that a word conveys in the general culture. Words don't mean exactly what you want them to mean, otherwise you're just Humpty-Dumpty from Alice in Wonderland: they carry specific connotations. So yea, if someone does not know Fairey's work, which might be a larger number than you all imagine, the connotation of the word OBEY is not nothing, no matter what Fairey says.

Feb 2, 08 4:33 pm  · 

looks like it went well, lb. you'll have to give me pointers for my 'personal geography' this year (assuming i'm up) so that it's not an hour long.

Feb 2, 08 4:52 pm  · 

happy birthday tuna. that ceramic piece was beautiful.

Feb 2, 08 5:00 pm  · 
liberty bell

I think you ARE up for Personal Geography this year, Steven! You just have to practice a few times - and it's a good exercise, like writing the "100 Word Manifesto", to look at an important image, then limit yourself to 20 seconds on it. It's rigorous!

I have to say vado was the best last night: in addition to being the photographer, he also made sure when I sat down after presenting I had a nice full beer waiting for me - I gulped it in seconds, my throat was exhausted after that almost 7 minute sprint! AND he was an "active participant", yelling out comments etc., as this event should be.

Feb 2, 08 5:01 pm  · 

great photo's vado, you have a good eye!

lB- looks like a very cool image set, can you post some of them? I may have to find time for a mpls PK!

for all those working for others - how does your office treat academic adventures for the staff (ie jury participation)? Do you put down personal time, con't ed, or sick time on your time sheet, or do you just slip out the door and hope the boss/client doesn't miss you?

I may be making an appearance at the U next week if my project obligations will let me. Not sure how much time I have before the office starts to notices these frequent absences when I then have to formally work something out. I certainly can make the case for recruitment and increasing their profile locally...

Feb 2, 08 5:18 pm  · 

vado as beer deliverer - hmm never say that one coming (yah right)

So I'm watching a little flip this house to get the right motivation for tomorrows continuance at the house. I really hope the oust has killed the funky smell in the kitchen. It wasn't so bad when I left since the windows were finally opened after about 3 years of being closed up.

Tunamelt - happy birthday hun. Have a great one.

And I'm off to a party in about 3/4 hr

Feb 2, 08 5:45 pm  · 

Arch.....the puppy must be saying "Where is your Man at midnight?"
Hope you have the right answer....cause Mrs. Mommy Puppy is away.

Feb 2, 08 6:16 pm  · 

puppy is being silly at the moment her head is on my lap, looking at the computer screen. I swear this dog can both speak (English) and read

Feb 2, 08 6:18 pm  · 

lb vado....nice presentation...from what I could see. Don't you just love it LB....being infront of all those is plumb scarry. I had one of those a couple months ago but I was in front of a historical commission and yup most everyone in the audiance wanted to Roast Me. You know Architects messing with the fabric of a community can be serious business. It is hard to figure out how to focus, to be sure people are understanding what your saying. I'm sure your experience was alot friendlier but I know the same moments come up with anyone in front of a crowd of people, so hats off to you, Liberty Bell....and bring on da Beers VAdO....and nice pics by the way.

Feb 2, 08 6:27 pm  · 

tuna.....belated HB....happy birthday....!

Feb 2, 08 6:28 pm  · 

Adventures in used car shopping, pt. 1:

Dealer 1: large domestic. nice guy, straightforward, slight African accent. Shows me a 2004 mazda 6 (50K mi) they just got. I love it but it's too much money (13.3k after trade in) and gets the same ok but not great mileage I get now. Consolation prize: 2006 ford focus. Good deal, but I'm not ready to accept a focus just yet.

Dealer 2: large domestic. ancient guy, short, mumbles. hand is sticky when I shake it. has a volvo sedan w. 75K mi I like the looks of, his verbal price is OK ("should be around 11") But before I can ask about details I get distracted by his manager and then he's creeping me out so I ask them to keep an eye out for an accord or mazda 3 in their dealer network and leave. I'll probably call tomorrow to ask about the volvo.

Dealer 3: med. japanese. young kid, nice, knowledgeable but a little salesman-slimeball-y. Asks a ton of questions about the trade in. Drive an 05 Nissan altima, 62K mi. Good size, good gas mileage. I'm a fan. kid says around 11 and gets his manager, who runs the numbers and says $12.5 after trade in. I tell him he's dreaming and start to explain why, but the douche realizes he's not going to make a sale and pretends to get a phone call and leaves. douche.

will rinse and repeat tomorrow.

PK looks good LB. I swear everytime I see a picture of vado I think he's about to murder the person taking the picture, even when it's himself.

Happy birthday groundhog tuna.

mardi gras party tonight!

Feb 2, 08 6:57 pm  · 

hmmm, party night for all, I see. I'm double-booked tonight, but they're too far apart to realistically think I'll hit both. So I'm choosing to party with the people I don't know as well in hopes of making some new friends. But before I even get there, I've got around 5 more hours of work to do... boo.

Feb 2, 08 7:13 pm  · 
vado retro

I swear everytime I see a picture of vado I think he's about to murder the person taking the picture, even when it's himself.

Feb 2, 08 7:15 pm  · 

perfect example

Feb 2, 08 8:05 pm  · 

my father the mechanic, veteran of many, many dealer shops, has a firm rule for used car shopping : never, ever, ever buy a used car from a dealer.

he advocates owner sales only, with a knowledgeable mechanic buddy as your guide. says that even if you have to pay a mechanic for the time to come check out a car with you, you'll still make out ahead against the ass-raping dealers. well maybe he didn't actually use the word ass-raping, but that was the implication.

he's worked in more than one dealer shop -- large, well-known dealers -- where the mechanics were asked to roll the odometers back. no joke.

Feb 2, 08 8:17 pm  · 

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