
Thread Central

vado retro

i worry that i will die and no one will find me for weeks and when they do the cat will have eaten my face off. if i stop posting you know what happened...

Mar 22, 07 8:33 pm  · 
Living in Gin

I want chicken, I want liver. Meow Mix, Meow Mix, please deliver.

Mar 22, 07 8:42 pm  · 

killa how about this for sunday?

or another range? i feel like shooting a gun or bowling...

Mar 22, 07 9:04 pm  · 

hey dubK, Bartlett huh, nice one!

Mar 22, 07 9:04 pm  · 
vado retro

she's goin for the face

Mar 22, 07 9:07 pm  · 

vado, your kitty is gorgeous.

OK, granted I'm a little distracted and really lacking sleep, but as late as yesterday I thought to myself, "where is Strawbeary? I hope she's OK" and then I only did figure out who Stourley Kracklite was after he made a post.....and then BObby shows up and I'm all "ooooohhhh"........

Honestly if I ever changed my name on here I think I would forget who *I* was.

In any case, thanks guys! I got my acceptance letter from USC today too. ;o)


Welcome Lirach! I've met a lot of my fellow 'nectors because I travel a lot. I'm ticking them off my checklist like a reverse hit list. Only knew a couple of them before I joined though, and actually coerced one person to join. They send you a paperweight if you get 5 to join, you know. LOL

Mar 22, 07 9:18 pm  · 

Vado she's looking at your ear rather temptingly

Mar 22, 07 9:26 pm  · 

Wonder K...the third wonder twin?

congratulations...that's impressive by any measure!!

Mar 22, 07 9:29 pm  · 

WonderK I envy you since i haven't traveled that much to know a lot of people around the country or so.
Vado.... i've had the same worry i guess that's one of the reasons i haven't decided to live by myself.... and maybe the fact that dont earn enought money yet..... and i might feel lonely.... hey i think i'll never live alone, not by choice hehe

Mar 22, 07 9:38 pm  · 
liberty bell

Please note anyone at work: if you open Stourley's link, you will hear a barrage of gunfire immediately. I'd say it's less safe for work than porn.

WonderK you are a goddess.

Mar 22, 07 9:44 pm  · 

dubK congrats again. what was the program and USC called exactly? i remember that each of the programs you applied to are all a bit different...

and LiG, any word from any schools yet? i've only skimmed the grad school threads, but i don't recall seeing anything either way out of you...maybe i missed something.

i've also had the fortune of meeting a few archinecters while traveling. good people, all of 'em. i hope to meet more in the future, including all of the fine people of thread central.

Mar 22, 07 9:46 pm  · 

well, archinecters you're welcome to monterrey mexico

Mar 22, 07 9:55 pm  · 

you are also welcome to Montserrat - i think i'm going to build a bachelor pad | vacation home | fall out shelter

all are welcome!

Mar 22, 07 9:58 pm  · 

can i take my boyfriend? or just singles allowed?

Mar 22, 07 10:04 pm  · 

liberty, you are kidding right? i have the volume down!

Mar 22, 07 10:21 pm  · 
Living in Gin

AP: Rejected from Yale and Penn, no word from Cornell, GSD, or Columbia so far. Not looking good at the moment, as all five schools have been sending out acceptances.

That said, I have a viable Plan B in place that I'm actually pretty excited about. Stay tuned.

Mar 22, 07 10:44 pm  · 
vado retro

yale blows anyway dude

Mar 22, 07 10:48 pm  · 
liberty bell

I just cranked out a mini-set of CD's for a tenant fit-out space. I'm pretty happy with it. Especially if it manages to meet my graphic designer's minimal budget, which we will find out after the contractor prices things starting tomorrow.

My graphic designer and I barter - now that the CD's are done, perhaps I can get him to work on my website!

I will get at least 5 hours of sleep tonight and that is wonderful news! Goodnight everyone!

Mar 23, 07 12:15 am  · 

Thanks, friends. I'm pretty excited. Apparently my cat is ready to go too.

