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brian buchalski

clearly i'm spending too much time in front of the computer today because i've been posting alot. is it too early for sunset cocktails yet?

Aug 24, 07 2:03 pm  · 
brian buchalski

nevermind. it's only 2pm, i should go back to lunch.

Aug 24, 07 2:04 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Tumbles, i dont understand why you can't still use them?

Aug 24, 07 2:05 pm  · 

tumbles, don't let me forget to call you about coming and picking up moving boxes tonight!!!

Aug 24, 07 2:06 pm  · 

tumbles... how did you roommate take the fact that his bedroom was not constructed on time???

Aug 24, 07 2:07 pm  · 
vado retro

several steps puddles.

Aug 24, 07 2:12 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Oh, I get it. I was under the impression that you changed to the tube design, but I see you simply elliminated the casters. Rolling closets would be good, they could become room dividers to demark spaces of seperate functions. I'm jealous, but I know I would never live full time in a loft.

Aug 24, 07 2:35 pm  · 

for WonderK:

Davey Concepcion's #13 To be Retired.

Aug 24, 07 2:48 pm  · 
liberty bell

OK, I was just perusing google news when I read something that completely blows my mind: Ptolemy Dean just designed a branch bank building in Albuquerque, New Mexico?

WTF have I been doing with my life?!?!?

Aug 24, 07 3:06 pm  · 

how do you pronounce ptolemy?
"ptolemy, ptolemy, your mom is calling"

i just had to do it. sorry ptolemy. i guess i like the name.

Aug 24, 07 3:14 pm  · 

i hear steven ward is an email whore and will send one to anybody.

Aug 24, 07 3:26 pm  · 

I'm feeling very architectural today. I just got back from a topping-off party (that's why my message was short, tumbles). It was my first, and my name is now permanently inked on the insides of a building. And I actually know the steel well enough to always remember what bit, too.

Aug 24, 07 3:49 pm  · 
liberty bell

Sorry, I know that post about Ptolemy was opaque. He and I were classmates in the Attingham School for the Study of the British Country House back in, gosh, 1997 maybe? I totally adore him, so smart and SO funny and a brilliant draughtsman. We haven't kept in touch, for no good reason.

So now he's a celebrity in Great Britain, enough so that he's working in the states, and doing, of all bizarre things considering his extensive background in significant historic work, a branch bank?

If that article I linked to had any images maybe I'd have an easier time getting my head around this one. vado, maybe you need a trip to ABQ to check out this bank!

Aug 24, 07 4:13 pm  · 

Wonder....I hope they are dried....and not dead.....loving memories in dried flowers pressed between, "Sweets Catalogues"

Aug 24, 07 7:05 pm  · 

i'm phssst'd and can't find the thread. Ahhh the whoas of scotch - its lovely.

So Steven - if you are such an email whore how comes I haven't gotten one yet. Again I feel like I'm no one (sulk)

TW sorry that your bedroom boxes aren't finished yet. Is that mdler in the pic?

Aug 24, 07 9:25 pm  · 

your email address just hasn't wandered down my street yet, archi-baby. watch for one.

Aug 24, 07 9:28 pm  · 
some person

I got an email from Steven once.

Aug 24, 07 9:37 pm  · 

I'll wait with baited breath. OMG he called me archi-baby!! How cool is that

Aug 24, 07 9:38 pm  · 

you guys are goofy.

Aug 24, 07 9:41 pm  · 

and our hair is spoofy. Well not mine but you get the point

Aug 24, 07 10:15 pm  · 
some person

...speaking of hair, did I mention that I finally decided to grow out my gray hair? I've come to terms with the fact that having gray hair at "such" a young age is cool.

Aug 24, 07 10:26 pm  · 

hey Orhan/abra - how're daisy and Rupi? I know its been a while since we've asked about those two gorgeous pups

Aug 24, 07 11:42 pm  · 

got my SW email - today is turning out to be a great day

Aug 24, 07 11:45 pm  · 

thanks for asking techno,

daisy is fully functional with her limping ways, she runs (fast), wants to visit her boy friend newton everyday, and smiles a lot. i built her a non skid ramp so she is now completly independent of going up and down the bed anytime she needs to. she can use the doggie door and have pretty good appetite. she is the hero of the whole neighborhood and famous as the dog who recovered from a major stroke.

her brother is totally into her and watches her every move just in case she needs help with cleaning her ear, butt, and licking her face and protecting her against the potential unfriendly dogs. we are delighted to have her moving around on her own.

last june she couldn't even stand up and she spent 3-4 weeks laying down, me changing her from one side to another and taking her out to pee and poo whenever she needed sometimes 2-3 times middle of the night. my back almost give out from lifting her @ 40 pounds small big dog she is. i was like a walking wreck with red eyes all that time without sleep.
but we were determined to stick by her no matter what, and i was ready to carry her as long as she lived.
i love animals.
pictures are coming soon next few days.

