
Thread Central

liberty bell

Yeah, that was hilarious. "Anti-Per bump" all over the place.

But I have to say one event that had me laughing more than almost anything on archinect - initial garwondler shenanigans aside - was the final crash and burn of the original Yale blows thread - when we all just started posting random images, about four a minute, and I think finally took down the server or something because suddenly !!poof!! no more Yale blows. What a miracle that was!

May 4, 07 2:32 pm  · 

not to change the subject but i read this story few minute ago and was very moved by it. a lot can go wrong before we are burn. each one of us is a miracle that materialized. ok. carry

May 4, 07 2:44 pm  · 

I believe John Devlin got banned because he posted something inappropriate in one of the forums, but I could be wrong.....

It's always something isn't it?

May 4, 07 2:45 pm  · 

(even though ilike the typo better, i don't won't you to think it was a pun. some days mind only generates puns, against my will)

May 4, 07 2:47 pm  · 

That tiny little baby next to the bigger one is so sad/amazing!

May 4, 07 2:49 pm  · 

speaking of tiny...oh wait...

May 4, 07 3:04 pm  · 
liberty bell

Birth really is a miracle, there is no other word for it.

I love good news.

May 4, 07 3:08 pm  · 

i haven't seen it but i heard it was a perverted image which disgusted some of the most open minded archinect editors. (all archinect editors i talk to are ultra open minded people)
john, in my opinion, is a sincere person who miscalculated the meaning and the reach of his post. he apologized countless times but to no avail.
there was also a poster called (UN)edited, who was a serious person and could take things apart in a heartbeat but really offended one of the archinect greats in a nasty way that was uncalled for, thus effectively killing one of the first open and sponsored discussion not unlike current 'volume' discussion.

i guess the lesson is;
a lot of people read what you write in these discussions and there is a certain responsibility comes with it. this is still the one of the most intelligent and opinionated forums in the internet that maintains healthy group of views and oppositions.
there is nothing wrong with humor and irony, which i personally use a lot, but consider it like if you are designing a building. do you want to construct an ugly building and reduce your own credibility as an architect? probably not. okay it does happen time to time and you can't expect everything comes out of your mind is totally well thought out and appropriate, but it should have, majority of the time, a good idea and intent and generosity of offering something to the rest of us who are reading it.. this is a valuable time we spent on this site and we should use it well. we are highly educated people here and most of us have great sense of humor. sometimes ai value the most off base posts the most. but it is all about timing and appropriation.

that being said, i totally understand the necessity of adhering to strict rules for maintaining continiously usefull forum.
i recently start to visit a turkish architectural forum that is really good if you know turkish. there they have forum watchers and these people give serious warnings to people for unserious or sloppy use of turkish language. this seriously kills the color of the otherwise good forum and renders it constipated.

just some thoughts on the rules of engagement..

May 4, 07 3:19 pm  · 
brian buchalski

my apologies for posting the porcelain elephant earlier...i usually don't bother to read what other people write on thread central, but i was bored enough to catch abra's thoughts above...and, well, i just hope that none of the rest of you find a $3,900 porcelain elephant offensive...personally i feel it's very appetizing...

...and yes, i'm still alive

May 4, 07 5:20 pm  · 
vado retro

im offended that you don't read my posts.

May 4, 07 11:27 pm  · 

Liberty, I've always found much wisdom in your writings on archinect but I am curious to your offense of the license plate. Not because of the "God" reference directly but that the very same thing is placed on US currency. Is there a difference per chance? I dunno

Its 2am just in - weird coming home more sober than I left

May 5, 07 3:12 am  · 

my sister, and fellow sci-fi geek sent me the top 25 sci-fi

May 5, 07 3:14 am  · 

Great news, I have been asked to present to MoMA on the modern movement in the Caribbean. Particularly and primarily as a post disaster reaction, similar to the WWII but only natural (hurricane Charlie 1951, etc)

May 5, 07 3:20 am  · 
vado retro

great techno! and you got the top of the page. im gonna get me an in God We Trust plate, change one letter and then i'll have the ultimate personalized vanity plate for masself.

