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sporadic supernova

Yesterday, I gate crashed a corporate party meant for travel agents, at the Fairmont hotel ...

the theme was (get this) "a construction site" !! ( goes hand in hand with dubai's current scenario !!.. so it was basically dark and they had all these dancers dancing on scaffoldings. some guys were "on" different corners of the ceiling and (looked like) they were welding something.. with all the sparks flying off an all'... all the waiters and waitresses were in coveralls and were wearing construction helmets with the lil torch on top of it ..( like what miners wear!!) .. very well done
anyway .. it was a lavish party .. had all kinds of food and the drinks were just neverending and the ladies were just so fine !!! ... got throughly drunk ... and left before i made a fool of myself

May 2, 06 3:29 am  · 
sporadic supernova

... check out this video

George Bush sings Imagine !! ( not for the faint hearted )

May 2, 06 6:03 am  · 

ss, I've heard that remix, but never seen the video...

also, e909 sightings this morning...

and New Orleans marches on...

May 2, 06 8:02 am  · 
sporadic supernova

Good moning Lb ... tight schedule for the day ?

May 2, 06 9:13 am  · 
liberty bell

Yes, sporadic - I've promised things to three different people all by Thursday (translate: I'm an idiot who can't say no). Will be up late tonight no doubt! That party sounds hilarious and reminds me of a friend in Philly who was hired by the TV show "Hack" to bang a grinder on a piece of steel during a scene that was supposed to take place in a metal shop. Get some sparks flying in the background!

But why a construction theme for travel agents?? Wait, are the majority of travel agents women? You mentioned the fine ladies, but were the "hired workers" buff shirtless dudes?!?

May 2, 06 9:18 am  · 
sporadic supernova

lol .. so i suppose I'll see you here when I come back in tommorow morning .. next time .. "just say no!!"

Well they have different themes each year ( they host this party for the travel industry every year ) this year was construction !!.. dont know why!!.. but they did it well .. got a couple ideas that I could use if I had to host one such party. but the drinks ... God .. there was just so much .. there must have been atleast 40 bar tenders, forget the waiters !!
mmmm .. the majority of travel agents were women.. they mostly are around here.. something to do with wooing the costumer ;)
and no buff shirtless workers here ... lol . they should have thought of that tho, the ladies would have approved:D

er... was that wishfull thinking ?

May 2, 06 9:30 am  · 
liberty bell

Wishful thinking? I would ONLY go to a construction-themed party if it was full of shirtless guys wearing toolbelts.

But hey lucky me now that the weather is getting warmer I get to go to that kind of environment often in the course of my workday!! I guess I have to say, most days, I love my job!!!

May 2, 06 9:38 am  · 
liberty bell

Speaking of which thread, notice that harold never responded to requests by e and me to explain his "if you use the right tools you won't be up til midnight" comment.

May 2, 06 9:41 am  · 
sporadic supernova

lol ... yeah I noticed .. not a peep from him after that comment...

I wonder what tools he was refering to . (????)

May 2, 06 10:20 am  · 
sporadic supernova

alright see ya guys ... adios ...till tommorow morning/night/afternoon

May 2, 06 10:29 am  · 
this thread

had a funny ending i thought. the link in the final comment needs to be copy/pasted.

May 2, 06 2:00 pm  · 
vado retro

a man who isnt good with tools, is not a real man. willie loman

May 2, 06 6:36 pm  · 
sporadic supernova

the tool belt guys ... look at the tool belt !!! thats what i wanted to show.

darn .. they should have had thought of this for the party !!

May 3, 06 12:52 am  · 

ughh... i've been at the wyndam hotel in san diego for two days surveying all the public spaces on the first 3 floors. I'm just quitting and its 11p here and i'm still on east coast time. I have 2 more days of this and I hope we get done because believe it or not I DON'T want to come back (at least not for work). Oh, if you haven't seen the hotel, it looks like this...

oh, and there's some super shady internet pyramid scheme stuff going down here. It is making me honestly sick to my stomach. These sharp looking business types are convincing these people who are obviously prone to being duped and probably poor enough already to sign up for these packages that will teach them how to strike it rich on the internet. internet of course being said like it is magic.

I did the cough*SCAM*cough thing once but it didn't really work. Any suggestions on saving these bereft fools from further economic hardship?

May 3, 06 2:15 am  · 

when I was a second year in college, there was a guy who lived across the hall who we called "toolbox"

because he wasn't just a tool, he had the whole tool package. the tooliest tool I've ever met.

*In honor of tool day.

May 3, 06 2:17 am  · 
sporadic supernova

darn superheavy ...