Aug 25, 07 12:41 am  · 
vado retro

on the weekend i always seem to be up at six a.m. enjoying a rainy, rush hour free(the street perpendicular to mine is a major thoroughfare in for the suburban commuters) morning with some nice coffee, a purring cat and a day to do whatever comes to mind.

Aug 25, 07 7:40 am  · 
brian buchalski

oh, i'm so hungover this morning.

and if i wasn't an architect, i think i want to be a purring cat

Aug 25, 07 9:05 am  · 
vado retro

hmmm hungover cats are usually hacking up hairballs. i know this from experience.

Aug 25, 07 9:47 am  · 
brian buchalski

ew...that's not quite what i had in mind...thank goodness i'm not hacking up hairballs

Aug 25, 07 10:50 am  · 

Orhan great to hear the daisy is recovering...animals are lovely. I really miss having a dog, I think I might visit my neighbours shaggy ash loving mutt today just for a play.

Decided to have a few drinks to let off a little steam after the week's busy mess. I didn't overdo it but it doesn't take much to knock me out nowadays. I've become such a light weight - but I still love my scotch straight.

Aug 25, 07 10:52 am  · 
vado retro

i almost had a beer for breakfast, but then reconsidered after the lyrics to rudy can't fail got stuck in my head. so now im gonna go to the market to realize my SoUl! cuz what i need, i just don't have.

Aug 25, 07 11:54 am  · 
vado retro

just got back from downtown which is mobbed with preseason football fans from the burbs droppin their caish. now listenin to n________________________'s cd that i just got. lb, she included a copy for you too!!!

Aug 25, 07 5:13 pm  · 

what's on the cd vado?

Aug 25, 07 5:53 pm  · 
vado retro

i will wait for the maker to post the list. as is the cd swap tradition.

Aug 25, 07 6:14 pm  · 

oa: our boys are our world! yesterday i went to a job site which happens to be an old fire station which happens to be next door to
another old brick building I worked on last year where a guy wholesales antiques. I was astounded when I saw standing on the loading dock a Wire Haired Pointing Griffon, just like my boys. The
breeders say there are a small number of them in America like maybe a 1,000. They are a European Sporting Dog....anyhow...I had to talk to the owner as he was looking at this disgusting floral painting which was as big as my living room. I think he was looking at it for a potential client....who didn't have the time of day for my questions....but what the heck..."Arnie" was a very handsome guy, unfortunately we are looking for a we can make some babies with Frito Jack. So last night at the dinner table I tell my wife how I met "Arnie" earlier in the day and she is excited cause there are not so many of them wondering around. So today we have a meeting planned with a good friend which falls thru, so I suggest we go to the farmer's Market. So we head down there and spend a whopping $12.50 cents on honey and local veggies. We then walk back to the car...and guess who is parked right next to us. It in none other than "Arnie". His owner is no where to be seen but it was a fantastic now I have to really get on the stick about finding
Frito Jack a lady friend....cause he is so precious....So if you hear of any Bitches who don't mind a Wire Haired Pointing Griffon with an overbite send them our way!

Aug 25, 07 6:32 pm  · 

congrats to 765 for landing a really cool new job! maybe he will let the entire community know shortly.

orhan- glad to hear about daisy & the turkish architecture website.

a technical difficulty has created a major bummer for archinect - went to the MN state fair with my digicam and planned on posting a mini feature of the crazy structures/mobile food carts/whatever. my batteries died after an hour and when i got home, my cf card was fried. so no pics of hotdish on a stick, cheese curds, faux log cabin pavillions, cool 60's folded plate roofs, green & red tractors, wpa moderne majesty, oinks/moos/baas/neighs, and tons of people (and I mean tons- mrs & tk were probably the slimmest folks there). So sorry folks, maybe next year (if I ever bother going back).

Aug 25, 07 7:06 pm  · 
vado retro

snooker are is your breed related at all to the italian spinone? they sort of look similar...

