
Thread Central



here is another one;
i was drafting for this designer who worked for these ultra wealthy clients. after doing a master suite for them and milking the job heavily for 3-4 years, it finally got finished and published in house and garden magazine in early 80's.
her (owner lady) statement was;
"bunny (as she called her interior designer) did everything i would have done but didn't have time for"
poor guy (not really after almost a million $ on design fees) was pretty infamous after that.

hahahaha.. money, money, money...bunny.

May 9, 07 7:00 pm  · 

the money bunny..i like it. I like with Fuzzy too...fuzzy bunny.

I'm very concerned for everyone in the LA area, with this fire. Having recently read that web post on Green Thread Central about how man-made (so simple even a caveman can do it) fires apparently destroyed much of the prehistoric fauna it is a little frightening. I could loose all my LA on-line based archinect mdler.

May 9, 07 8:48 pm  · 

YAY AP! I actually saw that pic on Flickr first :o)

That caveman commercial cracks me up every time.

mdler, go put out the fire with your trunk....

May 9, 07 8:55 pm  · 
liberty bell

Those Get Fuzzy's are hilarious. Thanks, Sarah.

Did a Show House meet-n-greet tonight. Listened to a group of interior designers bitching because although the Indiana state legistalture approved a bill calling for registration (but not stamping by) of interior designers, the Governor unexpectedly vetoed it. Was interesting to me to hear them bitching, I did not reveal that as an architect I had written a letter recommending against the bill...which I'm a little conflicted about.

If I read one more comment along the lines of "the architect just drew up our ideas" I'm going to swing a sledghammer at someone just like Stank Lloyd Wrong.

May 9, 07 10:32 pm  · 

another one;

i use to live with a famous painter and we went to this new art collectors newly built modern house with a private art gallery attached to it. i swear she said " the house is designed by architect charles somebody", when she gave us the tour and said it was all her ideas.

lb, i've got some people for you to hit on west coast, are you contracting?

May 9, 07 10:46 pm  · 
Carl Douglas (agfa8x)

"You take that back or I'll hit you so hard Andrea Palladio won't be able to make your face symmetrical again!"

May 10, 07 12:33 am  · 

Liberty speaking of interior designers, I heard from my lady interior architect, that the ladies (as they are referred) are coming together to form an IA and ID section under the institute of architects. Of which I responded (i was on my second non-alcoholic drink, and felt a certain liberty - no pun!) "that it was about time, because we keep y'all under a tight lease"

May 10, 07 1:09 am  · 

But honestly like you i'm about to wield a hammer or something. Particularly when clients or those in the construction field ask or show surprise that I shop drawings or wtf do you think we do??

May 10, 07 1:11 am  · 

wait, did frank lloyd wrong really swing a sledgie at someone???? for real???

May 10, 07 8:44 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

You have to read the Get Fuzzy comic I posted earlier. Actually, I posted a link to where it begins. I'm not skilled enough in Archinect posting to actually post the comics themselves, or to post the Great 96 picture.

Can somebody else handle that?

May 10, 07 8:50 am  · 
liberty bell

Better to follow the link - the comic images won't fit here.

May 10, 07 9:08 am  · 
liberty bell

PS Welcome to page 96. Celebratory image, anyone?

May 10, 07 9:08 am  · 
May 10, 07 9:43 am  · 
Living in Gin
May 10, 07 10:09 am  · 
Living in Gin
May 10, 07 10:12 am  · 
Living in Gin
May 10, 07 10:16 am  · 
vado retro
May 10, 07 10:16 am  · 
May 10, 07 10:26 am  · 
Dapper Napper

I couldn't find the office annoyances thread to vent this.

Is it wrong that my new cubicle neighbor annoys the f*&$ out of me with her constant inane chatter or am just being elitist and callous? Friendly is great but please shut up. It's like she has a need to open her mouth a set number of times per hour. Now she's expounding on the daily habits of her child. Pistol meet temple. I need new headphones.

May 10, 07 12:34 pm  · 

It said that I had commented on this page but I actually hadn't, after an accidental "preview button" hit. Oh, the oddities of .php....

Basically, I agree with tumbles, though.