I fell for that internet pyramid scheme once... ( long time back tho.. when it first started of and before it was identified as a scam !!!)

I'm still waiting for the $1000 that was promised to me after my first 3 (gullible) customers !!

But I've wisened up now ... I'm part of an even better economic scam ... it's called "architecture" !!

May 3, 06 2:41 am  · 
vado retro

pink suede toolbelts. remember them?

May 3, 06 6:20 am  · 

vado I just got to use my tool belt for the first time a couple of weekends ago! Works well, BTW.

SH, is that why you were on the internet yesterday afternoon? Stealing from the scammers, perhaps?

Also, if passing on an email to 10 people on your email list so that Microsoft will send you a check for $300 counts as a scam, then yes, I've done it too. Beyond that, I know some Africans with cashiers checks that would love to speak with you all....

May 3, 06 8:57 am  · 
sporadic supernova

why does this keep coming up !!!???

May 3, 06 10:02 am  · 

because soulikeit won't go away! She just won't let it die, keeps bumping it up to the top until someone humors her.

May 3, 06 10:53 am  · 
liberty bell

I don't know which makes me more sick to my stomach - dishonest people scamming gullible innocents out of money, or that creepy hotel design SH posted.


May 3, 06 10:58 am  · 

wyndham in a landslide.

May 3, 06 11:12 am  · 

Yeah, I kinda feel like the Giant Mutant Queen Bee is going to return to that Wyndham honeycomb monstrosity at any moment and grab SH and carry him off. At least then he wouldn't have to work anymore.

As for how to handle the scammers. Pull the fire alarm, or perhaps streak, during one of their presentations. Beyond that I don't know how to get people's attention on such a mass scale.

May 3, 06 12:08 pm  · 
liberty bell

I vote for "streak".

May 3, 06 12:15 pm  · 
brian buchalski

wow...thanks for all the kind words liberty bell. if only i could remember what i's just that i've been soooo hungover lately.

as for posting under multiple names, it's not that i don't stand by what i saw...but sometimes it's fun to create another character. just a lot of work, that's all. and between brunch and being hungover, i don't have so much time anymore for new experiments. most annoying though is when you forget the passwords/email addresses/info etc. for the newbies and are stuck unable to add anything more...bummer. i tried to start a character named poop once but i messed it up so bad that i managed to register the name but failed to get a password...bummer. i'm sure poop would have had some good things to say.

anyhow, i'm still alive.

May 3, 06 1:42 pm  · 

wtf? read cynic's post here

May 3, 06 3:34 pm  · 

my bologna has a first name, it's c-y-n-i-c...

May 3, 06 3:40 pm  · 
wyndham in a landslide.

was this a response to a columbia vs wyndham thread that i missed?

May 3, 06 10:14 pm  · 

Actually it was a response to lb's post directly before that, which was a direct reference to SH's hotel nightmare.

Nevermind, we'll talk about it on Sunday.....

May 3, 06 10:49 pm  · 
liberty bell

Which reminds me WonderK should we put out a "Cincy Archinect Meet-up" announcement, or do you think there aren't any 'necters in Cincy that you don't know?

May 3, 06 10:52 pm  · 
liberty bell

You there, sporadic supernova?

If so, good morning - another late night for me, sending prints hopefully in the next hour or so.

May 3, 06 11:23 pm  · 

I think you can start a thread if you want, just so you can express the purpose of the trip, etc. I know there are more, including a few DAAPers, but I don't necessarily know who they are.

May 3, 06 11:31 pm  · 
sporadic supernova

Good morning lb ... just got in .. and refreshed on the page (left open last evening .. )

sigh ... another late night huh ? ...
I'm gonna be very relaxed today .. can finally work on that residential plan *cough..unpaid..cough* i promised my uncle !!

last week was very productive tho ..
finished around 20 site inspection requests ( which is not easy ... the site is 1km by 700 meters !!)
finished working on some toilet and cladding details...
and finally finished the entire door and finishes schedule ( unless the client/idiot decides that he wants 50 more rooms... it's been done before!!)

sorry had to tell someone... makes me feel good to list it down

how long are you gonna be up ?

May 4, 06 12:50 am  · 
sporadic supernova

wonderk ... you're up too ??? what time is it there ?

8:45 am here

May 4, 06 12:52 am  · 
liberty bell

Actually, sporadic, I was just now checking in one last time before going to bed whew! Unfortunately the file upload utility at my print shop website has disappeared and when you click "Send us a file" you just get an email form - so that's what I did, plus emailed the front desk guy I flirt with to make sure he knows I need these in the morning.

