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vado retro

i was for a while. then had a discussion about em forster with my exgirlfriend/future wife and then i just made a label for my cd swap that i am gonna send to stevorino ward 2morrow.

May 20, 07 6:07 pm  · 

not asleep, out riding! I put in 23 miles in my bike this weekend.

Now I feel like my legs might just decide to give up on me. But on the plus side, I'm completely flooded with endorphins, and in a very good mood now.

May 20, 07 6:22 pm  · 

not asleep, i wish i was though...
i saw marlin's news post come up @ 2;40 am this morning as i was browsing archinect around 2;47 am while taking a coffee break from a project i am working on. no, it is not a drawing.
i am about to go home now and start a bbq with tina and the puppies (they are almost 5 y.o. but still puppies) and go to bed early and wake up again around 2;00 am to carry on the same way.
i am looking for a day job and have couple of leads to mid size remodeling jobs.fingers crossed.

May 20, 07 6:54 pm  · 
vado retro

orhan its not a story is it???

May 20, 07 8:35 pm  · 
vado retro

this cracked pepper brie is delish!

May 20, 07 8:35 pm  · 

a little while ago my orange tabby and I were enjoying an after dinner gardening session. the two corgies next door started barking through the fence (they always do when the cat is in the yard). When my cat finally got annoyed, he started chasing them back and forth till they retreated onto their porch...

these dogs are about 35 pounds each and getting chased by a 20 pound cat.

damn, that kitten is bold! (this is the third time I've seen him do this)...

Oh, he ignores the little white fluffy dog owned by the old lady on the other side. that dog is his same size.

May 20, 07 9:17 pm  · 

vado, yes.
i am working on to outline an aoutobiographical story on my father who was a low rank fighter pilot in a turkish air force squadron who flew these;

i need some documents from my sister... she has all the diaries from him who was meticolous about writing them for years. i know a lot of them by memory but that is not enough. for now i am putting them down without rhyme a comprehensive structure. this will take years but will cover a lot. my father knew gary powers who flew u2 spy plane out of turkey and was shot down by russians.
fighter pilots are interesting breed of military pesonnel. they don't involve in bombing missions. their main job is interfere enemy aircraft and engage in air dog fights. they are bit of rock stars in any air force and when they are not flying, they either drink or play cards...

May 20, 07 10:59 pm  · 

they were supposed to interfere and shot down atom bomb carrying russian bombers. 60's cold war stuff. his squadron was a nato squadron.
in case they shot a nuclear bomb carrying cccp aircraft, the light would be so blinding that they would sacrifice one eye and use the good one to fly away, thus, a single eye patch issued to every pilot.
first line of defense for american empire was my dad's ass and his eye.

May 20, 07 11:40 pm  · 

we lived in an airforce base housing where i started school. the planes were given to air force after the korean war and they often mechanically failed. killing the fathers of my school friends. it was always the saddest thing. my orphaned friend would leave the school within a week or two and move to his mothers hometown, never to be seen again in my life.
we were close to jet airplane junkyard and early in my childhood i was very familiar with jet fuel impregnated metal smell. aluminum fabric wrapped hoses, incomprehensible engine parts, bolts and aluminum plates, galore... each wreck had most likely carried totally burned out pilot body at one point at the end.
if you were one of the lucky ones who had that milisecond to eject befor the inferno, you were given a golden silkwarm lapel by the company who manufactured the parachute...

May 21, 07 12:02 am  · 

are those mig 22's?

great stiuff and good to see everyones alive except rationalist whose legs must be asleep now

May 21, 07 12:43 am  · 

some weekends the air force children were taken to a major radar installation that were operated by american personnel. they showed us disney films. i saw pinocchio there. 1940's disney make. even though i didn't understand a word of english, i still remember some scenes well.
most impressive and mind boggling for me was how he navigated in sharks stomach.
i still think of pinocchio is the greatest story ever written.

May 21, 07 12:44 am  · 

they were mig's worst enemies= f-86 sabers...;.)

May 21, 07 12:46 am  · 

Awesome preface Orhan – I hope you have the time to finish the autobiography because I can't wait to read it.

May 21, 07 12:57 am  · 

thanks katze. i better get some sleep now. while i can.. good night.

May 21, 07 1:07 am  · 

spent the day yesterday at a steeplechase in lexington. it was my almost-2yr-old's first time seeing a horse and she was beside herself. for the first time last night as i was putting her to bed and asked her if she had a good day, she actually talked about the horses running and jumping. (recounting specific events and describing them is a landmark: she hadn't done it before.)

good day.

May 21, 07 7:21 am  · 
Living in Gin

Heh... A few years from now she'll be hating your guts because you won't buy her a pony. :)

May 21, 07 8:01 am  · 

I can't seem to find all those threads where we talk about the use of the title "architect" for people without a license. I was reading through CNN today and read "Architect of U.S. troop abductions killed." I remember they also refer to some other leader of some act of violence/terrorism as architects as well. So I can't call myself an architect with 3+ years of experience, but we can call terrorists architects? I won't even go into what this does to the connotation of "architect."