(I swear I didn't put her in there, I just walked in and there she was.)

Mar 23, 07 1:20 am  · 


Mar 23, 07 1:35 am  · 
vado retro

so its friday. i had a dream that i was a tour director/heroin dealer. i woke up at 4:30 and got up at five. oh well, made some coffee and read some of an essay. listened to the rain etc. now of course its time to get ready for work and i would rather go to sleep for awhile and go to a movie and hang out in a coffee shop and read...

Mar 23, 07 7:21 am  · 

aw hell, it's friday, vado. go for it.

i found out yesterday that three guys from my office are going to a car race in bristol tn, my boss is going to ny for the weekend, one of the others is starting his 1 1/2 wk vacation, and one has gone to nashville for the weekend. there will be just me and one other in the office today and he's leaving at lunch.

yesterday one of the race guys asked if i'd be in on friday and (not yet knowing all of the above) i answered, 'why wouldn't i be?'

after learning the rest would be absent, i wish i had answered, 'as far as you know.'

Mar 23, 07 7:35 am  · 
vado retro

well i guess im going to work as i just ironed a shirt...

Mar 23, 07 7:42 am  · 
Chili Davis

The futute wife and I bought a new house about 5 weeks ago. Our neighbor to the west, who happens to be a very nice, though very private man, leaves for work quite early (around 5 a.m.) The dogs hear his car door shut in the morning because the master bedroom is on the west side of the house, about 10 feet away from where he parks his car. When they hear this, they decide it is time to get up. I'm the one that usually lets them out in the morning, so I am the one they wake up at 5 a.m. Typically, I would let them out, and lay in bed for an hour or so. I decided today that I was just wasting my time, and in an effort to look like I give a crap, got ready and came in to work at 6:30 this morning. My commute was cut from 45 minutes to about 15 minutes. Also, I was the first one in the office this morning and made the coffee to my likeing. Also, I had time to post a really long entry about my morning to Archinect. Now I'm going for an omlette.

Mar 23, 07 7:49 am  · 

i love that kind of morning, chili! feels like a gift of extra personal time.

Mar 23, 07 7:52 am  · 
brian buchalski

i was up til 3am last night...but i'm still alive

Mar 23, 07 9:26 am  · 

HA HA HA wonderk that cat totally looks like she's mad at you for interrupting her very important and very private business in your purse. What a disgruntled face she's making!

Mar 23, 07 9:30 am  · 

Stourley- you're starting to scare me... Bowling or guns??? what sort of choice is that? I'd rather go to church!

Haven't been to the weismann yet, or found the good galleries. There is also a tour of the Spam Museum in Austin MN if you want a road trip.

Mar 23, 07 9:40 am  · 
liberty bell

Really, don't you guys here the "WELCOME! TO! BILL'S! <BANGBANGBANG> OUTDOOR! SHOP!!!!" when you open that link?

I spent the morning picking tile. I shouldn't whine, because I know a lot of people would love to be dealing with finishes, but damn, I hate picking tile. I'm so ready for a good structural steel frame discussion!

Steven we expect to see a lot of posting from you this afternoon. Unless of course you bail out early to go check progress on your house. Post more pictures!

Mar 23, 07 11:32 am  · 
liberty bell

F*ck that should be "hear" not "here" obviously.

Mar 23, 07 11:32 am  · 
liberty bell

So BObby did you go to work or call out?

Mar 23, 07 11:55 am  · 
liberty bell

I'm so ready to get drunk.

Mar 23, 07 11:56 am  · 

how do you know when you may be a bit addicted to archinect..
when you have 4 posts in a row in the same thread without a

and i hear you lb..three people in the office just got bottles of dom
from a floor tempting to open them up at noon
and just forget the rest of the day.

Mar 23, 07 12:18 pm  · 


If I could tell you about my last 48 hours.....and would advise me to get real drunk! Not that I did anything wrong, it is just how projects can spin to totally out of control when your trying to line up govermental regulations and the clients pocket book. The two never seem to be in the right page. Four hours and counting till I grab a cold one.