Good job getting the door and finish schedules done!! They are so annoying and detailed, a huge concentration of information in one place, but it feels great to get them done, and done right, and know that you own all the information therein.

Yes, getting tasks accomplished feels good. So does hitting the bed afterwards which is where I'm headed right now. Have a great day.

May 4, 06 12:55 am  · 
sporadic supernova

lol .. flirting has its benefits (plenty)

well goodnight then ...

May 4, 06 1:00 am  · 

my last was meant to be funny. [sigh.]

but i am looking forward to seeing everyone on sunday!

after all of these years i still hate finish schedules, door schedules, et al. i get the hives when i think about them. i'll find ANY other way to procrastinate so that i don't have to pull up that stupid matrix to start filling it in. congrats on having it behind you, ss.

May 4, 06 7:10 am  · 
sporadic supernova

thanks steven ... feels "crapastic" ... :)

there was a time when I would see the excel sheet in my dreams !!

May 4, 06 7:18 am  · 

i passed 2000 and missed it completely until right now.

May 4, 06 7:31 am  · 
sporadic supernova

woo hoo ..... here's to steven .. asian character's an' all ( in response to this

ps .. i have no idea what it means

May 4, 06 7:42 am  · 
sporadic supernova

some statistical year book ... but look .. it has asian text on it ... lol

May 4, 06 7:42 am  · 
sporadic supernova

I've gone vernacular here!!

10 points for the correct translation...

May 4, 06 7:46 am  · 

good morning,

speaking of craptastic, it's been a long week.

For those of you who will be visiting Cincinnati this weekend, please check this thread.

Congrats to Steven on passing 2000. I didn't notice either. Sorry I missed your joke. It was sly, I'll give you that.

Big ups to the Subtle Pleasant Sensations thread, which never ceases to be a Pleasant sensation all on its own. I had a not-so-subtle pleasant sensation yesterday when I discovered that I get to go to Anchorage, Alaska for work! Woo hoo!

Uh, speaking of, I should maybe do some work now.

May 4, 06 9:59 am  · 

somewhere in this thread abra graced us with some descriptive terms from the real estate section of some LA paper....

"character spanish"
"mid-century walls of brass!"


I would like to add "period charm" to the list.
for example: "Watch as host Paul Ryan helps a couple renovate the kitchen of their 1910 Victorian and restore its period charm."
or, this gem from
"He changes the fixtures on the front porch to add more period charm. He starts by replacing the plastic porch light with a black cast-iron period piece ... the new house numbers and doorbell are also black, to match the porch light."


oh, good morning WK...good luck renting your may be useful to use some of these realtor jargon on your craigslist add... ;)

May 4, 06 10:32 am  · 

for example:

"I will have a fully furnished spare bedroom [with mid century walls of brass] in my 2-BR apartment in a lovely section of Over-The-Rhine...

Some amenities:

-washer/dryer in unit
-your own [character spanish] bathroom
-HUGE bedroom with [mid century walls of brass]...

May 4, 06 10:36 am  · 

with free period charm provided by WK...

May 4, 06 10:37 am  · 

Orhan's aforementioned post:

Orhan Ayyuce

Total Entries: 107
Total Comments: 486

03/19/06 8:41

here are some real estate jewels from homes section of los angeles times;

*stunning architectural (many times)
*major price reduction. grt op to remodel or buid your dream home $3,475,000
*architectural with no detail left to chance.
*updated mid-century walls of glass! WOW factor.
*malibu. so much house for so little money $ 2,995,000.
*museum quality mid-cent modern. designed by marco dimaccio.
*character spanish.
*what a surprise inside!
*soho meets so cal. mediterrannian villa. (imagine bleecker st with medit villas...)
*architectural done, done, done!
*beginner fixer-upper $1,295,000.

enjoy and eat your nails...

May 4, 06 10:50 am  · 

brass, glass...same difference.

May 4, 06 10:52 am  · 

California Academy of Sciences Renovation and Expansion
Chong Partners Architecture joined forces with Renzo Piano Building Workshop to design a new home for the California Academy of Sciences in Golden Gate Park. Intended to blend in with its lush surroundings, the design brings together under one “living” roof of native plants the aquarium, planetarium and natural history museum along with research and classroom facilities. The project serves as a model of sustainable design and energy efficiency.

May 4, 06 11:46 am  · 
Smokety Mc Smoke Smoke

Check out parallel38's posts here ... read on as he drowns in an orgasm of his own ego.

May 4, 06 12:56 pm  · 

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