Aug 25, 07 8:43 pm  · 

tk sorry about the camera - it is singly one of the most distressing things when you hope to safe/capture memories with pictures only to have the camera die on you.

Aug 26, 07 12:41 am  · 

I know it is early for the rest of the country, but was wondering if anyone has seen the New York Times Magazine, Letters to the Editor,regrading "Meta Morphosis"? I will not spill the beans, but
I hope to hell I never have a client write about me as has Mr. Harris.

Aug 26, 07 10:13 am  · 
vado retro

back from running around. had an interesting discussion with a yoga teacher about the maison de verre and iraq. also, the barrista said my "architecture sucks" shirt made his heart cry. i slapped him.

Aug 26, 07 2:11 pm  · 

snooker, here's the link for that letter:

it's the last letter on this page.

Aug 26, 07 2:17 pm  · 

That is the one myriam

Aug 26, 07 2:19 pm  · 
Living in Gin
Aug 26, 07 2:30 pm  · 
vado retro

blaming a house on your failed marriage. sounds like somehting i would do.

Aug 26, 07 2:38 pm  · 
liberty bell
Once again, rationalist tells it like it is.

Excellent arguments, and attitude, rationalista!

I went to baseball game today - Indy Indians vs. Somewhere Mud Hens. it was really, really fun. I feel like I was getting in touch with the true Heartland, and if I want to stay sane in the Midwest much longer, I need to continue to do activities such as this.

Gotta go find a dining room pendant before my meeting tomorrow. Later all.

Aug 26, 07 8:27 pm  · 
vado retro

i had free tix from a rep for the friday night game where they had a picnic area set up. . but it rained really hard. :( so i dint go. :(

Aug 26, 07 8:32 pm  · 

I spent my last day of freedom today (before my first day of school tomorrow) being a complete bum and watching movies, which is one of my favorite things to do. I got my library card, so between that and TV Links, once again the world of free and interesting movies is open to me. Quickly, a break down:

-One of the Harry Potters: not sure which one, I'm watching/listening to them completely out of order but once I decided that it was a truly imaginative and entertaining story I resolved to see all of them eventually.

-Marie Antoinette (the Sofia Coppola version): visually stunning and I found myself relating to the queen in some strange way, which I think is what the director was going for....however, the acting was generally a little awkward. There is one moment where they showed the queen's shoe collection and a pair of Converse sneakers shows up there, which I loved. Soundtrack is gorgeous.

-The Architect (the one with Anthony LaPaglia and the housing projects): Speaking of awkward....this was torturously so. And weird! Soooo weird. Gist of the movie is, architect is an asshole, his family is a wreck, and the viewer sympathizes with the family in the projects. At the end, the architect realizes that he's a dick and that his family isn't all that different from the family in the projects. Let's just say I'm glad I didn't pay for this one.

Anyway, I haven't had much to say lately but I thought I would share this much. I'm still putting out daily dispatches on my recently tweaked blog if you are interested in the more nuanced stories of my new California lifestyle. You know, if you're bored.

So, I'm around. Be good!

Aug 26, 07 11:36 pm  · 

hmm, being lazy sounds soo nice. wish i could partake of same. lately is too much work, too many obligations and too many people dependednt on me doing it all right.

ah well. got to have lunch with hoffman this afternoon. good to have a proper face to put to the funny-cynical e-mails i been getting since he moved to tokyo.

Aug 27, 07 9:20 am  · 

speaking of bizarre movies...

last week i stayed home sick one day and i watched "it's all about love" starring joaquin phoenix and claire daines and directed by thomas vinterberg... the film is set in 2021 or so, and pheonix plays a polish poet with daines playing his estranged wife whom is a world-famous figure skater... in the main plot, he is waiting for her to sign divorce papers when he finds out that her handlers have cloned her since she wants to retire from skating... in the subplot, there is some weird environmental shit going on... it's snowing in NYC in the middle of june... all fresh water in the world freezes... gravity stops working in an african country...

anyways, it was bizarre... and almost good bizarre... but not quite...

Aug 27, 07 10:46 am  · 

i saw the first halves of two bad movies last week: 'monster-in-law' and 'the holiday'. dvds borrowed from a friend. i probably should have watched them because they're the first movies i've seen in months. but i felt my time was better used reading or doing something (anything) else.

Aug 27, 07 12:47 pm  · 
vado retro

here's a good little film to watch..."venus" starring peter o'toole.

Aug 27, 07 12:55 pm  · 

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