May 5, 07 9:41 am  · 

smart question architechnophilia.

i am not american but have a similar reaction to LB. for me maybe the difference is cuz the dollar bill ref to god is da vinci code-ish (cerebral-y and all that), while that licence plate is just incredibly red-knecked. which is to say, for no good reason at all does licence plate annoy me. It is a good thing to be reminded of one's prejudices...

inspired by this query i also learned that the canadian motto is from the book of psalms (from sea to sea)...which goes to show christianity has its hld on north america in a very ubiquitous way...

May 5, 07 10:31 am  · 
vado retro

i think lb is upset because the people that have those plates still drive like assholes.

May 5, 07 11:14 am  · 

Are the plates mandatory for everyone? Or just another choice you can select, like the "save the whales" plate in CA?

May 5, 07 11:37 am  · 
vado retro

they are a free vanity plate. which is kind of funny considering solomon's warning "all is vanity" which is found in a book called the bible.

May 5, 07 12:23 pm  · 

I like New Hampshires plate motto: "LIVE FREE OR DIE"

May 5, 07 12:28 pm  · 

surely it's a choice, myriam. i can't imagine that being forced on an entire state. there is a debate right now (in florida i believe) over a pro-life plate...sigh...get a freakin' bumper sticker!

oh, sorry i'm late:

welcome to 95. on our way to New York last week we traveled via Budget truck from Florida, through Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, DC, Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey, finally arriving in New York to put our stuff in storage way out in East Flatbush, Brooklyn...

NYC was fun last week. we stayed at a cool place in Park Slope and got a feel for what it would be like to live in Brooklyn and commute to Manhattan...

Thursday we took the Lucky Star bus from Chinatown, NYC to South Station in Boston, passing through Connecticut before arriving in Mass...We're staying with the GF's aunt and uncle in Cambridge for the weekend.

we've only checked out the Harvard Square area, but it's quite beautiful. We walked from there through campus, past the Carpenter Center and Gund Hall just into Somerville with a friend who's at the GSD right now. We're borrowing his printer to get our portfolios ready for interviews next week. wish us luck...

May 5, 07 12:46 pm  · 

good luck AP.

May 5, 07 1:12 pm  · 
vado retro

hey there's a state senator in indianastan who wants the name of interstate 69 changed. I-69 aint christian i guess.

May 5, 07 1:34 pm  · 

lol only in America used to be a discriminatory slogan for issues of this/that nature, however with what is increasingly happening in many nordic & European states regarding the homogenization of cultural rites (versus just culture) it is apparent that the removal secular imagery is fast becoming a global phenomenon.

May 5, 07 2:15 pm  · 

AP....I used to take that stroll rain or shine every day back in the 70's. They still have brick sidewalks?

May 5, 07 2:24 pm  · 

the solution is that:

if there is a prolife plate, there should be an option for a prochoice plate available.

if there is an 'in god we trust' plate, there should be a 'in science we trust' plate.

but that'll never happen.

May 5, 07 3:59 pm  · 

steven that "in science we trust" sounds like definition of medicine

medicine - the science of convincing people that it is an exact science

May 5, 07 4:31 pm  · 

very true Steven.

snooker - ya, all brick sidewalks, and crosswalks in some cases. nice granite curbs in most places too. we met our friend for lunch at Darwin's a bit ago, then went to Gund Hall for a quick look at his project...then we went up a tray to +q's desk to say hello...everyone is very busy 'cause crits are next week. now we're back at the house about to print our portfolios (which we finished up the layouts this morning)...

thanks for the good wishes, Orhan. busy this past couple weeks i've barely checked archinect (save for TC and the Jobs section)'s hard to keep up with you guys...3 pages flew by in no time.

May 5, 07 4:32 pm  · 
liberty bell

architechno and jump, my anger over the plate stems from a few things, one of which I posted about already:

1. Debate over this plate took over a serious quantity of state legislators' time. There are far more pressing issues thatn one fundie (fundamentalist) small town rep's pet project.

2. And yes, the state rep who initiated this plate is a small town fundie who has said openly things like "This is a Christian nation as our Forefathers intended". I'm too lazy to find direct quotes right now but I've been following the controversy for awhile and believe me this guy makes such statements and so do tons of the people who supported the plate. If as Steven sugested there was an alternate plate saying "In science we trust" or even "In Allah we trust" or any other deity you can bet those fundies would be screaming their lungs out over !infidels! and never mind "freedom of religion". They hide behind the idea that "In God We Trust" is a "motto" not a religious slogan, which is bullshit because it was added as a motto to currency in the years after the Civil War as a religion promoting effort on the part of a nation torn apart. That doesn't make it appropriate for today.