My contribution to the page:

May 10, 07 12:56 pm  · 

here's your sign- are you sitting two desks away from me, right next to 'Crystal Light' (description posted previously in thread central)?

May 10, 07 1:20 pm  · 
Dapper Napper

^ Yes, prepare yourself for some possible afternoon violence.

May 10, 07 3:16 pm  · 

Do you two really sit by each other?!?

I have a "WWTCD?":

I wasn't planning on putting in my formal notice at work until about 3 1/2 weeks from now. However, we are supposed to be "talking about my work load" sometime in the next day or two, so if they try to train me on something new, what do I do? Should I prepare my resignation letter already, and have it on hand just in case? It's not that I am trying to shirk any responsibility but I genuinely think it would be a waste of their time to train me on something that I am not going to be helping with 3 months from now (since I will be off to grad school).

Also, I have figured out that I can leave probably a week earlier than originally planned. I am seriously debating losing a whole week's worth of pay rather than put up with this any longer than I have to. It's quite soul-sucking.

May 10, 07 3:52 pm  · 
liberty bell

I'd say don't bother preparing the resignation latter, but DO be prepared to tell them face to face that you will be leaving this summer. Honesty is best, IMO, after you've been there several years and now you're down to only a few weeks left.

The reason I say not to prepare the resignation letter (in case anyone wants to give a different opinion) is that if you tell them you're leaving in a few months and heir response is a straightforward "Pack your bags now" you will be writing a very different tone of letter!

May 10, 07 3:58 pm  · 

I doubt it, since hys mentioned headphones, and we're a headphone-free office. But it would be kind of funny. If he really does sit next to Crystal Light, that would make him my favorite project manager to work with.

WonderK- I would say have it on hand just in case. I would be completely honest with them and say that you weren't planning to tell them this, but you are genuinely concerned that the opportunity that they were so generously going to give you would be better bestowed on someone else because of this situation. Make yourself sound grateful, concerned for the company's well-being, but clear about your decision. Of course, take this with a grain of salt because I had to do the same thing and it worked out well for me. I understand that not all employers will react to things the same way, but that's what I would do based on what you've said about your office.

May 10, 07 3:59 pm  · 

lose the week's pay for sure. You can make more money later, but you'll never have another opportunity no not work that job that week.

Like I've said before- nobody ever dies thinking 'I should've spent more time at the office...'

May 10, 07 4:27 pm  · 
vado retro

i get along with everyone really well. we have a new interior design intern who started this week. she is very vivacious. when she was being shown around on monday at two different times with two different people they both said "oh there's vado he's so nice."

May 10, 07 4:34 pm  · 
liberty bell

1. Age?
2. Cute?

May 10, 07 4:46 pm  · 

Re: the letter, I've got 1 vote yes, 1 vote no, and a confirmation on the leaving earlier. I'm pumped about that last one.....

May 10, 07 4:59 pm  · 

hey dubK...bring me some Greaters when you come out



May 10, 07 5:01 pm  · 
Dapper Napper

Fresh meat for Vado?

No, not with Rationalist. Pie lady would have learned on day one to leave me alone. And I'm in Texas.

ITA with LB. And if you don't need the money, I'd cut that extra week and split. But nicely of course.

May 10, 07 5:06 pm  · 
Dapper Napper

And no letter. Might seem premeditated.

May 10, 07 5:07 pm  · 

Re: the letter, liberty bell just types faster than me and posted at the same time, so I hadn't read her advice when I posted mine. The actual formal letter, whatever. Do it, don't do it, I definitely haven't handed in a formal letter, I'm not sure the physical letter matters one bit. My point was to just be prepared to give notice. Whether that be verbally or include a nice typed letter as well, I have no real opinion on.

May 10, 07 5:09 pm  · 

I'll vote for WonderK:

-Letter- don't have it ready... it will be too planned (which of course, it is), and would appear that you were holding it for a moment of _____
-Though do let them know, if you will be getting new long-term project(s)

_YES!!! take the time off if you have any inclination. This is the only time you can guarantee a vacation/ time off, without people trying to haggle you out of your plans/ convince you to stick around & do more work.