May 21, 07 9:09 am  · 

Philarch, I remember those.....good threads. Perhaps we just talked about it on TC 50 pages ago!

I am here. Had a very busy and strange weekend. But I'm back. I am looking forward to a very productive week....

May 21, 07 10:18 am  · 
Chili Davis

I spent a good portion of the morning attempting to burn the retinas of my coworkers with the bright red light coming from the bottom of my mouse. It took me a while to realise that it was an optical mouse, not a laser mouse, and the LED had little or no effect on their eye health. Needless to say, it's been a slow morning.

May 21, 07 10:24 am  · 
Dapper Napper

TK, I had an orange tabby growing up and he was the baddest cat on the block. And like yours he was 20lbs of muscle, fought dogs, brought home all kinds of "prizes" for us. People learned quickly not to mess with my cat. I had to take two days off from school when he died.

May 21, 07 12:37 pm  · 

I haven't gotten any presents beyond hairballs, but he will chase spiders across the room. now he's chasing dogs.

May 21, 07 12:58 pm  · 

I saw my girlfriend's average sized cat chasing her 120 pound Bernese Mountain Dog around the back yard over the weekend- funny as hell.

Anyone have fun plans for the upcoming weekend? I'm going all out and leaving Wednesday morning for a week of biking and racing in New Mexico. I've been looking forward to this since September......

May 21, 07 1:16 pm  · 
Living in Gin

I think this week will be the make-it-or-break-it week for my spring quarter. It seems like all my major assignments are due either today or tomorrow. But if I can make it through this week without having some sort of breakdown, I should be okay for the rest of the quarter. For the weekend, I plan to catch up on some much-needed sleeping and drinking.

May 21, 07 1:26 pm  · 

note to all, got hit and rolled over the top of a car this weekend and survived! now i have a panic attack everytime i walk across the street.

May 21, 07 4:21 pm  · 

SBD- any injuries? or all the thrill, none of the pain?

if you're hurt, get well soon. But if not, I'm kinda jealous!!

May 21, 07 4:46 pm  · 
vado retro

is the car okay?

May 21, 07 4:52 pm  · 
vado retro

how is the bonnet and the windscreen?

May 21, 07 4:52 pm  · 

SBD- you've lived up to your name, only a superbeatledud can survive being hit by a car and so nonchalantly type about it. panic attacks are a small price to pay for being alive!

was it a cool car to be hit by or just a typical clunker?

May 21, 07 5:55 pm  · 

Best wishes, SBD!

On a somewhat related note, I ordered a bike helmet last night from an online shop. WonderK's been reminding me to get one for a while now, because I've been riding without while searching for something that neither makes me look like an alien seed pod is eating my head, nor collects pools of sweat because of its lack of ventilation. I found one that is still a bit alien-pod-ish, but less pointily so than most. I suppose I'll have to be happy with that. When did bike helmets become soooooo terrible looking? I remember thinking they were geeky when I was five, and now I long for the simplicity of the helmets available in the 80's.

May 21, 07 6:02 pm  · 

wonderk will most likely roll her eyes at this:

So here's the story. I was trying to hail a taxi. A taxi stops (in the left lane obviously) an i run over, he asks where i'm going, i tell him and say we have to stop at a cash machine, he say he's headed home and points at another cab at crossing street to catch. I say thanks, and go to run across the street, but alas the street wasn't a two-way, it was a one way, so i looked the wrong way. As soon as i start to run, he says "Oh shit! wait!" and i kick my legs up and jump as a car slams into me, i roll over the hood and off the side of the car. I immediately stand up, and put my hands up in the air saying "i'm ok, i'm ok!" However, i landed on my left hand and kind of fucked it up. The taxi drove off and the two middle age women in the car insisted on calling an ambulance. I said not to bother as i sat down on the curb and freaked out. They later gave me £15 to catch a taxi home and left (they were driving a BMW i think, and i remember only being two seats in the car, so probably a Z2 or Z3). Haven't gone to the hospital...hoping i just fractured or sprained my hand/wrist. Here's a pic!

Since there my wrist is full of red blood under the skin. My doctor friend said that often when the blood vessels are weakened, a too tight of wrap can easily burst them that sucks. Besides my hand (which really isn't that bad in the whole of things) I have not a single other bruise.

the car was ok too.

May 21, 07 6:16 pm  · 

oh, and every time i cross a street i start to freak out now.

May 21, 07 6:18 pm  · 

damn dude, that sucks! @ least you're ok.

rationalist, what helmet did you get?

May 21, 07 6:20 pm  · 

Cris- a black Bell Citi. Without the visor, it's a bit more toned down style-wise than most of the crap that's out there right now.

To any industrial designers out there: please, you can do better. I know you can. I will be happy to replace the Citi if helmets start looking better at some point in the future.