Mar 23, 07 12:23 pm  · 

beer at lunch, anyone?

Mar 23, 07 12:27 pm  · 
brian buchalski

i've been drinking. what's taking you guys so long?

Mar 23, 07 12:41 pm  · 
liberty bell

I have a historic commission meeting at 3pm. After that, bourbon.

Mar 23, 07 12:49 pm  · 

we have sam adams in the fridge at the office.

me by myself in the office + sam adams = school finish selections.

Mar 23, 07 1:16 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I hope they turn out colourful!

Mar 23, 07 2:00 pm  · 

do kids really like bright colors???? I never did- was a monochrome kid- that's why I became an architect.

Mar 23, 07 2:15 pm  · 

Liberty is off to a meeting with a Historical Commission, while I'm packing up to head out the door to meet with an Accountant regarding another dreadful year for our non-profit. So I'm just priming myself for a long weekend cold ones, even though the Sun will not be shining.

Mar 23, 07 3:27 pm  · 

today i feel like, i wish i was drinking or using.
it is 12;30 and i am still yet to go to the office and meet w/ arturo about designing a house on his actuion bought empty lot. in itself exiciting but not today...

Mar 23, 07 3:32 pm  · 

Damn, I finally figured out Why I Haven't heard from GSD, Yale, AA,
Princeton, MIT or UCLA....found my applications in a pile of papers to be filed on my throw table.....guess now I will have to wait until next year.

Mar 23, 07 3:34 pm  · 

^^^ funny..
sometimes i fell like applying for grad school. never went. i am glad i finished barch though. bark bark.

also, i confess. i am 86'd from breuer thread for putting silly adds under famous architect's names. i think urban outfitters did it. sorry guys. when am i gonna grow up?

Mar 23, 07 3:38 pm  · 

you guys sound like I feel! happy Friday everyone and don't worry, I promise to have enough fun for everyone,

Mar 23, 07 3:54 pm  · 

actually, it was Rice Milk guffawing on the top of page 4 that did it. we had big plans for the top of page 4...i think most of us liked the presence of feigned fame next to the the last comment on page 3...

Mar 23, 07 3:55 pm  · 

oh, and i had a couple ichiban with my sushi lunch, with a double espresso chaser to keep me working...

Mar 23, 07 3:56 pm  · 

I came home sick from work so the drinking will have to wait for me until oh, about 7 pm.

Mar 23, 07 4:21 pm  · 
Ms Beary

lb, didn't go in. i took some comp time.

Mar 23, 07 4:37 pm  · 

thanks for clearifying that AP.
i was really doing the prank as a warm up band before MAPA 'coming soon' thing until it got milk'd :.).

few words on addictive personalities from here:

i had to fight all my life so far with something or other.
in childhood, it started by emptying the cigarette butts and rolling them in to recyled cigs, thus learning how to roll and inhale at 7. this activity also involved stiching together small pieces of cigarette paper into a large one, this required even more skill and patiance since it was done with saliva and special feathering technic and it also demanded excellent rollig virtuoso. but it was very beneficial in terms of helping the motor skills and ability to devolope collage and object making.
later growing into mom's medicine. drinking with dad at 14 (conversation was so good hanging out with him and listening to his stories, and, because of that partially positive experience with alcohol, i was never a depressed drinker, but unruly later, something always gives). i stayed away from drinking between 18-24 pretty much but not completely and picked it up in archischool again and that went on ti'll 6-7 years ago. not every day but, during periods, mixed with other stuff (chasing chinese animals with a beer or whiskey or wine or vodka, gin, tequila, you name it, on hand)
having a creative outlet or two at all times helped me not to smash myself into the useless areas of life. count your blessings if you have an addictive personality and creative outlet. otherwise results could be devastating, i saw.
end of few words...

yesterday, i got a bumper sticker on my car by my friend ali who passed away last mounth.

to some of you, see you monday, have good weekend. and, to some others, talk to you later...

Mar 23, 07 5:09 pm  · 

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