- plus, I'm sure you can figure out a way to rationalize the time without pay... try this one on: " with the extra time I have, I can carefully sort through the items I would like to pack for my move, thereby eliminating 2 or three boxes, cutting my shipping costs by at least (a day's wage, maybe more!)"

May 10, 07 5:10 pm  · 
vado retro

that's not very appropriate. goin over to a second thursday gathering that soem rep and her hubby have every month. free food and booze. and some interesting people milling about.

May 10, 07 5:11 pm  · 

I found that if you deliver your letter in one of those envelopes that greeting cards come in, your employer will feel like they are being given something nice...only to find out, moments later, that you no longer want to work for them.

Also, plan to take a vacation, and then give your letter to your boss a day before you are supposed to go on vacation. That way, the vacation counts as time towards your 2 weeks notice....

that is how the MDLER rolls

May 10, 07 5:16 pm  · 

oh, and bring me some ice cream, damnit

May 10, 07 5:16 pm  · 

WK: i would prepare a letter. it's just a formality you should do... and then keep it to remind you mid-semester that being in school is 3000 times better than being there.

May 10, 07 5:26 pm  · 
Dapper Napper

Mucho apologies Vado...

May 10, 07 5:44 pm  · 

Awesome. Thanks Thread Central Crew.

mdler I will bring you some ice cream, I promise. You want me to bring it in June? I'll be there in like, a month.

I still have no idea how all the money is going to work. I'm trying not to concern myself with it too much, it usually always works out, and besides, I've been in thousands of dollars of credit card debt before (debt free now), and I still have a stellar credit rating.

Plus, I'm having a garage sale in a couple of weeks. Woo! If anyone has anything they want to get rid of, send it to me!

May 10, 07 5:49 pm  · 

wk- no letter needed, but give them a heads up that you're heading to grad school in the fall. say something like: 'I'm not sure when I'm leaving town yet. So, I'd like to coordinate my last day here with you to hand off my projects and responsibilities as smoothly as possible.' Most bosses appreciate this concern for their company. being gracious is very professional- don't burn this bridge no matter how much it sucks.

May 10, 07 5:57 pm  · 

^^that is what's taking all my willpower right now. I know that I need these guys to keep liking me, but it's hard not to show how much I'm not liking them, and keep them thinking that grad school is the only reason I'm leaving. If it weren't for grad school, I would've left a year ago...

May 10, 07 6:09 pm  · 

Ditto, rationalist. If it weren't for grad school, I would have started looking for a new job a LONG time ago.....

May 10, 07 6:10 pm  · 

if it weren't for waiting for my wife finishes her post-doc, i'd be leaving the cold north wood right now... just saw my a close description of my ideal job with fxfowle, 'manager of sustainability'- don't think that will still be open in 16 months. i was watching the calender at the old job and debating if it was worth staying or finding a different firm- they made the choice for me...

May 10, 07 6:30 pm  · 

he all... so my ticket is booked. I return to the mighty office next week wednesday. I'm looking forward to it, but I not looking forward to the snide remarks about, "you don't look sick" or "nothing was wrong with you in the first place." I have a cynical side and i'm sure if provoked i'll snap, WWTCD?

May 10, 07 7:28 pm  · 

that looks like a fun job treekiller...imagine something similar will come along (i just watched design e2 series 1-6 and am totally psyched about trying to practice cool green architecture ! not sur how, though. gonna take some thinkin...hmmm, maybe we need a treekiller in tokyo...)

whatis your wife post-doc'ing?

May 10, 07 7:54 pm  · 


May 10, 07 8:27 pm  · 
May 10, 07 8:28 pm  · 

j- the wife is in the public health side of things these days researching how people can loose weight. Every mealtime I'm told: 'eat slowly!', but I don't need to be told to eat my veggies. She love to leave the faucet running - if I have to eat slow, we've made a deal where she needs to conserve water.

O- that is a strange 'game' I was shown low rez pics of hentai, a newspaper front page, and a weird looking couple and scored 140 points...

May 10, 07 10:48 pm  · 

I couldn't even TELL what I was being shown some of the time.

May 10, 07 11:06 pm  · 

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