May 21, 07 6:29 pm  · 

Damn again! SBD - that pic is kind of gnarly. thanks for sharing!

i actually thought it was your foot at first...looks like it might be the side of your heel, but alas, just the heel of your hand.

you might not feel it yet, but it's 100% possible that you may have tweaked your back too. you never can tell. i wrecked a pickup of mine years ago on icy roads in VT. didn't realize until about a year later that i had totally fucked up my lower back. was causing all kinds of 'overcompensating-type' pains in my neck. the chiropractor said "have you ever been in a lateral collision?"

it was nearly to-the-day one year after the fact.

get it checked before it gets painful!

oh, and drink lots of whiskey.

relaxes sore muscles.

May 21, 07 6:32 pm  · 
Starland Vocal Band

Suddenly I feel like the TC safety police!

It is important to have a helmet. Apparently SBD should wear one when he goes out to the bars.....also I already told him to go get it checked out but he did not listen to me. I can only do so much!

May 21, 07 7:09 pm  · 

Well SHIT. Now you guys know my secret alter-ego! don't tell anyone.

May 21, 07 7:10 pm  · 

Yeah, I started it when I was getting really paranoid about work knowing about grad school. They know now, so she's kind of irrelevant. I did use her to explore my "darker" side, however, although my darker side is still quite light-hearted, I have to say.

May 21, 07 7:32 pm  · 

Am I allowed to say how long I've known for?

I figure that eventually once I start doing good work and want to self-promote a little, I'll start a serious, real-name account, or one that goes along with my 'business' name. That way I'll have a way to link to my website and stuff, but keep it detatched from the (hopefully loveable) bluntness and known whiskey habits of 'rationalist'.

May 21, 07 7:38 pm  · 

I've already told everyone that you are all-knowing, rationalist. I wasn't kidding!

And we keep trying to tell you, whiskey habits are not necessarily a bad thing....

May 21, 07 7:40 pm  · 

Ha ha.

May 21, 07 7:43 pm  · 
May 21, 07 7:43 pm  · 

whoa, abra, I just nudged in right before you!

May 21, 07 7:43 pm  · 

but that's not the sort of comment I'd make under an account that had my business info attached to it either.

May 21, 07 7:44 pm  · 

yours is way more innerestin'. umm.. starla...

May 21, 07 7:49 pm  · 

dammit! leave it be....

So anyway, I'm doing this master cleanse that mdler did a while back. So far so good. Going to go have my lemonade dinner now. Yum.

May 21, 07 7:51 pm  · 

Day 1! Ha. I'm only doing it for 5 days, as per my best friend (the nutritionist)'s recommendation. It's not so bad.

May 21, 07 8:11 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Holy shit, SBD, that really sucks.

I spent a week in London in 2001, and it took me forever to figure out where the traffic would be coming from while crossing the streets. I almost got run over by a speeding taxi right in front of Buckingham Palace on my first evening in town, and spent the rest of the week cowered in the corner of my hotel room.

May 21, 07 8:28 pm  · 

i'm not telling no one! enjoy the lemonade!

hey ...t..., a friend of mine who you nominated to the 'fave professor' thread replied to your post: OMG. How nice. And from Tumbleweed, too... . he's asking me to be his shill on this news thread and plug his latest book... so wwtcd?

May 21, 07 8:44 pm  · 

In lieu of the recent page number, I will now sing one of my favorite dance songs by one of my favorite singers, (Ahem, clears throats):

I was dreamin' when I wrote this
Forgive me if it goes astray

But when I woke up this mornin'
Coulda sworn it was judgment day

The sky was all purple
There were people runnin' everywhere

Tryin' 2 run from the destruction
U know I didn't even care

'Cuz they say two thousand zero zero party over
Oops out of time
So tonight I'm gonna party like it's 1999

I was dreamin' when I wrote this
So sue me if I go 2 fast

But life is just a party
And parties weren't meant 2 last

War is all around us
My mind says prepare 2 fight

So if I gotta die
I'm gonna listen 2 my body tonight
Yeah, they say two thousand zero zero party over
Oops out of time
So tonight I'm gonna party like it's 1999

Lemme tell ya somethin'
If U didn't come 2 party
Don't bother knockin' on my door
I got a lion in my pocket
And baby he's ready 2 roar

Yeah, everybody's got a bomb
We could all die any day
But before I'll let that happen
I'll dance my life away

They say two thousand zero zero party over
Oops out of time
We're runnin' outta time
So tonight we gonna, we gonna (Tonight I'm gonna party like it's 1999)

Say it 1 more time
Two thousand zero zero party over
Oops out of time
No, no
So tonight we gonna, we gonna (Tonight I'm gonna party like it's 1999)

Alright, it's 1999
You say it, 1999
1999 don't stop, don't stop, say it 1 more time

Two thousand zero zero party over
Oops out of time
Yeah, Yeah
So tonight we gonna, we gonna (Tonight I'm gonna party like it's 1999)

Yeah, 1999 (1999)
Don'tcha wanna go (1999)
Don'tcha wanna go (1999)
We could all die any day (1999)
I don't wanna die
I'd rather dance

May 21, 07 10:05 pm  · 

ha ha ha ha ha!

i want his guitar!

May 21, 07 10:16 pm  · 

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