3. And as vado said, I see all these people with God plates still driving like selfish assholes. I consider it "shirtsleeve religion", I suppose. It's not making the world a better place to see the word god written everywhere, if anything, sound bite slogans like this only lead to less cultural debate and more divisiveness. And I'm thinking if you;re wearing god on your sleeve you sure better be using your turn signals and waving people into line when traffic is backed up, not running stop signs and gunning it to get through a yellow arrow - that's not safe, it's selfish, and I don't care what your religion is there is not a single one that tells you selfish acts are permissible or good.

I don't get angry when a clerk tells me "Merry Christmas", because that's IMO an honest experssion of goodwill. This is state-sponsored reference to a Judeo-Christian god that is NOT intended to be inclusionary, if so, why not a "peace" license plate or a "diversity" one? Any other kind of specialty license plate costs $50, the god ones are free, and yes they are an option not a requirement.

AP, thanks for checking in to let us know how you are, and best luck on your continuing adventure! I'm jealous. I clearly belong back on a coast! The midwest is totally not working out for me. At least Indy isn't.

But not to end on a downer, we got most of the front of the house painted today and it looks 100% better already. I just took a lovely post-dinner constitutional around our neighborhood and it is wonderful out. We are surrounded by good interesting people in a great semi-urban environment. And my house rocks.

May 5, 07 9:04 pm  · 
vado retro
May 5, 07 10:08 pm  · 
vado retro

link to lawsuit filed by ACLUcommie leftwing god haters.

May 5, 07 10:10 pm  · 
vado retro

steven that was an awesome finish today!

May 5, 07 10:18 pm  · 
vado retro
May 5, 07 10:22 pm  · 
el jeffe

that legislator reminds me of someone....

May 5, 07 11:11 pm  · 
vado retro

his van has an in god we trust plate. its down by the river.

May 5, 07 11:58 pm  · 
el jeffe

i can't see too well - is that bill shakespeare?

i think i've come to mistrust anyone wearing a lapel pin.

May 6, 07 12:18 am  · 

hey Liberty thanks for expounding on your thoughts (again on of the beautiful things about archinect an TC). I share your concerns of the broad brushing Judeo-Christian definition of God.

May 6, 07 2:05 am  · 

I similarly feel erked by people who refer to God as Jah, yet denounce its Jewish origin (Jehovah) or worse condemn Rastafarians acceptance of its shortened form

Its like a skinhead rocking out to Ska, speak about irony.

May 6, 07 2:07 am  · 

Or correct me, would that be an oxymoron?

May 6, 07 2:10 am  · 
vado retro

a bizzy day for me.

drank coffee.
got car washed.
went to the new paradise cafe for breakfast and had a belgian waffle
have been cleaning crib and listening to Hello Beautiful on chicago public radio via the internets and am kicking masself for not knowing about an incredible postimpressionist show at the art institute that closes next week.
am gonna eat a salad and go to the office for a bit.
when am i gonna get to nap???

May 6, 07 12:02 pm  · 

AP- good luck with settling in after the northern relocation. I prefer route 1 to 95, but that takes twice as long to make the drive...

maybe I should move to Nashua.

May 6, 07 2:16 pm  · 
vado retro

i am at the office now and i don't have any snacks.

May 6, 07 2:56 pm  · 
vado retro

replace decal with license plate lb....

Your Flag Decal Won't Get You Into Mr. John Prine

While digesting Reader's Digest
In the back of a dirty book store,
A plastic flag, with gum on the back,
Fell out on the floor.
Well, I picked it up and I ran outside
Slapped it on my window shield,
And if I could see old Betsy Ross
I'd tell her how good I feel.

But your flag decal won't get you
Into Heaven any more.
They're already overcrowded
From your dirty little war.
Now Jesus don't like killin'
No matter what the reason's for,
And your flag decal won't get you
Into Heaven any more.

Well, I went to the bank this morning
And the cashier he said to me,
"If you join the Christmas club
We'll give you ten of them flags for free."
Well, I didn't mess around a bit
I took him up on what he said.
And I stuck them stickers all over my car
And one on my wife's forehead.

Repeat Chorus:

Well, I got my window shield so filled
With flags I couldn't see.
So, I ran the car upside a curb
And right into a tree.
By the time they got a doctor down
I was already dead.
And I'll never understand why the man
Standing in the Pearly Gates said...

"But your flag decal won't get you
Into Heaven any more.
We're already overcrowded
From your dirty little war.
Now Jesus don't like killin'
No matter what the reason's for,
And your flag decal won't get you
Into Heaven any more."

May 6, 07 6:46 pm  · 
liberty bell

I remember the good old pre-child days when we could decide to do a project like "gut and redo the bedroom" or "replace the ductwork in the basement" or "paint the house" then spend two solid 14 hour days working and get a ton done. (We also lived in a city, so "grabbing lunch" meant walking four blocks to the nearest deli and bringing back sandwiches, total lost working time less than half an hour.)

Now that there's a wonderful little child in my life, a "solid" weekend day of work is 2-3 hours at a time, broken up by showing him how to paint, telling him not to climb the ladder, retrieving the toy truck that fell into the paint bucket, etc etc.

I'm exhausted. The front of the house is still damn ugly but at least freshly painted! And I had a good dream last night about how I want to renovate it once I have a spare $50K lying around!

May 6, 07 10:20 pm  · 

Glad you got your house painted, lb. Also I think I learned a little lesson just now ;o)

Before the day is out, I would just like to wish everyone - including sevensixfive - a "Happy Five-Six-Seven" (May 6, 2007).

May 6, 07 11:05 pm  · 

that sucks its 6-5-7 here (but only because we say 6th May 2007)

Liberty any pics?

May 7, 07 1:17 am  · 

I'm here working myself. Its been a busy day. Did a site visit with an old high school friend whose building a house for him and his fiance. They were very sweet and romantic, even melting my frozen and near bitter heart.

Nonetheless i'm trying to finish the brief and fee proposal for tuesday

but the more pressing task of doing sketch designs for another project are going painfully slow. I have no energy to render (pimp my sketch) in ps

perhaps I should open a thread for that? A much cheaper version to outsourcing

May 7, 07 1:22 am  · 



May 7, 07 7:20 am  · 

i'd buy that one. i think architecture may be the closest thing i have to a religion.

worked on the house all weekend, still trying to make it livable after (well, almost after - not finished yet) construction. you know all those muscles that you never think about/never feel/never knew you had? i could point them out for you one by one. they all hurt this morning.

May 7, 07 7:31 am  · 

it seems like this was the weekend for home improvements... i replaced the faucet in my kitchen on sunday... at first the cold water supply line was leaking and a couldn't figure out why... eventually i discovered that the rubber gasket from the coupling had stuck to the old fixture and was in the trash... after retrieving it and reconnecting the line everything worked beautifully...

i also spent saturday morning as a facilitator for a historic preservation/master planning charrette...

[rant] i would consider myself a preservationist, but it amazes me how irrational, unrealistic, and short-sighted most "preservationists" are... the project in question is a historic recreation complex consisting of a chess club, lawn bowling club, and "the largest shuffleboard club in the world"... a good portion of the site is now underused, or even unused, yet most of the people don't want anything to change... there are a few areas on the site that would make perfect sense to make available for additional uses... right now they are un-maintained concrete slabs for shuffleboard and an unusable lawn bowling rink... yet people just can't let go... people are so afraid of change... ARGH... [/rant]

the annoyance of the charrette process (although my group was better than most) and a screaming 18 month old (who brings a baby to a charrette?) triggered a migraine which had me laid up in bed with painkillers and an ice pack for the rest of the day until the de la hoya v. mayweather fight...

May 7, 07 8:58 am  · 
Living in Gin

Well, my current roommate has decided that he'll most likely move out at the end of May, leaving me in the awkward position of trying to find somebody to rent the room for the month of June only. (Landlord has already found tenants for the apartment starting July 1st.) If I can't find anybody and have to cough up the entire rent for the apartment that month, my NYC moving budget will be shot to hell.

I'm so sick of this roommate bullshit... Once I get settled in NYC and I'm ready to look for permanent housing, I've pretty much decided I need to get my own place, even if it means getting a closet-sized studio in the Bronx, eating ramen noodles exclusively, and/or taking out an extra $10,000 in student loans. It will be a small price to pay for my sanity.

May 7, 07 11:06 am  · 

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